Youre just throwing more fuel on the fire, so to speak. Gratitude is not a virtue I believe in, and to me it seems hypocritical to expect it from a child. . I wouldnt call that being a whore, but being a human being in a relationship with someone who doesnt like sex. I hope she enjoyed thembut thats not for me. But I will not tolerateliterally NEVER tolerate any kind of abuse towards children, especially ones own! I could not imagine all of these blessings, good people and circumstances. The world is out there for you!!! Theres a theory that asexuality occurs so much in Japan due to the over-sexualizing current that ran through their society following WW2. if I had a wife like you, Id threaten to end it all if you didnt leave. This woman is raising her daughter alone and living her life alone, with a roommate who is not contributing. @lorax i dont just appreciate your absurd commentary i thrive on it. I honestly look back 8 years ago and see a man that I would wish that all women on planet Earth had. If the circumstances are deplorable, and get worse with efforts to address the problem, then clearly the relationship has shaky foundations and needs to be abandoned by both parties before they both get sucked into the murky mire theyre sinking into. It is appreciated. I normally treat them very well and with respect. Yeah. The human in me has said do the honourable thing and end the marriage peaceful like but the soldier in me says f#ck that shit, leave that worthless, jack, incompetent moron the day before yesterday!! Good lord, what do they teach in Churches these days? That I need a makeover, that I need moisturizer. Nope I wont be the last joinel and wig. 212121, I get not wanting to be the good person anymore. Hows that abject loneliness with no sex going? His job keeps him on because their negligence caused his injury, but they know hes mentally blank too. did you ever see woody allens crimes and misdemeanors ? I just want to vent. Start for FREE. A true piece of work you are. Emotional extortion. Unfortunately I dont have any answers for what you can do to help him. thanks i assumed it was because of the link. maybe unicorns made god ? ago. The world would be a better place and they get cordoned off in their VIP section like they dream. We are talking HUMAN females. Uh Ye do realise this is ment to be a place of support and careing, where people can come and get help and understanding, mabye even compassion This type of arguing is detrimental to that goal. Izuku Yagi was a child left alone by the world for his quirklessness. Whats the use? Who wants to have a roommate who wont pay the bills, wont help around the house, who is only leeching off your charity? Support our speedy MIDFORM editors @ But, I aint a punk either. Religion seems to be many suicidals favorite topic, thats all. I get no meaningful help from him. Did I mention he crashed my car on purpose (totaled it) because I told him I was going to drive to DE to see about my sick mother? I read through all this shit you posted here,.,,,. . Dont you get it you ingrate??? Yes, I have suggested that we have an open marriage, but he would not bless off on that. We use data about you for a number of purposes explained in the links below. Ya I know the feeling most days I can barely get out of bad, I hate my life so much I really would be better of dead. I am married to a wonderful lady who is smart, confident and capable of doing hard things with grace. Be patient. Bwuahahaha. He sounds like he was a nice guy to you, now your selfish motives have taken over. U think he would be any different? The guy I mentioned was a suicidal in his 20s, then he got married and realized there was more to life than feeling depressed and shit. Id be mad too if the relationship was otherwise ok and my partner skipped out to find some strange. Both my parents are dead. Personally just from what I have seen of you on here, I think you got exactly what you deserved from your wife. He seeks pity! What do you have? I expected good but evil showed up. Leave the posters alone if all ur going to do is rip them down, thats helping no one. That seems incredibly selfish. Nobody is ever the root of the problem, but if they exacerbate a problem and draw it out to obscene lengths, they can be said to be factors in the magnification of a problem. The sun is gone. . I do not like green eggs and ham. My life is full of misery can i even call it a life, I can go weeks on end just crying and crying and crying, How am i supposed to cope with this pain. You cant control a persons mind, their impulses and nature. He also has lung problems! Kate Kerrigan. I am living a life I did not imagine. Thats just Aus and NZ. Also that life is a messy thing that has no simple answers. Go ahead, cheat on your husband,,,,,,,,, its what you are. Wives who abandon their husbands are the worst pieces of crap to walk the planet. I hope you die slowly, WIG. My point is that disability does not have to be an end-all be-all. Key message: The obstacles that are the hardest are the ones that The sun is gone. I suppose making fun of your simple ass will be my therapy for today. Kthnxbai. Cant abandon a sinking ship. wouldnt he be able to do other things? hmmm. Plus, the meds that he does take (the pain ones, of course) cause further issues with drive and function. you say nothing about the effect this has on your daughter, if you should leave him, how it will ruin her. And some of us survived. And as youve said, you dont even know who your husband is anymore. But you have expressed your actual situation. I certainly will when I get the chance. A simple, pathetic limp little man. Yet nearly everything I have seen you say and post on this website says exactly the opposite. And for the record, I dont like you. Its okay. You can also subscribe without commenting. Can we finally put this post to rest? @212121 It might be a bad time but Im curious. People always argue over whether suicide is or isnt selfish. Logic is the metaphysical to realitys physical. If I want life, I deserve life. I think I need an antivitriol tablet from my doctor now. At least the guy has some sense in his head. But really, sex is slightly worse. What if god was one of us? I didnt force him to come. is there a reason why certain comments go in moderation ? Fuck the world. His wife quit working after she had three kids, so hes been supporting his family for 25 years as well. I You talk about wanting to disgrace him even more buy finding another man. Copyright 2004-2021 The Suicide Project. I know I look good and can find any man I want if I put myself out there. your hubby should be ashamed of what he has, just as I was with my piece of shit wife. Hint: das me! Be passionate about your work. Im familiar with all the Aus harness racing trainers and drivers. Youre going to heaven anyhow! Maybe you are, coz you sound a LOT like her, except for the daughter part (coz I didnt give her a kid for that same reason, her laziness as well as crappy personality). Not homosexuality or asexuals. i personally give it another decade, if that. Two strangers, opposites each holding the missing piece to the others heart are reconciled on a suicide site. He makes every excuse. But where did it get me? . If you hover over them youll options for that. Got 18 year olds lined up around the block for those 2 inches of fail, Im sure. So that a girl can leave a guy when he stop working like a robot for her ? Love is reciprocal. What did I do to deserve this? 28 human years, probably like 379 in dog years. I have dealt with this for nearly 8 years! If two people are married and each one changes over time, why would one person insist that the other stay if doing so make him/her miserable? 4. I suppose you could say the same for 212121. This is another reason I cannot respect him. I hate these stupid societal rules about monogamy. I swear I am fucking the first decent man I get my hot little paws on. But I grant that some people rather like it, and I hold no grudges against them for the disparity. Not the parts youd expect. If hes no use, Id divorce him too if i were in your shoes; I see little difference between dating and marriages, if you get in a bad relationship, leave, if you get into a bad marriage, leave. . Also, no crustaceans should be served during the ceremony. Did I ever hit anyone who was calling for help? By continuing to browse our site you agree to our use of data and cookies. Im sorry youve been attacked like this. I expected him to perhaps age like a normal manyou know, maybe by the time he was this age (mid 40s) have a few issuessure. If your husband is any of what you have described, then in all honesty, he should let you go. lets cut to the chase for you its a religious issue, since im not of the same religion as you (im jewish), our perspectives are accordingly somewhat differenthowever you might be interested in knowing that in judaism it is an OBLIGATION for a man to give sexual pleasure to his wife (there is no such obligation on the part of the woman) if there ever wasnt more of a reason for a sex-change operation , So when did God decide that marriage was a sacred contract? Should she be mad when she caused it herself? But for the life of me I cant remember what movie it was. It just shows the one who abandons is the piece of shit. Just because someone has an opinion and can share it doesnt mean its worthy of consideration. you should give your husband the ability to find a loving and caring wife who wont leave him in his time of need, and just as you said,,,, go out and be happy with those other dicks. I see you just as my wife, a selfish thang, only caring about herself. Whats my reason then?? Ive looked and seen no such function. Its what the holy people pretend they are without being holy. You still married for life and you are required to sacrifice if need be. Btw, I think you have the honor of being the 300th commentator on the thread. Actually, maybe one day Ill send her a video, lol, By the way, the soap I use is sold at Publix. Try Bible Gateway Plus free today! I will not eat them on a plane, I will not eat them on a plane. Now, to your questions. Theyre just not saying it. I dont have a good relationship with any friends  due to the way they live I choose to separate myself and stick to my boyfriend.. It was hard enough to give mom a heart attack. Wow. She had everything she wanted and more. As a man, I can truly say that if I knew I was incapable of giving my wife my all (as every woman deserves) I would let her go. Im so alone i have no friends, family hates me, and i sure as hell dont have a girlfriend. The artist judges in particular that his father Jamie Spears punished her during her 13 years of guardianship by preventing her from being able to see anyone or say anything. Who needs a husband who they have to care for? 3. LOL *****, I dont like you. That's why I come on here. No they dont have Roman Racing here. I never used to have a blas attitude. Don't subscribe Narcissa is weaving some health spells into rings to aid anyone. because in the end days the world was also predicted to become vile and corrupt, and lacking natural affection (lacking the desire to be with the opposite sex that way). To healing. I will address your queries, but firstlet me clarify some things. Do you stalk your wife in your spare know, when you are NOT on SP trying to further wound the already wounded? Nothing at all like spam. Ick. Even when they don't deserve it. No wonder she left. I bet women look at your simple ass and think the same thingWhat woman in her right mind would put up with this useless thing? Looks like your wife found plenty of action, hows your sex life? I wanted to share something I enjoy imagining right before sleeping to relax and feel free. My wife wasnt the prettiest thing, I loved her for her as a person, I just lived a lie. let no man (or woman) break what God has joined, @wig are you secretly robert deniro in taxi driver ? i dont remember having hired you on my behalf, let no man separate what God has joined. Im craving sushi now. There is no justification of her doing that. Humans are selfish, that is our nature. So fucking what? Lucky for my husband I am a hermit that would rather teach myself languages and abstract maths concepts (when I am not doing his coursework or QR reports). Well, if you want to know how the contemporary Christian churches have got so mixed up and incoherent, not inerrant mind you, then you can start by trying to understand the bible from the back to the front. You know, you just cant make this shit up. I think about the only thing we can do is put one foot in front of the other, despite all that has happened to us, and try to find out for ourselves our own reason for being here. To not be able to live a normal and ordinary life in my home country with my family by my side, doing the job I have always dreamed of doing. Im not quite sure what the situation is with your husband, there werent many details but if hes able to go to work, etc. I cant stand when people do that. i read her post. Finance executive turned life coach. I mean, WTF? Blew that shit outta the water. What 212121 has said is probably just her way of expressing 8 years of misery all at once. Good Luck. It sounds like youve got some tough choices ahead. What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord? @coquito: in re: comment in moderation about asexuality. The Bible has been constructed that way via Gods guidance. Despite chronic pain, he worked at the same job for 25 years and also ran a business on the side. the life is short, I wana be happy, screw my husband if he cant do that much. *middle finger high*. 5. People are people, and will do what they do. I am sure I can give you cyberhell since you want to keep fucking with me you obnoxious little fuckwit. No wonder you are so mad. Wow, even on a suicide site women have to be shamed, even after remaining for 8 YEARS with a useless man. Why should she be miserable for the sake of some unappreciative sod? Now we have to deal with what we've been dealt. Dafuq? I was never unreasonable. People may find that offensive. You dont need to look back to your past life to wonder why you find yourself where you are, you only have to look back eight years and ask yourself why you married this manchild in disguise. I understand that you crave sexual fulfillment, thats a given and you shouldnt deny yourself that comfort. 24-31What did I do to deserve this? I don't have a gf and the only girl that ever showed a tiny bit of interest in me married a Chad. that is wrong. thanks for clarifying.and yes, you definitely dont want to know what they put in their dishes, but its all culturally relative what one culture sees as normal, is taboo to another, however, it does seem that the chinese will eat anything, and cant understand why other people wont as well. So why dont ye act like adults. WIG, you really were just picking a fight, since the first post you made on this page Once time has flown (about 34 months at the earliest) if they have social media or something contact them or talk to them and ask them why. But even further, you could understand Satan as just an inclination of human nature, and not so much an entity external to man. interpretation is different from translation. Unequivocally. Ongoing. I too am a CJ major and I had an 2pm appointment. Your husband doesnt sound like he can even though Im sure he would want to. BEST VALUE in digital Bible study. What happens when you do this is acceptance. Truth hurts huh? Its like kicking a half dead dog. Maybe your jeezus can help you out with that. Yes, I enjoy attention from men. Like i said: if you believe it is a valid authority, then it works; if you dont believe it is a valid authority, then it doesnt work. I doubt it. There is some modicum of love there, but whats love got to do with it? Still Here Even Though I Dont Want To HELP: Should i go to my friend wedding the greatness of those who choose their own destiny, Still Here Even Though I Dont Want To Be. Did I ever hit anyone who was calling for help? What about you? I looked for light but darkness fell. Hey now, Jesus was asexual. 2. Thank you rogue. Never marry a mollycoddled man/boy. and some of you thought my posts were insulting? The Irish Independent said that Sergeant Barton seemed possessed of an instinct for tracking down criminals and his name alone was sufficient to inspire terror in the hearts of evil doers. This thread should be required reading for any woman considering marriage. o.O, Not just you. You have no respect for women. Just like my **** who left, she has a lot of expense and chores she didnt have before. How do you put up with this shit? and all I can do is look at the floor. LOL, sure, sure. Look here *****I dont care if you like me, hate me, live or die. And God did make them male and female, after all, not to be alone and all that jazz. All I have to do is read what you write, and I see what kind of woman you are. He is 13 years my senior, so I never expected to have Adonis for life. Most people are very strange in that they dont mind one thing in one set of circumstances, but in another, its just abhorrent. Also, just as I didnt agree with WIGs comments to you, I dont agree with your comments to him!! Thats why you are always on here. Something within me wont let it happen. Go away then, genius. The sun is gone. LOL, no female will want this excuse for a man. A real woman is worth more than just that thing between her legs. No partner requests. In Asia they consume a lot of questionable dishes. A husband is instant family. Evidently it tastes like beef as noone noticed and it took a disgruntled employee to break it loose. In my cas Continue Reading Id leap into a vat of 100% HCl before I let something like you touch me. what did i do to deserve One memorable time that he did come hiking with me (since the accident) he yelled at me the entire time about being outside. Not to mention I'm ugly as sin. Why? Claiming our power is Its been too long. Nearly 8 billion people on Earth, and yet, one scenario that vaguely mirrors your own and OFF you go, because no one else is allowed to have problems but you and you have to be a narcissistic prick that must inject yourself into everything. Doors swing both ways, after all. LOL. lets get this post over 300 comments. Marriage is a contract like any other and sometimes we enter into them naively. Having the absolute worst mental health the whole beginning of Top writer. At least I have a decent life filled with learning, opportunities, and friends even though my marriage sucks and I cant have sex with my husband. I know someone who has a spinal cord injury. What shall I do with all my exuberance and sexual energy? I damn sure wont. So I (F), exactly two months ago, went through the worst break up of my life (and not just "oh he slept w someone else" or "he didn't love me anymore" but more like he was someone else-quite And its not the first time from what I remember, although Im sure youll correct me if Im wrong. Ive never understood this sense of ownership people often feel they have over their mate. That hunger inside you will eventually lead you to act. If hes too scared and lazy to do anything on his own, how is he supposed to love and support his own daughter? This condition will not heal itself or improve, and may cause paralysis someday (he would not be able to walk, although I think he would still have use of his upper half). my dad had alzheimers, so just like your hubby,,,,, my mom (and I) both saw him change into something he wasnt.. but did we abandon him? I can probably like green eggs and ham, though. We welcome men from all walks of life, and from all cultural and racial backgrounds, as long as you are an incel. Her spouse has the option of putting in an effort. Im betting you deserved her leaving AND the video of the three way. See the icon near the top of the screen, next to the suicide project, which has a dialog balloon and the number 4 next to it? Nope. Start for FREE. Any value judgment either way, I think, misses the overall point that there are two parties involved in the relationship, and both have their share of faults contributing to the conflict. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Why would a lack of interest in sex be deviant? I am too damaged now and my trauma has caused me to feel unsafe everywhere I go, even in my own body. werent you here posting that other half of your rant? I deserve some good sex with a man that has an able body. You want sympathy from us or something? I treated her very well and didnt make her do everything. A smart guy will wonder if you would do the same to him should he get injured . Why the fuck does your simple ass think I have not left? Give me some of that good old churchy advice. Im venting mostly, but I truly believe you are for real. Did I mention I have not stopped laughing at your set of circumstances? Such as the comments on this thread clearly demonstrate. Ive heard about that film, but I havent see it; from what Ive read, and from what you just wrote, it seems like a really interesting documentary. Ill be the first to admit I am not superwoman. (Cant unicorns talk? She has no justification.. not only is she willing to ruin her husbands life even more, but her daughter as well (leaving her with no dad). And no, definitely not a virgin. Ive certainly had more than my fair share of it, and its infuriating. God commands loyalty., Damn. I laugh at your situation and pathetic posts. but it is fun and enjoyable. If I ever get married, itll have to be an open marriage because theres no way in hell Ill put up with being required to have sex with anyone. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Their wives (the good ones) dont leave them, even if it means taking care of them for the rest of their life. Not what is best for any one person. When my wife was sick, I took care of her and didnt complain. XML Vote Summary. I still love him too. The first point to understand is that were eternal; our life doesnt begin with birth or end with death. A close friend of mine, who lived for a long time in Toronto (near you eh), and then moved back to his native Prague, claims he makes the best sushi in Prague. Question: On the Concurrent Resolution (H.Con.Res. the guy gets hurt. Once you screw another, the bond with the original spouse is broken. So if she is too young to care for herself like why not at LEAST .the miminum.the least you can do is leave her about 75,000$ in an account for her use when she is 1821 whatever but at least you can leave her something. elvirakitties Chapter 13 The Dark Lord wanted to bang his head on his desk. You kick me, I snap back. Its surreal to me too. Now youre projecting your sexual inadequacies onto me. I think you pretty much just validated everything that 212121 wants. The is ehT, end is dne. TRUEST OF THE TRUEST OF INCELS, Red Eyes. If I were him, Id throw your ass out of the house and get a real woman for a wife. I dunno. I hope she takes everything from you. I dont think so (ie about his having been to Japan), but Ill ask him. Thank you for your reply. What the heck is an angel? To his credit, he does cut the grass. Im sorry, my fangs are bared and my claws are unsheathed. interesting that both of us are suffering from being abandoned by our respective wives, but you have spent a number of hours mercilessly and vilely insulting this woman (without knowing the facts of the situation, as none of us do), but to me what she writes is eminently reasonable. If they were all like this, I would marry a fuckin dog, at least they are loyal. I got my buddies here to write this book for you, read it and follow all my rules or I will bring destruction, mad hatters, and swarms of locusts upon you. Women like you are pathetic,,,, really pathetic. Find the newest what did i do to deserve this meme. You dont live by any standard. i. You keep trying to tell us what a great person you are and how well you treated your wife. But only after asking how the hell I got married to a guy. If you only or mostly experience the negative sides of things, youre going to have a negative bias. satan is shown to be a fallen angel, an entity, not a manifestation. we dont have bi state buses here, but ill petition for them. Kinda hard to get f____ when your hubby cant move much, but there are plenty of injured vets out there who dont have a wife who leaves them coz they cant screw. Does he have a lot of high-heeled shoes? Yes, it is! what if the woman is evil and pushes the man away? Hes not seeing my side without a pity party. I dont think its right to give someone even more of that, due to the negative results produced in them, by being given that, and treated in exactly those same ways. If you love your mate youll want him/her to be happy with or without you. Logic doesnt care whether an argument is true or false, in reality, but whether its consistent with the rules underlying logic. What Did I do In Another Life to Deserve This? No wonder your wife bailed. If so, you can find a counselor that you both feel comfortable with and try that first perhaps? I will have my cake and eat it toojust like he did. You shower me in kindness, envelop me in affection, douse me in love. Why does anyone have such authority to impose penalties for demeanor ? its terrible. He never spends time with her or reads to her. Thats not anything to get all vitriolic about. I can ask my doctor for extras. Did I ever hit anyone who was calling for help? Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Call). He was a go-getter. Im amazed at how many people think thats about homosexuality when its really about Churches pandering to humans and their want for power over others. "I know, Miss Clara, but that's just so hard to do." Since he is not doing that, this woman has every right to seek happiness. And I hate seeing another poor guy put in the position coz of some screwed up selfish woman who wants to split coz she isnt happy and wants to forget her vows. deception of any kind is wrong, in a marriage or elsewhere. It is honestly impossible for me to find any empathy whatsoever for you. A husband owes his wife love, affection, support, faithfulness, to the best of his ability to do so. No one is going to listen because of the horrid attitude in which you present them. 78 Likes, TikTok video from Katherine (@kpearl_1703): "what did I do to deserve the absolute worst summer of my life.". It is delicious and can be had for only $19.99 upon thy marketplace of @ Wifeisgone : Sex promotes asexuality among people inclined in that direction. . Ohwait. get to know the Bible better! No matter what I choose that would bring an end to my pain, people are going to view me as selfish. (theres obviously some religious connection, since in the FAQ it mentions not preaching the gospel as one of the prohibited actions; luckily, for me thats not a problem , questionable is putting it EXTREMELY mildly, basically, for the chinese, if its any type of living matter, its edible, the dude my alter ego (and probably my ego as well). I wonder if God likes Cosmo martinis and if he has a Chihuahua and a pink Alexander McQueen handbag. they have become so mixed up because of how satan has introduced confusion. I for one am enjoying it all, and I look forward to watching you suffer even more. "I agree. But with his behaviour, he has already given up his right to have either the woman he married or his daughter in his life. This notion of till death do us part is unnatural; its a concept imposed on society by religious fundamentalist zealots. Your prerogative to keep thinking he is some angel because he has a dick. Maintain cleanliness 4. After 25 years he retired and focused on the business full-time. Shortforms 3-minute sister700 words or lessalways with a key message at the end. All Rights Reserved. In fact, Satans just Gods buddy for separating the unfaithful fools from the rest of the flock. Have you forgotten the nature of this site? And look, *gasp* even a non-sexual, mentally incompetent man like my husband has a faithful woman that looks decent! Youll be amazed by how coherent it is. I have nothing else to do for the next 30 minutes. The Message 24-31 What did I do to deserve this? Im a fan of Woody Allen but I havent seen that one yet. The world goes round by our decisions whether they be good decisions or not, and then we deal with them. Who will hire me? However, this fool has put his hands on me beforeblamed it on his medicine. WIG Go back and read my comment. @212121; Love; Allowing another person to make their own choices, even if that choice is to end a relationship. All your posts do is scream Im a selfish whore who is willing to abandon my husband. If you truly think this life is too much fineI understand you but dont leave your innocent baby out here hanginggive her a fighting chance.yes she will eventually come to terms with what you did and she will a have a much easier time forgiving you if you leave her with something that could give her a head start in life. Thats silly. Loser! I have enough bitterness to keep an entire lemon orchard in business. Bring it. we Sex is gross. Funny, I came to a completely different conclusion from reading her post. She put forth no effort other than talking to as many guys on her Iphone as she could, then cheating coz she knew I wouldnt stand for perversion in the bedroom. People even look at me like Why are you with him? and if it cant come out, is there some kind of money-back policy ? If I wasnt able to make that person happy Id be inclined to free them. Orwould I be better off on the streets living under a bridge? Unitarian Unicornism a faith that stands with outstretched hands to well, pretty much anyone and if you dont like it, well, thats cool with us. So, I will keep pressing your buttons until I am well amused and satisfied. I live my life intentionally but quietly: Meaning I do not wake up with the thought of hurting someone. This is 100x worse than my worse nightmare. Coz, there is YOUR truth, there is HIS truth, and then there is THE TRUTH. You are the cheating kind. i never saw anyone not having a tinge of guilt for being selfish or not justifying it with reason. We work together to make things better for everyone. Oh and yes, this is abuse of her good will. Especially if he has virtually given up. Related. Do you know, he even recounts the story (of how he became disabled) to random strangers and our childs teachers? They would always buy fresh fish at the market, too. lol. When his head was hit, he lost so much of his personality. :L, ive become a big fan.even if i werent suicidally depressed, i would become so just to be able to come to sp and read your comments, I know that dissapoints you, but its how it is , @coquito: its good to know people appreciate my absurd commentary. Once that guy gets over the sex with you (not that it would be that great), he will see who you really are. Answer the goddamned question you moron. Eh, dont mind the nonsexual lunatic. No one, man or woman, deserves this sort of torment. This is my last reply to you. Thats a rebellious woman, just like you are. NO. Though it sounds like you do enough already. Im thrown off my axis tooin a good way. @212121 You can delete or trash comments on the main comments page. My stomachs in a constant churning, never settles down. Look on the bright side, you can always buy a fleshlightor dig a hole in the dirt and line it with saran wrap and fill it with grape jelly. He has a filthy **** for a wife, just like I did. I have 0 sympathy for a piece of cat shit like you. . Dogs: okay, but I dont really want to know what else they might put into their meals. I didnt threaten to go out and screw another woman. Copyright 2022 Wise Famous Quotes. yea, you click on your internet connection and turn it off. I dont want anyones sympathy, really. Thanks quaerobe sure to fist bump WIG on your way out. Its selfish, like most everything else in society. Aspire to improve 3. Is that how your simple brain operates? You married him, he is your husband, the 2 become one. Your husband ought to be glad to get rid of you. But thats okI have some awesome dildos. .what man in this world wouldnt want you? isit just me or does every post seem to end up with some one talking about religion recently? Designer clothing, all-night raves, and lots of experimental drugs and sex will make for a much better read. The whole idea of the Church is founded on that principle, after all, with the church being the bride and Jesus being the groom. God made unicorns so we could eat them, after all. You must log in or register to reply here. If it were just one woman, one experience, then you might be on the trail of some strange white rabbit, but that rabbit does tend to go down rabbit holes, and those always lead to Wonderland. I wonder what I did in a past life to deserve this, About the Suicide Project READ THIS FIRST, i feel so overwhelmed with my responsibilities. You arent it. its also comes from the same source that promotes the disintegration of traditinal marriages. Does he want the marriage to continue? You are just like my husband, only you appear to have a few more functioning brain cells. Try Bible Gateway Plus free today! I hope she sent you a video. Thats where the conflict arises. I supported my wife, she didnt have to work, she only did to enjoy the extra money. Continue. Maybe that keeps me saneand my cat. The truth is that confronting any hardship in life can be difficult to do on your own. Because I said it. He was my hero long ago. At least I know, no matter how pathetic I am, I will never attain your position. I know everyone has days/weeks maybe even months like this off and onbut nearly 8 years!!! you still dont csre. Its good that you can still find the strength to keep going. Yikes. That does not make me a succubus. lol WIG you seem like such a bitter, hateful, resentful person. so you are the official defender of all abandoned men ? Combining two recent themes of this thread, Woody Allen and theology: If theres a God why is there so much evil in the world ? It becomes more complicated when children are involved. I think a good rule of thumb that should apply especially to a website like this is, If you have nothing nice to say, dont say anything at all. in the end days, good will be called evil, and evil good, and this includes the acceptance of what is abhorent to God, and that includes homosexuality as being accepted as normal. People get old and lose interest in sex anyway (seniors), yet their marriage is built on sincere love. it was my masterpiece.. now theres truly a reason to kill yourself no success even on a suicide board. get to know the Bible better! God, who cant resist a woman like this.. lol. I really hope you get hit by a bi-state bus WIG. She bailed because she wanted to have 2 dicks in her at the same time, and I said no. I imagine when others see these kinds of hateful comments, they can judge for themselves that the specific people making them are not worth engaging in the future, and hopefully not see the comments as an indictment of SP in general. I had a good job, even gave her one working for me on top of her own job. Its like a feedback cycle. Im still a proud person in that sense and can still feel dishonoured. Its easy to sacrifice your own happiness when its already gone. 212121, you got your superior today. See little sloppy *****, I dont need the man to be with, I just want some hot steamy sex. I am barely in my 30s..YES I want sex. Who the hell cares if it is at the expense of someone else? I dont think its that that WIG finds objectionable. I didn't do anything to deserve this. The Irish Times editorial of 1 December 1919 proclaimed him one of the bravest, most vigilant, and most intelligent defenders of the citys peace. He said yes. and God will soon show who is boss, and wipe all this filth from this rock. Now bring on the hate or let me be not worth your time. Exactly how I want someone to describe me one day Imagine John Lennon John Lennon 1969 John Lennon Yoko Ono John Lennon Beatles Foto Beatles Les Beatles 212121, whatever you decide in the future just remember your child comes first and WIG if 212121 decides to do something stupid then let her go down that path. They probably thought, Oh that girl looks attractive. Its clear that you dont want a wife, you want a slave. If man is not to interpret the Bible, then unfortunately all of western Christianity is screwed since it was written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Koine Greek. I stand in the congregation and protest.I howl with the jackals,I hoot with the owls.Im black-and-blue all over,burning up with fever.My fiddle plays nothing but the blues;my mouth harp wails laments., Copyright 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson, The Message (MSG). Now, he runs from a simple algebra problem and needs his little strong woman to do it for him. Next you will tell me that his old, decrepit ass will attract someone better looking than me when you have never even seen me, because my, thats the ultimate female insult, innit? ! I cannot stand lazy men who sit around and want the world on a plate, it sickens me to even think Im the same species as those inferior f#ckwits! 119 ) Vote Number: 371. If most people believe in that authority, then it works. It hurts me to see that my husband has allowed it to happen to him. Keep sharing your pain and suffering knowing it brings joy to at least some of us. Fine, so be it. your comments about her are completely wrong, @wig assuming the description of the situation is as 212121 relates itthen what the fuck are you talking about, a relationship is a 2-way street ones only obligation is to make a good faith effort to make it work, have you read what she has written.she wants it to work, but she has rights too not just responsabilities. if so, we wont tell anyone, @lorax thanks. Its good that he was able to pull himself out of it like that. Do whatever you think is best for you and your daughter. Its much better than lying around feeling sorry for oneself. Havent I wept for those who live a hard life, been heartsick over the lot of the poor? . I am so tired. Then you list his meds and side effects.. even though you know they cause his sexual issues. Dont give up hope you bitter bastard. Everytime i try to escape i just get rejected again and again it only cements the fact that no women would ever want to be with me. People change over time. And some of us survived. Whats pathetic is seeing yet another women want to abandon her spouse for selfish reasons, and even have the gall to openly say she wants to screw another guy while her husband is sick at home. Most people that comment have some sort of bias through experience. The sun is gone. He didnt come to have sex, He came to save the world from itself, or rather those who werent ignorant and willing to listen. Try it sometime. No matter how gently it is, he just mopes and pity parties! Maybe I should go out for New Years Eve to the all-you-can-eat sushi place. Sometimes its not will power, but other reasons beyond their control. The Church these days is fraught with idolatry and paganism and humans who think they know the will of god very unfaithful. But Ill never abandon my wife if she gets injured or needs care. My nieces and nephews are cool. If you want to divorce him,then divorce shouldnt be pain in the ass for you as you discribe It is ok to let him go.and i 100% assure you that you wont be the first to do go and divorce him before you got some wrinkles.and as of your husband,he will be fine without you.he make a mistake marrying a girl like you.but i think he will be really are a good girl for taking care of him for almost 8 are a brave women.i admire your courage.remember;you mary that hot,healthy,wanted,hard-working guy.and when he is not what he is not anymore,you have the right to let him go.that is why divorces are created anyways,arent they ? Each day confronts me with more suffering.I walk under a black cloud. I He has ED and low T, cant maintain an erection and I am hungry for sex always. Okay, so, being real here, you need out from this. I think that deep inside youyou know what needs to be done. I also think its a bit ironic that 212121 is suggesting that mens feelings of entitlement to love and physical affection, is undeserved, while also behaving as if she, herself, feels an entitlement to such things, perhaps, just because she has a vagina.. You got the problem of losing the genetic lottery. She is an 8 year old child! no good guy wants a wife who will abandon them if they get ill like your husband. does the man owe the woman the world if she is a *****? After all, he cant really conceive of you gone and have the ability to suffer mentally from it. No one can know everything; there is too much to know. She has no obligation to him anymore. What Did I Do To Deserve This Life Quotes & Sayings. Mousse-Striking 1 mo. Do those men have souls? 98 Likes, 5 Comments - shelby schaffer (@schaffsy) on Instagram: What is my life and what did I do to deserve all this lOoOoOveeeee?! "Yes, it is! I have a feeling they were meant to be the crown of creation, but we just screwed up translating Genesis. But in any case, I feel like an old war horse. Being sick is not an excuse to leave your spouse, yet some women are plain trash and will do it at the least little sign of inconvenience. Yes I am the evil, selfish ***** of myth and legend because I have endured 7 faithful years of this torment. Maybe hes a fan of Sex in the City. Did you miss the part where I told you he has put his hands on me before?? I saying this from how your daughter will see this, who will undoubtedly be affected by the end result. If man makes a bible, does the bible still have a soul? "I believe we will need the protection sooner than I expect." Its clear that it is real based on your vehemence. ok? The hardest what did I do to deserve this Scott Fitzgerald Pretty Words Beautiful Words Cool Words Beautiful Soul Beautiful People Lovely Quote Beautiful Friend Beautiful Person F. Scott Fitzgerald. Why the fuck do you think I havent lowered my standards and took up some of the offers for dick from his co-workers? I dont know what you have been through. My husband has problems with simple elementary math. I distanced myself fro,m her because she treated everyone like shit, me, her friends (who she lost), and more. In this case, you should leave him as he evidently has a piece of shit for a wife. I for one applaud her leaving you. At least men look at me. Marriage is a legal contract. I dont want to be like you. Abandoning the sinking ship would prove your disloyalty. Like, literally, backwards. This is the most comments on a post in a while. Even if (like in my past case) you were cheated on and honestly did nothing wrong!. If he was a healthy guy I could understand your position more, but he is ill, and yet you STILL treat him like this. Its like being married to a one dimensional lump. Go on and humor me, WIG. any woman who runs from that when she is married to him, is filth. Instead I have to move far from my home in a Id never do this irl. (sorry, I havent read through the entirety of this thread) Im not sure you can pull someone out of a deep apathetic state like that. If you want something better for your life, you've got to start by believing you WIG is the issue divorce per se or deception within the marriage? He refuses to. I am not an old woman! You want to exit because it no longer suits YOUR purpose. His wife is not obligated to be his caretaker. I live by a different standard than you do. I hope you keep posting your little rants, and sharing all your hate and venom. One will do. But I cant imagine there werent aspects of it that people were not dubious about. Then we go to christian marriage advice sites, where the mans need for sex is presented as a very serious thing, and the woman should comply even if she is unwilling or even unable due to trauma or whatever. you are hallucinating lol . You both have both of my pity. I think thats incredibly stupid. Unless he is willingly abusing you, you have NO basis for leaving him. Love only goes so far. Equality is just nowhere at this point. I believe that I deserve to die peacefully if I choose to. No hate. That would be a little weird. Anyone who disagrees has clearly never tried it. But I cook, clean, take care of the baby, the cats, manage bills, repairs (he used to be a A+ handymanno longer) and ensure that the house runs smoothly. Shit, if I was married to a guy who acted like a vegetable without actually being in a vegetative state, Id leave his ass too. He is very hurt and while I dont agree with what he said, I do know that its not his true self speaking (from what I know of him) but its the hurt speaking. No, you dont care about this guy, and just being with you likely makes him more depressed. @WIG: If thats so, its awfully ironic for you to continue posting on her thread. Havent I wept for those who live a hard life. Anti-religion theologians versus theists. How does oxytocin impact on the characteristics of autism? I accept Im not perfect now and wouldnt impose that standard on anyone else. I do what i must to survive and WIG as a human I hope you do toobut I am not going to tolerate your shit on my rant without a challenge. Yes, that did indeed occur to me as i was writing it, but for the more than 90% of humanity who are not catholics, since theres no dogma of transubstantiation, it wouldnt be a problem. 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