Are you able to share the pbit of your file for me to troubleshoot? Would you configure the dataset in all 3 workspaces to refresh via the Gateway? I was waiting up to 5 hours sometimes for a visual modification to show up on my thin client report. I will try to help there. That way admin rights can be shared and transferred. Import the Golden Dataset into one or more workspaces (each workspace will have an identical duplicate copy of the dataset). You can create as many new reports as you want remotely connected to this Golden Dataset. Power BI did an excellent job of capturing the trend and seasonality in the data. I see no reason why performance would be different to an equivalent direct connection to SSAS. You either need to keep an up-to-date table of all new currency rates and use that in your Power BI solution, or use a function that gets the rate from one of the live services. when you go to The schedule refresh window, you have at least three sections: Gateway connection, Data source credentials, and scheduled refresh. If you dont want/need such overhead (think self service BI), then you can just use Desktop for dev, skip test and use the workspace/app for Prod. AllFields_Used As a viewer of the Golden Dataset, the content available to your collaborators doesnt change in the Golden Workspace. I am very curious to know what you mean by that, Reza? I downloded the older version to see where the error was and it appears to be sourcing from the JSON file RLStaging When my collaborator views the Adventure Works Sales workspace however, they are now able to modify the existing Thin Sales Report or Save a Copy and start building a new online only version. I will try to make it clearer that the originals have been edited. Hello Matt, I am only getting to this now (I had some time off). More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. using the REST APIs), What is the GUID of the dataset(s) and their workspace in Power BI Service?This is particularly important for using the API to get further information, What is the XMLA endpoint connection string (if enabled)?This lets you easily connect with third party external tools. 2. Cheers Both is used. To see reports for capacities for which you are an admin, in Reports, click Power BI Premium Capacity Metrics. In comparison between the two, there is an obvious absence of a dataset in the Adventure Works Sales workspace, and no I didnt just photoshop it away. adroll_currency = "AUD"; I work in an organisation that hasnt yet fully come to exploit what Power BI has to offer and hence didnt really have the chance to see this being used. And to make it even more convenient, you can also analyze your reports from the Power BI service directly. If it is not being updated, I would log a support call for that too. This is a further (third) update to an article This is one of those exercises which could cost a lot of time, so its important to be concise. Ive implemented this for a few reports but now on the current report I am dealing with the data load fails with an error related to ReportFiles query. 2. look into ALM toolkit and see if that can help The old versions therefore dont exist anymore that is why there are no links and you cant find them. #Expanded DMV_Tables, Super cool tool! And then normally with deployment pipelines I would handle this environment promotion and dataset connection using parameters or data source rules, but it doesnt look like this option is available with a live connection to datatsets. To show a new column added to a Power BI Dataflow or SQL Database view. If, down the track the Golden Dataset is updated with a measure using the same name as the one you created locally, your local measure will show an error in your thin workbook and the new measure will appear, working in place of your local version. Another way to connect to the Power BI dataset is to use the XMLA endpoint or the workspace server URL. To make sure the rates are LIVE, you need to schedule the Dataflow and of course the Power BI dataset, to be refreshed regularly. Is that easy! Connect to the live dataset and extend the model with new local tables and local measures. Please rebuild this data combination. No AD account to manage, nothing to expire, and a lot less management problems. Just wondering if assigning to a group would allow anyone within that group to make changes rather than having to go to just one person all the time and also not having to manage the ownership in the event they exit. Promotion: Promotion is a way to highlight content you think is valuable and worthwhile for others to use.It encourages the collaborative use and spread of content within an organization. It seems to me that a read only copy of the relationship view is required. The objective of this test is to see how many reports or dashboard this can handle and what is the response time? What version are you using? Mock up model diagram in visio,, PowerPoint, etc. And that is exactly, how it can help with reducing your Power BI dataset refresh time. As for RLS, that is a great question I have never tested this, but I assume that the new thin workbook would have the golden dataset RLS applied for the user of the thin workbook. At the moment I am thinking towards the parameters, but do advise if there is any better approach. This is where you link your dataset certification process protocol, so when a report developer clicks the Learn More link in the Endorsement settings of their dataset, this documentation will guide them in the process for requesting certification. To often analysts just want to make small variations but will abandon the golden model if they cant and then will have a dead end. : Name, SPOC, Location, Workspaces Purpose: Business questions/problems the model addresses, User segments: Intended audience and tools used. DataFormat.Error: We found extra characters at the end of JSON input. Here you will allocate the appropriate security group(s) responsible for dataset certification (In this example, I am in the Golden Data Admin group). To create a machine learning model in Power BI, you must first create a dataflow for the data containing the historical outcome information, which is used for training the ML model. If you build in PPU, then everyone consuming it must have PPU. 1. It would be great if the copied reports could just refer to the original (and so change upon report update/changes), rather than being one-time copies. The file needs to be opened and then refreshed and saved. Workspace Info Dataset: A Power BI dataset returned by WorkspaceInfo APIs. I can manually refresh but not schedule. Other properties that can be adjusted here are field names, descriptions (mentioned above) and synonyms (for Q&A). Having a dataset that is used as a source of other datasets in My Workspace is not recommended. meaning that we could absolutely compile all of the event activity log data into a single dataset and analyze everything and anything with ease. A dataflow is a type of "cloud ETL" designed to help you collect and prep your data. He also brings his 35-year career expertise in business and data analytics directly to you with his high quality Power BI training courses and consulting. Power BI Architecture Brisbane 2022 Training Course, Power BI Architecture Sydney 2022 Training Course, Power BI Architecture Melbourne 2022 Training Course. There are many ways to do this, and by following some simple checklists during development, we can ensure that the model is more organized and structured. Jerry, I am still investigating this looking good. But the Power BI Cleaner says one of them can be deleted as it is not used at all. Power BI Datamart Vs. Dataflow Vs. Dataset; Categories. This approach works, but it duplicates the data. Examples of technical fields to hide: Relationship keysExample: Customer key, Date fields in fact table(s), Technical fields used for specific DAX or visual functionalitiesExample: A measure which dynamically provides a colour hex code for a Power BI report, Complex fields (i.e. You can retrieve user information on a Power BI report by using the Get Report Users as Admin API call, or the PostWorkspaceInfo API call with the getArtifactUsers parameter. It also allows to analyze thin reports: Meaning Power BI reports that dont have an own data model but instead use a live connection to a central data model in the service. Cleaner Gen2 Excel-Version with Macros, Thank for your job! like the customer did not visit in the last 3 months but his last visit was 12 months before. Because we used Dataflow in this process to materialize the data and store it in intermediate storage, as long as you are not converting more than 100 different currencies in your dataset, you should be fine, because there will be an API call only once per currency. There are 3 main areas where he can help you save months and even years of self-learning: Kickstart Power BI in your organisation, training and consulting. It is way faster the the initial version, overcomes some bugs and limitations of the old version and doesnt require creating additional vpax files. Do you mean you have a calculated table as part of the report? So fields in here can also be deleted from the model. Especially when working on a P1 or P2 capacity? the in-memory dataset behind the scene, has all the data loaded into the memory, with all calculations, relationships and the logic to connect to the data source. Who will support it when youre gone? Im not an expert on the O365 integration i believe these shared spaces can be integrated. If you are not logged in when you do this, you will be prompted to log in before proceeding. Great article Matt. Sorry about the version problem, but I dont run older versions on my machines and its difficult to estimate which older versions will break. The dataflows associated with this workspace. it will refresh, whether there are errors or not). The app needs to have Workspace.ReadAll and Report.ReadAll permissions. But you can still manually publish to multiple. Without parameters this is less efficient and more susceptible to mistakes; the last thing you need is the Sales table connected to PROD while Orders is connected to TEST. The report author left the company, and when their AD account was removed, we found ourselves having to scramble to assign ownership of every dataset to someone else because the reports could not load. Thankfully, avoiding this can be simple if some preventative, organizational steps are taken. I needed to update because April version returned an error. and then call the function above with the code below; I always recommend people never do that, for this exact reason. It is so easy for you to do . Get data from a Power BI dataset is creating a live connection, which is the recommended way, because you will get the entire model. Let me explain further below. Hi Frank, The concept of a Golden Dataset (you heard the term here first in April 2017) is a elegant solution to this problem, allowing use of a single master source (dataset) across multiple reports in Power BI Desktop (and Power BI Service). Prior to the July 2018 update, doing the live connection to the Power BI Service meant that users were unable to add their own imported data to this published data model (just as you said.) You've just connected Excel Power Query to your Power BI Dataflow! Do you have any ideas how I can tackle this? An App is a package of a dataset, reports and dashboards packaged up as an app that can be distributed to others, including people outside your organisation. In the Data Model (Power BI Desktop)In Power BI Desktop, columns and measures can be added to columns from the model diagram view in the Properties pane, under General. If this isnt adjusted, the first thing someone will see when they look at your model is a swarm of model spaghetti - tables and relationships all over with no organization. Click to expand, allowing you to enable this setting. This is a better way of managing the online report generation with workspace collaborators. (Empty value) The dashboard user access details. (Deprecated) The data source name. Power BI Desktop? You can keep navigating down in the same way, but I find the easiest way to continue is to then click the Navigation Cog in the "Applied Steps" box and navigate exactly the same way that you would do in Power BI. More sophisticated or enterprise teams might be using tools like Azure DevOps to structure their development & deployment process. A dataflow is a type of "cloud ETL" designed to help you collect and prep your data. Of course, Power BI shows ALL of the reports using a dataset but this is less efficient than knowing only those affected by changes to a specific measure. Please feel free to use this tool as it is, but I am not fixing any bugs or provide further help for it. The list of report properties returned varies for different API calls, so you might not see all report properties in an API response. In SSAS (the big brother of PBI) there is a concept called perspectives. In my previous article and video, I explained why DirectQuery for a Power BI dataset is an important feature.In this blog and video, I explain how this feature works step by step. The next page Measures_Delete holds a table to the left with one row for each measure that is not used. For more information, see Storage mode in Power BI Desktop. After setting up the gateway, you need to set the credentials for the Power BI datasets. I also suggest looking at anything by Phil Seamark on the topic. Any advice? To authenticate with this service from Excel, you can create and grab a token from one of the API endpoint-pages, like: Datasets Get Datasets REST API (Power BI Power BI REST APIs) | Microsoft Docs. 2. Am I able to use the ALM tool kit here so that all the measures get pushed eventually back into the Shared data set and then we can eventually do the stitching of all the different reports into one? Excel version with macros: We then use that model for scoring new data to generate predictions. All you lose is the ability to automatically publish to more than one workspace. A Power BI tile returned by WorkspaceInfo APIs. Only make this API call after a successful GetScanStatus API call. Any atypical features of the model that warrant special attention or care, for example: Role-Playing Dimensions / Inactive Relationships, Colour / Transparency measures (conditional return of colour hex codes). Not sure if its something local on my end or if it is even something your are able to do. He is also the author of very popular book Power BI from Rookie to Rock Star, which is free with more than 1700 pages of content and the Power BI Pro Architecture published by Apress. DataSourceKind = Web Many of these things can be automatically detected from the model metadata using third-party tools. As mentioned earlier, one of the benefits of this approach is that a report builder can connect to the Golden Dataset but still create local measures when needed. I noticed there is one more step (added index) in the Excel file query AllFields_Used. An error occurred in the fnAllTextBetweenDelimiters query. Avoid over-use of abbreviations & acronyms. I removed it. Ignoring this or sending them to a mountain of documentation will inevitably lead to issues. Relationships in Power BI and Power Pivot, New Power BI Reports from a Golden Dataset, orks Sales thin workspace, we dont have any datasets available to. Now the company requirements have changed: they need to analyse cost of products IN GENERAL, not only vehicles. The input dataset for training an AutoML model is a set of rows that are labeled with the known outcomes. This method doesnt need gateway. Save your Golden Dataset to OneDrive for Business and import to one or more Workspaces from there. When the dimension payment agreements is attached to every golden/shared dataset, does this mean it has to be refreshed multiple times? The datasets you make today will be passed on to someone else, tomorrow. With parameters in queries, you can easily switch from i.e. Prerequisite. Hello Matt, Remember that you have to paste your APIKey instead of thepaste-your-api-key-here in the script above. This is only available if you have premium or embedded capacity. If I open my thin report on my Power BI Desktop, why does it not update automatically from the Golden Dataset? What do you mean it must be refreshed a minimum of 5 times per day? Or, from the dashboard, click a metric cell to go to the underlying report. PBI Cleaner V2 from the BI Accountant helps you do this. It is possible to repoint an existing thin Power BI Desktop workbook to a different dataset if you so required. Our sales golden dataset for example is huge (many dimensions, many columns). For example, a Forecast Excel data source provided quarterly by the Finance team that often changes its structure or has spelling mistakes, requiring some additional data cleaning steps. Thanks for your suggestion. A Power BI report is a visualization element connected to an in-memory dataset behind the scene (I am talking about the most common method of using Power BI; Import Data). It will be updated shortly (maybe even next week). The definition of the new retained and lost customers is only based on 2 periods of data i.e. Just wondering if youd experienced anything similar or had any ideas? Power BI Desktop file stores many metadata information in it, one of the most important piece of information stored there is Power Query M scripts. Password protect the Queries / Data model to give some sense on security. Thats strange as the refresh works in Power Query. My goal is to streamline the impact assessment and testing process when working with datasets that support multiple reports. Great article. Hi Sakae, name of column, /Imke, Hi . You can have 50 tables in a Power BI model, and 25 reports. Can you create a child golden dataset which is connected to the golden dataset (where you hide fields for example, or load less data in)? You can keep navigating down in the same way, but I find the easiest way to continue is to then click the Navigation Cog in the "Applied Steps" box and navigate exactly the same way that you would do in Power BI. This child golden dataset would then be the source for the sales guys to make reports on, and another child golden dataset would be the data source for other users to connect to and make reports on. In Power BI this is easy: tools exist to format both DAX and M code, and embed the HTML for your documentation (or your blog!). Thank you. The last step is an import into Power BI Dataflows as you can see in the following screenshot. For example, in my case I have 7 similar reports, with only minor modifications. If not, I suggest you log a bug with Microsoft and see what they say. In the pivot table on the Result-sheet, the last column level field is Report File(s) and there you can see in which (thin) report each element is used. Manual interventions & justifications (if any). This field can be applied to the entire organisation, but that seems counter productive considering the purpose of certifying a dataset is to ensure report developers they are working with a controlled and approved dataset. Thanks Imke! I am not able to import the dataset to the server. To do this: On the dataset, click the three dots, select Manage Permissions. At the bottom of the report, there are five tabs: Datasets - Provides detailed metrics on the health of the Power BI datasets in your capacities. If the reports are the same, and if there are constant changes, I would consider using the original concept of the Golden Dataset. To repeat myself Im talking about refreshing a dataflow, not a dataset or PBI Desktop. Then others used that dataset to build something on top of it. and then the rest should be working. I have a couple more complex datasets that the data gateway cant handle just yet due to timeout issue, so I am manually refreshing them in Desktop on a daily basis, then upload the PBIX file to Sharepoint. We all know testing is important, yet too often we hear about models & reports being used without testing, at all. Hi Daniel The datasets associated with this workspace. Admin Dataset: A Power BI dataset returned by Admin APIs. When upgrading your workspace, your reports might be rebound to the dataset. using reports, DAX queries, etc.). Hai Matt, great article, clearly explained. First you have to open the Power BI file whose data model you want to analyse. Ill give it a try. Here is a nice overview of the model diagram view from enterprise DNA. Dataset User: A Power BI user access right entry for a dataset. The API returns a subset of the following list of dataset properties. The API returns a subset of the following list of datamart properties. That is only half true. You will find it in GitHub where you can also post an issue. Trainer, Consultant, Mentor. Namely when the input does not contain any of the delimiters. Credentials entered for the data source in Power BI are encrypted and then stored in the cloud. The bound gateway ID, which is empty when not bound to a gateway. Maybe we do, so that it can be used for follow-up actions. [Sales (Gross)] and [Net Sales] isnt as consistent as [Sales (Gross)] and [Sales (Net)]. Navigate to the Power Platform option and select Power BI datasets as the data source (shown below), then click Connect. Power BI Desktop, Tabular Editor? We have multiple user groups. A Power BI datamart returned by Workspace Info APIs. My troubleshooting attempt could be way wrong. Here is the output of the service that scheduled the Power BI report. He has a BSc in Computer engineering; he has more than 20 years experience in data analysis, BI, databases, programming, and development mostly on Microsoft technologies. Please vote. At minimum, clarify what it is and provide step-by-step instructions on how and when to perform the task. Thanks again for the great info. Yes, option 1 would make the published version immediately available (after it is published). Congratulations! a column which was used as part of a condition in the code for a calculated table see below it recommended getting rid of CurrentMonthEndDate column: ADDCOLUMNS( SSAS has a place with enterprise BI. This is too bad. What is the best way (or place) to create aggregated tables for each report? Alas it wont load. Instead of having one single data model that is used for all reporting (enterprise BI), you can build individual bespoke data models each time you have a new problem. Everything will break, but dont worry. Note: Before proceeding in this next section, I created a second workspace and uploaded another thin workbook connected to the Golden Dataset, so that I could illustrate the Golden Datasets impact across multiple workspaces more effectively. Whether this dataset table is hidden. There is no difference in permissions to make changes to the dataset, correct? Available only for reports created after June 2019. A URL to the dataflow definition file (model.json), The date and time that the dataflow was last modified. Power Query Dataflow Navigation . Post it in the comments, please. To get the XMLA endpoint (or the Power BI datasets URL in the workspace) click on the workspace in the Power BI service, and click on settings. Have you posted on this or still pending? This looks just the same than in the Power BI version. Queries and groups can be dragged & dropped into other groups, making organizing queries easy. Thus, Power BI forecast, on average, in +/-8% of actual values or in terms of numbers +/- 59. Particularly for managed self-service usage scenarios, users with build permissions need to know how to use a model. If you create a thin workbook connected to the Golden Dataset and create a report, you can publish it to a different workspace and it will work. The Golden Dataset is a master Power BI Data Model that is loaded to with or without a report attached. If you give feedback now, you may get some attention. This will refresh the table to the right that contains the code that would automatically delete all the listed measures if used in Tabular Editor. I successfully created a Golden Dataset in my organisation. I can right click on a table in the Fields List and create a new Measure (#2 below), but notice you cant create calculated columns or new tables (they are not in the drop down list and are greyed out in the modelling tab), only measures are available (#3 below). This can be enabled for either the entire organisation, or specific security groups. I just want to add some demo I have done so far based on your article. Or, from the dashboard, click a metric cell to go to the underlying report. Columns, One thing you can investigate is creating dataflows for some of your table objects, and let your users load those locally in their thin workbooks. If the person / team supporting the solution were not involved in its development, theyll need more hands-on knowledge transfer (KT) to understand it. We use a ReportUser SQL Server login, not AD, with access to only the databases and tables needed for reporting. Admin Datasets: A dataset odata list wrapper. To start you have to fill in the port number into B9 just like in the Power BI version. Further, you can also automate this in Tabular Editor 2 or Tabular Editor 3 leveraging the C# scripting & macro features, which is easy to do. WHY NO LINKS in this article to the ones you refer to. The new data model when published to service, requires a bit of steps compared to other types of Power BI datasets. You get the benefits of an enterprise solution (kinda like using an SSAS Tabular data model) without having to invest in all that infrastructure. Hi Matt, many thanks for the article. Hi Yair, To obtain the best visualization at other levels of granularity, it is necessary to apply changes to the data model and to write a DAX expression. I do have an important question though how can you handle the deployment process to higher environments with this approach and deployment pipelines in a premium capacity? Future updates in the Golden Dataset (data refresh, measures, relationships) will reflect to each App Workspace. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. I would like to transition everything to the golden dataset idea, but I have a Question. Lets first look at the lineage of a standard workspace. Home Excel New Power BI Reports from a Golden Dataset. It will take lots of time to find out if all of those 50 tables actually used in reports and visualization or not. Im so excited, i was waiting a long time for this . The solution to this is to ensure your collaborators are given build access rights on the Golden Dataset. Probably an issue with the macro then. What tools are used to manage the dataset?I.e. This problem only occurs when people share from their own MyWorkspace. Let me know what do you think about this approach! Another reason to scrutinize columns with VertiPaq Analyzer is that it will show unexpectedly large columns. Below is a list of properties that may be returned for a dataflow. I just want to report a possible issue with the Excel version. Details But the users cannot view the report as it says permission is required to access the report. As there is a very big hype about composite, I set some opposed aspects, to maybe balance this discussion, as many user will demand this feature immediatly without evaluating: =>,, Would be interested on your opinion. (,, DAX expressions (measures, columns, hierarchies, tables, report level measures, roles, bins, calculation items and title expressions), Filters (visual-, page- and report level). Generally, one of the most helpful things to do is to involve the support contact in the development itself. In which workspace(s) is the dataset published?Is it used in more than one workspace?Is it in deployment pipeline(s)? Thanks for your reply, its got me thinking in trying out a few options. What should you document about the data sources? Can we see the original link or something somewhere? Run-time error 1004: Cheers, Imke, Hi Yair, Thanks for this article. Cannot reproduce you error, but will try to harden the solution a bit further. With DirectQuery to Power BI dataset, you can add other data sources, add columns, measures, tables etc. Online generated thin workbooks cant be downloaded. In the Adventure Works Territory Sales workspace, the lineage view reveals that the Sales Report (page 1 with the image of the data model) is in the workbook containing the Adventure Works dataset (golden) which is connected to the 5 Tables in Excel data source via a Gateway. Has anyone tried this? The format of the column as specified in FORMAT_STRING. If there is inconsistency in the terminology they use, reach out to key users to ask their feedback on the naming conventions youre thinking of using. In fact I never write measures unless I know the table structure. We couldnt refresh StorageSize table from connexion Query StorageSize : MdxScript(Model) (6, 54) Syntax for CanBeDeleted is incorrect. In this example, I am using a Golden Dataset logo to visually illustrate that this is a Golden Workspace, with an appropriate workspace name and description. you can have a live connection to a Power BI dataset online and you dont need Premium for that. When repointing a thin report at a different city of the Golden Dataset, the thin report seems to drop any local formatting. Generally speaking, I would have separate datasets. One of the easiest ways to optimize a model is to limit the data inside it. Often (mostly) this is not required as the problem can be solved in other ways. Do those things and all will be fine. Trainer, Consultant, Mentor. Hello Imke, that looks great ! Copy and paste the script from above in there; And remember to set the paste your API Key in the script. Any user with access rights can build local measures to a thin Power BI Desktop workbook without impacting the Golden Dataset. Have you tried refreshing this query without the macro? Power BI files can easily get big. Im guessing it could just be a temporary connection error to the website, though the most frustrating part is any combination of trying to Cancel or X the dialog box does not work, so each time requires a forced shutdown of the desktop. Dataflows provide data (ie tables) not a data model. If you call this function in a table with 10,000 rows, it means it will be 10,000 API calls, which you need to get a paid version of the API for that. The following areas of field usage are covered in these versions: I cannot guarantee that this all works 100% correct, so youre using it on your own risk. Are you sure that the thin workbook is not being updated when the main report is refreshed? My solution was to change the M-expression where the function was used: Before: This is a free API, and has the limitation of 100 calls. It will take lots of time to find out if all of those 50 tables actually used in reports and visualization or not. A new Power BI Custom Connector for the Power BI REST API. Encryption Further, addictional custom tables arent limited to one, but there are several ones in order to provide specific dimensions to various analyses. Thanks. Read more about Power BI Cleanup Tool; Time Saving with Power BI Helper[] A Power BI report returned by Workspace Info APIs. I like this idea, but have a hard time seeing how end users will be able to write anything other than the most basic reports and measures if they dont understand the structure of the model. No principal type. Its like I want to take a copy of my original pbix but then get those reports to link to the Golden Dataset and then discard that pbixs data model. I have tried to pass by the tabular model but all the reports are disappear (pbix > Azure Analysis Services > obtain tabular model) so I dont really appreciate this method. DataSource.Error: Web.Contents failed to get contents from (400): Bad Request Its not just more efficient, but also a courtesy to do. A Power BI dashboard returned by WorkspaceInfo APIs. I have gone with option #2 of the golden dataset and it has worked very well until recently. If neither of these options are taken, inevitably, if the analyst needs to fix or change something they will be blocked. I navigated to character 62203 in the file. Ive been able to successfully follow everything on here just wanted to thank you for your great work. By the way I tested importing all tables directly into Power Pivot tables from a golden model and it works fine; just fYI but again would need the keys to enable relationships to be recreated. It sounds like it is Microsofts goal for each enhancement of Power BI. The differences can only be cloud latency different specd server (which ironically is more likely if your dataset is in premium capacity vs shared public cloud). The subset depends on the API called, caller permissions, and the availability of the data in the Power BI database. Matt, yes Excellent, but i am chasing a different scenario, I Want to query the Golden dataset from Excel/Powerquery , not live connections but load some data into a local Powerpivot Model. In any case, a couple of best practice suggestions would be to (a) always avoid hiding key fields and (b) maybe also duplicate the golden model side by side as a fully imported dataset option. One question, how do you create these reports from the golden data set when you only have guest permission to the tenant. Power BI Desktop file stores many metadata information in it, one of the most important piece of information stored there is Power Query M scripts. Now of course you wouldnt want to repoint a Sales report to a Finance dataset, but if you take this Golden Dataset approach and later change your mind which workspace to point to, you can easily repoint the thin workbook to a new dataset. Are there some pre requisites like Power Pivot ? The good thing about giving feedback via the blog about a feature in the current release is that it gets seen, and doesnt slip through the cracks like a new idea with just 1 vote. Thanks and cheers, Usually methods that uses Web.Page needs gateway. You can have 50 tables in a Power BI model, and 25 reports. For both on premise and cloud datasets deployed to multiple workspaces you still have to setup maintain the refresh schedules in each separate workspace, correct? We recently ran into a very tricky issue but couldnt work it out. The differences can only be cloud latency different specd server (which ironically is more likely if your dataset is in premium capacity vs shared public cloud). So I ended up using this URL and building a Power Query function that does the conversion using the the API. To obtain the best visualization at other levels of granularity, it is necessary to apply changes to the data model and to write a DAX expression. The subset depends on the API called, caller permissions, and the availability of data in the Power BI database. Then paste the XMLA endpoint URL that you have copied from the service as the server address. Query DMV_Columns (step Added Custom) references other queries or steps, so it may not directly access a data source. Part of this should already be done during the design, when discussing with business users. The line charts in Power BI are a useful visualization tool to display events happening over time. To connect a Log Analytics query to a dataset, copy the M code exported from Log Analytics into a blank query in Power BI. Click for an overview of version / source control methods. The report ID. Brilliant article! I have unzipped the PBIX and located the Report/Layout file. This is not true. But all the Data buttons on my ribbon are locked out! I hear you cry. To get the XMLA endpoint (or the Power BI datasets URL in the workspace) click on the workspace in the Power BI service, and click on settings. /Imke. The concept of working with a Golden Dataset published into a Golden Workspace is illustrated in the image below. Currency Exchange Rate Converter Power BI Function Part 1, Power BI Architecture Brisbane 2022 Training Course, Power BI Architecture Sydney 2022 Training Course, Power BI Architecture Melbourne 2022 Training Course, Currency Exchange Rate Conversion in Power BI with Live Rates Part 2,, The Power BI Gateway; All You Need to Know, Incremental Refresh and Hybrid tables in Power BI: Load Changes Only, Power BI Fast and Furious with Aggregations, Azure Machine Learning Call API from Power Query, Power BI and Excel; More than just an Integration, Power BI Paginated Report Perfect for Printing, Power BI Datamart Vs. Dataflow Vs. Dataset, The method explained here is using a free API, if you use the method and appreciate the work done for it, you can. Two separate apps (for different audiences), but they have ended up with the same kind of report in each. Power BI did an excellent job of capturing the trend and seasonality in the data. And that is exactly, how it can help with reducing your Power BI dataset refresh time. Some changes might already be anticipated when the solution is complete. Hi Matt, The ability to have a composite model over Power BI datasets is coming sometime soon. However, line charts return optimal results when used at the day granularity. Clear naming of fields is important so that users find what they are looking for, and understand what a field means. You can use the Function directly in the Power BI Desktop, but that causes a lot of API calls, and not only it is not supported, but also, it makes the refresh time very long (even if it is supported). My general advice is to monitor the queries going to the DB (us SQL Profiler, I guess), and work out what queries are being sent to the DB. This feature would be great to help declutter our dataset. Get early feedback from business users on naming conventions you plan to use. Before understanding how this feature works, I recommend reading below to understand WHY this is a game-changing important feature: The first thing you need to consider is that this feature doesnt work for the datasets located in My Workspace. The Impact Summary (1) shows you how many workspaces, reports and dashboards and the number of views there are on those potentially affected items. An easy way you can do this in the model is to also put these field definitions in their descriptions: An obvious field like [Gross Sales] might not require much explanation. It is however quite common for people with a SQL background to use calculated tables as part of a solution. Url = The best way to do this now is using shared datasets (watch for the updated blog). Must not be present when authentication via a service principal is used. Appreciated if you could please shed lights on this. Identifying what is non-obvious is obviously something subjective, but as you develop you should have a feeling for what a colleague or Future You will need explained; six months from now, will you still remember what the boolean field [RNAse-Free] means? If youre getting a warning that data sources cannot be combined, you must disable privacy settings like so: Attention: These downloads belong to the current version of the tool. The model that holds the central dataset must be open in Power BI Desktop and its port number entered into B11 of the Instructions page. BTW, you got this error in your video as well because you did not enter your Api key, but I did enter a WORKING Api key. The error is at step Added Custom 2 which calculates [BinaryText] column to create record from json. Im not able to invoke your function (as provided) in a DATAFLOW. I edited the original articles and re-released them. Select OAuth2, and enter the Power BI account credentials that have access to the datasets. You publish a report to report server by using the optimised Power bi desktop version. Therefore you have to switch the value in cell B4 to As Admin. Datamarts also bring in data via Power Query Online, but they store it into a SQL database instead of a data lake. due to other commitments, this will have to wait until the weekend, unfortunately. Congratulations! A new Power BI Custom Connector for the Power BI REST API. The next column is just a summary, indicating if the field can be deleted or not. Dataset User Access Right: The access right that the user has for the dataset (permission level) Dependent Dataflow: A Power BI dependent dataflow. The user must have administrator rights (such as Microsoft 365 Global Administrator or Power BI Service Administrator) or authenticate using a service principal. I have encountered an error from the function call: fnAllTextBetweenDelimiters([FilterExpression], [, ]). I dont know if my scenario is even supported by the tool, please advise. You can create the function above in Power Query in Power BI Desktop, and then use it in other tables, However, I strongly recommend to refrain from doing so. Im not sure what you mean by measures designed as indexes. The dataset ID. If the connection is very slow, then maybe there is something wrong with the design of the dataset it is hard to say. Im wondering about the build capacity in relation to RLS, CLS, and TLS. Both workspaces will have a copy of the dataset and the report, and each dataset will need to be refreshed, but you get to reuse everything. Thats right it is more about the report changes, really keeping the copied report the same as the new one (that is in the same workspace as the GD). Below are some questions to reflect on to help you understand the context of your solutions support: Was the support contact involved in development? Anand, I am planning an update sometime, as I mentioned here An issue I have with a single model is the number of measures has increased over time, which can be confusing for the developer and user. LEFT(AllFields_Used[Details], SearchValue) Only the gateway can decrypt the credentials. But the use of aggregations is not limited to having dual storage mode. /Imke. Reza, and also do the aggregation switch using DAX. Or, if you setup the refresh schedule in just one of the workspaces, would all 3 workspaces reflect the refreshed data? The dataset will be not visible in Power BI service under workspaces->Datasets. You only maintain 1 Golden Dataset. Datamarts also bring in data via Power Query Online, but they store it into a SQL database instead of a data lake. To show a new column added to a Power BI Dataflow or SQL Database view. Reza Rad. Power BI dataset is a cloud-based source, you wont need a gateway to connect to that. Or is there a way so we only have to refresh that diimension of 15 million rows once? So it would be great if you could save your Power BI file as a pbit and send it over to Now that I have given my collaborator build access to my Golden Dataset, how will this impact their access in the Golden Dataset Workspace? Here is a nice overview of the model diagram view from enterprise DNA. The dataset may have been deleted, renamed, moved, or it is possible that you dont have permission to access it. Would this be possible and maybe even more important would you consider this way to be practice in this scenario? Regarding 2, does the user publishing the thin report have authority to use any gateway, etc? Super useful trick! @Reza, do you know whether there is a plan to make the recipient of report to be able to see report without build right from source power bi dataset? In this blog and video, I explain how this feature works step by step. You? Microsoft never gives hard dates as things can and do go wrong. Just download the file and start using it! Connect on an Excel/Access DB stored in One Drive personal The Golden Dataset is something different. But those are the ones that can also be deleted at the end. However, users still received the prompt that they dont have access to the underlying dataset. When you talk about a shared workspace, it is actually an Office 365 Group accessible in any 0365 application right ? You can maintain and improve the single data model in the Golden Dataset master PBIX and make the changes available to all users and dependent reports. Note: We have a golden dataset but are constantly having to add tables that are only used in one report. You cannot modify tables that are already loaded, however. Do you have any advice? But, our sales guys need only 10% of the columns/fields so they can quicker understand and work with the dataset, where other users need like 60% of the fields from the dataset to make analysis on other subjects. What scenarios do you think the solution outlined in theis blog will be still useful? Among other things, this means you cannot currently add additional data to the model your thin workbook is built on, however there are moves afoot to enable the building of composite models in thin workbooks as shown in the image below. The model that holds the central dataset must be open in Power BI Desktop and its port number entered into B11 of the Instructions page. Hi there, this is a wonderful tool, it can really leverage productivity and performance while developing in Power BI. This isnt true only for the naming of measures, but any object in the model - including display folders. Just download the file and start using it! The differences can only be cloud latency different specd server (which ironically is more likely if your dataset is in premium capacity vs shared public cloud). I have tried your latest it me or i can not use it with AAS? Reza. Power BI Dataflow is the data transformation component in Power BI. In contrast, the lineage of the Thin Adventure Works Sales workspace containing the thin report, reveals a General Manager dashboard that stems from the Thin Sales Report, which is connected to the Adventure Works Golden Data in another workspace. The report owner. I dont use it much, so this is part of the reason I dont know about it. Hi Matt, thanks for sharing the approach just what Id been looking for. This goes a long way to addressing the restriction that currently exists where only one app can be produced per workspace. Power BI datasets can store data in a highly compressed, in-memory cache for optimized query performance enabling fast user interactivity over large datasets. In there, you can set the connection to anonymous. Thanks again for this great article. Available only for DirectQuery. I downloaded the newest version but I still got an issue that there is no value in Where Used even though I have already ignored privacy notes and refresh all. What are some simple steps we can take to make life easier for ourselves & our data descendants - future colleagues who will take over the things we make? When they login, they can only see their own data. You can start from Get Data from Power BI dataset. I miss the lack of permission to add tables (in general: to edit data model) of thin reports, but I understand the reason and accept it. Thanks Leland for your kind words registered number of customers we call it occupancy ) and local measures. For more information, see Power BI dataflows. Based on it, the table to the right will generate a code that can be used to delete all the measures using the Tabular Editor tool. For Power Query it can be particularly useful, since comments will show up in tooltips on top of the applied step. Im not sure what you mean by a separate aggregation (or aggregated table). Yes, absolutely free, and the good news is that it works perfectly fine. A Power BI user access right entry for a dashboard, The access right that the user has for the dashboard (permission level), A Power BI user access right entry for a dataflow, The access right that a user has for the dataflow (permission level), A Power BI user access right entry for a report, The access right that the user has for the datamart (permission level), A Power BI user access right entry for a dataset, The access right that the user has for the dataset (permission level). In the pivot table on the Result-sheet, the last column level field is Report File(s) and there you can see in which (thin) report each element is used. Our central dataset is only given build right for some key report visualizers, with their report users also required build right for purpose to see the reports created by visualizers I doubt how much we can apply this feature although all users have pro license. Summary: Power BI is an online software service (SaaS, or Software as a Service) offering from Microsoft that lets you easily and quickly create self-service Business Intelligence dashboards, reports, datasets, and visualizations.With Power BI, you can connect to many different data sources, combine and shape data from those connections, then I dont have premium so I havent seen this, but I understand the problem. The tool worked perfectly except in 2 instances where it recommended to delete but they are required: a column which was used in a pie chart as part of a hierarchy what do you mean exposed? 2 quick questions I hope you could help with. It would be very helpful if you can provide some ideas or measures for me to fix it! The model that holds the central dataset must be open in Power BI Desktop and its port number entered into B11 of the Instructions page. Depending on who will support the solution, different things might be needed for them to take it over. Having some basic questions about testing in the checklist serve as a reminder of accountability; to trigger the developer to do it. Video. However, if you have many queries and you want a way to get Read more about Exposing M Code and Query Metadata of Power BI (PBIX) File[] You create a user access table containing the login credentials (email) and which data they can see. The bound data source ID, which is empty when not bound to a gateway. Here is the output of the service that scheduled the Power BI report. Then it works with a URL such as below to give you the Exchange rate: A Power BI dataset can operate in one of the following modes to access data from various data sources. You mentioned about migrating measures to the Golden Dataset? I have tried everything, I have given users permission on the Golden Dataset app as well and they are assigned roles in RLS but still the same issue. Solved: Power BI Desktop - Get Data - Access Denied - Microsoft Power BI Community . Connect a new blank Power BI Desktop file effectively creating new thin workbooks. 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