I can't help but wonder if sending hundreds of thousands of poorly-equipped, barely-trained conscripts into the theater of war might be presenting Ukraine with an interesting psyops opportunity. sticking only, Halal or the approved Jewish method, stun-gas, stun-gun, stun-electrical, stunning followed by sticking, post-cut stun, neck dislocation, decapitation). ), The AK-74 is old as the hills now as well, the new hotness is the, Are people sure they are "raw recruits", I kind of got the impression that some (many? Ukrainian official estimates 5,000 Russians left in the city. Increasing intake of omega-3 fatty acids may slightly reduce the risk of a fatal To be clear, I understand that both having sprung leaks essentially simultaneously seems rather suspicious. That's probably his greatest protection in a bureaucratic society where political favor comes and goes rather quickly. Somewhat like 'banana for scale' even if the subject is a flea or the Kilimanjaro. A pact between Trump and Putin. Following a bumpy launch week that saw frequent server trouble and bloated player queues, Blizzard has announced that over 25 million Overwatch 2 players have logged on in its first 10 days. It's rendered useless, no matter who did it. They left very early in the morning so my friend still doesn't know what the final decision was. Join 7,984 readers in helping fund MetaFilter. helpfully put on YouTube by the Norwegian Armed Forces with English subtitles. Figs were in error. What I don't know about war could fill libraries, but how could these soldiers could just surrender to Ukrainian troops the minute they're across the borders? Putin likes to claim his war is defensive in nature, which is absolutely the most ridiculous thing ever of course. I'm getting an awful Stalin in WWII vibe from Putin. AR408 The Green Party will seek to minimise live transport of animals and will work through the EU and locally to end all live exports for slaughter and fattening. We call on all governments to outlaw whaling. My pet theory is that the Soviet Union heavily invested in anti-aircraft forces as part of a rock-beats-scissors strategy to US's tons-of-carrier-and-airbase-aircraft strategy, and both Ukraine and Russia inherited it. Ukraine and it's allies have been incremental while Russia, escalatory. FSIS statement of interim policy on trans fatty acids in Nutrition Facts panels on product labeling. The Green Party condemns those governments who seek, through the International Whaling Commission and otherwise, to continue whaling. We will introduce measures to regulate the care and conditions for such animals including a two-tier system of dog-licensing [breeding and non-breeding], licensing of all animal breeders and dog owners, subsidised spaying and neutering, the implementation of good animal warden schemes and a prohibition on the import of exotic animals for the pet trade.AR420A Green Government will create a national register (similar to the ViSOR database) of convicted animal-cruelty offenders, which will work in conjunction with a compulsory licensing system for those keeping or working with animals,as defined by coverage under the Animal Welfare Act.AR421 The Green Party will end puppy farming by banning the sale of young puppies and kittens unless the mother is present.AR422 Patents will not be granted on any animal and strict controls will be introduced to prevent genetic manipulation for profit or curiosity. Public Health Regulations (PHR) FSIS Data Analysis and Reporting: Public Health Regulations FY 2022 ARCHIVE: Inspection for Ritual Meat and Poultry Slaughter; ARCHIVE: Thanksgiving Message from Leadership; ARCHIVE: Make a Difference for You and Your Colleagues Respond to FEVS by Dec. 3; There is no shortage of working guns to be had. I think that depressurization from both ends is required to safely remove a hydrate plug, probably not to sea level pressure though, probably just to the point where it starts to sublime, which it will do slowly, and if both ends are depressurized to the same level when it comes loose it wont turn into a bullet . on the other hand if you wait long enough to have 2 plugs then the gas in between will stay pressurized and you're screwed - equally if you have a couple of plugs, and one bursts the pipe then sea pressure might cause the second to go off some time later. It's being reported by the various journos but here: maybe the pipeline stuff deserves its own thread at this point. Also, I suspect that the largest single block of instruction in that two-week "training" is going to be The Atrocities Committed By Ukrainian Nazis Especially On Prisoners Of War So You Definitely Don't Want To Surrender And Should Just Kill Everyone You See. A large proportion of animals are used for non-medical testing and for duplicate research which could be avoided. Someone might get mad enough at Snowden to remove his protected status, but if there's no file at the local recruitment office then he'll probably get passed over. I can't imagine that Russia is going to give them proper equipment to survive the winter. Although several other groups of crustaceans have the word "lobster" in their names, the unqualified term "lobster" generally refers to the clawed lobsters of the family Nephropidae. Russia could equally claim to annex the south of France and threaten defensive nuclear strikes unless French occupation forces leave immediately. The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. Ukraine's new radar missile 'blinding Russian air defences'. Just to underline that this is a mob-style threat towards Denmark and Poland, the pipeline goes from the Kaliningrad enclave to North Germany, and there are plenty of places an attack could have been posited if this was say, an Ukrainian covert mission, including in international waters, German waters and Russian waters. We shall prohibit all caged rearing of poultry, including enriched cages. The part of the enormous Russian WW2 death toll that often gets elided is that Stalin shredded the upper echelons of his own miltary before and during the war, making the genormous meat grinder of the eastern front even more efficient. Sinking it would be justified, but capturing it would be funny. Russia is undertaking a media exercise regarding Russian-occupied Ukraine, which its propagandists call "referendums" on annexation by Russia. Well, Reverand John had a point about those Patriots. No love lost for the Russians but that's a spectacularly bad idea, as policy. But attempting to defang Russia's long range missile threat would be a better response than risking an escalatory cycle which might end in the use of nuclear weapons, even if we think that such a move would be irrational on Russia's part. It's right to be sceptical of some his more outlandish statements, but not to disregard an idea just because he's been one of many to mention it. The Animal Sentience Precautionary Principle (ASPP) (Birch, 2017) will apply concerning the sentience of other invertebrate species until sufficient evidence is accumulated to justify their inclusion under the act. Also it seems that the surveillance of the pipelines is in private hands), surveillance has been on high alert since the outbreak of the Ukraine war. Islam has similar laws, dividing foods into haram (forbidden) and halal (permitted). The organisation "Interesting opinion on mobilisation from Rus. Timed their attack for rush hour to maximize casualties. In that sense, I'd assume the underwater destruction is within pretty much every single countries capabilities. We may not eat animals that died of natural causes (Deut. NYT update on the assasination of Daria Dugina: Russia's air force is probably more useful to sell to other countries and threaten NATO than for Russia to actually use in combat, and Russia simply doesn't do enough combined-arms training to use them properly. Apparently both Sweden and Denmark have to give the green light if there are to be repairs done on NordStream: In Denmark, the election is a bit of a horror show. Does the US having failed to stop an insurgency by force of arms with troop surges some make the Russian military more competent or well equipped? Snowden is 39. And might destroy the rails the next time. In tactics its called harassing fire. There doesn't seem to be much doubt here in Denmark that this is Russian sabotage. They have 1/10 the GNP of the USA. What about the hostile use of cyber? MetaFilter is a weblog that anyone can contribute a link or a comment to. It's been a particularly quickly chilly autumn in Eastern Europe this year. If that is the case then it would have taken some truly impressive planning. We shall ensure that when slaughter does take place it is done so as to cause least suffering to the animal, with due regard to species and individual animal factors, and is monitored without prejudice towards minority religious and cultural groups. In Siberia, the head of a local draft board was shot. Yeah, I meant if Russia attacked the parts of the pipeline not solidly in NATO territory, like they did for Nord Stream. Mandatory CCTV will be required in all slaughterhouses. OH! Always getting in the way. So we have two countries who are both heavy anti-aircraft and light on actual aircraft, fighting each other and neither control the airspace. I assume that various NATO states have stepped up activity in the Baltic Sea to patrol and protect other pipelines. Senate Foreign Relations Chair Robert Menendez, "The [Russian] soldiers didnt have enough bandages, they removed it from the dead soldiers, then there was blood poisoning.". Thinking about it today, with all the young Russian men heading for the border - the obvious parallel with Ukraine vs. Russia in our recent experience is Vietnam vs. USA with all the young American men heading for Canada. The vulnerability to collective Europe to its dependence on Russian oil and gas has been a topic of discussion for a couple of decades at least. Here's the transcript of the NATO press conference. Main area of attacks is, That Dutch article notes "For example, by dropping divers, or by having a submarine hide under its hull?", [nafo] Let's strap some LCS modules to the. No doubt when the generals fail him he will similarly blame them for failing to follow his orders. Heres a military lawyers advice for those who dont want to fight. There is evidence that large-scale animal agriculture is a significant contributor to greenhouse-gas emissions, habitat destruction, pollution and loss of biodiversity. The consequences are unpredictable now. There seems to be a certain mythos of "this is Russia's final war for survival against the horrible West" in the entire narrative, and the fact that the "horrible West" hasn't gotten involved in the way Putin would like as of yet (hopefully never) can only be a source of frustration for him. Won't so many of us have egg on our faces should it turn out all these defenestrations are due to a shoddy Russian window manufacturer. I was sitting here utterly confused for a few minutes. I welcome your comments. The Party supports the replacement of the use of animals and animal material with methods such as models, mannequins, mechanical and computer-based simulators, films and interactive videos, plant experiments and observational and field studies, and human studies including self-experimentation. I served in the US 1st Armored Division, and I cannot fathom the amount of casualties and equipment losses the Russians have taken. Halal Certificate Requirements Manual. The fact, that in 2015 the Swedish authorities removed an underwater drone full of explosives right next from the pipeline suggests that this is right out from someone's big binder of scenario plans: Sikorski does have US connections dating back to hos journalist days in Afghanistan in the 80s (and is Boris Johnson's mate from uni) but I second the WTF. No, this is a proper assault by people who understand both the tactics and logistics of it, and they persevered. WebBrowse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language. Just so we have some numbers to compare to Russia's +300,000, the current size of the Ukrainian army is approx. AR414 To prohibit the import, export and sale of all fur, whether wild caught or factory farmed, and to ensure a ban on fur farming in the UK stays in place. And a glorious day it is! BUT, unlike in the US, UK, France and Italy, as far as I can see, there are no Russia allies up for election. I appreciate your expertise Abehammerb Lincoln. Looks like 2 lanes (one direction) are in the drink, who knows what state the rest is in - worst case the railway might still be OK, so might half the roadway, Yes, probably - that last video looks like there is a break on both sides of the road, the side closest to the rail bridge is probably reparable with a bailey bridge or some sort. That prediction has apparently come true. I was trying to remember how long ago it was that. margin: auto; At least based on reading the fig leaves from Russian media. (Edible, non-expired rations, on the other hand, seem to have been a different story. Given the quality of their supply depots, I'm not sure about the small arms preservation. Putin seems to be speedrunning WWII. The combination of a cargo pallet plus pallet wrap is undeniably the second most important development in shipping behind the cargo container. The corruption and deterioration of stores was well known, but the extent of it was plain unbelievable to any reasonable actor. I think a less escalatory response to the Russian long range missile threat would be to blanket Ukraine with anti-missile defenses. Find stories, updates and expert opinion. I have not been able to find it as a clip. We support a ban on the use of GMOs in animal feed and oppose all genetic modification of animals (See FA720 and AR420). We shall introduce legislation to enforce clear labelling on all animal-derived food products, describing how the animal lived and was killed. We shall maintain a ban on the use of growth hormones and imports of food from animals treated with growth hormones. This makes re-supply slow and inefficient and all these choke points are easy targets for a HIMARS or suicide drone attack. There are now many techniques available for testing of chemicals, drugs and medical procedures and for researching disease that do not use animals. and what's actually happening. Heres a whole article on it in the. This coded system would include place of origin, production system (e.g. Trying to piece together accounts from footage and people who seem to know what they are talking about: looks like two large, pre-planted charges - one on each bridge - under the road or railway spans and detonated by someone waiting for the fuel train to be overhead on the rail bridge. If that's really the state in which these troops are going to be deployed, they're more human shields meant to make imposition of defeat on unacceptable terms unpalatable to Ukraine's supporters, than a force with any offensive potential. Trent Telenko's undoubtedly let stuff go to his head from one viral tweet, but like others said, some of the stuff he's mentioned is the same blindingly obvious "this indicates problems" as more reliable commentators. The V-1 was a terror weapon because it was new, remote, highly inaccurate but still killed thousands and could not be stopped though I believe a few planes nudged up to tip the fins. WebVarious religions forbid the consumption of certain types of food. Any suspicious caterpillar-type tracks near the pipeline leaks? Wow that speech. You would be destroying equipment you could have captured. when your mom yells at you. The Danish and Swedish press conferences weren't very enlightening. People elsewhere are struggling to characterize this action. Antibiotics are used routinely to prevent outbreak of disease, resulting in antibiotic resistance and threats to human and animal health. It could be a reason to finally get off the fence with interceptors. It's interesting that such a major military operation with very visible results is still cloaked in mystery 24 hours later. And then a month or two after that they were shown that even basically untrained troops could win with NATO weapons, and obviously their military tactics weren't up to snuff, and I'm sure they've privately (not publicly) downgraded themselves from "NATO Peer" pretty quickly over the past half-year. The response is calibrated to the kind of attack. My theory, unsupported by evidence, is that a Ukrainian ally destroyed the pipeline to stiffen Germany's spine ahead of this winter. .email-signup li{ Their soldiers will be going on fewer patrols and spending less time manning the trenches due to extreme discomfort. Probably best not to get back into all of that in depth, but from the. a list of the items which new Russian military conscripts are being asked to source for themselves. First, the fact that the bridge hadn't been demolished suggested ineffective partisan resistance in Crimea / lack of infiltrators in RF. One of the people I follow on Twitter (. Youre soldiers now!". Crimean Tatar film director Nariman Aliev acknowledges the difficult position of those still in Crimea but appeals to them to resist against Russia. Russias problem hasnt been a shortage guns and ammunition as much it has been the dreadful state of their logistics. The illusion of "globalization" meaning "countries won't attack each other because they are trade dependent" doesn't take into account the domination of a market sector by a single state actor. There would be regulation on the conditions and times of transportation of animals used in sport as well as the housing of all animals. The obviously most important things for them to accomplish are knocking out that rail link and blowing oil refineries and pipelines, neither of which is happening. In a war where both armies apparently started off with ~200k troops, an influx of 300k feels like it would significantly tip the scales, even if they were poorly trained and didn't arrive for weeks or months. However, these alternatives are often not used and are not adequately funded or supported.AR416 The Green Party would ban all experimentation and research which harms animals, including harmful procedures used to obtain animal-derived materials. I'm a bit confused by the discussion here, which I guess goes to show that geographical proximity still means something in communication. Things we take for granted in the west like cargo containers, palates and the forklifts that move them, computerized inventory management the Russian army has almost none of that. ), then another tweet saying something like "Just because I spoke against this war and then I didn't tweet anything for a while doesn't mean I've been murdered, you know". Whether it's dropping classic "surrender and you won't be harmed" leaflets, circulating old the ", An extra zero but this million-man conscription is reminding me of McNamara's. Those videos are harrowing. The ISW assessment the other day said there's a big difference between the announced mobilization (300,000, combat experience only, no students, etc.) The Green Party 2006 - 2022 Code, Design and Photo Credits WebIraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences (IJVS) is a global, scientific and open access journal. It might matter in the sense of trying to figure out who's likely to do what next. The ferry selfies are a problem because troops displaying poor opsec at that location are unlikely to perform better in more sensitive areas. I doubt that having served in the US Army counts, but in any case, his lawyer has said he's ineligible due to not having served. They thought Ukrainians were like them, but it turned out that Ukrainians are so much more flexible and not too proud to accept support, while stubborn enough not to give up. The only that's clear is the gas is off, it can't be turned back on, don't bother asking. We will achieve this through research, education, economic measures and reformed approaches to farming. The AFU is storming #Lyman as we speak, from 4 directions. WebLatest breaking news, including politics, crime and celebrity. Its March again but with the very significant difference that we have seen Putins army collapse under its own weight - and he is apparently not the mighty, inconceivably clever war strategist we had all braced ourselves for. What about family? Or it could even just be some random freak accident. I'm personally rooting for Ukraine to continue kicking the shit out of Russia, take back their territory, and hope a Hero will arise in Russia, who can clean up their shit, and destroy Putin's oligarchy. I did not think it would happen in Germany, of all the candidates. AR404 The Green Party believes that consumers have a right to easy access to enough information about the food they eat to make informed decisions about what they buy. The Green Party opposes any move to end the current moratorium on commercial whaling. "Sinc Mark Hamil is now an official ambassador for the Ukrainian Army of Drones, helping to raise funds to defend Ukraine. But I found other news: Norway is closing its harbors to Russian trawlers and a Russian submarine is coming through the Baltic towards the Atlantic. Kaliningrad is almost 100% ethnically Russian. If Russia violated international law by invading the Ukraine, are Russian soldiers still governed (and protected) by the law of armed conflict (LOAC)? Objectivity is one of the most important things, to me, personally, when discussing matters I care about. WebThe legal aspects of ritual slaughter include the regulation of slaughterhouses, butchers, and religious personnel involved with traditional shechita (Jewish) and dhabiha (Islamic). AR413 The Green Party will make it illegal to import and/or sell foie gras and any product that is the result of force-feeding. Is it legal for Russian soldiers to dress in civilian clothes to infiltrate the Ukraine? Much greater use will be made of epidemiological evidence and clinical data. The inaccurate drone use against civilian targets is reminiscent of Russian helicopters being used to "lob" unguided rockets semi-randomly, recorded here in the early months of the war: There is a weird "we're reaching the bottom of the barrel" sort of spirit to all this. the initial investigation of the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine has concluded. I don't want to out myself as a clown-shoes non-expert, but having a little experience working with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) I can say blowing a seafloor pipeline would be a pretty trivial mission for this technology. RE: the German sabotage. With a view of the train bridge. al. AR403 In the UK, over a billion farm animals are slaughtered for food every year. Finnish Dr. Janne M. Korhonen, researcher in industrial economy and production, on how Russian industrial mobilization cannot alter the outcome of the war. We shall prohibit intensive fish farming (see FA657, FA660 and MC341) and restrict the use of fishmeal for animal feed (see FA661). Looks like all the recipients were well chosen and deserve the Prize. So. Instead we have seen. Oh, and so new, built by the Russians AFTER they annexed Crimea - Ukraine has no sunk cost there. In re hating Russians: I don't know whether it matters that people well away from the conflict hate Russians, but I think it's hazardous. We should keep in mind that the Russian occupation of Ukraine doesn't drive every event in the world. I wonder what the the expected lifespan of Baltic Pipe, the. in re world at war reference above: the goebbels thing is film footage. It does sound like someone vaguely remembered the tales of the World War II mobilisation (Svetlana Alexeievitch's The Unwomanly Face of War has a good account) and got fooled by all the Great Patriotic War pageantry into forgetting how desperate a measure it was. Though OTOH, this is Ukraine, and if anyone comes up with a simple hack for knocking a few zeroes off shooting one down, it'll be them. They're planning to split Kaliningrad after Russia falls. Between all of the carbon being released into the atmosphere due to this war, and now the methane from this leak, I wonder what the effect of this war is going to be on climate change, and if we will even be able to recover from it. Twitter thread on the Kerch Bridge by Mike Ryan. People report that this thread is getting laggy on mobile, so I made a new one: Russian industrial mobilization cannot alter the outcome of the war. They still have some in reserve but not enough to create the intense waves of the early war. IMF: War in Ukraine is Contributing to a Global Food Price Shock, Tackling the Global Food Crisis: Impact, Policy Response, and the Role of the IMF, A good overview of the current state of the battle for Lyman, ICOS measurements show huge methane peaks in the atmosphere after Nord Stream leak, The latest reporting is that Russian forces have evacuated Lyman, Nord Stream attacks highlight vulnerability of undersea pipelines [and communication cables] in west, suggested the use of low-yield nuclear weapons, Zelensky fired suspected Russian collaborators. To be fair, many of us who DO have English as our first language had no f'n idea what that meant, either. Xenotransplantation is yet another instance of corporate profit being prioritised over public health and the rights of nonhuman animals. But I guess the mixed metaphor more or less works. Like an M1 Abrams on a blue & yellow flatbed? WebThis coded system would include place of origin, production system (e.g. Comedy trio Foil Arms & Hogg are thinking about the. Yeah I wondered when that would happen - seems like an obvious thing to do (or have done months ago). if there is a gift that Putin gives us is it the stark awareness of how conflict really does victimize everyone else, including the rank-and-file sent to fight? I don't know the provenance of this video, but if it's what it is purported to be um looks like the Russians might have taken the whole "You can drop it in mud" thing a little too seriously in their small arms maintenance practices: From what I can tell the US military does make extensive us of cargo pallets, even near the front. The UN? I don't know who gets to make that assertion as to being refugees. And then the West would have one less economic lever to pull against Russia to influence its foreign policy. The NYT article doesn't say what those three villages are (or maybe I just missed it), but the "other" in "three other villages" is a reference to Davydiv Brid. This has lead to speculation that the Russians accidentally blew up the wrong pipeline. assassinated the Russian ultra-nationalist daughter of a Russian ultra-nationalist propagandist. The "directly" language may be only Vice's - it would be interesting to see how Bremmer's Eurasia Group memo worded it. No help from USA needed, just some seriously gutsy infiltrators. Rhetoric from Russia has taken a slightly less bellicose turn about nukes. ominously showing those as leaving Crimea. Get the latest health news, diet & fitness information, medical research, health care trends and health issues that affect you and your family on ABCNews.com Russia has been on the receiving end of the Ukrainian counter offensive for about four weeks now, and things have not been going well for them. Even if you can't shoot em down, a directional early warning from something like the shot-spotter systems used in cities could render them much less effective. The NordStream pipes run through the Baltic sea, which is utterly not an ocean. I was thinking of other parallels with Vietnam too, small country fighting for it's life against a super power, getting help from another super power from a distance, but not too closely with no one quite wanting it to turn into ww3 Ukraine is not a small country though. And Russia doesn't have the sort of air force depth that would enable air superiority that the US can maintain at least not against an enemy with significant material backing of NATO et. AR433: Wild, domesticated and companion animals suffer greatly from the fear of loud fireworks, and danger from other fire-bearing items such as paper lanterns which are released outside. 'Harmful' is defined in this context as 'having the potential to cause pain, suffering, distress, lasting harm or death in animals, except where it is designed to benefit the individual animals concernedAR417 Government research funds will be transferred from animal tests to non-animal technologies, including epidemiology, computer models, micro-dosing, imaging, DNA chips, microfluidics chips and the use of human tissue. I guess I should say that it's not entirely clear to me that a failure in a massive, high pressure gas pipe is not enough to cause an explosion in and of itself, whether it's underwater or not. VALERIEinNYT on Putin's speech about the recent attacks: opening speech by High Representative Josep Borrell, WSJ: The Crimea Bridge Explosion, Analyzed, Russian Prisoner of War Says He Joined Army to Pay Off World of Tanks Debt, Elon Musk Spoke to Putin Before Tweeting Ukraine Peace Plan: Report, The Kyiv Independent - News from Ukraine, Eastern Europe, Elon Musk blocks Ukraine from using Starlink in Crimea over concern that Putin could use nuclear weapons: report, Chris Owen, sourced from independent Russian media outlet SOTA, Ukraine: Perhaps the end of the beginning, Finnish Dr. Janne M. Korhonen, researcher in industrial economy and production, on how. as GCU says, the whole series [which, if you haven't seen it and are interested in WW II history, it's SUBLIME] is footage and interviews, no reenactments. Its hideous math). The folks at the ISW think that Russias logistical and equipment problems make it unlikely that, Unfortunately, I think all those "no rational person would do this" arguments don't really apply here. Just like this invasion is failed by bad logistics, regardless of how Putin and other "ruscists" feel about Ukraine and the Ukrainian mind/psychology, I've yet to be convinced by history and politics that shaming people especially when the base assumption is that they're too stupid to think (whether that's just a playacting position or not) has a direct connection to changing the system if the system isn't designed for it. Germany's Interior Minister Nancy Faeser is looking to fire the chief of the federal agency responsible for cybersecurity, Arne Schnbohm, over his alleged contacts with agents of Russia's security services, Alon Levy has a Twitter thread on Putinist sympathies in the Bundeswehr being a holdover from the cold war, urged a freeze on all US cooperation with Saudi Arabia. I find these threads are best when they discuss what is currently happening. Joe Biden echoed my comment about this being the most dangerous time in terms of danger of nuclear war since the. Do you really think Americans are somehow on the whole more motivated in their civic behaviour than Russians? We need to take those funds and subsidize the development of renewable energy and conservation measures. } The cost of shooting down a Shahed-136 is many times more than the cost of launching one. Sure I know what I'm doing, I've been in the Volunteer Fire Brigade since high school, so shut up and drink your tea because then we'll be telling you all the ways you were a fucking idiot last night.". A Green Government will implement a wildlife management and control protocol that would ensure: (1) there is justification for control, (2) proofing and prevention has been considered as a first resort,(3) there is reasonable probability of success, (4) there is an integrated and strategic approach, (5) there is target-specificity and (6) humaneness.. Anyway: Its not in Ukraine's interest to be the ones to cut the pipeline, but it is in their interest for the pipeline to be cut. There would be a requirement for full traceability of all animals involved in racing throughout their lives (using microchip technology where applicable) and full publication of injury and death statistics. 14:21) or that were killed by other animals. It's near impossible to get any form of vessel through Danish territory without Denmark knowing. I did not know about the video. produces a video Cluedo game in which he parades each suspect for the Nordstream gas line sabotage in turn. Well that is why we shouldn't have people that are rich enough to act as states. Not much there. Ukraine already attacked Belgorod and nobody got nuked. The Green Party is fundamentally opposed to all lethal and harmful commercial utilisation of cetaceans. It endangers the survival of various cetacean species. The explosions are extremely beneficial to Russia from an internal messaging standpoint. I am going to propose "obscenity" and "element of war crime." Not being frivolous here, but someone need to go set those gas plumes on fire so they end up as CO2 in the atmosphere and not methane. Tracked down the blurb I was remembering - it was. And Niki Proshin, another YouTuber that has been posted here, has also left Russia now. Musk, what a piece of shit (but we already knew that). Putin also rambled on about how the US set the precedent for using Nuclear weapons. Photos (and estimated arrests) at protests against mobilization, Russian presidential human rights council threatening immigrants, In Photos: Kharkiv Region Returns to Normalcy After Russian Occupation, What the West Should Do About Putins Increasingly Dangerous Desperation. Things are moving so quickly that we just dont know where or if Russian forces will be able to make a stand. It was a clear act of aggression against "Western Europe.". It doesnt need to be meat for the grinder. If you enjoy seeing the Russian tricolor being tossed from buildings and used as a welcome mat, here are some cheerful videos from Lyman. If it was a Naval tug, let's say, or a Naval supply ship, it would be unambiguously a fair target in a war, I wouldn't say it's quaint appearance disqualifies the Sedov from that genre. Russia's Defense Ministry claims 200,000 men already conscripted for war in Ukraine. 20% of Georgia is occupied by Russia. Stoneshop: Have you looked at a map? It's 7:56 AM here and there's a bottle of special vodka from Lviv in the cabinet that's been waiting for the right moment. Wow, the number of press conferences being called right now in Europe Zelenskyys response: Fuck you were joining NATO and were using the fast track option. (2017) Animal sentience and the precautionary principle, Animal Sentience, 017017, pp. Our PM has been traveling Europe during the weekend to talk with Truss, Stoltenberg, Macron, Scholz and other EU leaders about the leak. We shall work empathetically and respectfully with relevant medical, scientific and religious groups to bring about reduction in fear, pain and discomfort for all animals that are bred and maintained for food. And then someone sensible said, "no, if we blow up someone else's pipeline, that'd be an act of war." I think that if we'd all realised that what we were seeing was simply the contents of the pipe exhausting itself (rather than an uncontrolled pumping) someone would have dropped a flare in it to turn that CH3 into CO2. The real question for me is what they think they will even be able to do with these conscripts? But you absolutely can get to 200 with civilian scuba equipment, especially if you do the more 'technical diving ' like special mixtures of gasses. } A way to get rid of us: Crimean Tatars decry Russias mobilisation. Here's a herd (their own word for themselves) of mobiks going to the drill grounds. Very clear and alarming to see the crisis laid out so plainly. margin: 5px; Possibly worth treating with some scepticism, especially as Belarus only has 62K active military personnel (344k reserves). cage, broiler house, shed, enriched indoor, outdoor), transport, place of slaughter and method of slaughter (e.g. High levels of frustration, distress, injury and suffering are common and painful mutilations are routinely carried out to reduce risk of injury. The theory is that Russia doesnt actually expect NATO to get directly involved. Pro-Russian sabotage of infrastructure in Germany might not have been the works of spetsnaz assets as much as of useful idiots in extremist groups, done cheaply and at arm's length. Followed by the various folks with some insight into some of the technical stuff and deeper/wider history (underwater drones and baggage from the Romans, who knew!) January 2018 - AR403 updated by Policy Development Committee to reflect facts. Animals are often transported long distances to slaughter and suffer inhumane conditions both during transport and at the time of slaughter. Ukrainians are understandably unsympathetic to Russians trying to stampede out of there, but this video by Russian YouTubers who are cooling their heels in Tbilisi is worth a watch. It could also be they're ordered with the intent of hitting key logistics hubs and command/intelligence centers, and whoever's executing those orders just don't have that kind of information, so they're attacking. Forgot to add, as a former resident of Georgia, country not the state, it's been interesting watching social media from there. A long time ago, Galeev predicted Kadyrov might end up as the only commander in Russia with an intact army. WebScientific Reports. It's been a long day. There are 2 bridges there - looks like the higher one is is a railway bridge (those are some railway tanker cars burning). This will act as a deterrent and provide evidence for animal abuse prosecutions. My little Norwegian town now has a small population of Ukrainian refugees - children, women, elderly people. WebBig Hollywood covers and uncovers -- the glitz and glamour of the Hollywood left with reviews, interviews, and inside scoops about your favorite entertainment. So I investigated, and it seems that Russia indeed has a. Or maybe they'd be close enough to attack it with other capabilities. Eating about 140 grams (4.9 oz) of oily fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids once per week is a recommended consumption amount. NPR: Russian men flee the country. That rusty thing is more likely to give you tetanus than give you a bullet wound Is there any reasonably-knowledgeable thought on how China is viewing Putins war? It isnt just optical sights its the fact that most of their guns dont have the modern rail system that is standard on almost every modern riffle these days. If commercial satellites, social media, and other open source capabilities become de factor intelligence sources for belligerent militaries, what are the LOAC implications? On Twitter, Julia Davis translates an account of a woman being conscripted into the Russian army: Anecdote - a friend is in a Baltic city over the weekend and got very little sleep last night because the other room in her Airbnb was occupied by a married couple of Russian scientists in their fifties, on their way back from a European research trip. Heck, there are thousands of civilian Danes who enjoy watching ships go by and communicating about it in Internet forums. I can imagine the Danes and the Poles afterwards saying, The NordStream pipelines are nearby the new Norwegian pipeline at the location where the explosions happened. AR409 Undercover footage has revealed significant animal suffering in UK slaughterhouses, including animals slaughtered for organic meat. Treating nonhuman animals as "spare part" factories is both immoral and inhumane, and is therefore completely unacceptable in an ecological society. Ahahahaha, so corrupt logistics officers are stealing gear and selling it to conscripts. It's easy to use, no lengthy sign-ups, and 100% free! "Yeah, got a kebab from Kemal down by the church. Any kind of speculation - nuclear or otherwise - adds a lot of noise to the signal. I just looked at a tabloid site because I wanted to check on right-wing talking points up to our coming election. Understanding Russias referendums in Ukraine, Russia to annex 4 Ukrainian regions after so-called 'referendums', incorporation of the four Russian-occupied regions, signed decrees recognizing the supposed independence, 2022 annexation referendums in Russian-occupied Ukraine, threat of Russian attacks on Norwegian oil and gas infrastructure to be high, Other residents have been rounded up on the streets, in 1940, when citizens of the Baltic republics were coerced to vote for Communist puppets, strikes have already taken place at Saky airfield, mobiks have already been sent to and captured in Kharkiv Oblast, collaborators make a show of counting blank ballots, Putin hosting signing ceremony for annexation of four areas of Ukraine. 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