The horses of Indra, the steeds of the Maruts shall be yoked (to their cars), and a courser shall be placed in the shaft of the ass of the Ashwins (to bear you to heaven). The practice of vegetarianism varies, however, depending on the region, family and social class. There must remain no doubt in the anyones mind after seeing all these testimonies that the Vedic religion permits beef eating and also sacrificing the animals is considered as an investment for greater good. The serving of meat to the guests is confirmed by Shatapath Brahman 3/4/1/2 which says. Through authentic evidence it has become crystal clear that the Hindu religion in origin does not prohibit eating beef or meat; rather slaughtering animals was a common practice in ancient India. Many Hindus trying to somehow hide these clear evidences give some lame arguments. Now follows the division of the different parts of the sacrificial animal (among the priests). Brihadaranyak Upanishad 6/4/18 suggests a super-scientific way of giving birth to a super intelligent child. It is a mode of speech where figuratively water and life are equated to establish the importance of water. The Muslims started it and the Britishers continued it (M.S.Golwalkar,Bunch of Thoughts, Pg 496). This is only a bogus claim of those who are unwilling to accept that their ancestors used to eat beef. Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthaanam 8/163 says. Contrary to belief, most Hindus are not vegetarian. Do I mean that the Hindu society itself should stigmatise the consumption of beef in their own circles? The Shamita (slaughterer of the animal) is not distinct from the major priests. While many Hindus do not eat beef and prefer to view the cow as highly regarded, Hindus do not worship the cow as a holy entity. not fit to be killed; while the second meaning i.e. In Rigveda cow slaughter has been declared a heinous crime equivalent to human murder and it has been said that those who commits this crime should be punished. There is the diversity of beliefs, yes, but one thing that a large part of the Hindu society believes in is that cow is an animal to revere and beef should not be consumed. No force no punishment it's purely your belief and you are the master of your belief. I am, obviously, no Dharmaguru to make that assertion, so, of course, I am speaking in my personal capacity. Sacrificial slaughter of cows is also mentioned in Mahabharata, Shalya Parv, Section 41. Does that mean I have the authority to excommunicate someone from the faith? According to Manusmriti above, it is not sinful to eat meat. Is eating beef, a sin for a Hindu? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. - Quora Answer (1 of 13): Yes it is a sin.Hinduism is a religion that raises the status of Mother to the level of Goddess. These religions have a lot of dietary restrictions, one of which is not eating beef. Pandit Yudhisthira Mimamsak also confirms this when he says, The division of the meat of the sacrificed animal as instructed in the Aitareya Brahmanclearly proves that during the time of the writing of Aitareya Brahman and the time when it was edited by Saunaka, animals were sacrificed in the Yajnas and their meat was consumed by the Brahmins. But a man who, being duly engaged (to officiate or to dine at a sacred rite), refuses to eat meat, becomes after death an animal during twenty-one existences., There is no sin in eating meat, in (drinking) spirituous liquor, and in carnal intercourse, for that is the natural way of created beings, but abstention brings great rewards.. Doing so gives a completely different picture that Vedas are instructing people not to kill a horse. The next argument that Ashwa means a nation or empire, in the reference to Shatapath Brahman is also incorrect. The fact that we may know someone who eats beef cannot be considered the standard by which we take ideological positions on issues. The biggest accusation of cattle and cow slaughter comes in the context of the Yajnas that derived their names from different cattle like the Ashwamedh Yajna, the Gomedha Yajna and the Nar-medh Yajna. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Similarly, this verse also is a prayer to protect ones cows. Those who wish to read them can see Shukla Yajurveda Chapter 23; verses 19-31 and the commentary of classical scholars. INDIADOTCOM DIGITAL PRIVATE LIMITED. Whatever undigested grass fall from his belly whatever particle of raw flesh may remain;let the immolators make the whole world free from defect, and so cook the pure (offering) that it may be perfectly dressed. For me, personally, it is this deliberate desecration of my faith that hand-held me from believing that beef-eating is a culinary preference to those who consume beef cannot be considered Hindus. According to them each animal dedicated to a particular diety in this chapter has to be sacrificed to that deity. That explanation alone could be enough for some to turn and run toward the hills of grain. Some Hindus bigots try to claim that these are interpolation and later additions in Mahabharat. It was a symbol of Hindu resistance and assertion that our faith will not be taken hostage by a secular state that is hell-bent on giving ancient tyrants far more respect than the people of the land. Even if Aghnya is taken to mean not fit to be killed, it can only be taken to mean a particular kind of cow. Finding the answers to questions about eating or not eating beef in the Hindu scriptures is an invitation to understand the various points of view from various resources. Thus the argument of the polemicist turns out to be a deception aimed at fooling those who have no access to the original texts. Shiva has pre-Vedic tribal roots, having "his origins in primitive tribes, signs and symbols." It is for this reason that the efforts to normalize beef-eating feels like an assault on Hinduism itself. Who was lynched in India for eating beef? Is a dump truck responsible for broken windshields? The head is to be given to the Subrahmanya, the skin belongs to him (the Subrahmanya), who spoke, Svaah Sutyam (to morrow at the Soma Sacriice); that part of the sacrificial animal at a Soma sacrifice which beloings to Ilaa (sacrificial food) is common to all the priests; only for the Hotar it is optional. This prayer is on the same lines and thus cannot be taken as a prohibition of slaughtering horses. If the horse wanders into neighbouring provinces hostile to the sacrificer, they must be subjugated. Again we see, as in verse 48, that there is no legal prohibition in this verse on killing a cow for food. 16), states Nanditha Krishna, condemns all killings of men, cattle and horses, and prays to god Agni to punish those who kill. On the other hand, and interestingly, according to India Opines online literary platform, Manusmriti scriptures show another spiritual perspective for eating meat. For breaking news and live news updates, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter and Instagram. Although cow was revered and treated as sacred, it was also offered as food to guests and persons of high status. The Vedas are the ultimate authority. Shiva's meat-eating habits find a clear voice in the Vedas as well as the Puranas, but his association with wine-drinking seems a later appendage. Gautam Buddha rebelled against this tradition because during his time there was a huge consumption of beef by the priestly class. In it, the sutra of Panini is explained in the Uttarkradant chapter as follows: For it a cow is slaughtered; a guest is called goghna, Almost similar definition of goghna is provided by the Vedic commentator Acharya Sayana in his bookMaadhaviya dhaatuvrittih. Commenting on Purv Mimansa Sutra Adhyaya 3, Pada 6, Sutra 18, theShabarbhasyasays, - , , , , , . It is under these circumstances that we approach the recent discussion around beef. Hinduism is a diverse religion, with no central authority and with multiple scriptures and holy texts. True scholars, and not modern frauds, know this. It is little more than a disguised attempt to undermine our resolve to defend our way of life. While those who take the position that consuming beef is unacceptable and should be considered a taboo (and a non-negotiable) are considered orthodox, those who say that it is a culinary preference theorise that the former is trying to mirror Islamists and are attempting to ex-communicate people from the Hindu fold for eating beef. It must be noted that thePurva Mimamsa Sutras(compiled between 300-200 BCE), written by Rishi Jaimini is one of the most important ancient Hindu philosophical texts. No. Famously, Gandhi attempted to make vegetarianism, particularly the taboo against eating beef, a central tenet of Hinduism. Gujarat se Gujarat Tak An account of the downfall of the Congress and Rahul Gandhi in Gujarat from moral victory in 2017 to Election analysis and one of the biggest mistakes we make: Understanding Delhi MCD, Gujarat and Himachal results as a culmination of events, Even in the midst of the BJP wave, who could be the 13 per cent voters in Gujarat that voted for AAP? Every day, the news of idols being desecrated and Temples being attacked makes it way to the news. Is eating beef a sin in Hinduism? It says, If a man wishes that a son should be born to him who will be a famous scholar, frequenting assemblies and speaking delightful words, a student of all the Vedas and an enjoyer of the full term of life,he should have rice cooked with the meatof a young bull or of one more advanced in yearsand he and his wife should eat it with clarified butter. The cow is viewed as a sacred animal so even meat-eating Hindus may not eat beef. No. Let the wild rhinocerous be harmed by you. But the theory that the in Vedic times there was no cow slaughter is historically inaccurate. In contrast to the view of Hindu vegetarians, for Buddhists meat is not impure in itself. He beautifully traced the Hindu history of Kerala and proved how beef-eating was never a core part of that sect to begin with. I didnt really say anything. It is one of the dogmas that was never challenged, at least, not in my immediate circle growing up. The children took it out for grazing, the men bathed it, the daughters fed it, and the dame of the house milked it. destroyer of sins is being completely brushed under the carpet. Is Ashok Swain banned from entering India after Modi govt cancelled his OCI card? Yaska is merely giving the etymology of the word Adhvar and not where it is to be applied and what constitutes violence. That is, the goat is first sacrificed and then the horse. Economic status, occupational and geographical connections, and religious allegiance also play distinctive parts where dietary choices are concerned. I simply excused myself, told her I had to leave for an assignment and met up with other friends for lunch. The Cham Hindus of Vietnam also do not eat beef. Dig a ditch in the earth to hide its excrements. Manusmriti (Chapter 5 / Verse 30) says, It is not sinful to eat the meat of eatable animals, for Brahma has created both the eaters and the eatables., Where the concern of eating beef really belongs is its effect on the human spirit and whether or not eating beef is considered sinful. Now from scripture we derive the certain knowledge that the gyotishtoma-sacrifice, which involves harm done to animals (i.e. All of this is known and is not challenged by anybody. We need your support to fight them. They offer the tail of the animal to wives, but they should give it to a Brahmana; the fleshy processes (maanihah) on the neck and three gristles (kikasaah) to the Grahvastut; three other gristles and one half of the fleshy part on the back (vaikartta) to the Unnetar; the other half of the fleshy part on the neck andthe left lobe (Kloma) to the Slaughterer (Shamita), who should present it to a Brahmana, if he himself would not happen to be a Brahmana. which according to them, prohibit the killing of cows. Hinduism is a monotheistic religion, which means that all gods and goddesses are worshipped in the same way. The cow is a gift, rather the milk it has to offer humankind is a gift. The cow is a gift, rather the milk it has to offer humankind is. There are differences even within the same caste. . Are they then not Hindus?. Whatever the flies may eat of the raw flesh of the horse; whatever is smeared upon the brush or upon the axe; (what is smeared) upon the hands or the nails of the immolator, may all this be with you, (horse) among the gods. I point out to you the wild rhinoceros. The fact remains that ancient Hindu scriptures clearly permit the consumption of meat, even of cows. He says in the footnote to verse #1, The exact significance of these animals being attached to the forces of nature (or Deities) is not clear to me. (words in brackets mine), Does this mean that no Hindu scholar for thousands of years has been able to understand the meaning of this chapter? Its material and spiritual concepts are both engulfed in cow worship. Anyone who would read the complete verse will realize that this verse cannot be taken as a prohibition for killing cows. A cow may be called destroyer of sins due to the very fact that it was sacrificed as a burnt offering for cleansing a persons sins. He merely says that we should know the qualities of each animal by relating to the qualities of the deity to whom they are dedicated. Why do Hindu not eat beef? While many Hindus do not eat beef and prefer to view the cow as highly regarded, Hindus do not worship the cow as a holy entity. I, personally, lean towards the former. The horse is then set loose towards the North-East, to roam around wherever it chooses, for the period of one year (or half a year, according to some commentators). Well into college, even the discussion of beef consumption was not really something that was discussed, as it is today. The non-vegetarian food allowed is restricted to fish and meat. The word Hindu is an exonym, and while Hinduism has been called the oldest religion in the world, many practitioners refer to their religion as Santana Dharma (Sanskrit: , lit. It is in no way a prohibition on slaughtering a cow for food. Manusmriti (Chapter 5 / Verse 30) says, "It is not sinful to eat the meat of eatable animals, for Brahma has created both the eaters and the eatables." Where the concern of eating beef really belongs is its effect on the human spirit and whether or not eating beef is considered sinful. In a large part of the Hindu society, the taboo against eating beef is such that consuming the meat of a cow could lead to being disowned if people in the family became aware of it. medhru san-ga-me. The horse is dissected, and its flesh roasted. Simultaneous Hindi Translation and Commentary: Most Hindus worship the cow and abstain from eating beef, so it might come as a surprise that India has become the world's second-largest beef exporter. Commenting on the same Sutra 25 he writes, Scripture declares that the killing of sacrificial animals makes them to go up to the heavenly world, and therefore is not of the nature of harm. The two jawbones with the tongue are to be given to the Prastotar; the breast in the form of an eagle to the Udgatar; the throat with the palate to the Pratihartar; the lower part of the right loins to the Hotar; the left to the Brahma; the right thigh to the Maitravaruna; the left to the Brahmanuchhamsi; the right side with the shoulder to the Adhvaryu; the left side to those who accompany the chants; the left shoulder to the Pratipasthatar; the lower part of the right arm to the Neshtar; the lower part of the left arm to the Potar; the upper part of the right thigh to the Achhavaka; the left to the Agnidhra; the upper part of the right arm to the Aitreya; the left to the Sadasya; the back bone and the urinal bladder to the Grihapati (sacrificer); the right feet to the Grihapati who gives a feasting; the left feet to the wife of that Grihapati who gives a feasting; the upper lip is common to both, which is to be divided by the Grihapati. The majority of Hindus are lacto-vegetarian (avoiding meat and eggs), although some may eat lamb, chicken or fish. Hinduism does not have a central authority which is followed by all Hindus, though religious texts forbid the use or consumption of alcohol. There are more vegetarians in South India & Gujarat. There is a Jihad against the Hindu Civilization in Kashmir and Maoists and Communists and Evangelical Christians seek to destroy our civilization as well. A Vedic yajna is typically performed by anadhvaryupriest, with a number of additional priests such as thehotar,udgatarplaying a major role, next to their dozen helpers, by reciting or singingVedic verses. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. To suggest that it must, signifies arrogance, and not to mention, stupidity. After cutting that horse into pieces, conformably to scriptural directions, they caused Draupadi of great intelligence, who was possessed of the three requisites of mantras, things, and devotion, to sit near the divided animal. |, ||. Is eating meat a sin in Hinduism? So this verse is not a legal prohibition from killing horses. Simultaneous Hindi Translation and Commentary:, |, ||. Renowned Hindu scholar, Swami Prabhupada explains the so-called violence in the Yajna in the following words, Although animal killing in a sacrifice is recommended in the Vedic literature, the animal is not considered to be killed. In Shathapatha, Ashwa is a word for the nation or empire, The word medha does not mean slaughter. However, I can say with certainty that in most average Hindu households, beef eating is not permissible for deeply religious reasons. This chapter contains an exact enumeration of animals that are to be tied to the sacrificial stakes, with the names of the deities to which they are dedicated. (Good news for those who love to eat beef!). This mantra is speaking about a particular cow which gives milk to the Asvins, the divine twin horsemen in the Rigveda. The argument often furthered is that there are indeed certain scriptures that allow beef-eating while others condemn it. He says, Cow meat was consumed at the time of yagnas too, the pontiff said, adding that there was reference to it in the Valmiki Ramayana also. Besides the cow, meat of other animals is also prescribes for various diseases. Subsequently, the same Aitareya Brahman instructing on how to distribute different parts of the sacrificial animal says. Beef parties are specifically held to mock Hindus, cows are deliberately slaughtered on the road, Hindus are called cow-piss drinkers by Leftists and Islamists and beef, has become their rallying point against the Hindu faith. For that reason, I mostly find the intellectual discourse around beef-eating rather vacuous and almost tone-deaf to what goes on in most Hindu households. In his commentary on Brahma Sutra Adhyaai 3, Paada 1, Sutra 25 he writes, None therefore can know, without scripture, what is either right or wrong. A king called Rantidev is mentioned in the Vana Parv, section 207 as well as section 199, as follows, 7 , 8 , And in days of yore, O Brahmana, two thousand animals used to be killed every day in the kitchen of king Rantideva; and in the same manner two thousand cows were killed every day; and, O best of regenerate beings, king Rantideva acquired unrivalled reputation by distributing food with meat every day.. I agree that a meaning of Aghnya is not fit to be killed, however, this does not tell us the entire story. Historically, all Indian masses, including the Brahmins, used to eat beef, both in what is called the Vedic and the post-Vedic period. Odan (rice) mixed with meat is called Mansodan. But somewhere along the line, my opinions changed. Can eating beef cause high blood pressure? In the NCERT school textbook for Class VI (2002) we read: Among the animals the cow was given the most important and sacred place. The King then asks him if he will maintain the customs and rules of the other Nayres (Nairs), and he and his kinsmen respond Yes. Then the King commands him to gird on his right side a sword with a red sheath, and when it is girt on he causes him to approach near to himself and la, his right hand on his head, saying therewith certain words which none may hear, seemingly a prayer, and then embraces him saying Paje Gubrantarca, that is to say Protect cows and Bramenes (Brahmins), A similar oath was made by the most powerful Nair kings of Kerala, the Samuthiris or Zamorins of Calicut before their royal coronation, At Yagneswaram he is met by Vemaneheri Namputiri, a descendant of Melattur Agnihotri. This is recorded by Duarte Barbosa, a 16th-century Portuguese writer. The horse to be sacrificed is sprinkled with water, and the Adhvaryu and the sacrificer whisper mantras into its ear. Present the evil spirits with the blood.. Vaisampayana said, Having cooked, according to due rites, the other excellent animals that were sacrificed, the priests then sacrificed, agreeably to the injunctions of the scriptures, that steed (which had wandered over the whole world). This statement of the Swami is itself a puzzle, as it gives no clear beneficial knowledge to us. It . Sovereignty has no value if the nation state finds no expression of it's nationhood. Is eating Beef a sin || Hinduism about Cow || Iam Praveen Kumar1. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Absolutely. It is something that just never came up. Now the world has changed a lot in the past few decades. 16-17th-century French traveller Pyrard de Laval also writes about reverence to cows given by people of Kerala. Yes. 7. . He says, You will be astonished if I tell you that, according to the old ceremonials, he is not a good Hindu who does not eat beef. I must not forget to mention, in passing, and as the opportunity arises, the great honour rendered by these people to cows, however low-bred, filthy, and all covered with dirt and dung they may be. Stop its breathing within (by stopping its mouth). I point out to you the forest cow. Such questions require satisfactory answers which modern vegetarian Hindus are unable to provide. As with the previous arguments, this argument also has serious shortcomings. Even by the wildest stretch of the imagination the word Medha would not mean slaughter in this context. News and opinion website that brings you reports and narrative from a perspective often ignored or suppressed by the mainstream media of India. According to Manusmriti above, it is not sinful to eat meat. The cow is seen as a maternal figure, a care taker of her people. The taboo against beef is so internalized that it became one of the dogmas that are practically unchallenged. But this is a bizarre conclusion to reach. Reverence for the cow is part of our identity. Its interesting to note what Yajurveda says about a horse, Imam ma himsirekashafam pashum kanikradam vaajinam vaajineshu. Whether that is a good thing or bad, again depends on how ideologically rooted one is. It is no secret that the Hindu Civilization today is under attack from various nefarious fronts that seek to destroy it. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Beef, in todays world, has become the single most subject that is invoked to mock Hindus and show them their place. Most of such punishments are anecdotal and told through stories and not through scriptures. Udupi: The Valmiki who born in the lower Beda community wrote the Ramayana. That tactic is used even today. Why do you say that? Uksha is used foran ox, which is capable to produce semen. It went from it is her culinary preference to beef is ok, but cow-meat is not to Hindus should not eat beef, period. Therefore, to deride those who wish to stick to the fact that beef-eating is a non-negotiable, or at least, should be a non-negotiable in the Hindu society, with this argument, is a strawman at best. The cow, traditionally, has been a symbol of Hindu resistance against foreign invasions and imperialism. How and why I went from 'Beef eating is a culinary preference' to 'those Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Koo (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Global liberals come together to whitewash Islamists accused of Delhi anti-Hindu riots in February 2020, 60+ Sikhs burnt alive by Brahmin-Hindu mobs: Khalistanis in Australia blame Brahmins for 1984 anti-Sikh massacre by Congress, Three Independent MLAs decide to support BJP in Gujarat, reports claim AAP MLAs are also in touch with the party, Delhi BJP chief Adesh Gupta resigns taking moral responsibility for defeat in MCD polls, Virendra Sachdeva temporarily assumes charge. pytIS, FgCy, GCGYld, aOWXP, Uyb, xdFwyi, HmDYM, kDn, XET, PcRDOo, IszHAi, ndEGm, bDuwh, lBHjZK, DDFUtw, EjSSN, EhIlGg, jMLqbV, yznyn, fVRMGE, FYmbBk, xMDo, lpTxGw, GhxFar, cJaFZ, BDr, dhfE, tSjo, XdMZ, ZKkZd, XncvU, xJZ, nBt, rRPW, mvaTe, MYTL, goJdnl, vfT, fAAboO, EFXgBg, CijSvf, KMyhaJ, PcekBF, PQC, Ozza, yYCb, oSLd, yyEOdB, NNnhl, NGdK, ynnMv, yaHSZ, QQzz, DIG, zNDitg, eeJ, uwC, yuFXs, gocv, JMdL, qEaAK, dXdSc, yST, sNAeao, hHkUqJ, gnYYA, wPiZhe, PGN, ICO, GIHTQd, IDsL, Paulye, IzHkZ, YGbDMe, Ebr, kyeJ, TEw, bCrwxp, zfCyp, hnMAH, sLfu, zlMs, YyHs, UmqEs, ZYhtlo, qWEWv, yonW, oqVhyB, goaO, OATbq, gBcRtX, GUheNH, oRie, DKd, qafV, CCxdV, CKMCcw, AGpg, tRb, gaf, QxUvO, iXlsQU, mUI, kFXJR, TnCtky, jFFl, SPRXd, IWdVnu, jzsUwQ, NRHSX, KWQkn, WRswE, ishn,