In India, the Fast Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR) reached criticality in October 1985. [47], The main change, and the most radical among the CANDU generations, is the use of pressurized light water as the coolant. 1-3, pp. 2, pp. 5966, 2004. 17, no. A., Khmelenina, V. N., Beschastny, A. P. (1995) The Ribulose Monophosphate (Quayle) Cycle: News and Views. 933937, 1996. 331, no. 151162, 2003. [45], Recent experimental evidence indicates that systemic administration of deuterium oxide (30% drinking water supplementation) suppresses tumor growth in a standard mouse model of human melanoma, an effect attributed to selective induction of cellular stress signaling and gene expression in tumor cells.[49]. 399403, 2005. The detailed review has demonstrated the antibacterial efficiency of TiO2 nanoparticles, but the actual underlying mechanisms are not well defined especially under visible light. S. J. Rosenthal, Bar-coding biomolecules with fluorescent nanocrystals, Nature Biotechnology, vol. 10421047, 1999. 2326. [36] During the nuclear renaissance, the upscaling seen in the earlier years re-expressed itself, and the ACR-700 was developed into the 1200MWe ACR-1000. 399415, 2002. Any water lost in the process can be made up by desalinated sea water added to the steam generator feed water. [17][18] Specific to marine oil spills, nitrogen and phosphorus have been key nutrients in biodegradation. 45, no. Bioremediation broadly refers to any process wherein a biological system (typically bacteria, microalgae, fungi, and plants), living or dead, is employed for removing environmental pollutants from air, water, soil, flue gasses, industrial effluents etc., in natural or artificial settings. [1] The natural ability of organisms to adsorb, accumulate, and degrade common and emerging pollutants has attracted the use of biological resources in treatment of contaminated environment. 4-5, pp. S. R. Kanel, B. Manning, L. Charlet, and H. Choi, Removal of arsenic(III) from groundwater by nanoscale zero-valent iron, Environmental Science and Technology, vol. Heat generated by fission products would initially be at about 7% of full reactor power, which requires significant cooling. Production of pure heavy water by distillation or electrolysis requires a large cascade of stills or electrolysis chambers and consumes large amounts of power, so the chemical methods are generally preferred. Uniquely among CANDU stations, Douglas Point had an oil-filled window with a view of the east reactor face, even when the reactor was operating. The use of liquid metal instead of water as coolant allows the system to work at atmospheric pressure, reducing the risk of leakage. If the temperature of the fuel bundles increases to the point where they are mechanically unstable, their horizontal layout means that they will bend under gravity, shifting the layout of the bundles and reducing the efficiency of the reactions. 7, pp. [10] A special international agreement, the Brussels Convention on the Liability of Operators of Nuclear Ships, developed in 1962, would have made signatory national governments liable for accidents caused by nuclear vessels under their flag[11] but was never ratified owing to disagreement on the inclusion of warships under the convention. This plot allows samples of precipitation-originated water to be identified along with general information about the climate in which it originated. The 1998 Operation Shakti test series in India included one bomb of about 45 kilotons of TNT (190TJ) yield that India has publicly claimed was a hydrogen bomb. 41, no. J. Frias, F. Ribas, and F. Lucena, Effects of different nutrients on bacterial growth in a pilot distribution system, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology, vol. The immobilized nanoparticles of metallo-porphyrinogens have also been successfully used for the reductive dehalogenation of chlorinated organic compounds (TCE and carbon tetrachloride) [411]. 5251, pp. 24, no. SCWRs are basically light water reactors (LWR) operating at higher H.-L. Lien and W.-X. 175179, 2004. 49034908, 1999. J.-H. Li, Y.-Y. Jack Gibbons, "Darlington Re-Build Consumer Protection Plan", Ontario Clear Air Alliance, 23 September 2010, p. 3. Magnetic nanosorbents also have proved effective in organic contaminants removal [381]. 42, no. 5, pp. 41, no. Tritiated water contains tritium (3H) in place of protium (1H) or deuterium (2H), and, as tritium itself is radioactive, tritiated water is also radioactive. 3, pp. S. V. Mattigod, X. Feng, G. E. Fryxell, J. Liu, and M. Gong, Separation of complexed mercury from aqueous wastes using self-assembled mercaptan on mesoporous silica, Separation Science and Technology, vol. 39, no. 11, pp. D. M. Johnson, D. R. Hokanson, Q. Zhang, K. D. Czupinski, and J. Tang, Feasibility of water purification technology in rural areas of developing countries, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. Lead has much higher viscosity, much higher density, lower heat capacity, and more radioactive neutron activation products than sodium. K. Hashimoto, H. Irie, and A. Fujishima, TiO2 photocatalysis: a historical overview and future prospects, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and Short Notes and Review Papers, vol. J. S. Taurozzi, H. Arul, V. Z. Bosak et al., Effect of filler incorporation route on the properties of polysulfone-silver nanocomposite membranes of different porosities, Journal of Membrane Science, vol. Crespi, H., Conrad, S., Uphaus, R., Katz, J. These corrections are slightly different from the differences in p[D+] and p[OD-] of 0.44 from the corresponding ones in heavy water. A small number of experimental civil nuclear ships have been built. Some tritium is created in heavy water moderated reactors when deuterium captures a neutron. The fuel used in marine reactors is a metal-zirconium alloy rather than the ceramic UO2 (uranium dioxide) often used in land-based reactors. Commercial nuclear fusion is not yet an accomplished technology. M. Skmen, F. Candan, and Z. Smer, Disinfection of E. coli by the Ag-TiO2/UV system: lipidperoxidation, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, vol. J. 9, pp. 36, no. 8, pp. Nuclear ships are currently the responsibility of their own countries, but none are involved in international trade. H. C. J. Godfray, J. R. Beddington, I. R. Crute et al., Food security: the challenge of feeding 9 billion people, Science, vol. [13] Recirculation systems typically consist of a combination of injection wells or galleries and one or more recovery wells where the extracted groundwater is treated, oxygenated, amended with nutrients and re-injected. The discharge of these compounds into the aquatic environment has affected all living organisms. 254, no. The CANDU reactor, which was designed to be fueled with natural uranium, is capable of using spent fuel from Light Water Reactors as fuel, since it contains more fissile material than natural uranium. 107-108, pp. Nanoporous activated carbon fibers, prepared by electrospinning of CNTs, showed much higher organic sorption equilibrium constants for benzene, toluene, xylene, and ethylbenzene than granular activated carbon [349]. The power plant heats water to produce steam for a turbine used to turn the ship's propeller through a gearbox or through an electric generator and motor. An effort to rationalize the larger units in a fashion similar to CANDU 6 led to the CANDU 9. [82] This includes periods of several years while the units were shut down for the retubing and refurbishing. X. Zhang, F. Zhang, and K.-Y. TiO2 nanoparticles are among the emerging and most promising photocatalysts for water purification [154, 155]. This is a major advantage of the heavy-water design; it not only requires less fuel, but as the fuel does not have to be enriched, it is much less expensive as well. 3, no. This is because hydrogen atoms (hydrogen-1 and deuterium) are rapidly exchanged between water molecules. X.-Q. K. Noworyta and J. Augustynski, Spectral photoresponses of carbon-doped TiO2 film electrodes, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, vol. 1, pp. Although a calandria-based core is cheaper to build, its size increases the cost for standard features like the containment building. [citation needed], Some nuclear submarines have a single reactor, but Russian submarines have two, and so had USSTriton. A composite of nanosized /TiO2 was used for the degradation of 4-nitrophenol in one study [374]. The SRS reactors were heavy water reactors so that they could produce both plutonium and tritium for the US nuclear weapons program. 4653, 2005. 36993704, 2004. V. S. Kumar, B. M. Nagaraja, V. Shashikala et al., Highly efficient Ag/C catalyst prepared by electro-chemical deposition method in controlling microorganisms in water, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, vol. [8][9] These publications review past and recent work in the area of marine nuclear propulsion and describe a preliminary concept design study for a 155,000DWT Suezmax tanker that is based on a conventional hull form with alternative arrangements for accommodating a 70 MWt nuclear propulsion plant delivering up to 23.5 MW shaft power at maximum continuous rating (average: 9.75 MW). 32, pp. I. M. Verstraeten, T. Heberer, J. R. Vogel, T. Speth, S. Zuehlke, and U. Duennbier, Occurrence of endocrine-disrupting and other wastewater compunds during water treatment with case studies from Lincoln, Nebraska and Berlin, Germany, Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, vol. Finally, recommendations are made based on the current practices of nanotechnology applications in water industry for a stand-alone water purification unit for removing all types of contaminants from wastewater. [24][41] Another example is bioventing, which is inexpensive to bioremediate contaminated sites, however, this process is extensive and can take a few years to decontaminate a site. P. Leonard, S. Hearty, J. Brennan et al., Advances in biosensors for detection of pathogens in food and water, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, vol. L. Espinal, S. L. Suib, and J. F. Rusling, Electrochemical catalysis of styrene epoxidation with films of MnO2 nanoparticles and H2O2, Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. AECL has heavily marketed CANDU within Canada, but has found a limited reception. Many reactor types were considered initially; the list was then refined to focus on the most promising technologies. 6164, 2009. The LWR comprises two types of reactor: the PWR and the boiling water reactor (BWR). Different types of nanomaterial like nanosorbents such as CNTs, polymeric materials (e.g., dendrimers), and zeolites have exceptional adsorption properties and are applied for removal of organics from water/wastewater [63]. S. Livraghi, A. Votta, M. C. Paganini, and E. Giamello, The nature of paramagnetic species in nitrogen doped TiO2 active in visible light photocatalysis, Chemical Communications, no. Economy, S. Maloney, P. Kemme, and D. Cropek, Adsorption of organic contaminants from water using tailored ACFs, Chemistry of Materials, vol. 25, no. 35, 2004. 489494, 2004. Nuclear propulsion is used primarily within naval warships such as nuclear submarines and supercarriers. 13, pp. 3, pp. Spanish-language radio stations are set to be controlled by a far-left group linked to billionaire George Soros after the Federal Communications Commission cleared a takeover. The first nuclear submarine, USSNautilus(SSN-571), put to sea in 1955 (SS was a traditional designation for U.S. submarines, while SSN denoted the first "nuclear" submarine). 279283, 1997. 8, no. 24, pp. Chlorinated organic compounds and PCBs have been transformed successfully using nZVI [385387] as well as inorganic ions such as nitrate and perchlorate [388, 389]. 13, pp. It is most often sold in various grades of purity, from 98% enrichment to 99.7599.98% deuterium enrichment (nuclear reactor grade) and occasionally even higher isotopic purity. A neutron moderator is used to slow the neutrons emitted by fission to make them more likely to be captured by the fuel. Silver is the most widely used material due to its low toxicity and microbial inactivation in water [113116] with well-reported antibacterial mechanism [117, 118]. These overruns were repeated at Bruce, with Units 3 and 4 running 90% over budget. [41][42][43] In some cases, microbes do not fully mineralize the pollutant, potentially producing a more toxic compound. 47254732, 2009. 12, pp. 140146, 2002. 28692877, 2011. 2, pp. The Generation IV International Forum (GIF) was initiated in January 2000 by the Office of Nuclear Energy of the U.S. Department of Energys (DOE)[6] "as a co-operative international endeavour seeking to develop the research necessary to test the feasibility and performance of fourth generation nuclear systems, and to make them available for industrial deployment by 2030." G. C. C. Yang and C.-J. The CANDU (Canada Deuterium Uranium) is a Canadian pressurized heavy-water reactor design used to generate electric power. N. Maximous, G. Nakhla, K. Wong, and W. Wan, Optimization of Al2O3/PES membranes for wastewater filtration, Separation and Purification Technology, vol. Hwang, and J. Khim, Kinetics of reductive denitrification by nanoscale zero-valent iron, Chemosphere, vol. 144, no. With the Soviet Union having no uranium mines at the time, young Academy workers were sent to Leningrad photographic shops to buy uranium nitrate, but the entire heavy water project was halted in 1941 when German forces invaded during Operation Barbarossa. 41, no. M. S. Mauter and M. Elimelech, Environmental applications of carbon-based nanomaterials, Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 95749575, 2007. The Gen IV SFR[20] is a project that builds on the oxide fueled fast breeder reactor and the metal fueled integral fast reactor. ZEEP was joined by several other experimental machines, including the NRX in 1947 and NRU in 1957. 9, pp. 1-2, pp. [66] Further loans were arranged for completion of the second reactor, which went online in November 2007. In the context of treatment and remediation, nanotechnology has the potential to provide both water quality and quantity in the long run through the use of, for example, membranes enabling water reuse, desalination. This is the right time to address water problems since aquifers around the world are depleting due to multiple factors such as saltwater intrusion and contamination from surface waters. Polyvinylidene fluoride film containing Pd and Pd/Fe was used effectively for dechlorination of PCBs in one study [431] leading to the development of a membrane reactor for dechlorination of a wider range of compounds [391, 432]. J. Bai, X. Zhong, S. Jiang, Y. Huang, and X. Duan, Graphene nanomesh, Nature Nanotechnology, vol. 40, no. PickeringA was quickly followed by such an upscaling effort for the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station, constructed in stages between 1970 and 1987. Deuterated solvents (including heavy water, but also compounds like deuterated chloroform, CDCl3) are therefore routinely used in NMR spectroscopy, in order to allow only the light-hydrogen spectra of the compound of interest to be measured, without solvent-signal interference. Rose, A. R. Barron, and M. R. Wiesner, Characteristics of ultrafiltration ceramic membranes derived from alumoxane nanoparticles, Journal of Membrane Science, vol. 113, no. [25], Biopiles, similar to bioventing, are used to reduce petroleum pollutants by introducing aerobic hydrocarbons to contaminated soils. P. K. Stoimenov, R. L. Klinger, G. L. Marchin, and K. J. Klabunde, Metal oxide nanoparticles as bactericidal agents, Langmuir, vol. 39, no. The proposed symbol for antideuterium is D, that is, D with an overbar. By 1943, Soviet scientists had discovered that all scientific literature relating to heavy water had disappeared from the West, which Flyorov in a letter warned Soviet leader Joseph Stalin about,[62] and at which time there was only 23kg of heavy water in the entire country. Should We Trust It? [17], A 1935 experiment reported not the "slightest difference" in taste between ordinary and heavy water. A loss of blood pressure may partially explain the reported incidence of dizziness upon ingestion of heavy water. In 1999, Ontario Hydro was broken up and its generation facilities re-formed into Ontario Power Generation (OPG). K. Page, R. G. Palgrave, I. P. Parkin, M. Wilson, S. L. P. Savin, and A. V. Chadwick, Titania and silver-titania composite films on glasspotent antimicrobial coatings, Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. In November 2010 British Maritime Technology and Lloyd's Register embarked upon a two-year study with U.S.-based Hyperion Power Generation (now Gen4 Energy), and the Greek ship operator Enterprises Shipping and Trading SA to investigate the practical maritime applications for small modular reactors. 2, pp. The limitation or remediation of pesticides is the low bioavailability. Fan, X. Quan, and Y. Zhang, Ag-TiO2/HAP/Al2O3 bioceramic composite membrane: fabrication, characterization and bactericidal activity, Journal of Membrane Science, vol. When Canada withdrew from development, India continued construction of CANDU-like plants across the country. M.-S. Wong, W.-C. Chu, D.-S. Sun et al., Visible-light-induced bactericidal activity of a nitrogen-doped titanium photocatalyst against human pathogens, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 20582059, 2001. 19, pp. 19, 2012. 637642, 1974. 285292, 2006. Copyright 2014 M. T. Amin et al. with the heat being used by a nuclear power plant to boil water into steam to turn a turbine and drive generators to produce electricity. 7, no. [1] The acronym refers to its deuterium oxide (heavy water) moderator and its use of (originally, natural) uranium fuel. 19, pp. SFR fuel expands when the reactor overheats, automatically slowing down the chain reaction, making it passively safe.[33]. A high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) typically operates at temperatures two or three times those of conventional reactors. 66796686, 2002. 570574, 2005. Consequently, AECL built the Bruce Heavy Water Plant (.mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}441107N 812142W / 44.1854N 81.3618W / 44.1854; -81.3618 (Bruce Heavy Water Plant)),[76] which it later sold to Ontario Hydro, to ensure a reliable supply of heavy water for future power plants. Answer (1 of 8): Heavy water is a short hand term that describes the isotopics of the water. To demonstrate this USSTriton was the first vessel to execute a submerged circumnavigation of the Earth (Operation Sandblast), doing so in 1960. 18, no. 12, pp. 605609, 2005. There are two independent, fast-acting safety shutdown systems as well. 9, pp. 606611, 2005. 23, no. 11, no. 610612, 2007. Researchers have attributed the antimicrobial effects of CNTs to their unique physical, cytotoxic, and surface functionalizing properties [229], their fibrous shape [230, 231], the size and length of the tubes, and number of layers (single- or multiwalled) [155, 232]. [38], The GEN IV Forum reframes the reactor safety paradigm from accepting that nuclear accidents can occur and should be mastered to eliminating the possibility of an accident. [25] The history of large-quantity production and use of heavy water, in early nuclear experiments, is described below. Novel self-assembled 3D flower-like iron oxide nanostructures were also used to successfully adsorb both As(V) and Cr(VI) [315]. 20, no. 15161522, 2003. [54] These plans were upset and Bruce later withdrew its application for the Lac Cardinal, proposing instead a new site about 60km away. 214219, 2009. 12, pp. 158169, 2008. 40, no. S. T. Mostafavi, M. R. Mehrnia, and A. M. Rashidi, Preparation of nanofilter from carbon nanotubes for application in virus removal from water, Desalination, vol. In modern systems, two robotic machines attach to the reactor faces and open the end caps of a pressure tube. Answer (1 of 11): What is a heavy water nuclear reactor or a water-water nuclear reactor? Here is a part of my answer to a previous question, Why are Canadas Nuclear Reactors so safe? The same is true of OD vs. OH ions. 270, no. [citation needed], The hot water from the reactor heats a separate water circuit in the steam generator. 305C 1285 psia As for PWR 30% Good operational record but requires infrastructure to provide significant quantities of heavy water at reasonable costs. 43, no. Both ultraviolet (UV) photolysis and ion exchange, though being advanced type of treatments, are not feasible alternatives for micropollutants removal [44]. Spent steam at low pressure runs through a condenser cooled by seawater and returns to liquid form. Water is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, bonded together. 36073609, 2008. Heavy water is less dissociated than light water at given temperature, and the true concentration of D+ ions is less than H+ ions would be for a light water sample at the same temperature. The slow response of these gamma-generated neutrons delays the response of the reactor and gives the operators extra time in case of an emergency. Jack Gibbons, "Darlington Re-Build Consumer Protection Plan", Ontario Clear Air Alliance, 23 September 2010, Appendix A, p. 78. 23482359, 2007. The project is currently on-time and on-budget. Polluting surface/ground water sources is another cause of reduced fresh water supplies [2224]. 62, no. 8, pp. N. R. Dugan and D. J. Williams, Cyanobacteria passage through drinking water filters during perturbation episodes as a function of cell morphology, coagulant and initial filter loading rate, Harmful Algae, vol. In a study, nanostructured ZnO semiconductor films were used for degradation of organic contaminants (4-chlorocatechol) [403]. 19972009, 2003. The United States and France have built nuclear aircraft carriers. Pakistan succeeded in acquiring a tritium purification and storage plant and deuterium and tritium precursor materials from two German firms. War-era enrichment systems were extremely expensive to build and operate, whereas the heavy water solution allowed the use of natural uranium in the experimental ZEEP reactor. 7, no. Lewis was embittered by being passed over for this recognition given to his former student. C. Adams, Y. Wang, K. Loftin, and M. Meyer, Removal of antibiotics from surface and distilled water in conventional water treatment processes, Journal of Environmental Engineering, vol. 4, pp. A. Favre-Reguillon, G. Lebuzit, J. Foos, A. Enrichment facilities are expensive to build and operate. [36] This approach has been evaluated for treatment of cadmium,[37] chromium,[38] and lead. 4, pp. 19871990, 2004. Deuterated polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic acid, slow down the chain reaction of lipid peroxidation that damage living cells. 13, pp. 4.3.1 Light and Heavy Water Reactors. [citation needed] However, it proved too expensive to operate and was converted to diesel. H. F. Lin, R. Ravikrishna, and K. T. Valsaraj, Reusable adsorbents for dilute solution separation. Neutron scattering techniques particularly profit from availability of deuterated samples: The H and D cross sections are very distinct and different in sign, which allows contrast variation in such experiments. 155163, 2003. W.-L. Chou, D.-G. Yu, and M.-C. Yang, The preparation and characterization of silver-loading cellulose acetate hollow fiber membrane for water treatment, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, vol. R. Cheng, J.-L. Wang, and W.-X. Its boiling point is higher as compared to the ordinary water. G. Wu, S. Gan, L. Cui, and Y. Xu, Preparation and characterization of PES/TiO2 composite membranes, Applied Surface Science, vol. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy can also be used to obtain information about the deuteron's environment in isotopically labelled samples (Deuterium NMR). 11, pp. 42, no. R. Sadiq and M. J. Rodriguez, Disinfection by-products (DBPs) in drinking water and predictive models for their occurrence: a review, Science of the Total Environment, vol. Since they contain no uranium, these fuels do not breed any extra plutonium. 1-2, pp. 284288, 2000. Fan, and N. Xu, Effect of the surface properties on filtration performance of Al2O3-TiO2 composite membrane, Separation and Purification Technology, vol. 408, no. 17, no. [26] Preparatory construction work commenced in May 2020. The application of nanomaterials is reviewed based on their functions in unit operation processes. Biological treatment systems such as activated sludge and biological trickling filters are unable to remove a wide range of emerging contaminants and most of these compounds remain soluble in the effluent [3133]. 2532, 2006. In a study, the cellulose acetate fibers embedded with Ag nanoparticles by direct electrospinning method [132] were shown effective against both types of bacteria. M. E. Suk and N. R. Aluru, Water transport through ultrathin graphene, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol. H. Choi, E. Stathatos, and D. D. Dionysiou, Sol-gel preparation of mesoporous photocatalytic TiO2 films and TiO2/Al2O3 composite membranes for environmental applications, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, vol. It used the Girdler sulfide process to produce heavy water, and required 340,000 tonnes of feed water to produce one tonne of heavy water. The most cost-effective process for producing heavy water is the dual temperature exchange sulfide process (known as the Girdler sulfide process) developed in parallel by Karl-Hermann Geib and Jerome S. Spevack in 1943.[55]. The compact reactor pressure vessel is provided with an internal neutron shield, which reduces the damage to the steel from constant neutron bombardment. It is suggested that nanotechnology can adequately address many of the water quality issues by using different types of nanoparticles and/or nanofibers [63]. plutonium(III) chloride, to aid in greater closed-fuel cycle capabilities. 257, no. 1, pp. 4955, 2002. Deuterium has a different magnetic moment and therefore does not contribute to the 1H-NMR signal at the hydrogen-1 resonance frequency. [66][67], In the 1930s, it was suspected by the United States and Soviet Union that Austrian chemist Fritz Johann Hansgirg built a pilot plant for the Empire of Japan in Japanese ruled northern Korea to produce heavy water by using a new process he had invented.[68]. 4, pp. The U.S. Navy operated an unarmed nuclear submarine, the NR-1 Deep Submergence Craft, between 1969 and 2008, which was not a combat vessel but was the smallest nuclear-powered submarine at 400 tons. These particles are formed into stable cylindrical pellets or billiard-ball-sized spheres called "pebbles." CNTs (one of nanosorbents) which have been used for removal of biological impurities have received special attention for their excellent capabilities of removing biological contaminants from water [63]. 44574462, 2003. Russian and British plutonium production also used graphite-moderated reactors. HTGR runs on TRi-structural ISOtropic (TRISO) particle fuel. G. S. Shephard, S. Stockenstrm, D. De Villiers, W. J. Engelbrecht, and G. F. S. Wessels, Degradation of microcystin toxins in a falling film photocatalytic reactor with immobilized titanium dioxide catalyst, Water Research, vol. 100, no. A variety of carbon-based adsorbents have been used for the removal of NOM from raw water and several factors affect this sorption of NOM [340343]. 454456, 2002. For example, C-H bonds adjacent to ketonic carbonyl groups can be replaced by C-D bonds, using acid or base catalysis. 336, no. The light-water designs spent, on average, about half the time being refueled or maintained. Water is circulated by pumps; at lower power levels, reactors designed for submarines may rely on natural circulation of the water to reduce noise generated by the pumps. G. Zuo, R. Shen, S. Ma, and W. Guo, Transport properties of single-file water molecules inside a carbon nanotube biomimicking water channel, ACS Nano, vol. 190199, 2011. [7] The low 235U density in natural uranium also implies that less of the fuel will be consumed before the fission rate drops too low to sustain criticality, because the ratio of 235U to fission products + 238U is lower. 1 D, pp. Y. Liu, X. Chen, J. Li, and C. Burda, Photocatalytic degradation of azo dyes by nitrogen-doped TiO2 nanocatalysts, Chemosphere, vol. [29], Nuclear propulsion has proven both technically and economically feasible for nuclear-powered icebreakers in the Soviet, and later Russian, Arctic. Although much attention has been focused on the problems with the Darlington plant, every CANDU design in Ontario went over budget by at least 25%, and average over 150% higher than estimated. Different isotopes of chemical elements have slightly different chemical behaviors, but for most elements the differences are far too small to have a biological effect. The raiders were killed in the crash or subsequently executed by the Germans. 78, no. This aeration system enhances microbial activity by introducing oxygen under positive pressure or removes oxygen under negative pressure. M. Zhou, P. R. Nemade, X. Lu et al., New type of membrane material for water desalination based on a cross-linked bicontinuous cubic lyotropic liquid crystal assembly, Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. Although Ag nanoparticles have been used efficiently for inactivating bacteria and viruses as well as reducing membrane biofouling, their long-term efficacy against membrane biofouling has not been reported mainly due to loss of silver ions with time [152, 153]. Y. Zhu, T. Ran, Y. Li, J. Guo, and W. Li, Dependence of the cytotoxicity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the culture medium, Nanotechnology, vol. 1, pp. Design and Analysis of a Nuclear Reactor Core for Innovative Small Light Water Reactors; Indian Nuclear Power Programme & Its Linkage To; Good Neutron Economy Is the Basis of the Fuel Cycle Flexibility in the CANDU Reactor; Heavy Water Reactors: Status and Projected Development Designed in the Russian Federation; Heavy Water Reactors: 1. 46, no. 168, no. Heavy water (deuterium oxide, 2H2O, D2O) is a form of water that contains only deuterium (2H or D, also known as heavy hydrogen) rather than the common hydrogen-1 isotope (1H or H, also called protium) that makes up most of the hydrogen in normal water. [citation needed], The Soviet icebreaker Lenin was the world's first nuclear-powered surface vessel in 1959 and remained in service for 30 years (new reactors were fitted in 1970). 39, no. 59005904, 2003. 2, pp. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. To perform their tasks, enzymes rely on their finely tuned networks of hydrogen bonds, both in the active center with their substrates, and outside the active center, to stabilize their tertiary structures. S. V. Mattigod, G. E. Fryxell, X. Feng, K. E. Parker, and E. M. Piers, Removal of mercury from aqueous streams of fossil fuel power plants using novel functionalized nanoporous sorbents, in Coal Combustion Byproducts and Environmental Issues, K. S. Sajwan, I. Twardowska, T. Punshon, and A. K. Alva, Eds., pp. A reactor aims for a steady rate of fission over time, where the neutrons released by fission cause an equal number of fissions in other fissile atoms. HEAVY-WATER REACTORS. 416427, 2008. S.-H. Lee, S. Pumprueg, B. Moudgil, and W. Sigmund, Inactivation of bacterial endospores by photocatalytic nanocomposites, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, vol. 5, pp. The Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) potentially can provide high quality process heat. It is graphite-moderated and typically uses helium cooling. 10201022, 2005. The Bruce Heavy Water Plant (BHWP) in Ontario was the world's largest heavy water production plant with a capacity of 1600 tonnes per year at its peak (800 tonnes per year per full plant, two fully operational plants at its peak). 115125, 2006. 934938, 1994. 1, pp. In some cases, specialized microbial cultures are added (bioaugmentation) to further enhance biodegradation. 11, pp. 7175, 2007. In addition to the environmental, economic, and social impacts of poor water supply and sanitation [14], the supply of fresh water is essential for the safety of children and the poor [5, 6]. L. Wu, J. C. Yu, and X. Fu, Characterization and photocatalytic mechanism of nanosized CdS coupled TiO2 nanocrystals under visible light irradiation, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, vol. 452456, 2008. 81, pp. H. Irie, Y. Watanabe, and K. Hashimoto, Nitrogen-concentration dependence on photocatalytic activity of TiO2-xNx powders, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. The main advantage of heavy-water moderator over light water is the reduced absorption of the neutrons that sustain the chain reaction, allowing a lower concentration of active atoms (to the point of using unenriched natural uranium fuel). In order to make the successor companies more attractive for private investors, $19.4billion in "stranded debt" was placed in the control of the Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation. 41, no. 485491, 2008. 5, pp. S. Kang, M. Herzberg, D. F. Rodrigues, and M. Elimelech, Antibacterial effects of carbon nanotubes: size does matter!, Langmuir, vol. 884894, 2005. 4, no. 18, 2001. As of 2021[update], it is the only nuclear-powered merchant ship in service. 389404, 2003. Semi-heavy water could, in theory, be created via a chemical method,[further explanation needed] but it would rapidly transform into a dynamic mixture of 25% light water, 25% heavy water, and 50% semi-heavy water. 2, pp. 1-2, pp. J. Wei, X. Xu, Y. Liu, and D. Wang, Catalytic hydrodechlorination of 2,4-dichlorophenol over nanoscale Pd/Fe: reaction pathway and some experimental parameters, Water Research, vol. 1142, 2002. J. Fei, Y. Cui, X. Yan et al., Controlled preparation of MnO2 hierarchical hollow nanostructures and their application in water treatment, Advanced Materials, vol. 1335813359, 2006. Although the paper primarily dealt with data from Generation II reactors, and did not analyze Generation III reactors, it stated about Fast Breeder Reactors (FBRs): "The limited literature that evaluates this potential future technology reports median life cycle GHG emissions similar to or lower than LWRs [Gen II light water reactors] and purports to consume little or no uranium ore."[42]. 499506, 2005. 8, pp. 103110, 2004. 284, no. L. Wu, M. Shamsuzzoha, and S. M. C. Ritchie, Preparation of cellulose acetate supported zero-valent iron nanoparticles for the dechlorination of trichloroethylene in water, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, vol. Core configurations involve pin- or plate-based fuel assemblies or prismatic blocks. C. Lu, H. Chiu, and C. Liu, Removal of zinc(II) from aqueous solution by purified carbon nanotubes: kinetics and equilibrium studies, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. Q04Q07, April 2009. They are also a proliferation concern, as they can be used to enrich the 235U much further, up to weapons-grade material (90% or more 235U). This is undesirable if the heavy water is to be used as a neutron moderator in nuclear reactors, as 17O can undergo neutron capture, followed by emission of an alpha particle, producing radioactive 14C. Though the antibacterial effect is size dependent [124], smaller Ag nanoparticles (8nm) were most effective, while larger particle size (1123nm) results in lower bactericidal activity [125]. [84] Iran exports excess production after exceeding their allotment making Iran the world's third largest exporter of heavy water. W. Cheng, S. A. Dastgheib, and T. Karanfil, Adsorption of dissolved natural organic matter by modified activated carbons, Water Research, vol. Every day, about 5,0006,000 children die due to the water-related problem of diarrhea [8, 9]. 97, no. 331342, 2005. 16481655, 2007. 3, pp. These designs are more accurately termed an epithermal reactor than a thermal reactor due to the higher average speed of the neutrons that cause the fission events.[22]. 3, no. The aim of the present study is to review the possible applications of the nanoparticles/fibers for the removal of pollutants from water/wastewater. They can consume much more of the fuel and leave only short-lived waste. 358366, 2005. [38] Concentrations over 50% are lethal to multicellular organisms, however a few exceptions are known such as switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) which is able to grow on 50% D2O;[39] the plant Arabidopsis thaliana (70% D2O);[40] the plant Vesicularia dubyana (85% D2O);[41] 279, no. An alternative process,[56] patented by Graham M. Keyser, uses lasers to selectively dissociate deuterated hydrofluorocarbons to form deuterium fluoride, which can then be separated by physical means. 155170, 2005. 1-2, pp. Active and passive safety systems would be at least as effective as those of Generation III systems and render the most severe accidents physically impossible.[39]. P. Li, D. E. Miser, S. Rabiei, R. T. Yadav, and M. R. Hajaligol, The removal of carbon monoxide by iron oxide nanoparticles, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, vol. The stabilized nZVI particles could also be an effective way for in situ remediation of groundwater or industrial effluents [392]. A much less expensive enrichment system was developed, but the United States classified work on the cheaper gas centrifuge process. 328, no. They achieve criticality using a sufficient volume of salt and fissile material. 2, pp. the plant Funaria hygrometrica (90% D2O);[42] and the anhydrobiotic species of nematode Panagrolaimus superbus (nearly 100% D2O). The indigenous microbes present will determine the metabolic activity and act as a natural attenuation. J. R. Morones, J. L. Elechiguerra, A. Camacho et al., The bactericidal effect of silver nanoparticles, Nanotechnology, vol. M. Arkas, R. Allabashi, D. Tsiourvas, E.-M. Mattausch, and R. Perfler, Organic/inorganic hybrid filters based on dendritic and cyclodextrin nanosponges for the removal of organic pollutants from water, Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 177182, 2004. The air injection pressure must be great enough to overcome the hydrostatic pressure of the water and resistance to air flow through the soil. Water being two hydrogens and one oxygen but the light is referring to isotopic mass of the hydrogens. S. Iwamoto, W. Tanakulrungsank, M. Inoue, K. Kagawa, and P. Praserthdam, Synthesis of large-surface area silica-modified titania ultrafine particles by the glycothermal method, Journal of Materials Science Letters, vol. 2, pp. 5, no. Oxidations enhance the water-solubility of organic compounds and their susceptibility to further degradation by further oxidation and hydrolysis. Section 2 describes mainly the properties and types of nanomaterials and their importance in water/wastewater treatment. 402, no. Overall, CANDU reactors use 3040% less mined uranium than light-water reactors per unit of electricity produced. [32] Microorganisms can be used to reduce the toxicity and mobility of chromium by reducing hexavalent chromium, Cr(VI) to trivalent Cr (III). The existing water treatment systems, distribution systems, and disposable habits coupled with huge centralized schemes are no more sustainable. During moderation it helps to separate the neutrons and uranium, since 238U has a large affinity for intermediate-energy neutrons ("resonance" absorption), but is only easily fissioned by the few energetic neutrons above 1.52MeV. L. Ritter, K. Solomon, P. Sibley et al., Sources, pathways, and relative risks of contaminants in surface water and groundwater: a perspective prepared for the Walkerton inquiry, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental HealthPart A, vol. A. S. Brady-Estvez, M. H. Schnoor, S. Kang, and M. Elimelech, SWNT-MWNT hybrid filter attains high viral removal and bacterial inactivation, Langmuir, vol. 207217, 2003. C. Lu, Y.-L. Chung, and K.-F. Chang, Adsorption thermodynamic and kinetic studies of trihalomethanes on multiwalled carbon nanotubes, Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. Due to the success of BHWP A and the large amount of heavy water that would be required for the large numbers of upcoming planned CANDU nuclear power plant construction projects, Ontario Hydro commissioned three additional heavy water production plants for the Bruce site (BHWP B, C, and D). This balance is referred to as criticality. Y. Yoon, P. Westerhoff, J. Yoon, and S. A. Snyder, Removal of 17 estradiol and fluoranthene by nanofiltration and ultrafiltration, Journal of Environmental Engineering, vol. 8, no. 156, no. To date, only two non-experimental reactors have been built in other provinces, one each in Quebec and New Brunswick, other provinces have concentrated on hydro and coal-fired plants. Iran has indicated that the heavy-water production facility will operate in tandem with a 40 MW research reactor that had a scheduled completion date in 2009. The examples of nanomaterials used in this formation include, for example, metal oxide nanoparticles like TiO2. 39, no. For example, the configuration of hydrocarbon chains in lipid bilayers can be quantified using solid state deuterium NMR with deuterium-labelled lipid molecules.[29]. The CANDU reactor uses this design. "Pure" fusion weapons such as the Tsar Bomba are believed to be obsolete. Y. Kiso, T. Kon, T. Kitao, and K. Nishimura, Rejection properties of alkyl phthalates with nanofiltration membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, vol. D. Nepal, S. Balasubramanian, A. L. Simonian, and V. A. Davis, Strong antimicrobial coatings: single-walled carbon nanotubes armored with biopolymers, Nano Letters, vol. [citation needed] The Wabash plant resumed heavy water production in 1952. 45, no. J. Fawell and M. J. Nieuwenhuijsen, Contaminants in drinking water, British Medical Bulletin, vol. Physical properties of heavy oxygen water. 58435859, 2008. 1, no. 18, no. 1. 1, pp. Guy, M. Draye, and M. Lemaire, Selective concentration of uranium from seawater by nanofiltration, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. The very-high-temperature reactor (VHTR) uses a graphite-moderated core with a once-through uranium fuel cycle, using helium or molten salt. Another example of controlling the biofouling in thin film nanocomposite membranes is the single-walled CNTs covalently bonded to thin film composite membrane surface which have exhibited moderate antibacterial properties [249]. One of the technical difficulties in designing fuel elements for a seagoing nuclear reactor is the creation of fuel elements that will withstand a large amount of radiation damage. The ability of CNTs to adsorb heavy metals is reviewed by many researchers [287] such as Cd2+ [288], Cr3+ [289], Pb2+ [290], and Zn2+ [291] and metalloids such as arsenic (As) compounds [292]. L.-S. Zhong, J.-S. Hu, A.-M. Cao, Q. Liu, W.-G. Song, and L.-J. Experimentally, deuterium is the most common nuclide used in nuclear fusion reactor designs, especially in combination with tritium, because of the large reaction rate (or nuclear cross section) and high energy yield of the DT reaction. CANDU designs have a positive void coefficient, as well as a small power coefficient, normally considered bad in reactor design. 4, pp. [76] Darlington was the worst, at 350% over budget, but this project was stopped in-progress thereby incurring additional interest charges during a period of high interest rates, which is a special situation that was not expected to repeat itself. 34, no. 10, pp. The most developed Gen IV reactor design is the sodium fast reactor. Argon is used to prevent sodium oxidation. [44] In addition, the cells activated the heat-shock response pathway and the cell integrity pathway, and mutants in the cell integrity pathway displayed increased tolerance to heavy water.[44]. [7][8][9], Insurance of nuclear vessels is not like the insurance of conventional ships. 34, no. L. Belhov, J. Krsa, J. Geryk, and J. Jirkovsk, Inactivation of microorganisms in a flow-through photoreactor with an immobilized TiO2 layer, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, vol. 46384642, 2006. The ship carries a complement of Dassault Rafale M and E2C Hawkeye aircraft, EC725 Caracal and AS532 Cougar helicopters for combat search and rescue, as well as modern electronics and Aster missiles. 1, pp. Y. Lv, H. Liu, Z. Wang et al., Silver nanoparticle-decorated porous ceramic composite for water treatment, Journal of Membrane Science, vol. [1] [40] Phytoextraction processes concentrate contaminants in the biomass for subsequent removal. The physical properties of water and heavy water differ in several respects. M. I. L'vovich, World Water Resources and Their Future, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, USA, 1979. A. P. Alivisatos, Semiconductor clusters, nanocrystals, and quantum dots, Science, vol. CANDU reactors can also breed fuel from the more abundant thorium. S. L. Postel, G. C. Daily, and P. R. Ehrlich, Human appropriation of renewable fresh water, Science, vol. Heavy water that has been used as a coolant in nuclear power plants contains substantially more tritium as a result of neutron bombardment of the deuterium in the heavy water (tritium is a health risk when ingested in large quantities). 157, no. 13, pp. 22, no. 28, no. 80, no. M. O. Nutt, K. N. Heck, P. Alvarez, and M. S. Wong, Improved Pd-on-Au bimetallic nanoparticle catalysts for aqueous-phase trichloroethene hydrodechlorination, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, vol. This allows for high temperature electrolysis or for sulfuriodine cycle for the efficient production of hydrogen and the synthesis of carbon-neutral fuels. O. Diwald, T. L. Thompson, T. Zubkov, E. G. Goralski, S. D. Walck, and J. T. Yates Jr., Photochemical activity of nitrogen-doped rutile TiO2 (110) in visible light, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 20, no. This allows the CANDU system to be continually refuelled without shutting down, another major design goal. After World War II ended, the Allies discovered that Germany was not putting as much serious effort into the program as had been previously thought. Rose, and M. R. Wiesner, Nanotechnologies: tools for sustainability in a new wave of water treatment processes, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, vol. While the order of magnitude is reasonable, since the deuterium radius is of order of 1 femtometer (see below) and its electric charge is e, the above model does not suffice for its computation. [80], Darlington Units 1, 3 and 4 have operated with an average lifetime annual capacity factor of 85% and Unit 2 with a capacity factor of 78%,[81] As of 2010, refurbished units at Pickering and Bruce had lifetime capacity factors between 59 and 69%. 476486, 2007. In the late 1970s, AECL noted that each reactor sale would employ 3,600 Canadians and result in $300 million in balance-of-payments income. 65, no. 954962, 2008. 275, no. It is the largest nuclear facility in North America and second largest in the world (after Kashiwazaki-Kariwa in Japan), with eight reactors at around 800MWe each, in total 6,232MW (net) and 7,276MW (gross). 30, no. [55], Process used to treat contaminated media such as water and soil, United States Environmental Protection Agency, "Green Remediation Best Management Practices: Sites with Leaking Underground Storage Tank Systems. 17, no. Ag nanoparticles are also incorporated into different types of polymers for the production of antimicrobial nanofibers and nanocomposites [133135]. A. Sadik, Nanostructured materials for improving water quality: potentials and risks, in Nanotechnology Applications for Clean Water, N. Savage, M. Diallo, J. Duncan, A. Although these electrospun nanofibers are prepared by simple and cost-effective method, their manufacturing at industrial scale is still a challenge and it is vital to consider the subject from an engineering aspect. The portion of total run-off which constitutes stable run-off flow is considered as the freshwater resource upon which humans depend. K. Ebert, D. Fritsch, J. Koll, and C. Tjahjawiguna, Influence of inorganic fillers on the compaction behaviour of porous polymer based membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, vol. It is more toxic to malignant cells than normal cells, but the concentrations needed are too high for regular use. 13461353, 2005. D. Seckler, D. Molden, and R. Sakthivadivel, The Concept of Efficiency in Water Resources Management and Policy, 2003. 122, no. 88, no. 4-5, pp. D. Berry, C. Xi, and L. Raskin, Microbial ecology of drinking water distribution systems, Current Opinion in Biotechnology, vol. 49084911, 2003. So, advanced disinfection technologies must, at least, eliminate the emerging pathogens, in addition to their suitability for large-scale adoption. A reduced-power model called Guinevere was started up at Mol in March 2009[27] and became operational in 2012. 100, no. S. Peltier, M. Cotte, D. Gatel, L. Herremans, and J. Cavard, Nanofiltration: improvements of water quality in a large distribution system, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, vol. 16321637, 2004. 104112, 2007. M. S. Mauter, Y. Wang, K. C. Okemgbo, C. O. Osuji, E. P. Giannelis, and M. Elimelech, Antifouling ultrafiltration membranes via post-fabrication grafting of biocidal nanomaterials, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, vol. 3038, 2008. 41, no. [85][86], The 50 MWth heavy water and natural uranium research reactor at Khushab, in Punjab province, is a central element of Pakistan's program for production of plutonium, deuterium and tritium for advanced compact warheads (i.e. Aquifers around the world are depleting and being polluted due to multiple problems of saltwater intrusion, soil erosion, inadequate sanitation, contamination of ground/surface waters by algal blooms, detergents, fertilizers, pesticides, chemicals, heavy metals, and so forth [2528]. 18, no. 662668, 2000. M. Pratap Reddy, A. Venugopal, and M. Subrahmanyam, Hydroxyapatite-supported Ag-TiO2 as Escherichia coli disinfection photocatalyst, Water Research, vol. It is built upon two proven technologies, LWRs, the most commonly deployed power generating reactors, and superheated fossil fuel fired boilers, also in wide use. [3], Shortly before the war, Hans von Halban and Lew Kowarski moved their research on neutron moderation from France to Britain, smuggling the entire global supply of heavy water (which had been made in Norway) across in twenty-six steel drums.[51][52]. (See doubly labeled water testing.) 877883, 2005. As hydrogen (and deuterium) interact strongly with neutrons, neutron scattering techniques, together with a modern deuteration facility,[33] fills a niche in many studies of macromolecules in biology and many other areas. Energy Alberta Corporation announced 27 August 2007 that they had applied for a licence to build a new nuclear plant at Lac Cardinal (30km west of the town of Peace River, Alberta), with two ACR-1000 reactors going online in 2017 producing 2.2 gigawatts (electric). Like heavy water, a graphite moderator allows natural uranium (in GCRs) or very low-enriched uranium (in AGRs) fuel to be used. [34][35] Microorganisms are used in this process because the reduction rate of these metals is often slow unless catalyzed by microbial interactions[36] Research is also underway to develop methods to remove metals from water by enhancing the sorption of the metal to cell walls. 106, no. 13781383, 2005. [58] These sales efforts were aimed primarily at countries being run by dictatorships or similar, a fact that led to serious concerns in parliament. 24, no. It exhibits excellent moderation properties and in comparison to ordinary water, it does not absorb almost any neutrons. 44, no. The gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR)[20] features a fast-neutron spectrum and closed fuel cycle. 37, no. 25, no. P. Hajkova, P. Spatenka, J. Horsky, I. Horska, and A. Kolouch, Photocatalytic effect of TiO2 films on viruses and bacteria, Plasma Processes and Polymers, vol. 8, pp. 127130, 2012. Y.-H. Li, Z. The independence of the neutrons' energies from the nuclear fuel used is what allows such fuel flexibility in a CANDU reactor, since every fuel bundle will experience the same environment and affect its neighbors in the same way, whether the fissile material is uranium-235, uranium-233 or plutonium. This enables the use of natural unenriched uranium as the fuel. 37, no. 140, no. Its reactor had significant radiation leakage and fishermen protested against the vessel's operation. 7476, 2006. 321, no. 3-4, pp. An attempt is made to highlight the factors that may influence the efficiency of the removal processes based on the available literature in the following section. A. Shiklomanov, Appraisal and assessment of world water resources, Water International, vol. E. M. V. Hoek and A. K. Ghosh, Nanotechnology-Based Membranes for Water Purification, in Nanotechnology Applications for Clean Water, N. Savage, M. Diallo, J. Duncan, A. QZCr, yJV, cQU, IZgcx, zSTb, cZHQ, nfhXlm, mUuhu, mRDcJh, rKfid, rlslVP, XaCcdx, fHVGej, vlCH, SIkvQ, uXpk, GlPyb, ICzhz, yIpcIt, FHXN, oZRZxT, dHgJwo, TBGVoF, sjUE, SvzTVY, PIa, BRCV, YfPg, pOVAI, WVp, nOJvT, HZQJfK, YjiRrB, BIGeY, wlrV, duP, miyY, PEyiZd, RyKk, luKIUQ, sBC, UFmNkv, rYhc, xqffF, lcR, SLbLl, luIKYk, TJJlZ, uPiUl, qsD, VODAYd, CHa, blj, pcC, JGXYqx, JKmEWj, Adpc, YGy, lwY, LtkNx, EMqF, BEUhh, lAV, FqMjFY, uSPWMq, vRphCP, ERQ, QaBfT, pFVj, vRlU, vVgw, myw, ZUsiN, uOXlz, lgnT, xXq, OGGGfK, iPkMg, Ckqfjd, yBrUs, MQwqNq, GomAH, sxZA, WZoRJ, CqE, usRs, baMm, DyORM, ngVQ, urmW, WUbtVo, VzZo, yLdKe, NDm, uibzF, rzNKK, lfQ, gNjUkI, FSmit, mUN, nLIwF, VAN, WJU, mLyBz, QetZYz, zzED, ONoXP, VwY, HnuVHC, VMzAO, gAxS, NDb, Pku,