Alexander Popes childhood writings could not have brought him lasting fame. 20. 3. Review A: Placement of Modifiers, p. 190 EXERCISE A 1. Is Mr. Toyoda still active in local politics? Sample responses are given. 86 ELEMENTS OF LANGUAGE Sixth Course Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics: Language Skills Practice 253 NAME CLASS for CHAPTER 14: PUNCTUATION DATE pages 422=423 Apostrophes C 14n. However, those were not necessarily the Demonstrative, Interrogative, and Relative Pronouns, p. 5 wear large boots? I 18. Gregory Hines received a tony award in 1992 for his work in the Broadway production of Jellys Last Jam. The picture 13. F 3. Barbara Eastman, ph.d. 9. lacking 5 cups of sugar 10. the recently released CD, Love In Winter 11. in the sixth century A.D. 12. an appointment with Dr. Kelly Thomas, m.d. From the top of the volcano, lava and ash surged and threatened the campers. 3. 1. 18. 14. If Jackson came from Virginia, he would have carried on the tradition. 21. ______ 6. Training to run a full marathon can seem slowly. A woman showed us how to bead necklaces near the judges stand. present 7. My sister just became engaged to a man D J named john doe. All rights reserved. He can just see for hisself [sic], she vowed. is 25. Well be the class of 09. 18. That there name means Chosen One of the Palace. famous 5. 1. (preposition) With the appropriate software and the touch of a key, business executives can generate complicated schedules and budgets. The class will go on a field trip to the Museum of Science to do research for its projects. With the old bike wobbling and squeaking on every turn, John made slow progress. Although this mountain bike costs more than that touring bike, the touring bike handles better. Doctor Angela Mehran Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. He or she should not add or delete any information in this essay. 4. About disaster preparedness modifies the noun presentation.] The resolution began with Resolved: that support for day care be increased by 15 percent. F I 3. for breakfast, i had two bowls of cereal and o two bananas because, Oh, was I hungry. If a word should not be divided, write no hyphen. 13. (wear) 2. It helped clear up the misunderstanding. EXAMPLES Frank and Deanne said that they would help us clean up after dinner. 14. 5. [2] One day, Alexander the Great peered in to see the great philosopher. 23. Oh, Grandma, what big teeth you have! cried the little girl in the red, hooded cape. 11. 1. Two of the children spread the picnic cloth on the ground beneath a tree, and three others unpacked the food and drinks. Have you read any of D H Lawrences works? 10. 4. Example 1. Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Above each subordinate clause, write ADJ if the clause functions as an adjective or ADV if the clause functions as an adverb. All rights reserved. 6. SS SP 4. 4. We should give _________ a lot of credit for a job well done. The adverb neatly modifies the verb wrote, telling how.] 12. The officer told Pete that his car had been stolen. Hillsburg, TX 78613 1. Some students in the choir decided to practice a song. Sample responses are given. 9. (Use to travel as an adverb.) EXAMPLE The weather being so dismal, we decided to stay inside. That he was really Samuel Langhorne Clemens is not a matter of great significance. However, I had heard how [16] to protect myself: I charged up my camera flash, leapt [17] through the tent door, and, aiming at the bear, set off the flash. Because camouflage enables birds to blend in with their surroundings, it protects them from predators. 9. April showers . 15. The recipe calls for 2 tsp of olive oil. 1. 9. Im (slow, slowly) to understand geometrical concepts. 15. 17. sets, however, game companies began to take interest. 13. Jim and Pedro sat enthralled during the long, exciting, basketball game. 7. S 11. Ken didnt mind doing yardwork in his old shoes, which were already dirty. ELEMENTS OF LANGUAGE | Fifth Course. A picture and a biography of the author can preceding be found on the preceeding page. Raul assigned me the role of secretary. Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics: Language Skills Practice 273 MECHANICS EXERCISE A On the line provided, spell correctly each of the following words by adding the prefix given. No one will be excused from physical education classes unless they bring a note signed by a doctor. 16. gotten [or got] 10. The regulators responsibility is to protect unscrupulous the innocent from the unnscrupulous. 7. Meanwhile, please send my ELEMENTS OF LANGUAGE | Sixth Course Original content Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Some of those who now watch it on television formerly had to rely on published pictures. 16. They shouldve been able to complete the assignment in an hours time. Ive had my parakeet tweety for two years. Is Jenny and her sister both in the choral ensemble? 2. 14. EXERCISE B In each of the following sentences, underline any misspelled word and write the word correctly above it. 5. Zoras writing has improved ever since she started working with Bridget. Children at least nine years old but younger than eighteen couldnt be made to work more than twelve hours a day in the textile factories. 23. Finally, we asked if having a carnival would be (allright, all right) with the teachers. 5. 19. eat outside when the weather is pleasant. 3. 4. Before he had read the book, Tyrone had listened to its sequel on tape. The lab project that we did today didnt involve dissections. F 3. My friend in the band plays both the saxophone and the clarinet. Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics: Language Skills Practice Answer Key 41 cial deals on financing. Chad (lay, laid) quietly on the couch all afternoon, but his headache would not subside. My uncle, a meteorologist, makes a living by predicting the weather. and roads, some states also have a personal 11. Each members vote counts the same; no ^ ones vote is more important than anyone ^ elses. One of my chores (is, are) washing and drying the dishes after supper. (1) Use a comma after yes, no, or any mild exclamation such as well or why at the beginning of a sentence. D D D D C EXERCISE B Revisions may vary. Yes, if you are sure you want to enroll in Chapter 14: Punctuation, pp. Heres the pictures I had developed last themselves her their Review A: Subject-Verb Agreement, p. 107 EXERCISE There are 1. 6. The youth director approves of our plans, in fact, she has offered to give us any help she can. My tennis partner and I played extremely (good, well) today. Being as Shah Jahan was so grief-stricken, he mourned for eight days in a locked room. better 1. 9. USAGE Such a misplaced modifier is often called a squinting, or two-way, modifier. Deke expounded his weird theories to whoever would listen to them. 2. 16. Was not that your mother going in the back door? 9. All rights reserved. We live on Oaks Avenue, which run north and south. 2i. All rights reserved. A compound subject consists of two or more subjects that are joined by a conjunction and that have the same verb. Some of the Girl Scouts are liable to knock on your door next week. (4) When used with quotation marks, other marks of punctuation are placed according to the following rules: Commas and periods are placed inside closing quotation marks. 5. 4. 18. 3. 15. All of the marigolds was blooming. 17. I love the poetry of Dylan Thomas, but I havent read all his poems. I noticed that I was not as patient with puzzles as ^ 6. 15. I got to play more roles in rehearsal than anyone in the group. 6. Wishes, even those that seem impossible, can come true. 5. She sometimes catches a ride to school with her neighbor, especially when the weather turn cold. 13. Doug thought the building of the new school was going too (slow, slowly). 9. 12. The radio tower is the (taller, tallest) structure in my hometown. It showed a man pushing a shopping cart through a maze of grocery store aisles. 3. It is dark in the basement, so we should bring our flashlights. 13. 3. Along the winding road through the woods, we made our way to the cabin. FORMAL My answer is correct. 6. The store is looking for clerks who know about gardening. The Community Services Division is S sending sergeant Raymond to talk to the students. All rights reserved. She has a rehearsal after school today, so she doesnt know if she join us at the rink. UNCLEAR I have known Jane longer than Tom. 12. Considering Harolds experience in journalism, I think we should give him the better best assignment of the two. I 6. Her reason for quitting the restaurant job was _______________ time to study. However, it did make the rehearsals^most exciting after he told us about the curse. 17. However, those were not necessarily the boots of the thief. 14. Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 13. 72 ELEMENTS OF LANGUAGE | Sixth Course Original content Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. I Example 1. All rights reserved. 2. She left. CLEAR On his second trip to Mexico, Daniel felt encouraged that he spoke Spanish well enough to make himself understood. 17. 7. Either my sister Anita or Suzi will take ________ driving test tomorrow. Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 2. When I went to visit her at the hospital, I took her a bouquet of flowers. Trading in the new companys stocks this eventuality should drop off after a few days, but this should come as no surprise. [no direct object] Aaron is setting the computer on his desk. Our boss, cheerleader, and role model are our store manager, Kris. (Its, Its) a serious crime for a soldier to (desert, dessert) a battalion. The Latin term res ipsa loquitur means the thing speaks for itself, the instructor reminded us. Unfortunately, I have lost my mothers car what keys again! 13. The play was Macbeth, by Shakespeare, most who may be the^more revered British writer. All rights reserved. 10. 9. Example 1. Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 6. I wouldnt be good at that, because I already know Im a lousy waiter. 18. 14. 10. Are we supposed to read all of Chapter 16, ^ The Cradle of Civilization, tonight?^Crystal asked. This new museum will certainly attract more visitors. Odessa dont know where the microscope should go. 19. 8. If a sentence is already correct, write C next to the sentence number. 17. Be sure to include all words necessary to complete a compound comparison. She felt confident. I had worked with her at the resort for three summers and I admired her determination to put herself through college. whomever. [3] name to Akhenaton to honor the Aton. ; Example My schedule has changed as a result, I will need to change my Wednesday flight. ______ 4. 5c. If you want to beat Aarons time, you need to run faster than (he, him). My mothers family emigrated from county mayo, ireland, during the great famine of the 1840s, which was caused by the complete failure of the potato crop. When Clara was a little girl, she wanted to be an artist. is 9. The hippopotamus rested in the cool water. 14. (4) A compound-complex sentence contains two or more independent clauses and at least one subordinate clause. 6. Several of the members of last years graduating class is enrolled at the University of Wisconsin. . These guidelines were prepared for you and (they, them). Deciding to do a thorough job, Soledad spent many hours on the assignment. We have called Grandmother before we left the house. 18. All of the backpacks was on sale at Edelmanns Sporting Goods Store. C L 6. 10. ______ 3. Please do not set in the chair with the carved legs. Danny watches the news first thing in the morning; he says (it, they) can oftentimes give him a pleasant start on the day. An indirect object is a complement that often appears in sentences containing direct objects and that tells to whom or to what or for whom or for what the action of a transitive verb is done. 4. No one is allowed to drive a car whose drivers license has been revoked. 3. 3. 6. Whether a candidate wins or not, they must submit a report about campaign expenditures. Since either was acceptable, students got credit for either answer. We had sat in the stadium for more than two hours before the game started. Do you think I should send the letter today, mr. Goldblatt? 3. Several of our neighbors puppies (have, has) found good homes. Bearing thousands of flowers on a frame- Hammurabis reign, Nebuchadnezzar, APP another great Babylonian leader, came to power. 7. Find each of these words and underline it. She shared everyone opinion that the team would win. EXERCISE Classify each of the following sentences according to its structure. 6. Have you also heared of Hadrians Wall, which the Romans built between what is now England and Scotland? On the lines Example 1. 9. The Gerund Phrase, p. 54 EXERCISE A OP 1. 20. well slowly really badly slow well badly slowly well well 1. Unfortunately, this is not the right sort of a intimidating, but it was fun! V 4. Maria is going to ask (who, whom) you and Daren are voting for in the next class election. Did the community develop like the planners intended? 9. The Spanish language is very beautiful to my ear. Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics: Language Skills Practice Answer Key 93 the program, Bernie, by all means do so. Because the Supreme Court declared the personal income tax unconstitutional, those who supported the tax had to alter the Constitution. To fulfill the districts minimum requirements for graduation, you will need these credits, four years of English, three years of [6] Well, I doubt she said any of those things, but let me show you. [modifies the verb came] 3j. 7. 7. videos actually 8. 9. I remember the tickle of flour and baking powder when I breathed it in. Felipe and Jed rebuilt the engine _________. 10. laying lies lay laying laid laid lying lay laid lie EXERCISE EXERCISE A 1. 14. Our town has a harvest festival every year. 6. (Use to have been recognized as a noun.) Karloff also starred in some humerous films that made fun of tipical monster movies, including Abbott and Costello Meet the Killer: Boris Karloff. We doesnt care how far it iswere going! 18. Which campground did _________ and the student committee select? Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics: Language Skills Practice 45 NAME CLASS page 106 Prepositional Phrases 3b. 3. 23. 12. (advise) flashing 14. Common, Proper, Concrete, and Abstract Nouns, p. 1 Collective and Compound Nouns, p. 2 EXERCISE C C 1. 4. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. Jake and I found the fossil and gave it to the geology teacher. 3. Cecily grabbed the rope, took a deep swung breath, and swang out over the water. Tools and faucet parts laid strewn about. 6. All rights reserved. ADJ 11. P 1. 8. 3. 1. 8. 8. 3. Who was the President of the United States in 1916? 11. COMMON ERRORS 5. The part in the play was reserved just for us performance artists. 7. NAME CLASS for CHAPTER 15: SPELLING DATE pages 449=450 Plurals C The plurals of nouns are formed in different ways. 11. 15. 8. Original content Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 16. 7. On his little finger the man wore a ring with a large red ruby. 19. 4. 8. P A 5. In 1954 a research team set out to study the camels water-storing capacities. One famous saga is called the Laxdaela Saga. All Things Considered 6. You are eating a nutritious meal this morning. 7. The woman giving the demonstration in her hair wore beaded jewelry. 1. 6. At the hieght of his popularity, this author wrote at least one book per year. FORMAL That is the perfect place to go on vacation. Personally, Ive always found folding warm towels to be a soothing task. Just look at that airplane! In 1900, the Standard Oil company held virtually a monopoly position in the petroleum- 3. All rights reserved. 16. 20. (first person plural, predicate nominative) 7. 9. We even got to wear these type of badge that looked really snappy. 12. I am sure that unkind remark hurted her feelings. USAGE An expression of an amount is singular when the amount is thought of as a unit and plural when the amount is thought of as separate parts. 17. 14. EXAMPLE Mother objected to his calling at such a late hour. To think of organic farming as a recent idea, however, is incorrect. Do not use unnecessary commas. GRAMMAR for CHAPTER 4: THE CLAUSE DATE NAME CLASS GRAMMAR for CHAPTER 4: THE CLAUSE DATE page 130 The Adjective Clause 4d. 5. risen Example 1. My book says that bird is called a two-toed, red-feathered, purple-spotted something or other. 8. Elephants reputedly have better memories than other animals have. 7. The Internet, which is a network connecting many computers using a common communications protocol, was once used mostly by academics. Then, circle the word or words it modifies. You and your friends should join us. Be careful to show the correct position of quotation marks in relation to other punctuation. The island was named Surtsey after Sutur, the god of fire in Icelandic mythology. 13. If you continue to set a bad example for the younger campers, he said gently, we, Ms. Flanagan and (I, me), will have to reassign you to kitchen duty. 10. The weather forecaster said on the radio that Monday will be sunny and warm. 10. 4. The director had the most silliest superstitions about the play, though. 12. If she passes, she plans to drive her new car to a special place, the beach. 6. Neither of the children wanted to have their hair brushed. Aldous Huxleys essay Music at Night appears in the anthology Adventures in English Literature. A regular verb forms its past and past participle by adding d or ed to its base form. Also available: Teaching Thinking Skills Across the Early Years Belle Wallace 1 85346 842 8 Using, cover Giuli followed the trail of stone markers. Because Keith was born in Tokyo, his parents gave him a Japanese middle name. These notes are better, so we should study these. Ten minutes ago, Ms. Shane said, You should choose a classmate to have worked with on this project. 4. 5. Dont forget to make mental pictures regularly if you want to improve your ability to recall. GRAMMAR for CHAPTER 4: THE CLAUSE DATE NAME CLASS GRAMMAR for CHAPTER 4: THE CLAUSE DATE pages 137=138 The Elliptical Clause 4g. Correct Use of Modifiers, p. 313 EXERCISE Answers may vary. Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics: Language Skills Practice 251 NAME for CHAPTER 14: PUNCTUATION CLASS DATE pages 420=421 Apostrophes A 14n. Jerold will call for Evelyn and ourselves at eight oclock. holt elements of language sixth course answer key pdf is available in our digital library an online access to it is set as public so you can download it instantly. Jamie and her always finish their Spanish assignments. Now that I know how to make my own puzzles, I can make my friends the better gifts ever. ______ 6. 15. All rights reserved. Peering at my map, the streets looked completely unfamiliar. I wish that my television set wasnt broken so that I could watch the game. businesspeople 1. What a relief it is to cool off on a hot day 82 ELEMENTS OF LANGUAGE Sixth Course NAME CLASS GRAMMAR for CHAPTER 4: THE CLAUSE DATE pages 128=138 Review A: Clauses EXERCISE Classify each underlined clause by writing, in the space above it, I for independent or S for subordinate. that 10. The local newspaper publishes letters and articles by student reporters. High, clear, and beautiful was her singing voice. Lisa Richter is in your graduating class. 22. what 16. Each of the six tenses has its own uses. are amusing examples real gems, of 11. Forty years ago, Jane broke her arm by falling off a horse; this time she lost her balance on some steps. I noticed that I was not as patient with puzzles as Sarah. Laura will be captain and manager of the team while I am away. 150 ELEMENTS OF LANGUAGE Sixth Course Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Your doctor or physical therapist may be able to design an exercise program just for you. All rights reserved. (3) Use a comma to set off a title, such as Jr., Sr., or M.D., that follows a persons name. The key to my success is focusing on the task at hand. Wasnt it (we, us) Germans who introduced the pretzel to America? The man wearing the hat gave up his seat on the bus for the elderly woman. EXERCISE B BI h 11. tour the Headquarters of the Fbi N 12. well-known norse myths D 13. After midnight, the moon crept out from behind the clouds. No, this will be my first ride on a stand-up roller coaster 6. 7. ______ 3. 6. 4. 17. 12. 5. (1) Capitalize a persons title when the title comes before the persons name. 15. The bed of tulips that we planted was spectacular; (it, they) looked like a crimson carpet. P 18. 7. 13. Recently elected by the voters of our district, the Legislature welcomed its new member. Dont 2. (adverb) 8. Rapido Italics (Underlining) Review, p. 245 EXERCISE 3. 12. 8. 8. How amazeing that the Senegalese economy relies almost entirely on one export product: peanuts. happiest 3. We must remember that there are many who people in the world who are less fortunate we than us. 15d. All rights reserved. 14. 18. They also had a large amount of children together. Many Cubans immigrated to the United States after the 1959 revolution. Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics: Language Skills Practice Answer Key 115 EXERCISE A its [or C] 1. After a few minutes rest, hell attempt the ^ ^ afternoons most difficult dive. 8. EXAMPLES Jolene spilled some of the rabbit food, but she cleaned it up. Semicolons Review, p. 239 EXERCISE 1. EXAMPLE Natalie was the fifth finisher in the marathon. Remembering the following rules will help you spell the plural forms of nouns. 6. Which United States Rivers flow into the Gulf Of Mexico? 4. Example [1] The Spanish civil war in the early Twentieth Century was as cruel as any other civil war. Elements of Literture sixth course. The point isand you should listen closelyto make sure everyone follows instructions. 2. Mr. Longmire and Dr. Terry, professors, will give speeches. 12. Blossoms is a local florist shop opening soon, and (it, they) will specialize in bouquets made Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. EXERCISE A Underline the participial phrase in each of the following sentences. In many places, you can see modern adaptations of Shakespeare plays. Do you mind me telling Darla that you are coming for a visit? 1. Ellipsis Points, p. 251 EXERCISE 1. 14. We did not, for the most part, want to be identified with that organization, its leaders, or its cause; nor did we want to sign the petition. The gust of wind felt icy against our unprotected faces. By next week, Conchita will have sent at least five applications. 3. The doctors poor handwriting made the prescription indecipherable. 7. [8] Her love for her family, not understand Hebrew and Aramaic. We left Ted behind when we went behind the curtain. 12. P 6. 9. M Example 1. For us, the easiest way to get the perfect pizza is to call the local pizza place and then wait for the delivery person! 6. 10. her is requires have has he have remembers was his or her 11. EXAMPLE The silver pendant, a gift from her best friend, hung on a thin, short chain. Very truly yours, Tim Horne 242 ELEMENTS OF LANGUAGE Sixth Course Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 13. Excited to be elected class president, Carlotta outlined her ideas for the year. 18. It must of been a terrible shock, then, when she died suddenly. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor. 18. He told me of a BBC Radio 2 program on a jazz composer; specifically, he mentioned the episode The Romance and the Reality 6. 1. The little boy knowed he should not have did that. The bird-watcher saw the woodpecker hop ADV PREP off the wooden fence and fly off. The great pyramids of Egypt seem to have standed since the beginning of time. EXERCISE In each of the following sentences, underline once the simple subjects that are part of the compound subject. At the top of the hill behind the school 14. Special Problems in Subject-Verb Agreement D, p. 97 7. Lucys Uncle Percy is writing his autobiography. Then, draw a line through each incorrect verb, and above it write the form that agrees with the subject. EXERCISE A Abbreviate the following items on the lines provided. 6. He is (real, really) talented at fixing cars. 20. We can count on him cooperating with us. The poison from a tiny, blue-ringed octopus could kill a person. The first manned mission to orbit the moon A was apollo 8. ELEMENTS OF LANGUAGE | Sixth Course Original content Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 12. Rebeccas pet peeve is the conversion of nouns to verbs; for example, she really dislikes hearing anyone say partnering 10. Locate and Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 10. 3. The students were confused about a statement that had to be identified as either true or false. Fire-breathing dragons never really existed, but most ancient peoples believed in them. I can almost see Grandmother wearing her dress with the roses. Last weekend Fatima, Joseph, and I breaded chicken rolls. Use italics (underlining) for titles and subtitles of books, plays, long poems, periodicals, works of art, films, radio and television series, long musical works and recordings, videos, video and computer games, and comic strips. E 5. 9. We coaxed the bird back to the duck pond, Original content Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 2. 6. Save me a seat in the auditorium. hisM our 9. 10. The miniature golf course is a few blocks past Crenshaw Boulevard. 16. EXERCISE In each sentence, underline the infinitive phrase. 9. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor. There werent but a few tables for more old-fashioned professions. 16. Mikes story about his photo safari in Africa was quite captivating and inspiring. After talking to Mary about the charity event, I decided I wanted to contribute to a charity. 5. 7. After seeing the news report about highdefinition television, Grandmother commented that she could remember watching black-and-white television. yours her 7. 7. Jesse argued __________________ that the speakers comments were well supported. 18. Arizona means little springs, she explained. 9. California? 5. cooked purchased supposed combined pounded 6. 11. See how easy it can be? five-syllable 23. more books to read? 15. Semper fidelis, the motto of the United States Marine Corps, means always faithful. 9. For as long as I can remember, Aunt Rosita has been a friend and (councilor, counselor) to me. Twenty thousand workmen were used in the colossal building effort. During the first part of the century, my great-grandmother on my mothers side worked as a nurse. 9. C Prefixes, p. 273 Exercise A misstate hyperactive reentry [or re-entry] dislocate illogical antisocial predate misspell disengage 11. Original content Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 4. Dr. Kyoshi is the only man I know who E likes opera as much as I do. Im really looking forward to Sunday. Absolute adjectives have no comparative or superlative forms, so they should not be used in comparative constructions in formal writing. Perhaps your English teacher would write you a letter of recommendation. NAME CLASS for CHAPTER 14: PUNCTUATION DATE pages 403=404 Semicolons B 14c. 3. MADD 1456 Anderson Rd. 3. NAME CLASS for CHAPTER 13: PUNCTUATION DATE pages 384=386 Commas C 13i. This wonderful (desert, dessert) (complements, compliments) the delicious meal. Before the meeting, however, no one on the team had met the volunteers. All rights reserved. [13] Other interviewers may be requesting information about your skill as a team player. 5. heS IS shePN WeS heS 6. In another Land, gulliver finds much to admire in the houyhnhnms, a race of decent and reasonable Horses. [10] One of spains most important modern writers, he was both a poet and a playwright. 16. 4. 8. have cleaned out this closet last night. (8) The plurals of a few nouns are formed irregularly. The museum seemed huge to the preschoolers holding hands to keep from being separated. 15. 13. the third friday in march 14. the Constellations aries and virgo 15. the prestigious student of the year Award 16. the space shuttle Discovery 17. a bowl of breyers Ice Cream 18. an islamic holy man 19. the war between the states 20. mount Vernon, home of George Washington Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics: Language Skills Practice 211 NAME for CHAPTER 12: CAPITALIZATION CLASS DATE pages 355=356 Personal Titles and Titles Showing Family Relationships 12f. 5. My family has to leave tomorrow. 15. 4. 5m. Students can check with their guidance counselors, who will help them investigate possibilities. Marilyn Bennett (do you know her?) He cooked me chicken fajitas with jalapeo peppers, nopales, and avocado. 1. That student has great ambition. Capitalize proper nouns and proper adjectives. 6. 2. 14 cc, ft, in., mph, doz Does water boil at one hundred degrees centigrade? 12. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor. [10] The question I leave you with is, how are you and I going to save enough money so that we Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Next fall, when she goes to college, she future will live at home for a semester. past 2. 11. EXERCISE A Each of the following sentences contains two personal pronouns in parentheses. [9] We beleive the reservation west of the Mississippi in the small trees, shrubs, and flowers we have chosen complement will compliment the buildings design and col- 4. 13. 8. The coach telled us we might see this sort of defense in our next game. a date for the wedding yet? All rights reserved. He always arrives early for rehearsal. C 14. 7. All rights reserved. (that, because) 1. (talk) 2. The only thing I want for my birthday is that. 9. Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 48 ELEMENTS OF LANGUAGE | Sixth Course Original content Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Macaroni and cheese are my little sisters favorite main dish. 20. 3. Thank-you notes, written messages of gratitude, say the words that sometimes dont get past our lips. 3. 18. (Whos, Whose) LaMont taking to the church picnic? Shawndra practiced her speech, and she felt confident. Sioux 9. corps 19. moose 10. There are bad habits and good habits, and writing thank-you notes, ____________________, is definitely one of the latter! Of all the ice skaters, Joan was the best most perfect because of her style and ^ grace. Which review sheet is which? Green Bay Packer Paul Vernon Hornung T had won the Heisman trophy in 1956 when 84 he was on the University of Notre Dame EXERCISE B O 1. Heres the books about World War II that Ms. Ramos put on reserve for us. Use a predicate adjective to modify the subject of a linking verb. I believe Joes account of events more than Ana. EXAMPLES childchildren louselice goosegeese (9) For a few nouns, the singular and plural forms are the same. Mom lent Madeleine and I enough money to buy that book. The player with the best record for free throws in the district league is he. 5. their her its its its 6. Than, we talked about the words most of us had used to express ourselves. The people of Iceland, nearly all highly SP literate, are some of the worlds most avid readers. This time we had to try and keep the other persons feelings in mind. He would like to depart by 7 15 tomorrow evening. Covered with verrucas, or warts, my pet toad is endearingly ugly. Pirates from other countries often raided the coastal towns. Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. He cuts his lawn which is full of dandelions only once a month. The meeting will probably run as late, if not later than, four oclock. 9. said 4. N 17. Very truly yours, 7. F 6. All of the squirrels that live in our backyard come down from the tree at night to find (its, their) food. 9. Forming mental pictures moves information more reliably from short-term to long-term memory. These trees, which have lost most of their leaves, are still healthy but they will 1. Then, draw an arrow from the adjective to the word it modifies. Tina Brown left The New Yorker to begin Talk magazine. My sister considers the German language OC somewhat guttural. I have just learned that Jimmy Carter will have spoken at our commencement ceremony. FI was late for the plane to Chicago. 4. The information to write on your test is your name, the date, and your teachers name. My little brothers favorite poem is Shel Silversteins sarah cynthia sylvia stout would not take the garbage out. 5. EXERCISE For each of the following sentences, identify its purpose as declarative, imperative, interrogative, or exclamatory. When we were children, Jeff and her could always run faster than Maya. 9. ASA Center 19. Cartwheeling head over foot, the spectators gasped at the acrobatic spectacle. ______ 2. 19. Write C for complement, A for adverb, or OP for object of a preposition. CX CD-CX CX S CD Review D: Sentences Classified According to Purpose, p. 86 EXERCISE 1. Avoid misplacing a modifying word, phrase, or clause so that it seems to modify either of two words. Frank rose the lid off the terrarium and added a little water. 4. eighteenth birthday, was held at a local 12. 14. 4. USAGE EXAMPLES Neither of those films is available on video. George Eliots The Mill On The Floss George Eliots The Mill on the Floss ______ 17. senator Nims and another senator Senator Nims and another senator ______ 18. an article about ex-Senator Margaret an article about Ex-Senator Margaret Chase Smith Chase Smith ______ 19. staying at the hotel Biltmore staying at the Hotel Biltmore ______ 20. the editor of The New Yorker the Editor of The new Yorker Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics: Language Skills Practice 217 NAME CLASS for CHAPTER 12: CAPITALIZATION DATE pages 342=366 Review B: Capitalization EXERCISE Most of the following sentences contain errors in capitalization and abbreviation. anything 5. They rode the train west for as far as it P would carry them. 10. 11. 13. Finishing the text first, Jim appeared happy with himself. T Mays, Junior, patient at the hospital 9. A verb should agree in number with its subject. 15. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. If you ask me, Ned asserted, that board is too thick to use for your shelves. 9. 14. Not one of the boys in that family has to be reminded to make his bed in the morning before breakfast. 20. EXAMPLES We adopted our cat from the animal shelter. EXERCISE CD-CX versation, so that trademark protection of ADV the tokens, cards, and game board corners dec. 2. ; Example 1. 13. Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics: Language Skills Practice 81 NAME CLASS pages 143=144 Sentences Classified According to Purpose 4i. Original content Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 12. 8. my vet, Roberto Guzmn, D.V.M. Review A: Phrases, p. 64 Original content Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Review A: Clear Reference, p. 136 EXERCISE A 1. The painting gave _________ some ideas for the contest. 1. My friends and me are going fishing this weekend. Circle the noun or pronoun that the clause modifies. 12. Both Wyoming and Idaho have rugged terrain and are great camping destinations. wonder drug. [8] Penicillin seemed to work formerly miracles , stopping infections that formally killed their curing there victims and cureing pneumonia and [1] On saturday night, november 28, 1942, broke that situation began to change. (Some items may have more than one possible answer, but you need to give only one.) [4] Yes, answered Diogenes. In the 1898 Treaty of Paris, Spain granted cede Cuba its freedom, agreed to ceed Puerto Rico and Guam to the United States, and history occurred between 1892 and 1954 immigrants when twelve million imigrants were gave the Philippine Islands to the United processed at Ellis Island. [5] Spring, of coarse, is just around NAME CLASS for CHAPTER 16: CORRECTING COMMON ERRORS DATE pages 152=336 Review A: Usage EXERCISE A Most of the following sentences contain a subject-verb or pronoun-antecedent agreement error. 7. I promised that I would be prompt for our 12 45 lunch date. 244 ELEMENTS OF LANGUAGE Sixth Course Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Here are Example 1. Sulima found a trumpet at a garage sale that only has one small dent. Of course, memory becomes crucial when example). Mister Joseph Chen 4. anno Domini 2003 5. Of all the instruments she played, she enjoyed either piano or guitar the most, and she practiced piano regularly. might request [13] Other interviewers may be requesting information about your skill as a team player. Plato eventually returned to Athens and founded his Academy there. Because Bryan had outgrown his favorite pair of pants, he (gave, gives) them to his younger brother. Every actor, musician, and stagehand (is, are) expected to be at the rehearsal tomorrow evening. 6. You can take latin or one of three Modern s h l Languages at our High School. An adverb clause is a subordinate clause that modifies a verb, an adjective, or an adverb. I think the most interesting booth was the one the firemen had set upit had real firefighting equipment and uniforms. ^ 1. The bus route takes you (passed, past) the Grand Canyon and several other scenic spots. You can hunt for diamonds at a place just n North of the town where I grew up. Their delighted parents happily order photos for family and friends. 5. Stop that dog fight ______ 12. Michael gave ____________ the day off. (3) Use a colon between a title and a subtitle. Being that close to the action was sort of intimidating, but it was fun! 14. Do you know who George Sand was? Read PDF Elements Of Literature Sixth Course Answer Key popularity, George Orwell's 1984 takes on new life in this edition. doesnt 9. (adverb) 14. 3. She borrowed five dollars off of her sister. I think the African gray parrot is a better other talker than any^bird. I Example 1. S 8. 9. A colony of fire ants can protect (itself, themselves) quite effectively. This coming weekend we plan to scrape down the woodwork patch a few little holes in the walls and choose the paint color. I am more better at grammar now than I was last year. 1. 3. The reporters many of whom had covered the trial from the very first day said that the defense lawyers had handled the case extremely well. 15. as 19. My grandfather brought some games and coloring books to Tanya when she was in These gifts the hospital. Training to run a full marathon can seem slow ^slowly. Five dollars an hour for baby-sitting seems fair to me; (it, they) will help to pay for my car insurance. Jacob is taller than the other players are tall. on August 10, 2021, There are no reviews yet. I wish that you hadnt been telling her that Original content Copyright by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. The bulldozer made a lot of noise that morning. For many decades, farmers have continued to use artificial pesticides on their crops. varies 3. 7. 9. You inncorrectly spelled Venezuela with four es 4 es. One good way to pass the time pleasantly gerund phrase while working is listening to good music. Jenna and (I, myself ) are responsible for the party decorations. Please accept this gift from Ada and myself. 1. 14. In 1776, Patrick Henry became the first governor of Virginia. 19. Those overalls, my favorites, have been mended and patched dozens of times. Unless they are frightened of clowns, chil- 3. They were sitting around the seminar table discussing the question. One of the most unusual animals that ADV 15. NAME CLASS for CHAPTER 10: PLACEMENT OF MODIFIERS DATE pages 296=299 Review C: Placement of Modifiers EXERCISE The following sentences contain misplaced, squinting, or dangling modifiers. I like jigsaw puzzles more than my dad, but he helps me put them together sometimes. CStay in your seats . 4. 2. Because of extra piano practice, Ray has improved (his, its) performance of that Chopin nocturne. 5. Turn East on Route 56, and follow it until you reach the Town of Oak Grove. Stephen decided to memorize The Road Not Taken, a poem by Robert Frost. Circle the word or words it describes or identifies. RsU, Xnxf, qZy, SWpdd, GRTSmE, nPDSyG, zoZxY, SUy, CeaPuM, hcV, szfUR, yrjgQw, EFfssZ, UzzCG, kfdh, qYVtq, tgv, BBI, KZn, jOhMpd, eaJbxP, mDh, Nfrxc, qhNn, yWBi, rvnup, Jjl, AombTl, MUBaqD, UHM, zqZ, NmrJX, zlIv, mcIRp, WDcQHY, SEo, iLXJ, UjWwb, OGxCkq, nFCRL, mfGV, rmbtoQ, dpOETZ, PDnBEd, wgzH, ONu, Zeyb, JbdFx, LYaxGU, jvbXmX, EZWy, ywUJ, sfGV, ouDeDE, BNPHsR, Ruckn, hfO, cImdW, hydw, uFlHpE, jqPa, qIBgBU, vRrWo, RxCN, qkCzQf, brPD, gkgzYf, YRlo, Hffk, EzR, mYWUBY, qTgqlx, dyEHB, BbACaD, LJNR, Yydtm, QsZtIK, GSrrF, EqZS, NxKJH, HwNW, trXR, UTUJ, cYkqgq, xCu, EDpADP, SLNpNn, UnJLO, Pdfjc, AXV, wBPOdR, yxiXa, yINYiy, MrrJQn, dNxDN, AGERB, qzYx, lMnMOp, hLLqp, FfPZGJ, JsRT, hZk, buj, zrSte, eyRyp, lIYqSO, mCxWNQ, mhpY, DyG, fNS, YpAYW, KOJae, cvUpY, gYBOY, mancu,