Out of curiosity, what's your source for Jacinda Ardern's usage? No one really knows where Binance is headquartered, or why some person whos claimed to be a low-level staffer is listed on official documents. The question. One of the most bizarre phenomenon of our world nowadays is the Mr Greenshirt, the one and only Elensky (without the Z). https://nypost.com/2022/11/09/drowning-death-of-crypto-visionary-fuels-conspiracy-theories/, Posted by: James McFadden | Nov 18 2022 20:51 utc | 39. the going consensus was FTX was created for this job by the old guard white guys. Here's proof of concept showing crypto can be a miracle in a hyper-inflationary environment: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/05/-in-bankrupt-lebanon-locals-mine-bitcoin-and-buy-groceries-with-tether.html He didn't make the mistakes his predecessor as Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff made. Mr Voldemort Elensky gives lectures to all western parliaments where the country presidents and MPs wear blue-yellow scarfs and are moved to tears. [20], The weather varies markedly according to elevation, and lack of precipitation, along with infertile soil, makes land at elevations higher than 400 meters unsuitable for purposes other than grazing. He also gives the answer - political corruption: I don't think that crypto should be regulated in any way. A clown seeming to be running a country. Effective altruism is quite the rabbit hole. You "beat inflation" by multiplying your BTC holdings with the highest selling price in the market right now. Bankman-Fried is young, has hundreds of millions stashed away and is connected well enough to have an easy life in jail. cohencidence maybe, maybe not. The Fried Bank Robber isn't going to jail. If the SEC and Auntie Max are cool with this, it must be copacetic for ma & pa mainstreet to stash some coin. Posted by: Zed | Nov 18 2022 19:39 utc | 23. var extra_happy = Math.floor(1000000000 * Math.random()); [ Ha, good luck with that, Congress is a joke. In 2006, 5.9% were considered the public revenue, whereas this year, this figure was raised to 7.1%. Pam and Russ Martens: "Ryan Salame, the Co-CEO of FTX Digital Markets, the Bahamian subsidiary of FTX, dumped $23 million into the campaign coffers of Republicans and a Super PAC he created to support them, American Dream Federal Action." In other negotiations, Hyundai Asan obtained permission to bring tour groups by sea to Kmgang-san on the North Korea's southeast coast (see Kmgang-san Tourist Region), and more recently to construct the 800 acres (3.2km2) Kaesng Industrial Park, near the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), at a cost of more than $1 billion. His life, right now, might be in danger. Posted by: steven t johnson @ Nov 18 2022 22:15 utc | 53: _________________________________________________________________________ It wasn't an 'r/WallStreetBets' thing either, it just happened. Posted by: Altai | Nov 18 2022 20:24 utc | 31. not quite. If you have been following the past 30 years Ukraine was repurposed as the new Albania in 1991. Toward the end of the 1950s, as reconstruction work was completed and idle capacity began to diminish, the economy had to shift from the extensive to the intensive stage, where the simple communist discipline of marshaling underutilized resources became less effective. 'Cept a lot of people hopped aboard the crypto train and the value of a bitcoin appreciated to ludicrous amounts and those same financial establishment types began buying sorry 'investing' in it. The only honest money the US ever had was Greenbacks. Posted by: hankster | Nov 18 2022 21:17 utc | 44. Bitcoin threatens to hobble the fractional banking scam which all legacy financial institutions and gov'ts depend to maintain control over their subjects. Why not set up an exchange which targets them, the masses will pay for it if we hire a few of their heroes, football stars and the like to tell them to buy in to crypto. The USA is a joke. Posted by: unimperator | Nov 19 2022 11:00 utc | 98, I am at a loss for words to qualify the human debasement required to concoct statements of "we are a payment method", Imagine anybody saying "We are yen", "We are euro", "we are fiat", "we are checks", "we are visa". Antisemitism is not OK but bigotry can be megaphoned across the world with no constraints on the powerful medium of state broadcasting? [ Ha, good luck with that, Congress is a joke. But it could also point to some darker connections. So any old Joe/Jo Blo with smarts could run rings around the laws the elite crooks had spent millions to ensure worked in their favour. The whole system is full of fraud - especially at the top where the transnational corporations run the show and influence our fake democracies. Posted by: Webej | Nov 19 2022 2:26 utc | 72. With a capital 'O'. It's way too early in the day for me to be drinking beer. The fact is, nobody looked, because nobody wanted to see. During the late 2000s trade grew strongly, almost tripling between 2007 and 2011 to $5.6 billion, with much of the growth being with China. The Dutch tulpenmanie is regarded as the first speculative bubble to pop, in 1634. Text</U> Text Posted by: Tom_12 | Nov 19 2022 10:42 utc | 95. It is like FTX a scam and pyramid scheme that will eventually come down: Binance is an enormous crypto exchange run by Changpeng Zhao, more commonly known as CZ. Its not cryptos fault that these greedy criminals built an entire castle of cards on top of it. It has published the following estimates of North Korea's GDP growth:[31]. In general salesmen are scum. Nothing to see here. If you watch old SBF video it is upfront the guy has a tremor. In 2010, it was the world's largest steel You care about your net worth estimated in USD. SBF was taking a dopaminergic. The fact the big corporates alike Goldman etc. Posted by: Comandante | Nov 18 2022 18:53 utc | 7. Back then the attraction of bitcoin was that it was so hated by the financial establishment and their offsiders in media & politics. The Dutch tulpenmanie is regarded as the first speculative bubble to pop, in 1634. The problem with Tether is, you don't directly buy Tether from them. I do agree this FTX thing is one of the biggest criminal enterprises in history. WebFor information on South Africa's response to COVID-19 please visit the COVID-19 Corona Virus South African Resource Portal. *SEC) Gary Gensler blew it again. The funds from that still have yet to be reimbursed to its creditors, but it'll maybe occur next year. Crypto still has a home as a medium of exchange and it will survive in some form in my opinion. 12 btc is not anonymous you can track wallet movements. [119], Growth and changes in the structure and ownership pattern of the economy also have changed the labor force. [91][97][98] Humanity is in a civilization war about public/private finance and those in the West are totally oblivious to that reality as evidenced by the commentary here. Posted by: Et Tu | Nov 18 2022 20:07 utc | 27. The only honest money the US ever had was Greenbacks. [80][81] However, "smaller banks based in northeastern China across the border from North Korea said it was still handling large-scale cross-border transfers." Bankman-Fried also donate $40 million dollars to the US Democrat party. Nov 16 1/82 -( a Giant Twitter thread .) It's the only way with these Elon Musk types. German banks are hoarding paper currency, expecting blackouts. I used to regularly watch Andrew McCreath, of First Forge Asset Management, on BNN before it was part of Bloomberg. Congress now promises to look deeper into the crypto scam: Reps. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.), the top lawmakers on the committee, said in a statement that they expect disgraced FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried to appear before Congress. I do agree this FTX thing is one of the biggest criminal enterprises in history. But they don't understand how that guide and prophet of our time is the great prophet (who is yet to come in the Gospels) and was Muhammad salallahu alaihi wasalam, and their treasured religion is now Islam . Posted by: too scents | Nov 18 2022 20:14 utc | 29, Bojo, Jacinta Adern, and Sanna Marin are also cokeheads. They are thereby unsecured creditors, the last in line who will not even receive pennies for dollars when the bankruptcy curtains come down. I thought we went full digital years ago. I used to regularly watch Andrew McCreath, of First Forge Asset Management, on BNN before it was part of Bloomberg. // --> What fraud? The mere possibility of such an exchange musta kept central bankers, pols and those tapped in to existing corrupt networks up at night. Its one of the greatest inventions since the Internet. Butvthat information was concealed by Biblical translators by translating the name Muhammad in the scriptures as a transliteration, the highly praised one. I cant wait to see Fauxcahontas fix for this. He posts his scrapings but no longer has a team of curries grabbing shows, games & movies then posting them & listing em on his site. Yves Smith of Naked Capitalism, who called everything crypto 'prosecution futures', provides the latest FTX bankruptcy filing: As expected the FTX and the companies related to it are a huge criminal mess. "But but bitcoin is for drug dealers :(", Posted by: Comandante | Nov 18 2022 19:29 utc | 18. Now Could Be the Time", "Flagging prosperity: North Korea moves on from displays of force", "Harry Potter, Bollywood, hot pants and K-pop: in North Korea, Kim Jong-un's cultural revolution gathers speed", "Kim's death and the North Korean economy", "North Korea: An Up-and-Coming IT-Outsourcing Destination", "Twelve North Koreans to work in factory in Europe", "Economic Collapse Reflected in Scarce Electricity", "N. Korea's power consumption per capita at 1970s levels", "Electricity production from coal sources (% of total) Korea, Dem. He posts his scrapings but no longer has a team of curries grabbing shows, games & movies then posting them & listing em on his site. Long gone are the days of wild west organised crime. In mid-1993, no significant moves signalling a fundamental deviation from the existing system had occurred. The catalyst for enabling crypto market to increase in size has been FIAT-to-crypto exchanges, since they enable incoming money. By 1958 individual private farmers, who once constituted more than 70% of the labor force, had been transformed into or replaced by state or collective farmers. Mr Voldemort Elensky gives lectures to all western parliaments where the country presidents and MPs wear blue-yellow scarfs and are moved to tears. However, the Chongori article is >50% sourced off The Daily NK, whose main partner is the NED, so most of the content there is suspect. Since North Korea is a closed country, the number of specific deaths in the incident is difficult to know. Posted by: steven t johnson | Nov 18 2022 22:15 utc | 53. Clearly one could assume that the crypto exchange house of cards is looking they are collapsing. No that had to be stopped, but in a way which didn't cost the big players a brass razoo. Why go to the effort to comment? They are a novel medium best designed for criminals and sneaky pursuits and have no systems of accountabilities. So what exactly is 'real' about gold? And that energy used, doesn't include the HVAC power required to cool the GPUs. The main targets of the Third Seven-Year Plan of 19871993 were to achieve the "Ten Long-Range Major Goals of the 1980s for the Construction of the Socialist Economy". [47], In 2014, the Enterprise Act was amended to allow state-owned enterprise managers to engage in foreign trade and joint ventures, and to accept investment from non-government domestic sources. Tungsten Cylinder Drop Shot Weights are made from 97% pure tungsten, which is much smaller and denser than lead to give Now it is known FTX and Theranos are a scam, do we backward-adjust GDP down? Crypto is a protocol for talking about imaginary things. The definitive and chronological thread.