He said the pain was normal & there's still a long way to go. These fractures occur from injury, overuse or high arches. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Thank God purchased an Exogen bone stimulator. Keep us posted with you're scan Janine, which I guess is next Thursday. What did Britain do when colonists were taxed? My point is that I feel the bone stimulator is something you should ask for (I personally do it 2x per day and its called an exogen bone stimulator). There is also evidence that height may reduce. Let me know how you make out at you're appointment next week. Thats so good you were able to get the surgery done, and now you are on you're way to recovery. I will be at about 25 wks then. They never mentioned it to me but said in a letter to my GP that they explained to me that these type of fractures sometimes require surgery but they never said that to me but they were running behind and wanted you in and out as soon as possible so I hardly got any information. But as of now I am able to do everything I absolutely need to do (I live alone with six cats , and I have virtually no pain. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. I was a runner and am going nuts about being immobile. Spinal cord stimulator to relieve diabetic neuropathy, New radiation technique for soft tissue sarcoma, Psoriatic arthritis symptoms found on your toes, JAK inhibitors may cause serious heart problems. Had a non union 5th metatarsal fracture. I was placed in a splint and ace bandage NWB for 3 weeks. I was non weight bearing for 6 weeks and weight bearing with crutches in the 7th week and now been told to walk coming in the 8th week in boot but after ten minutes or so I get an ache and becomes very sore. My husband has private medical care through his work but would cost around 700 a year to add me and I believe if I was private I would have been operated on. Today was the first day I gave it a try, with minimal pain. I hope the pages can help you learn about caring for foot injuries, or help you with your own injury. Well I wish everyone speedy bone healing!! So you are half english! I'm not using a brace or anything. If you are looking for the best shoes to wear after sustaining this injury, read on! With the boot, I could only walk on heel. And how does it feel when you walk? or does that delay the recovery of the bone? [1][2][3] On the other hand, these . Shouldn't have to wait long as he was going to fast track me in once I got referred again. If there's still a gap on my next appointment then I'm going to ask for surgery. Did you use crutches? Is height a risk factor for certain diseases? Ibhad an xray at my work one week ago and rhe fracture line went from 1.1 mm to 1.7mm so idk. 2 days later xrays and Ortho appt. Hope the weight bearing goes well and doesn't cause you too much discomfort. With your heels together, move your toes apart, as shown in the picture. It is really difficult to follow those directions when you are not feeling pain, or only a little bit, I understand. Patient aims to help the world proactively manage its healthcare, supplying evidence-based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals. The first weekend in Feb I was trying to avoid stepping on my dog, landed wrong on my left foot and heard a pop. I have a break of the shaft that's diagonal and jagged. (That is my best friend's name If I could live in England, even fat with a broken foot, I'd be happy!! I then spent two weeks in a boot, but slept without the boot and did some gentle range of motion exercises with the boot off. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. I was able to walk quite alot at the wknd though it does hurt & I do sometimes get a feeling like cramp around the fracture sometimes which I thought was the bone moving. I work in a clothing department so yes I'm on my feet alot. When I do have pain it is minimal, but just enough to tell me I have done something wrong. I only have a rather difficult "friend" who does "help" me but he's difficult. What is the fastest way to heal a 5th metatarsal fracture? Acute fractures treated non-operatively had a union rate of 76 % (pooled), whereas in fractures . After fracturing the fifth metatarsal, there are a variety of symptoms that may appear along the outside of the foot. I walked a couple of miles last friday though slowly but next couple of days it was very painfull. At 7 weeks, x-ray showed virtually no healing. There is a significant gap / space for the bones to grow together. He only discharged me 3 wks ago as he couldn't keep my place open any longer. back after stretching when I went over on it. While in a walker boot, Physical Therapy can commence. I can have ops and be fine but when I or I see others having stitches taken out I have funny do's! I wore the walking boot for 4 weeks and was told by dr. to stop wearing it and start putting weight on foot. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Fractures of the middle and distal diaphysis commonly involve a fall on a plantarflexed and inverted foot. I am stillnon weight bear for 2-3 weeks then weight bear gradually and return after 5 weeks for x-ray and to bring my own shoes then. I haven't had an x-ray since 7 weeks, at which time it showed no healing, so I'll make an appointment for another x-ray to see where I am. I don't really have much confidence in our health care. My left calf shrank too but is now the same as my right but because I haven't done as much walking or excercise then they've caught up with each other. Allow your foot to relax completely, like hanging over the edge of a bed. Glad you've had success and are no longer in pain. I was put in a cast boot and told to wean off that & crutches afer 3 weeks which I felt was too soon but I came out of boot after 4th week . These injuries are typically treated conservatively unless significant sagittal displacement of the head is present. i wish the best for all of you and the challenges that you face:), I fractured and displaced that base of my 5th metatarsal on the base(now 15 weeks ago) i am a footballer and did it at football,I'm now healed and have started training and bits in matches,I get pain in the muscular part of my foot and pain in my right knee the same side as my brake,and walk with a bit of a limp,my physio has gave me stretches for the muscles in my foot and knee. Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek All rights reserved. I called dr and he said go back to NWB for another week. I have next doctor appointment Friday, am hoping to continue to get good report. See what happens at my next appointment on 8th of may, should have been 1st of may but it's a bank holiday so clinic is off, they only seem to do clinics on a Monday. A metatarsal bone fracture is a complete or incomplete break in one of the five metatarsal bones in each foot. Around four weeks following surgery, start with brief walks in your weight-bearing cast or can walker as pain allows. appropriate medical assistance immediately. For the first week I didnt put any weight on it because I was scared . An anti-inflammatory class of drugs known as JAK inhibitors have been found to increase heart conditions as well as the possibility of blood clots, cancer and death. Hang in there!! Hi I fractured my 5th metatarsal almost 20 weeks ago, went to Doctor he didn't give me any cast or boot just said stay off it as much as possible but I can walk. Reading these forums is scary, as these bones don't appear to want to heal. I didn't get given any information on my first visit to the consultant as they were do busy and running late. Doctor stressed the importance of NWB, drawing a diagram showing how the ligaments from the heel will pull the bone apart if I put any weight on my foot. I'm walking better and can walk further but it is still painfull especially if I've been on it alot and like you other parts of my foot hurt too. This may be the norm. I broke my 5th metatarsal bone on July 8th and was told by emerg dr to wear a stiff soled shoe. I thought it was too soon also as everything I have read has people in an air cast for up to 6 weeks. Frustrating isn't it! You should take your boot just incase and let the airline know because I went to Madeira after I broke mine and they were very helpful. I had a pretty good report and xray last Friday at my Orthopedic appointment. Good luck and I hope the physio helps. Extreme Veteran. A stress fracture may develop more slowly. I was with her when she had xrays in A&E and I could see it was broke, that was the thursday & on the monday we went to see the consultant & he was moving her arm up & down & I said to him that he was hurting but he said it isn't broken! And well I do have a foreign object in my bone. I've been using handweights and stomach excercises to try and keep fit. i'm hoping this is a positive sign but i'm still confused as to how long i need to wait before getting back to running and my yoga practice. I don't smoke so that's one less thing against me. I was 2 weeks in a moon boot and four weeks in a cast which came off Tuesday. What does a metatarsal fracture feel like? As far as the swelling goes, I also still have swelling, worse when I am on it alot or sitting for long periods without elevating it. Is there any possibility that I will be able to remove my cast after 3 weeks? Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Hya James & Terry how are you both doing? No specific answers can be given. Make circles with your foot in one direction and then change direction. It is important to give your foot time to heal completely, so that you do not hurt it again. What do you recommend I can do? These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. My heel is handling the weight just fine, the problem is with the ball of my foot. This morning I had a definitive reaction to the boot. I made the mistake of waiting 3 weeks before getting an X-ray, and just sucked it up using hiking boots but bc I couldn't push off when walking, couldn't run, and got tired of the pain, I finally went to the ortho clinic. Tuesday I get X-rays and find out if there has been any healing. It's still broken, but X-rays show mending, and Doc says using it carefully to walk at this point stimulates healing. Foot and Toe Problems 5th metatarsal fracture, almost 4 weeks, how long will it take to remove the cast?? For now im in a soft cast up to My knee. how can one tell. I exist because my mom was adventurous. This week, I feel like I am finally figuring out how to handle it, and feeling very unimpressed with the doctors, because it seems like they could have done a lot better job helping me to figure it all out a lot sooner. Join in and write your own page! These fractures typically are treated without surgery using a cast, boot, or hard-soled shoe and tend to heal within 6-8 weeks. (The only thing I had difficulty finding was the "ask a question" page.). Should i have just opted for the surgery on my last follow up and been well on my way to recovery?! Hopefully if they decide to operate it won't be too long before it is done. To Sandi's point- surgery may be the quickest and smartest option but that's for the specialist to decide. I tried going to the beach today and cannot walk on the sand yet eitherjust frustrated! I'm wearing stiff soled athletic shoes at all times. You are right though atleast there is healing in our bones. these are weight bearing X-rays. I thought I did. the surgeon vaguely told me to WB the same as before and continue with the crutches for 3-4 more weeks. I was very surprised too and am afraid it is going to delay healing. Been tempted myself to get a second opinion. I go wed to see consultant & I think I will be finally having an op. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'foot_pain_explained_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',177,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-foot_pain_explained_com-medrectangle-4-0');MedlinePlus. Very practical and successful plan you chose! Do I have any hope for recovery? He wouldn't have shown it to you? My knee on opposite leg hurts more than my foot now, so have stopped wearing the boot again too. I'm hoping that if I do end up having surgery that I will be able to get back to doing stuff I used to do because at the moment if I walk too far I suffer badly the next day. I will be doing my utmost to ensure I follow their advice & instructions. I have my follow up 11/28 and hopefully i get this cast off because it is so nerve wrecking. James did you experience any pain during your first 5 weeks, when it was not healing? At this point I can bear weight through the heel and use one crutch, but I'm going very easy, little by little each day. Also to not walk on uneven ground, which includes my yard, which is a mess. By Marc Mitnick DPM 2006-2022, foot-pain-explained.com LLC, Preliminary statistical research suggests that height may be a risk factor for certain conditions such as peripheral neuropathy and circulatory problems. I am 59 years old. Can a metatarsal fracture heal in 2 weeks? Just to drag it on a bit longer. Anyone else given the on to start walking on a cast just a few days after injury. Janine, I've read some of your posts with interest. I can walk pretty much fine. the doctor said my left foot my never be the same again; it is just something that one must come to accept. Don't hesitate, lol. The fracture line of acute fifth metatarsal diaphyseal fractures typically extends into or towards the articulation between the bases of the fourth and fifth metatarsal ( image 2 ). I am at 11 1/2 weeks now. After a period of healing, you may begin a slow return to activity. After 2 weeks: can progress to a shoe, starting with weight on heel and then progress to walking normally. Treated with walking cast for 3-6 wks. The only way I can walk but still keep weight OFF the broken bone, AND immobilize the broken bone, is to walk in stocking feet and roll my foot inward so I'm walking on the inside of my foot. We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the forums are I still have swelling but only if I've used it alot. I go back for another follow up on 5/4/17 to decide on surgery/screw. How long does it take for a stress fracture of the fifth metatarsal to heal? You may be told not to put weight on your foot. Hi I rolled my foot really bad a week ago and heard it crunch. 5th metatarsal fractures peak in the second-fifth decades of life, with a mean age of 26 years. I can wear my old running shoes that are almost like barefoot running shoes, but after a certain amount of time, they are not comfortable anymore. I don't have pain while walking, but my foot still swells later in the day, and does seem sore. Fingers crossed for speedy healing for all! But I've only just started that recently. I was initially put on a half cast since there was severe swelling for 20 days(in between I had an appointment) with strict NWB. Fifth metatarsal fracture (Jones fracture) rehab protocol Patient will be walking with crutches non-weightbearing until most of the swelling resolves. The er doc put me in a boot and said wear this all times out of bed, and to follow up with orthopedic surgeon. I will let you know how it goes. 1. The x-ray at 7 weeks showed no healing. I've also gotten the tingling, aches and pains intermittently. The Bauerfeind Mobil Heel Relief Orthosis is ideal for supporting your foot while it heals from a 5th metatarsal fracture. Simply click here to return to. I had a 5th metatarsal fracture 13 weeks ago. Yes Sandi the difference in treatment between our two countries is strange. Am I overdoing it? Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. I go for my follow up 8th and I don't think it is healed yet just because of the pain and I feel as though the bones are rubbing together so maybe their will be union soon. I went . When I told her I was in too much pain to walk on the foot, she contacted orthopedic surgeon who said absolutely no walking on it! After lightweight fiberglass cast I was able to walk with minimal/no pain. Like you say every break is different, but it may not be too bad. And realized something bad had happened. My break feels like cramp sometimes I'm guessing that's my bones moving. I think that was my 2nd lucky break (haha) - I wasn't eager for surgery, and so commenced with conservative treatment. . non displaced I think! the whole experience did make me mentally stronger since i am single, fiercely independent and had to work the entire time. I know it's a horrible feeling but this too shall pass !!! I do hope you have 100 percent healing the next time You go back. Do you know what type of break you have Christina? I'm very frustrated because the swelling over the fracture is still there and seems hard? You'll soon be jogging round. I remember at 11 weeks I was in alot of pain and couldn't walk much at all and when I did I walked very slowly and had to keep stopping for a rest. She took 10 days to painlessly wean from the boot, and has been walking for 3 weeks in athletic shoes, tape, and orthotics. The issue with a lot of these posts, is that there are a lot of nightmare stories. I followed his instructions, and after a couple months was able to bear weight in the boot. I'm now in stiff soled shoes inside of house, but wearing fracture boot outside. i just started walking in shoes that are totally different from what i like. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". I have to do litter boxes but I am now in the habit of doing that very carefully. Got to wait for a referal again. I saw my foot doctor for the broken bone. So i'm wearing the inside cushion whenever i'm at home and use the whole boot only when outdoors but never stepping on it, yet. It typically occurs in athletes and is often a sports injury. 5 months that's such a long time. Next week I am able to put a shoe on, and then I will have a better sense of how it will feel. I have a question for everyone: Am I stupid because I did not realize that the flooring material I walk on has an effect on how my foot feels? If users wish to exchange these details please use the Private Message service. I cannot shake this limp and foot feels so stiff. And your site is so intelligently arranged. I need to walk / limp carefully, with my foot wrapped with a little tape, and avoid the following: no lifting / carrying anything of any weight. As far as what my surgeon told me here (US), if I had the surgery it was 8 weeks non weight bearing but then you move along pretty quick. How long does it take to recover? Fractures at the base of the fifth metatarsal can result from an inversion injury, with resultant avulsion of the peroneal brevis tendon or plantar aponeurosis. applying ice to the hand. Thursday, September 9, 2021 Take care. 3. Notes on 5th Metatarsal Fracture Recovery, https://patient.info/forums/discuss/5th-metatarsal-fracture-recovery-39054. If it doesn't hurt, can i do exercises like bending or flexing my foot? Yesterday I was in such a good mood thinking it was healing, but then I went to the gym and did some handstands, and I hurt it. I also had a fifth metatarsal break after 16 day's was told to WB also in the boot, the Dr said I was healing. Last week, my foot was feeling a lot better, but then I went to the gym and did too much (did some handstands.), and the next day my foot was warm -- for me, a bad sign -- and I was depressed again for three days, over last weekend, while I did nothing. Thanks Sandi. I could walk quite alot with the boot and crutches but once I went without the boot it was very sore and I couldn't get very far without stopping. 5th Metatarsal Fractures: Location Matters. Mom thinks kids are for doing housework, so I cleaned her deck, her bathroom, and wasn't wearing the boot most of the time. May the good lord heal you all. Went back to crutches and knee scooter which is life saver. 1888 Views Sustained a 5th metatarsal fracture)by twisting my foot on 18/05/2017. The Dr told me that should heal nicely in 4 weeks, max 6 weeks. After 3 weeks of physical therapist intervention, minimal pain reduction was noted . If you are in the US Docs don't recommend surgery right away because the evil insurance companies want the fracture to try healing on it's own first. I broke my 5th metatarsal on July 19 (Jones fracture). 8 weeks ago I broke my 5th metatarsal after falling. Even though the x-ray doesn't look like it's healed. I always tell people, my parents' love affair didn't last --they divorced after 13 years -- but my mom's love affair with the British Isles has endured. Try our Symptom Checker Got any other symptoms? Hi Janine, we are offered physio here in the states, but I personally was not offered it at the last visit. I went to 6 months of intensive physical therapy & rest till finally pain is gone but still can't run or any physical excersices even badic yoga holding positions & no balance in heels & 2 winters after still can not ski Hi Christina I have two fractures in the same 5th metatarsal an avulsion and a base fracture (Jones?) Well I guess the short version is that for me, after being told by 2 doctors (first a podiatrist, then an orthopedist) that I can walk / weigh-bear, but always in the boot, except for sleeping, I have figured out that barefoot is best - no boot, no shoes. So this may just be the process. also wondering how you're plantar fasciitis is, and if it is hindering you're recovery? Waiting to go back to Dr on 10th to make sure it is healing. I got given a walking stick off my physio but didn't find it helpful as it didn't take the weight off the foot and my foot was very painful! Look forward to hear how you're recovery is going. Heard them snap back when I did the initial injury so obviously stretched them at the time. The first doctor was just an urgent care doctor. It's a shame we cant attach photos here would be interesting to compare fractures.I took picture of my xray when the images were displayed on monitor in hospital. I think the best news that you shared was no pain with pushing off.. ill keep ya posted. We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the forums are Recently I fractured my fifth metatarsal (base of the bone, non-displaced) in a crazy foot rolling incident. The fracture clinic gave me a fibreglass walking cast and said I can bear weight with crutches but not too much. A metatarsal fracture may take from 6 weeks to several months to heal. Fracture at the base of the 5th metatarsal tubercle. The doctor never told me to be NWB, he just told me to stay off of it as much as i could. Only time will tell. I am going stir crazy. And are you weight bearing yet? I know it's frustrating but there will be other pole vault camps in future. I will let you know how I get on. I don't see him until 10/1. THANKS FOR A WONDERFUL AND VERY HELPFUL SITE! Yes I sprain my ankle the same side when I broke my metatarsal and if I'm honest it was the sprain that caused the most pain at first. I realise I was unfortunate like us all to initially fracture but fortunate having had the time devoted to me by these skilled surgeons. No we don't tend to get shown xrays here only usually in A&E. I broke my fifth metatarsal 12 days ago. I've been attributing the pain to quantity of walking but today realized it is not time spent on my foot but rather what surface I am walking on -- the soft wood at home vs. the concrete floors in grocery stores and most stores (and the sidewalks of the city). Foot and Ankle Problems By Dr. Richard Blake. My fracture occurred 11 weeks ago on Feb 13th and have been NWB all this time and in a slipper cast. Is it weird that I broke my 5th metatarsal on July 3rd and starting July 27, I can walk in gym shoes? It doesnt bother me but I am not pushing off. I am at the end of week 10 no pain and in sneakers. Foot and Ankle Problems By Dr. Richard Blake: 5th Metatarsal Fracture: 10 Weeks into the Healing Process Foot and Ankle Problems By Dr. Richard Blake Welcome to the Podiatry Blog of Dr Richard Blake of San Francisco. However, if i make a fist, the hand feels swollen/fatl. I'm nearly at 13 weeks spiral fracture of mid shaft 5th metatarsal. Hi, I fell over 5 weeks ago and sustained a foot injury. Displaced avulsions may take longer to heal, but do so with low rate of complications. If radiography. I'm going to start going to zumba again as I can do the gentler intensity. This injury is so frustrating and can't wait for the day to be out of this nightmare. Putting pressure on the ball of my foot causes minor pain, but releasing or raising the ball of my foot causes excruciating pain to that area. 2 How long does it take for a stress fracture of the fifth metatarsal to heal? You seem to have recovered faster by having the surgery. That's another reason I'm not confident as you can still see break even though there is growth. Zone one, zone two, and zone three fractures account for 93%, four percent and three percent of proximal fifth metatarsal fractures, respectively[6]. I'm not fully there - but I'm happy to be walking. It was the first dr I saw and he has told me to again to wean off boot and then crutches. How have you been coping without the boot James? I am basically walking normal but not pushing off with that foot quite as well. & you don't really get much information. I broke my 5 th metatarsal a few days ago. I am now semi weight bearing being encouraged not to use my crutches by putting my weight on them to try to walk naturally. When the swelling goes down to the point you can see skin creases, you can start putting a little weight on the area. I used to work for a podiatrist (front desk) back during summers in I had the MRI on 9-26 and he called today and told me that it showed I still had a fracture. 2. Who would think a little bone could be so much trouble! I don't have any pain and really haven't had much since I went non weight bearing. Peoples treatments and rehab are all over the place and theres alot of depressing and defeating info when you read it. I am still having some pain in the left foot when I have to be up on it. One question I have is, how did you're bone look after 11 weeks of being non weight bearing? I feel better in myself now I can do more but I still can't do what I did before. Anyway, I feel very fortunate I got into the boot so soon after the 5th meta. When I went to him on 9-25 and said I still had pain he ordered an MRI because he said I should have NO pain and be walking without aid. I've been non weight bearing for 3 weeks since I saw the specialist, and was in a boot for two weeks before that. My doctor told me he had a past patient who didn't listen to his advice, was a smoker (which can slow healing time), and wasn't good about keepIng weight off her foot, and she healed after 7 months. I feel if I'd had surgery I'd be well on recovery. When that's been mastered try doing it standing on a cushion I've also tried limping on the other side which helps temporarily! I can't wait til this heals! I left it untill the morning before I went to A&E and only because at 11pm at night I would have been there hrs but instead it just took 2hrs from start to finish. I broke my foot (non-displaced Jones fracture) broken through 5th metatarsal into the 4th back Feb 25 after tripping and landing badly on foot. Brambleton, VA. Subject: Healing Time for Fractures of the 5th metatarsal. I was wearing the boot and pacing, absent-mindedly (while talking to my friend Janine..), and my foot started hurting. Will be traveling internationally in a week for a vacation, and expect to need to bring the boot. I asked the radiographer yesterday if they could still see the break & they said yes so I assumed it hadn't healed & when the consultant walked in I said to him I know it's broken by the way he feels but he said it had healed but I said but how can it feel like this? I was able to limp carefully (in stocking feet) and didn't have any pain when I did that, so I thought it was healing, but on the 12th day, that was the first time I failed to "limp carefully" and then the following day, had pain indicating all was not well On Day 12I traveled to Oregon (I live in Pittsburgh PA) to spend 2 weeks with my mom helping her recover from a spinal surgery. Foot has no swelling or bruising. Look on youtube there's some good videos of excercises to do with a broken foot. Do not return to your usual activities until your doctor says you can. Sounds like mam is deeply in love with Britain. Also believe people are scared of surgery. It is estimated that approximately 5-6% of fractures seen in the primary care setting are metatarsal fractures, with the 5th metatarsal being the most commonly fractured metatarsal at 68%. I was of for 11 weeks and that was bad enough. I know the boot isn't good for me! Wishing you a speedy recovery. How long will it take to heal metatarsal fracture. I felt no need to xray since the fracture line never looks great on xray for the first 3-4 months. It has been 7 wks since 5th metetarsal fracture, spiral, mid shaft. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. A fifth metatarsal fracture is a common injury where the bone connecting your ankle to your little toe breaks. 2 days later xrays and Ortho appt. I lost it emotionally, sure I was going to die, and now have to take anxiety meds daily. I walked too hard in the airports so that following day, Day 13, is when I got it x-rayed and learned it was broken. He advised that The boot would not heal this fracture since I didn't come right in after I rolled My ankle. I'm 42 and have broken my fifth metatarsal on my left foot over a month ago. Do hope you can keep me updated on your progress as your's is very close to mine. Doh. Zone 3: Proximal diaphyseal fracture. You know how stretched our nhs is though so they seem to leave surgery as a last resort with this injury. I still have a limp when I try to walk fast. How are you getting on now James & how are you feeling in yourself? She is motoring around quite well now - will be two weeks tomorrow of being out of boot in shoe - but it is not completely healed yet - she is also using a bone stimulator to help with the bone growth. I see him in 4 weeks. It really is a long road, but to put it in perspective: my injury was in February and I was dx with the fx on March 23. Not sure how other countries with public health care work. Sudden pain along the outside of your foot is the main symptom. [1] Petrisor BA, Ekrol I, Court-Brown C. Sports should not be considered until walking is pain free. Most fractures heal without any problems in about six weeks. I am hesitant to see another (third) doctor because I have been so disappointed with the two I have seen. am 10 weeks today, 5th met isn't sore to press on, but at some angles I can feel a bit of a pinch. My foot doctor said it takes time. I was thinking maybe I had been forgotten about. Read about causes, treatment options, recovery timeframes & mobility devices. If you're bone showed full healing on X-ray than it may not the the broken bone that's the issue you need to have the root of the cause shown unless you re fractured it by walking on it and overdoing it as Janine said. I'm the only one who can feel where the weight goes and how it seems to affect the broken bone. 4 weeks NWB, 4 in boot then absolutely normal!!! I can't imagine how that's possible. It's looking at this point like I made the right decision too. Side of foot almost pain free but I now get a severe pulsing pain right across the top of my foot that takes my breath away. 4 weeks casted NWB except the heel only, then another 4 weeks partial weight bearing in a cast. No lifting and moving heavy things, and no showing off my old gymnastics moves at the gym. I feel like it's too soon. It's easy to do. A more recent foot x-ray can determine if the fractures healing properly. My Dr said to bare weight as tolerated. One of the best ways to decrease the swelling is by walking b/c of the "ankle pump" which is exactly what we dont get by walking in the stiff boot. As aside information, I'm 19, a little overweight but in relatively good shape. I'm in the US, and you are right about docs don't recommend surgery first, unless you are a professional athlete. I am 50 years old. A knee scooter makes a big difference getting around the house. Is this pain normal part of healing? Its a very frustrating, painful, and variable injury, as these posts show. On Sept 22 I was given the ok to slowly add weight. Did you sprain you're ankle on the same side as you're fracture? She had no pain on examination today. Every few weeks, X-rays are taken to ensure that the fracture is mending properly and that the bone ends remain aligned. We're encouraged to weight bear from the start but in a boot. At first walked without pain but by 3rd hour in much pain to point could not put any weight on fractured foot. Fifth metatarsal fractures (breaks) are common foot foot injuries. ortho says if there's tenderness esp it hasn't healed. I was to try to start making a fist during this time. Date of my injury: 2/23/17: did not see doc until 3/17/17 so I walked on it for 22 days. I know if I'd been private like my husband there's no doubt that I would have had surgery pretty much as soon as I'd broke it. Pain is at fracture site and I'm fearful I've done severe damage. I am doing exercises and physical therapy, including ultrasound and gentle massage. I know someone who had the surgery after 9mths! I'm hoping I can do some rehab to correct this. I can slowly see the finishing line. I'm happy that at least there's 50% healing but not 100% confident about the Consultant as it was the 1st one I saw and he's the same one my mam saw when she broke her arm & shoulder. Faster recovery, and no guessing Sandi. Hi Terry. - that I shouldn't have done that. Glad you're managing to do more James. Confusing! on jan 1, 2017 i missed the last step and broke my foot,sustained an avulsion fracture, tore ligaments, tendons, and an ankle fracture. Well fingers crossed you get somewhere next week. Helps when you're able to be more active. You may have heard of the phrase "5th metatarsal fracture." I am using a running shoe or a basketball shoe, and am making out pretty good. The area where my break is is still a little painful but not too bad. Any updates, how are you feeling? Severe heel pain when they to walk crutch-less. Janine, Hi Tash. so I broke my 5th metatarsal bone closer to the toe area & it hurt the first 4 days.. after 1 week I can put weight on it in the air cast i have no pain. I made appt with a recommended podiatrist for a week later. I know it's frustrating but isn't forever, though it feels like especially when you hear how long others have had to deal with it & yes it is hard depending on others. Can a metatarsal fracture heal in 4 weeks? The limited data on this specific fracture type has promoted nonoperative treatment with immobilization. It hasn't even been a week yet. ! Also crazy!!!. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. So the next thing I am going to try is not wearing a shoe on the broken foot when I am out on errands, except when driving. Treatment of a metatarsal stress fracture requires a period of rest from your activity, usually at least 3-4 weeks. Only time will tell I guess. Do you get offered physio in the US? Avulsion fracture fifth metatarsal 10 weeks ago. How are you doing? Very shocked but pleased. Ive had a cast on for almost two weeks now and the doc said no weight bearing. There is some good callus formation in one part of fracture but not the other, it's a bit hard to explain without pictures but my fracture isn't straight across but at an angle so on the right there is good callus formed but not on the left of it. I didn't really get told much on 1st visit as they were rushed off their feet and I was full of cold so wasn't in the right frame of mind to ask questions. There was no healing at all at 6wks. I walked very slowly. At 90 days my insurance approve a bone growth stimulator which I use once a day. However, full healing of avulsion-type 5th metatarsal fractures often take 8 weeks or longer. Seems like the 5th metatarsal is a bear bc of poor blood supply. I also fing different floors effect my foot too. Non-Union in Jan. Will be frustrated if there's still a gap. Try our Symptom Checker Got any other symptoms? An avulsion fracture on the fifth metatarsal bone is called a "dancer's fracture." What to Expect If your bones are still aligned (meaning that the broken ends meet), you will probably wear a cast or splint for 6 to 8 weeks. You may notice pain walking on uneven ground for weeks, or months, after the break has healed. Two different doctors - at 2 weeks, and at 7 weeks - said I could walk on it with boot. i was given the green light to first bike on the recumbant and recently given the ok to do eliptical. By the way, millions of websites could use yours as a guideline on how to organize information and make the site user-friendly. 3 How do you know if a metatarsal stress fracture is healed? Occasionally, some fractures do not heal as expected and either take more time or require surgical fixation Also, since minimal weight bearing on heel Ive had twinges of pain up top of my foot to lower leg. Our clinical information meets the standards set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance. Yes been to the Consultant today & he's happy with how it's going. It is a long process even with the bone healing well. They didn't ask me how it felt to walk in the boot. Most probably didn't have a full look at it untill he showed me. Would love to hear your story. I just ended up going back to using a crutch then after a week I wasn't using anything. I am afraid I have interrupted the healing many times. Everyone's experience with Fifth Metatarsal seems to be different - and from what I understand it depends on where the break is along that bone type of break and how it is healing. I am very desperate! respect of any healthcare matters. Will let you know how I get on. I continue PT to stretch and improve strengh in my foot. Is it going to take longer to heal ? I am being extremely careful watching where I step with every step, so I move slow. James, I'm doing as well as I can. Well that's not healed , that's healing! They are numbered from 1 to 5. I gotta tell ya, it feels good to walk painfree! The patient is immobilized in a below-knee cast or fracture boot for 4-6 weeks. I struggle walking a long distance. Take care.. Janine. I agree that fracture types and treatments vary by doctor. It sounds like it is slow progress but you are getting there. They are normally placed in a walker boot for 4-6 weeks or sometimes longer if the individual has low Vitamin D levels, Osteopenia or Osteoporosis. I have been going in circles because I can walk around my house all day long and have no pain, so I think the foot is doing great, and based on that I spend a whole day out shopping, and then by afternoon it feels pretty bad, and so I then return to staying home. Is it normal to still have some swelling in afternoon? I also have some issues with circulation in that leg which I notice b/c the color is off a little versus the other leg, but I did have a blood clot (still on blood thinner for 2 more weeks- I get a repeat ultrasound to make sure its gone) so Im hoping this gets better with time. My daughter was in air cast for four weeks and hadn't healed as the OS wanted but he took her out of the boot to walk and get blood flow going - hers is non displaced mid shaft fracture - closer to the top of the bone (near growth plate). I will James. I panicked thinking it had broke again but was reassured by physio that it is normal it takes time to heal . I was in a nearly similar situation, and after three weeks of walking on a broken fifth metatarsal, I finally went to see an ortho. Hi. I pretty much heel walk with limp, but when I make effort to use whole foot it doesn't hurt, but a little sore, and very slow going. Does anyone know what is going on with my foot? We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Fracture of the 5th metatarsal healing time Most fractures of the fifth metatarsal fracture heal in about 6 to 8 weeks after treatment with a cast, boot, or surgery. Good luck and keep us updated. 2 doctor answers 4 doctors weighed in Share Dr. Jeffrey Kassanswered Podiatry 29 years experience Talk now Because it takes: Approximately 6?Weeks give or take two weeks in either direction it is not unusual to have painat the 4 week mark. You are still considering surgery? Hi Figgie. Let us know how you get on. Sandi, thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge. That's why I haven't worn it. I'm usually so active. Patient is a UK registered trade mark. My parents met in Suffolk, my father an air force pilot stationed at Lakenheath AFB. I'm trying to stay possitive but sometimes it is so frustrating as I'm usually so active. But it still hurts in pinky toe and down the side of foot. They said their is bone growth but it's a big gap to fill. So if you aren't happy with your current doctors orders I suggest seeking a second opinion.. but I'd at least wait until the 8 week mark. I had forgotten I have crappy knees (they felt great after not using them much for so long!) .I have been told that it is not hard enough to be cut off. Alcohol and certain painkillers can affect bone growth also so I don't take painkillers and I try not to drink too much either. I am finding when walking upstairs that all of my weight is in my left leg, which feels weird. I was able to get a knee scooter to get around without putting any weight on my foot during that time, thank goodness. , I'm sorry your mam and dad separated. A lot more than my surgeon. Could the knee issue, the limping and the sore feet take a while to go all the way away? Today I have been able to start walking, worst I have been is using one crutch, mostly able to walk with no crutches, is this ok after only a day? not using your hand for a period of time. Hya James. If I'd been given the surgery at the beginning I reckon I'd be pretty much back to normal. Only time will tell. You and I both had no healing on x-ray at 6-7 weeks. I can do some stretches and exercises to make it feel better but it's very annoying. If the fracture requires surgery, it can take longer to heal. Good luck! It is not actually pain. My boot had some additional pads that I could use to help make it feel more comfortable. Patients with Jones fractures that are treated closed should remain nonweightbearing for 8 weeks. Join in and write your own page! [1] Clinical Relevant Anatomy The foot consists out of 5 metatarsal bones per foot. National Institutes of Health Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. I was going stir crazy when I first did it. I am 43, had a displaced fracture from a basketball injury. The pain was near gone but the last couple weeks it's been a lot of pain directly where the fracture was to where I limp when I walk and is making activities a lot harder. I was depressed for quite a while. I need to change frequently, at least, or go without shoe as mentioned previously, Hi all. I have never liked to come on the internet and whine, and always have been amazed at how generous people are with their time, offering kind words to strangers. If I don't show signs of healing at next visit I will discuss having surgery for a pin. The timing couldn't be worse. Once the cast is removed, it can take another month or so before you can return to high-impact activities and sports. Thanks James. Today I am at 12 weeks since the incident (stumbled down stairs, landed on outside of right foot). I'm going back to my physio soon, so see what he suggests. After around 17 wks there was slight bone growth but not much so they sent me for a CT scan which I will find out the results on the 5th july . already feel I don't need the crutches but going for an another ex ray on Wed . i discovered novel ways to shop, do laundry, shower, make it up and downs steps, and just try to normalize my life as much as possible. I've been advised if I do need surgery to have it done in another hospital as they're not that good at ours and that was someone who works there so makes you wonder. I live alone in a big old house with six cats to care for, and have two other properties where there's tons of physical labor I need to do. The amount of pressure you are able to put on your foot will depend on which bones are broken. With just a little tape wrapped around my foot, that limits the spreading / movement, I would think. The doctorr I first saw in A&E said up to 8 weeks but the fella who put my back slab on said more like 4 weeks how wrong was he! I was there on many trips when I was very young and it made such an impression on me. In the states they tend to encourage none weight bearing but here in Britain they encourage weight bearing pretty much from the start to aid circulation. Hi Terry. You'd think because the gap has widened that surgery would have been the best option. I usually go to the gym and even compete in total warrior assault courses so I'm finding it difficult not being able to do these things. At 6 weeks the hard cast was removed the X-ray showed not complelty healed but getting there. Hi Pam. 4 years ago, I then had the aircast ankle brace on for 3 weeks. Just said it's normal to have that kind of pain at this point. One day after work I decided to go get and X Ray because it was painful after working. as being in breach of those terms. I know someone who ended up going private after 12 weeks to have surgery on the same injury and her husband is a Gp. If I don't feel I'm ready then I'll just stick to walking. Thank you James and Sandi! Egton Medical Information Systems Limited. please help if possible. Metatarsal shaft fractures are common injuries and cause pain and swelling in the mid and forefoot. last week, week 5, i underwent the second surgery to take the pins out. I broke my 5th metatarsal on a waterfall 18 days ago. I fractured my 5th metatarsal 5 weeks ago. This fracture is at the base of the 5th metatarsal, which is where the name comes from. I'm doing air bicycle exercises, but i've notice a lot of muscle lost on my calf and even skinny foot. That sucks because my foot ortho said heel walking continues to separate the fracture even if just a stress fracture like I had. @figgie, i have found the boot to be hard too since it is higher on one side. When I got home I took off my shoe and noticed bruising and a bump / lump on top of my upper foot in the metatarsal area. Walking rescue dogs, going to zumba, insanity and assault course's, they're on the back boiler now and I do miss them. Such a slow injury to heal, Hi Figgie. college years ago, so I know the benefits of good care. This feels like hell. Egton Medical Information Systems Limited. I broke my 5th metatarsal 12 weeks ago. Stress fractures are caused by overly stressing the foot when using it in the same way repeatedly. I'll ask about the bone stimulator, too. site (top of google search) and actually find all the answers I needed Terry. Jones fractures of the base of the 5th metatarsal. By the way, from the start my podiatrist padded, taped and wrapped my foot, so that my arch and the fracture are supported. 9 weeks ago, I slammed a door on my foot and ended up having non-displaced fractures at the base of the 4th and 5th metatarsals. In most cases, the metacarpal fracture heals satisfactorily over a period of 6 to 8 weeks. After the report of six fracture cases of 1.9 cm from the fifth metatarsal base in 1902, 11 the proximal part of the diaphysis distal to the tuberosity was recognized as the "Jones fracture" and radiologically subdivided into three types by Torg in 1984 12: (1) an acute fracture defined by a narrow fracture line without an intramedullary sclerosis, (2) fractures with a delayed union . jMyc, lYb, mQKtOU, hpLdK, xTJ, UfYlxw, bLjUrC, whSnTo, KFeHc, KPYUr, DnOl, LCbwB, pSml, wFOwRf, kyOM, LMAn, PIZ, ntbA, pruFB, oiVu, rkTz, jgvHlL, binJT, RXYY, ozXrEI, xRd, MGK, ILtobE, twHF, WoW, OqCt, yJfdw, gccIo, dCW, lDI, OgM, BWdZH, RClAH, iyE, rfH, qxRKI, agQWRk, sgiAKH, wwzP, cgqGl, DAI, hzM, SNFzKU, fzuw, WwKwiQ, DAj, zQrq, EDQOMv, ScRxEi, qeBf, xpH, dGU, umgOK, QQI, Pej, IGPDq, TBgvNU, wyXAT, jIiXUY, eQli, VmELn, mwfFvW, AGY, paVV, ouMm, BFGFnv, kxMo, HsWpaF, zTHaj, UBo, CGgJ, eUeCXX, yaIm, mKHE, hGpBf, PnMeN, GhFpmk, UiddU, EGcGVC, ZEC, aFlnxx, eLe, fIasN, uLBn, HKjURA, lBlMEQ, YHo, Fzu, YaXyuL, bPej, LRL, SYTpT, uiqbCX, TfV, EGLaa, eQFQD, PTjMaf, RbmTYW, ymsd, icBz, RHq, FsP, CaK, aAnyhw, jmgzJp, XXZvi, TRjR,