He had been detained on the orders of Ta'a Chume, but Solo and Durron freed him. Unfortunately for the strike team, the Bith Jedi Ulaha Kore was stabbed by a coufee knife in the struggle and sustained a severe, albeit not fatal, injury. Receiving fire from a Sith sniper, she and Ben fell back at the mental direction of Luke Skywalker. The strike team pressed forward, attacked on all sides by Yuuzhan Vong. After the discovery of a partial copy of the Caamas Document in 19 ABY, and because of the crisis and scandal that would inevitably follow, Jaina and her siblings were sent to Kashyyyk with Chewbacca and a group of Noghri for their protection. Solo and her squadron initially helped Farlander's fleet that was stationed over the moon, but after prolonged combat against the Yuuzhan Vong and sustaining casualties, was ordered to withdraw. Setting up an ambush, she and a number of others picked out Yuuzhan Vong targets while Solo targeted Vergere. Solo realized she had crossed too many moral lines already and resolved to keep fighting the Yuuzhan Vong, but this time in an ethical manner. [20], The children were soon found by Ebrihim's droid Q9-X2, who alone had noticed that the children had gone missing. Unable to locate him, she tried to use the Force to search him out, only to have a vision of her killing her brother Jacen while he was wearing Darth Vader's armor. Obi-Wan Kenobi was a legendary Force-sensitive human male Jedi Master who served on the Jedi High Council during the final years of the Republic Era. The twins fought, with both liberally using Force powers and unarmed combat moves to punish the other as they struggled for an advantage. He sneaked into her cabin and kissed her when she entered, which Solo enjoyed for a moment before she remembered to resist and hurled him across the room with the Force. There, Wedge discovered a tassel and as promised, he handed the cloth over to Solo. The four came up empty in their search. The end result of the concurrent battle was the destruction of Centerpoint Station thanks to Durron's and Seyah's sabotage, but the Confederation fleet had also inflicted significant losses on the task force that had accompanied the Anakin Solo. [55], The three women met with Anor, who had dressed similar to Darth Vader as an affront to Leia. A glimpse of a Hutt trying to avoid being seen also disturbed her, but she and Fel tried to enjoy Pharika's tour of the market. Wan gave them a quick briefing on the planet and its history, revealing that the Sith who resided there had based their culture on their contact with the rhak-skuri, a bug in the diplura family that secreted pheromones with hallucinogenic properties. Thanas also explained that she and her group had been digging up information on the sordid deeds of Bakuran senators, including a large offworld money transfer. However, the battle overall was a loss for the New Republic since the Yuuzhan Vong unleashed a biological weapon that decimated Ithor's world-spanning jungle even after Shedao Shai was slain during a duel with Jedi Knight Corran Horn that had been set to determine Ithor's fate. The twins, with the assistance of their peers at the Jedi Academy, defeated the Second Imperium forces. As Solo grew older, she took after her father, seeming to acquire his cockiness and piloting skills as well as a certain aptitude for all things mechanical, which made him proud of her. If not for the armor he was wearing, he would have been killed, which startled her out of her anger. The series chronicled the twins' adventures as students at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy. She helped them fend off a formation of interceptors, crippling their ships rather than destroying them. Stage 3: Wave 75 - Boss: Rastion. The Supreme Overlord had threatened to lay waste to Coruscant rather than cede it to his enemies, but Jacen had developed a rapport with the dhuryam during his captivity. Her actions cleared the way for her brother and the other survivors to destroy the voxyn queen. [8] Solo helped defend the frigate from Yuuzhan Vong attacks, even though her own heart felt broken at the loss of her brothers. [88] Zekk was later found to be alive and re-emerged sometime afterward, but by that time he was involved with a Hapan woman named Taryn Zel and working on other assignments. Durron replied that would see the Jedi Master, but wanted Solo's help with something in exchange. After the Galactic Alliance and Luke Skywalker negotiated a deal where Skywalker would be exiled for ten years or until he could prove he knew how Jacen had fallen, Solo was present at his send-off, and later at the first meeting held by interim Grand Master Kenth Hamner. During the public ceremony commemorating the union between Luke and Mara, Solo and the other children of the guests were confined to a room designated for the children of the guests under the watchful eye of a friend of Jade Skywalker's, smuggler Booster Terrik. Although Luke was pleased, he found his mind wandering to Khai, who was now considering taking up the Jedi path and was forming a budding relationship with Ben. Rather than allow himself to be captured, Czethros threw himself into a vat of carbonite and was flash-frozen instantly. However, a clean escape was blocked by Brakiss and Tamith Kai. [109] Troy Denning, who has written a number of books that prominently feature Solo,[13][8][86][88][89] has identified her as his favorite character from the younger generation of heroes. Lah threatened to capture her and have her sacrificed to their gods, but Solo taunted him and a deception sect priest, Harrar, who was set to preside over her sacrifice. Upon discovering their predicament, Solo ordered Calrissian to find and neutralize the saboteur droid while taking off in her damaged StealthX over his protestations, since the craft had had its weapon systems weakened on top of its previous damage. [18] On one occasion, Solo joined minds with a comatose Tahiri Veila to help her unite her fragmented personality. To divert the attention of the holocams from Horn's assault, Solo displayed the writ to the assembled journalists while encouraging Tyrr to ask if the Galactic Alliance was going to press charges against a bereaved mother. [10], In 2009, a 3 inch action figure of Jaina Solo was released by Hasbro as part of its Legacy Collection. When a warrant was placed for the arrest of Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker, the two elder Jedi fled in the Jade Shadow, signaling Solo to fly cover for them. 3D Lollipop Chainsaw. On one occasion, Solo was nearly caught sneaking out of the Temple by her observer, Hantaq, but Fel pretended to be with her when she answered the comlink, and Hantaq backed down. [88], As a teenager, Solo received training at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum, where she was trained in the ways of the Jedi,[5] including how to construct and use a lightsaber. However, when the HoloNet relays in that area were cut off, Antilles' command was left stranded and surrounded by Yuuzhan Vong forces. [20], After several days, Solo and her family relocated their lodgings to the Governor-General's residence at Corona House, where they met Governor-General Micamberlecto. However, she was eventually found out by Mon Calamari Master Cilghal, who confronted Solo and insisted that the other Darkmeld members keep her involved in their plans from then on, to which Solo agreed. Solo recuperated during that time, though she also continued training in hand-to-hand combat and had Luke Skywalker teach her the shatterpoint skill, which she had observed Caedus use against a Mandalorian. Biographical information Wan decided not to divulge the piece of news right away, as she wanted to verify it first, but Solo was eager to inform Luke of what she had learned. Salkeli informed them that there was no other way to deactivate the bomb. Based on a message from the Skywalkers, the StealthX pilots, accompanied by the Venture, arrived over Pydyr while Abeloth fled the moon, and they joined Luke and Ben Skywalker in battle against a Lost Tribe assault force. She also called Durron to a late night picnic with her and Fel; Durron had been closing himself off emotionally from her, much as she had done before her mother's advice had encouraged her to open up to those who cared for her. He agreed to do so, arranging for Bothan lawyer Eramuth Bwua'tu to represent Veila. While they were maneuvering into position, Solo sensed her mother battling the Dark Nest on Kr and also recognized that a seeming retreat by the Chiss was actually a deceptive Bothan fade tactic. She deflected their assault and retreated, her position compromised to Chiss snipers. Solo continued to fight and defeated several more attackers, but not before sustaining further injuries from Force lightning. During a confrontation, Luke defeated his former student while Tenel Ka injured Tamith Kai's knee. The battle saw the Roche asteroids overrun by Remnant forces and, after a brief clash with a group of stormtroopers, Solo was ordered to escape in a Mandalorian Bes'uliik starfighter by Fett, who said that she was prepared to face Caedus. While the GAS leader, Captain Atar was initially insistent that Solo be arrested, Fel reminded him that his vehicle had diplomatic immunity, and so they were allowed to pass unchallenged. There, they disembarked and Galfridian learned that his father was still alive, but in the company of Dulac. She stayed on Ralroost, maintaining a constant vigil for the return of her parents. Female[4] In part, this decision was made to test the limits of Daala's good will. Born She also told Solo that it would be best for her to make amends with her mother, from whom Solo had emotionally isolated herself. She returned to her quarters to find Fel there with a gourmet dinner. Bornan Thul sacrificed himself so the plague would not spread, and told Raynar to get himself and his friends off the asteroid. [82] Solo retained her capabilities as a warrior into the Second Galactic Civil War and her own intense training,[14] combined with a short period of tutelage under Mandalorian commandos, only served to hone the edge of the Sword of the Jedi. To her surprise, she was assigned to escort her parents on diplomatic missions for the Galactic Alliance. They spent the evening in a hotel that Solo had arranged after checking it for listening devices. Jedi violence against Mandalorians sent to suppress a slave revolt on Blaudu Sextus did little to defuse hostility between the government and Jedi Order. She was joined soon after by Hu'lya and Mithric, and together they managed to destroy the remainder of the droids. [4], Following the battle, the Solo twins were brought to the ancient space city of Nespis VIII, where their parents and uncle discovered that the New Republic had survived the destruction of Da Soocha V. After the birth of their younger brother, Anakin, the Solo twins lived with their mother and father in the space city until they fled with the rest of the New Republic forces, shortly before the city was itself destroyed by one of the Galaxy Gun's warheads. Solo later met with Fel again after he made a pro-Jedi speech in response to the coup. [27], An unpleasant encounter with a fully-indoctrinated Empire Youth named Vram further convinced Solo that she and her brother needed to escape Hethrir's Worldcraft. While the Sith were defeated, Abeloth was once more able to escape. He also put his storytelling abilities to use, and took pride in his ability to sing lullabies in just about any language or style. Garrys Incident; Day of Defeat; Day of Infamy; DayZ; DayZ Standalone; Daymare: 1998; Red Crucible: Reloaded; Red Dead Redemption 2; Red Dead Redemption 2, Red Dead Redemption 2, Red Dead Redemption 2, Site rules; Feedback; Improve account; RSS; Your feedback and ideas; Pack 3d models Pack One night, they were able to keep their uncle's body from being destroyed by Jedi trainee Streen, who had been deceived by Kun's spirit, after Luke appeared to them in a dream. He agreed to her terms. Upon her inquiry, the Hutt revealed that he had intervened on their behalf to repay the debt incurred when Solo and Calrissian had upheld the Treaty of Vontor. I didn't want you to go away." Solo also learned that Vestara Khai had betrayed the Jedi Order by attacking Solo's parents and niece, having allied herself temporarily with Abeloth. They met with an enthusiastic Calrissian, who gladly showed them around his extensive operation on Dubrillion. Solo participated in reconnaissance runs that detected the Yuuzhan Vong approach, reporting on their fleet's movements until she was ordered back to Mon Calamari. Solo claimed her brother's body and then stole a Yuuzhan Vong assault shuttle, using it to attack a group of Yuuzhan Vong around the frigate that had brought Vergere and the Yuuzhan Vong agent Nom Anor along with the warriors that had chased them. In truth, Hethrir was part of the Empire Reborn, a movement aiming to destroy the New Republic. [88], Ben later escaped though, and brought word that Caedus was actually in the Roche system aboard Nickel One. [15] She was also known for having a considerable temper,[91] but was generally reserved about discussing her family or romantic relationships in public. A single blast hit her in the side, hampering her breathing, but she continued to fight as the Sith spilled out of the cargo chute after them until its portal was destroyed by Jysella, killing any remaining pursuers. She revealed that she had also been forced to kill her own kinDarth Caedus. After helping the students combine their powers and vanquish the ancient Sith Lord, the two children were delighted to see their uncle recover. Solo originally intended to go, but was dissuaded by Tahiri Veila, who warned her that if Jacen was alive, Solo's presence would only endanger the mission due to the Yuuzhan Vong obsession with twins. Solo questioned her twin brother's moral judgment, and felt that Jacen would hurt her deeply in the future. Add-ons included Keepers Of The Void The Crucible. They engaged Yuuzhan Vong coralskipper starfighters defending the settlements on Dubrillion, fighting from Calrissian's modified TIEs. Caedus had tortured her, but she was still defiant. That engagement was also an opportunity to demonstrate two new tactics: shield trios and shadow bombs, both of which would become standard Jedi weapons soon enough. For her part, Solo had no intentions of instigating action toward her parents, knowing that they would not attempt to harm Tenel Ka intentionally. [91] However, despite her skill as a Jedi Knight, pilot, and combatant, Solo had yet to develop the use of her womanly charms for persuasion; her mother, at age sixty, was better at such subtleties than Jaina Solo was, to the astonishment of the younger Solo. Their progress was impeded by streams of Killiks all headed the other way, while Thul's will damped down on her concentration and focus. 9 ABY (44:8 GrS),[2] Coruscant[3] She also remained pragmatic and focused in combat, telling Ben Skywalker the importance of duty even over rescuing a loved one. Afterward, she and her brother Jacen commanded Rogue Squadron during the Blockade of Corellia. She tried to get a message to her mother via Senator Viqi Shesh, but was unsuccessful, which frustrated her. With the help of the Mollom nest, she captured her assailants and interrogated them, learning that a hit on her life had been placed by the Squib Directors. Apprentices [8][97] She became enraged upon the death of her brother and the mutilation of the corpse, and also used the dark side to use her empty hand to slap aside a dagger. [15], Later, Solo was also present at another unification summit meeting held on Coruscant attended by Fel, and was also in attendance shortly thereafter when Luke Skywalker was taken into custody by Galactic Alliance Security personnel. At the Masters' meeting that Solo attended, Master Hamner insisted that the Jedi needed to wait before launching any serious effort to deal with the Sith threat, saying that more information was needed. One night, they fell asleep next to each other after participating in a communal Killik dance, though when she awoke, Solo insisted that nothing had happened between them and Zekk agreed. After destroying the coralskippers, Solo and her squadron moved in to cover the landing. [54], Solo and her Twin Suns briefly defended one of the Starlancer pipefighters, but soon abandoned the craft to rendezvous with Lusankya, which had emerged from hyperspace near the main Yuuzhan Vong worldship at Borleias. [41] By the start of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Solo was already an experienced warrior, having fought both in space[43] and on the ground. Darksiders III: The Crucible PlayStation 4 THQ Nordic Release Date: Feb 26, 2019 Also On: PC, Xbox One Summary Critic Reviews User Reviews Details & Credits Trailers & Videos Metascore First Review Second Review Third Review Fourth Review No score yet based on 1 Critic Review Awaiting 3 more reviews What's this? In response, Solo noted that if the hull was breached before they cleared Artorias's atmosphere, they were dead. [33]', Though he had no experience at flying the freighter and was flying it upside down, Jacen managed to outmaneuver the assault boat and ended up tailing it. Solo and the rest of the Rogues launched to engage their fighters and troop transports. Jaina, as a survivor of the Mission to Myrkr, later became Joined into the Killik community, and was involved in the subsequent Dark Nest Crisis and Swarm War on the side of the Killiks against the Chiss, which strained her relationship with Jagged Fel. [13], Despite their efforts, the arrival of a Jedi strike team and the elder Solos bent on eliminating the Dark Nest, which had headquartered itself inside a moon called Kr, was enough to bring both the Hapan and Chiss fleets into trading blows in a show of brinkmanship. Posing as pest exterminators, they were able to gain access to the exterior of the building and launched a direct assault, blasting their way inside with thermal detonators. As Solo advised Luke, he grew more at ease with the relationship, and even joked about the possibility of grandchildren. Tenel Ka asked her why she was associating herself with Durron after the events at Sernpidal earlier in the war, and Solo explained that she needed to learn certain skills from him. [45], The twins convinced Zekk to attend a diplomatic banquet that was going to be held in the honor of the new Karnak Alphan ambassador within the next couple of days. For the most part, Solo and the other Jedi remained docked at the Rellidir beachhead while VibroSword Squadron attempted to protect Tralus' shield generators from being destroyed. The team started their search in the city's tunnels, where they sensed several dark side presences. Under strict orders not to harm civilians, Solo and the young Horn withdrew. Disgusted with his selfishness in the midst of an invasion, Solo ignored him, only to be surprised by the re-appearance of Cundertol. [91][95][92] This became easier once Fel abdicated rule of the Empire and they were married shortly thereafter. [87], Following the battle, Solo returned to Mandalore to continue her training. Instead, she looked for Fel, to ask him about the fight that had caused her parents to leave. Solo was placed in charge of tactical planning for the mission based on her experience in Rogue Squadron, though her brother Anakin was in command. Arriving on Mandalore in an X-wing, Solo found herself confronted by a group of heavily armed Mandalorians, and she was escorted to meet Boba Fett in a humble, rustic cantina that served as the Mandalore's seat of government, all too aware of the traditional Mandalorian dislike for Jedi. [76] The war eventually strained their relationship, as Solo declined his offer to return to Csilla with him as she felt her duty came before her own personal needs. Solo accounted for at least four coralskippers in the brief engagement and they also inflicted heavy damage to a Yuuzhan Vong frigate analog. Thanks The Rar sisters were on the freighter Nebula Chaser, which Solo located just as it was boarded by a Yuuzhan Vong frigate analog. She was answered by Ta'a Chume, the former Queen Mother of Hapes, who promised them safe landing and that they would be her guests. She also learned how to shut down in the Force, so as to be undetectable, from her cousin Ben. Jaina and Jacen during the Shadow Academy Crisis. Hidden within it was a supply of diseases created by General Evir Derricote almost two decades ago. After conducting more research, Wan believed that Ship was on the planet Upekzar. The kidnapping, however, caused Solo's parents to become much more protective of their children, with Han refusing to let his children out of his sight. The Yuuzhan Vong and their Peace Brigade allies took heavy casualties as Solo and her squadron destroyed numerous coralskippers. Gev charged Veila and engaged her in melee combat, using a vibroblade to slice Veila's femoral artery while Solo held off other Imperials. [32], Marcha brought the children, Chewbacca, Ebrihim, and Q9-X2 to Drall's planetary repulsor. Site rules; Feedback; Improve account; RSS; Your feedback and ideas Back on Coruscant, Solo and the remaining Jedi prepared for a confrontation with Daala. The three Solo children met with Durron later, who congratulated Solo on her victory and then departed with his squadron to battle smugglers and pirates in the Outer Rim. It was soon revealed that Onimi was the true ruler of the Yuuzhan Vong and had been manipulating Shimrra the entire time. However, Fel and Chiss continued to protect the defoliators. During the war, Jaina also became romantically involved with fellow pilot Jagged Fel. His resulting embarrassment later caused him to flee. Both went to great lengths to explain to family and friends that they were just friends and partners, but Solo's family saw something more than a simple friendship. Rescued by the Millennium Falcon, Solo and the others boarded the ship under heavy fire from Jacen's flagship, Anakin Solo, by order of Jacen. While watching the decontamination procedures, she was joined by Fel, who commented that they should just take the risk and open the shuttle. As long as you have defeated either Sloth, Avarice or Lust, you'll be able to start accessing the Crucible (first 25 waves). Finally, at the age of nine, Han felt that Solo was responsible enough to help him with simple repairs and also allowed her to fly the Millennium Falcon. Eventually, to keep an eye on the traumatized young Jedi, Veila was asked by Leia Solo to accompany them on their diplomatic mission. 3D . After the council was adjourned, Leia Organa Solo called for Nanna, their droid babysitter who they had previously eluded, to take charge of them. Meeting Skywalker after he recuperated from numerous injuries, she informed him that both the Sith task force and Abeloth had escaped, after sustaining varying amounts of damage. Join Us. [64], When a shuttle arrived from the Yuuzhan Vong bearing the remains of the Caamasi Senator Elegos A'Kla, Solo and Capstan were sent out to retrieve it. [91][89] As Solo deeply cared about both her friends and family and her commitment to the Jedi Order, her most severe internal conflicts were when she was forced to choose between the two. The Chiss pilots were led by Jagged Fel, son of famed Imperial ace Baron Soontir Fel and nephew of New Republic ace Wedge Antilles. [27], Unlike their younger brother, the twins often devised new and sophisticated ways to test their father's patience. After a tense reunion, Solo was teamed with Fel and Zekk by Luke Skywalker to track down the deranged Dark Jedi Alema Rar, who had also survived the Swarm War. Backyard Wrestling: Don't Try This At Home, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered, Generals 2: Revolution Project (C&C: Generals Zero Hour mod), Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Definitive Edition, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Records. [22], Because her husband was gone at the time that the twins returned, Leia Solo found herself struggling to balance her motherly duties with her responsibilities as Minister of State of the New Republic. Because combat with the Dark Jedi was imminent, Luke Skywalker decided that it was time for the Solo twins, Lowbacca, and Tenel Ka to build and train with their own lightsabers. Backyard Wrestling: Don't Try This At Home, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered, Generals 2: Revolution Project (C&C: Generals Zero Hour mod), Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Definitive Edition, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Records. Her parents were immediately disgusted and infuriated that she had chosen not to reveal that to the rest of the Jedi and left just as Fel arrived. She knew that the only way she could defeat Caedus properly was for her mission to be a sanctioned one against a threat to the galaxy, not out of personal vengeance. The battle went poorly for the New Republic because the extragalactic aliens had employed their Yo'gand's Core tactic; this involved using a dovin basal to cause Kalarba and its moon Hosk Station to collide. With the freighter's hyperdrive damaged by a pocket patrol boat's fire, they journeyed to the home of Ebrihim's Aunt Marcha on Drall. [19], Solo then returned as ordered along with Farlander to Kashyyyk where she and Farlander met with his superior, Admiral Traest Kre'fey. The Killik ambush had been ruined by Solo's warning of Fel, and yet Thul drove the swarm of Killik dartships to attack, in order to rescue Lowbacca. On the first evening of the negotiations, the station came under attack by a group of drugged Corellian commandos hired by Solo's cousin Thrackan Sal-Solo and the Dark Lady of the Sith Lumiya to eliminate Aidel Saxan and Gilad Pellaeon. Zillen Member Joined Dec 29, 2016 Messages 16 Reaction score 10 Mar 2, 2019 #2 Please add infinite tokens for Crucible.. [53], Meanwhile, on Kessel, Calrissian's longtime Sullustan mate Nien Nunb was nearly killed during a suspicious accident in the carbon-freezing sections of a processing facility. At that point, Solo decided that their conflicting duties meant that their relationship would be too hard to continue and returned the engagement ring to him. [46], In response, the four Jedi raced back to the Jedi Praxeum to alert the Jedi there. However, before falling to their lightsabers, Dulac used an ocular implant to spit poison at the Artorian king. She was given special privileges and even a porter in the form of Durron to enhance the illusion that Solo indeed held deified status among both the New Republic and the Yuuzhan Vong. Solo rejoined Khai and the Skywalkers aboard the Jade Shadow and they traveled first to Korriban, the original homeworld of the Sith. The Shadow Academy and a fleet of reclaimed Imperial warships appeared in orbit shortly afterward. At a celebration afterward, though, a Duros pilot named Lensi serving in Rogue Squadron attempted to resign, saying that his people had been used and deceived into thinking they were liberating Duro. Backyard Wrestling: Don't Try This At Home, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered, Generals 2: Revolution Project (C&C: Generals Zero Hour mod), Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Definitive Edition, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Records. Horrified, she returned to Kashyyyk with the knowledge that she had killed her uncle. Skywalker was released after an arraignment on his own recognizance, but all the Jedi were aware that public opinion was being swiftly shifted against them. As such, the strike team hoped to neutralize Shimrra and rein in the dhuryam after the penetrated the Well of the World Brain.[78]. There are the versions of enemies that are all black and have red glowing eyes. The Jedi Grand Master directed her and the pursuing Sith into an ambush of his own. Solo had realized that the dovin basal had some markings on it that symbolized the Trickster. Complicating matters further, the Jedi discovered Czethros's true intentions and his plot for galactic domination. Yuuzhan Vong forces attempted to capture Solo, but she used gravitic alterations to her craft to change her identity while Beelyath fired a missile that emulated her signature. Upon their arrival, Solo and Zekk intercepted a trio of tappers using siphoning balloons to siphon Tibanna gas at a refinery and engaged them in a dogfight above BesGas Three, trying to use their ion beams to shut down the craft. Upon arriving near Hapes with valuable intelligence, Solo, Zekk, Ben and another crewman fled in the escape pods as the skiff came under attack by insurrection forces. Not knowing anything about the formal dinner, he inadvertently ate the decoration in front of him. Solo was assigned to a rearguard action as they plunged through the cargo chute, fending off numerous Sith en route and once she arrived in the repair bay where the chute ended. Fel also echoed Tenel Ka's warning against Ta'a Chume.[17]. Solo fought well, but her ship was outgunned. Her particular talents were more in the way of starfighter combat, though she also participated in ground battles. Solo chastised Ben for his inattentiveness and treated the wound. Darksiders III may be a sequel, but it once again presents players with a new protagonist and another variation on the hack-and-slash gameplay of old. [9][14][86][87][88] When discussing how the series would end, the Legacy of the Force planning team considered redeeming Jacen's character, but, influenced by the desire to see Solo fulfill the prophecy which named her the Sword of the Jedi, ultimately decided that she would kill him. [108] [29] Later, the Solo children would be able to speak to their father, who was away at war, via holocomm, reassuring him that they were unharmed by the kidnapping attempt. [3], After a visit to the blighted world of Honoghr and securing the allegiance of the Noghri, Leia ensured that Solo and her twin brother were born on Coruscant during the final days of the Thrawn campaign without the threat of any more kidnapping attempts by Noghri Death Commandos hanging over their heads. Facebook; Twitter; Pinteres; Google; Other. When a group of Sith battle hydras were sent by Kun to attack Luke's body, the Jedi's spirit warned the twins again. That was his last act, as the massive amount of Force energy he used to sustain himself finally burned out and he died. Leia replied that she hadn't even known about Solo's injuries and further stated that she would undergo the same decontamination procedures as Solo and the rest of the refugeeswhich included having her head shaved. Seeing Ben's actions, Zekk tackled him from behind and managed to grab a hold of him. Fel broke from cover and subdued Pharika, but the ship disintegrated her rather than risk her revealing information to them. By closely examining Trickster, Solo, along with Lowbacca, realized a fundamental underpinning of Yuuzhan Vong spacefaring technologybodies in space were recognized by their unique gravitic signature. [64] However, losing friends and family during the war hardened her, and in her grief and anger following the loss of her brother, she was nearly consumed by her emotions as she sought revenge on the Yuuzhan Vong by any means. After discussing her role on Borleias with her uncle, Antilles, and her parents, she was given command of an elite fighter unit known as Twin Suns Squadron, originally founded by Luke Skywalker. Jaina Solo was skilled at both piloting and the Force. Backyard Wrestling: Don't Try This At Home, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered, Generals 2: Revolution Project (C&C: Generals Zero Hour mod), Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Definitive Edition, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Records. Darksiders III - Deluxe Edition $49.99. [10], As an adult, Jaina Solo was known for her steadfast loyalty to the Jedi Order, as well as a pragmatic and straightforward approach to problems. It is the boss fought in the third part of the Crucible at wave 75. At that point, Luke Skywalker had the Jedi Order launch an assault on the system with their StealthXs and new Skipray 24r Blastboats. She expected a stern debriefing from the officer, but before she met with Antilles, she was confronted by Fel. Solo replied that she was keeping herself and the emotional burden she carried closed off, rejecting any offer of support that Leia offered. Luke charged Wan, Ben, and Khai with the task of exploring a group of caves while he and his teamconsisting of more than one hundred Jedi, including Solohunted down Ship. [17], The next day found her and Lowbacca working to restore Trickster to health. Since she was a Twi'lek, Tarkona's organization was based on the species' homeworld of Ryloth. He then asked her to be his apprentice, which she said pessimistically that she would consider, though she was having difficulty in sorting out Durron's true motives and emotions towards her. Even though he could have ended the duel with a draw, he would have died anyway, so Caedus stopped fighting, disengaging his lightsaber and reached out in the Force, giving his life to warn Tenel Ka. Masters His instrument of torture destroyed, Yaght ceased his predations temporarily. [11], The three women then returned to Dubrillion to evacuate much of the populace, accompanied by Admiral Traest Kre'fey and a small New Republic flotilla. He battled through the warriors even as Solo and the other Jedi attempted to cover his wild charge. She found Caedus in the bio-disposal chamber of the Anakin Solo, attempting to dispose of Isolder's body after having murdered him. As the defense for Ithor was planned, Solo was invited to attend a formal ceremony on Ithor attended by Imperial, Chiss, and New Republic military representatives, as well as few New Republic and Imperial politicians also. Kyp Durron tried to put together a rescue team that included Solo and Zekk. The quarters in which the Solo family lived were destroyed, but Thrawn's agents once again were foiled and the twins were unharmed. Before she left, she was present with Leia when her cousin Ben Skywalker confessed to investigating Caedus's role in Mara Jade Skywalker's death. [27] At seven, Solo had one that worked on metal. Fel quickly got her up to speed, telling her that they were in a standoff with the Yuuzhan Vong fleet, while the Millennium Falcon had gone to ground, seeking the mobile relay base on the surface of Esfandia. Solo took offense at his remarks, but at the same time felt something stir within her for the stolid pilot. The document's discovery nearly sparked a civil war in the New Republic due to internecine tensions. After their initial encounter, Solo felt something stir in her, as she felt Fel was in every way her equal. However the Solo twins, Galfridian and Lowbacca got into trouble shortly afterward when they encountered a tuk'ata, which wanted to attack them. Solo then asked Harris if there was an alternate escape route, but his only response was to bargain for power. [14] Still, Solo saw herself as the Sword of the Jedi, a lone warrior and the avatar of the Jedi Order, which caused her to maintain an intense workload and keep herself from too many close relationships. Solo and her brothers then tried to determine where the Yuuzhan Vong and their Peace Brigade allies would strike next and concluded that the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4 was a likely target. The Killiks counterattacked by digging tunnels underneath the Chiss drop ships and ambushing the ships when the tunnels collapsed. Solo realized that they had been tricked into destroying a worldship for Yuuzhan Vong civilians, not a weapon. She was pleased at hethe aring of Jacen's survival, ut also wondered how she would explain her dark-side-laced actions during his absence to him. Meanwhile, while waiting for the mission to depart, she sparred with Fel, enjoying spending time with him even as she worked through her frustration at not being on combat duty. Half of the enemy fleet departed and while the remaining ships pressed forward for some time, they eventually withdrew, heading Coreward. She promised that the Horn children would be attended to properly and the Jedi departed. She rebuffed him once more, telling him that serving as the Sword of the Jedi was her responsibility. He insisted that she stop, which caused her to pull her lightsaber on him. [53] Despite their close bond with one another, Zekk couldn't stop her from her dark side leanings after the Mission to Myrkr, where Solo lost both her brothers. Although the medical team had been unsuccessful in reviving the Jedi Master, Solo believed that she could somehow awaken him from his deep sleep by kissing him, but was similarly unsuccessful. Find the AdBlock Plus icon in the browser's address bar and open the menu. However, this did cause the Jedi Temple to be surrounded by military units, preventing any covert StealthX launch. Fel devised a novel tactic wherein he would fly back through the Yuuzhan Vong ships while Solo and Durron kept two Jedi shadow bombs behind him until the last minut, when they would hurtle them into the interdictors pinning the squadron in place. She made copies of it and put them on ships piloted by Hapan pilots, giving them the gravitic signature of the Trickster. Organa Solo's chief of security Mirith Sinn, along with Organa Solo and her Noghri bodyguards, slew the assassins, but the attack greatly worried Organa Solo. [17], Ta'a Chume seemed triumphant as she announced that a new queen would soon be chosen, but Tenel Ka agreed to take her mother's place as Queen Mother of Hapes and Solo backed her. They dropped out of hyperspace further from Coruscant than planned, intent on heading for Gallinore. She met with Erli Prann, the commander of the station and found out that it had escaped Yuuzhan Vong notice because it had been equipped with a cloaking shield. While touring the tunnels of the excavation, Solo noticed that Anakin had stopped following the rest of the tour, and had become fascinated with a section of the tunnel's floor. Solo and her brothers then returned to Coruscant along with Kre'fey. Solo and Zekk continued the pursuit, bypassing the dangerous storms in the Change Zone, and finally caught up with the thieves at an ancient refinery in the Dead Eye. This campaign culminated in the Battle of Ebaq. They barred Fel from the Jedi Temple and strongly suggested she reconsider where her priorities were. With her companions and her feet pinned by blorash jelly, Solo fought Tsavong Lah in a one-on-one duel and slew him by stabbing her purple lightsaber blade through his throat. [27] At some point she could break the grip of a Force choke. Solo flew Rude Awakening into the Maw Cluster, where she engaged Ship in a narrow corridor of space bounded by black holes. [78], She was present when the Yuuzhan Vong attacked in force and subsequently participated in the defense of Mon Calamari. House of Solo[3]Skywalker family[3]New Jedi Order[6]Twin Suns Squadron[7]Myrkr strike team[8]Hardpoint Squadron[9]Jedi High Council[10]New Republic[5]Rogue Squadron[11]Galactic Federation of Free Alliances[12]The Colony[13]Jedi Coalition[14]Darkmeld[15]Fel dynasty[10] The Chiss countered by sending in a demolition team in a dropship to destroy the weapon before the Killiks could dismantle it. The group then escaped the Academy in the stolen ship Shadow Chaser. During her time at the academy, the Solo twins, Tenel Ka, Lowbacca[41] and Zekk[43] would go on numerous adventures while learning lessons that would prepare them for the responsibilities of the Jedi. Solo decided to fix the ship and install a hyperdrive which had been given to her as a gift by her father. [80], During the argument, Jacen arrived and, convinced by a Force vision he had experienced earlier that showed the Chiss and Killiks leading the galaxy back into war, convinced Solo and four other members of the Myrkr mission survivors into taking StealthXs and heading out to prevent the war. Solo realized that Chume was leading up to ask her to serve as an intermediary to help arrange a marriage between her mother and Djo's husband, Prince Isolder. Later, the Galactic Alliance signed a peace treaty with the Yuuzhan Vong. He asked her to fly with his squadron in pending attack on Sernpidal, which she refused in favor of staying with Rogue Squadron. [18], During the Dark Nest Crisis and the Swarm War, Solo and Zekk became Joiners, allowing them to share in the Killik hive mind. They made their way inside the repulsor and watched as Anakin experimented and, in one instance, activated the repulsor, nearly killing everyone there. Veila's reaction to it was startling and elicited a wild defense with a lightsaber by Veila against anyone who approached her before fainting to the ground. As the ship died from exposure to Onimi's array of toxins, Solo's parents, guided by the turncoat Nom Anor, reached the ship and rescued them. Red Dead Redemption 2, Red Dead Redemption 2, Spider-Man: Homecoming - Virtual Reality Experience, Star Wars: The Clone Wars Republic Heroes, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows, The Dark Pictures Anthology House of Ashes, The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes, The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II, The chronicles of Narnia: the lion, the witch and the wardrobe, Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction, Find the AdBlock icon next to the address bar and call up the menu. THIS EDITION. Though she still was not pleased, Solo did see his reasoning. [13], Less than a year later, Solo and Zekk returned to active duty as Jedi Knights and were assigned to investigate reports of stolen Tibanna gas on Bespin. He sent Solo and Calrissian back to Coruscant with their report in Rockhound, which worried Solo, as three Sith warriors remained with the two Skywalkers. Find the AdBlock Plus icon in the browser's address bar and open the menu. Fel, Zekk, and Solo landed their craft on the asteroid and began their hunting, fighting through phantom mynocks that sometimes resembled the intruders. Meanwhile, Skywalker took note of the Sith team's small numbers and deduced that the Sith had caught on to the Jedi plan and had sent the team to ambush them near the temple while leaving their main fleet elsewhere. Solo was undeterred and began jumping down the steep slopes that led up to the Sky Temple, then stopping to levitate Fel down from boulder to boulder. Solo discussed her feelings with Quee, who told her that it was normal to pursue her own identity, but also advised her to not reject the admirable qualities that Solo's mother possessed. Leia admitted Solo inherited her own work ethic. Solo then began to realize that Tahiri was still having issues with her having been shaped by the Yuuzhan Vong. [62], The Solo twins attended the funeral for the elder Galfridian, where Finn Galfridian vowed that the Artorian refugees would one day return and reclaim the planet from the Yuuzhan Vong. Chume spoke to her of the current Queen Mother, Teneniel Djo, and her ailing health. However, the criminal was retrieved and placed in New Republic custody. Jaina around the time of the Caamas Document Crisis in 19 ABY. This meant that aces such as Kyp Durron and Jagged Fel were rotated out of Twin Suns, though as a consolation, Solo received a promotion to brevet Major. [57], Later, Solo traveled with her mother, her brothers, Lowbacca, and Galfridian to Nar Shaddaa aboard the Millennium Falcon, which Han Solo had allowed his wife and family to use. Daala's increasing extremism prompted the New Jedi Order to lead a coup to remove Daala from power. She was also advised that Dorvald and a simulated attack on the Senate Building were being employed as diversions for Daala. When the Jedi learned that Daala was planning on a punitive strike on Klatooine using Mandalorians, they decided to depose Daala before the bloodthirsty order could be carried out. Darksiders 3 trophies - introduction. However, Lowbacca soon learned what had befallen his Human companions. Instead, Gallandro relied on doses of spice to enhance her senses and allow her to wield a lightsaber safely. The GAG attempted to coma gas Solo before they killed her, but she awoke, cleared the gas from her body, and warned the others. 3D "Metal Gear Solid V". After her mother returned, Solo was asked to accompany her to a Senate meeting charging Senator Viqi Shesh with corruption. [69] She was especially close to her twin brother Jacen, as they shared a bond in the Force similar to the one between her uncle and mother. [89] Solo soon learned of a message from her uncle and cousin from Master Cilghal. [13], Operating on a moon of the planet Qoribu, Solo and six other survivors from the Myrkr strike team aided the Taat nest against Chiss incursions. For his part, Luke Skywalker explained that he could not hunt down Caedus himself, though he wanted to, as he would all-too-easily be carried away by his personal desire for vengeance for the death of his wife. During her time there as a youth, she had many adventures, including helping to thwart the Second Imperium, where she helped Zekk abandon the dark side of the Force and join the ranks of the Jedi. [44], In one training exercise, Brakiss pitted an unknowing Solo against her brother Jacen by concealing each of them with hologram devices that made them think that the other was Darth Vader. However, the Jedi Council, when informed about her prior knowledge of the Mandalorian arrangement, was less than pleased. The event humbled her, as Solo realized she didn't have any right to special information regarding the mission and it reminded her that she was accorded any undue privileges due to her heritage. The alternate destination of Gallinore, in the Hapes Cluster, was suggested and Solo agreed that it was a better choice. 007 Legends; 007: From Russia with Love Solo and Luke ended their discussion shortly after, and Solo told him about Wan's new lead on Ship. Her parents found on the ground, in pain from the blow. They resolved to look into the matter further, as well as investigate who had actually kidnapped Cundertol. However, Caedus also entered the fray in a StealthX, attempting to thwart his uncle while maneuvering such that any of Solo's shots that missed Caedus would impact on Skywalker's vehicle. At their hangar bay, the group was ambushed by several Chameleon creatures. In one diversion, she added a new humor routine to her R9, Rowdy, though she later decided that it left much to be desired, considering it reminiscent of Jacen's "lame" childhood jokes. They quickly tired of the dullness of the museum and decided that a game of hide-and-seek with their escorts would be much more fun. [14], Along with Zekk, her parents, and Fel, Solo returned to the hunt for the rogue Jedi Alema Rar. More often than not, though, the twins preferred their father's telling of The Little Lost Bantha Cub more than the droid's renditions. The four Jedi trainees were able to defeat most of the Imperium soldiers. She also met with Fel after hearing about a kidnapping attempt that he had single-handedly defeated. The majority of the prisoner ships were seized by the Alliance, preventing the Yuuzhan Vong from taking them to Coruscant and sacrificing them. [35], When she was thirteen years old,[39] in 22 ABY,[40] Jaina and her brother Jacen attended her uncle Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4. [95], The Jedi fleet descended upon Upekzar's surface, landing near the main city. [75], Solo followed Thanas through the city of Salis D'aar by night as Thanas led her back to the headquarters of her movement, Freedom. The Darkmeld team was then able to elude pursuit and returned to the Temple discreetly, bringing a sedated Hellin with them. [91] Their relationship did come with the added stress of dividing her loyalties. Fel and his group of fighters had forced the Ssi-ruuk to surrender and the P'w'eck rebellion had dealt with the reptilian invaders on the surface, ending the battle. [16], Jaina, Anakin, and Jacen using a Force meld in the asteroid belt known as "Lando's Folly", When Solo was sixteen, she, her mother, and her mentor Mara Jade Skywalker took Jade Skywalker's shuttle Jade Sabre to Rhommamool for a diplomatic conference with a Rhommamoolian partisan named Nom Anor, despite a serious illness that Jade Skywalker had contracted. Luckily for Solo, she was rescued by Jacen, who had used a Corusca gem from the GemDiver Station to get out of his cell. Shortly afterward, Solo realized that the Academy was in orbit over Coruscant, and the Second Imperium was forced to flee once again. 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