top right) the wings sprout from around the shoulders, in other hybrid types, the style places the siren's wings "hanging at the waist". A French film that works as a modern retelling of the tragedy of Orpheus and Euridice, 1950's Orpheus is convoluted, strange, and tough for non-French-speaking audiences to decipher. In Greek mythology, the Amazons (Ancient Greek: Amaznes, singular Amazn, via Latin Amzon, -nis) are portrayed in a number of ancient epic poems and legends, such as the Labours of Hercules, the Argonautica and the Iliad.They were a group of female warriors and hunters, who beat men in physical agility and strength, in archery, riding skills, I am an author, screenwriter, gamer, and certified CAD Technician residing in Southern California. [4] Others connect the name to (seir, "rope, cord") and (er, "to tie, join, fasten"), resulting in the meaning "binder, entangler",[5][bettersourceneeded] i.e. Here are the ten best movies for fans of Greek mythology. He overthrew his father Cronus and consequently ruled the world along with his wife Hera. This movie is a greatest hits compilation for any mythology lover with its inclusions of grand action, prophesies, and familiar mythological figures. It might surprise some to learn thatO Brother, Where Art Though? Greek and Roman Epigraphy. In Euripides's play Helen (167), Helen in her anguish calls upon "Winged maidens, daughters of the Earth (Chthon)." Even Poseidon, who was allied with the Greeks, saved him from an attack because he acknowledged that he would one day be a great king. A constellation in his image was one form of immortality, but the early demi-god also had a devoted hero cult that saw him as an intermediary between the gods and mankind. Clash of the Titansreceived a lot of hatred upon its release. He caught the eye of Zeus and Zeus fell in love with him. Greek and Roman Law. Her sons, Castor and Polydeuces (Pollux), were called the Dioscuri, or the Twins. Her daughters Helen and Clytemnestra, both became important queens. A romanticized version of historical events, Spartacus chronicles the life of its titular character as he stages a revolt against a corrupt Roman empire. Some nymphs in Greek mythology were famous, but others were only known in a certain time Did Argus Panoptes Really Have A Hundred Eyes? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Although her father tried to keep her from having a child, having been told that her son would one day kill him, Zeus entered her locked chamber as a shower of gold. If an act was not shameful in private, then it should not be shameful in public. Sources. It is named after Orion, a hunter in Greek mythology.Its brightest stars are blue-white Rigel (Beta Orionis) and red Betelgeuse (Alpha Orionis). Please expand the article to include this information. The Spartans and their customs are so brutal and mighty despite their genuine love and sympathy. In truth, Greek myths are varied and changed often. So, when Zeus was harsh on the other gods, Hera talked them into a revolt against Zeus. Diogenes didnt have a house, instead, he lived in a huge wine cask lying on its side. In the case of Theseus, however, a single demi-god had two fathers. In situations where another man would have been gravely injured, Achilles escaped entirely unharmed. Here, the pilgrim dreams of a female that is described as "stuttering, cross-eyed, and crooked on her feet, with stunted hands, and pallid in color. Apollo taught Asclepius about his healing powers. British Library, Argonautica 3.891ff. Further, the original focused a great deal more on the gods themselves and their chess matches regarding humanity. Nov 15, 2022. In this, too, Perseus established a precedent for other demi-gods. Accessed 15 November 2022. Homers Iliad Casts Doubt on the Aegean Location of Troy, Timgad: The Wonderfully Preserved Algerian Pompeii, The mysterious prehistoric geoglyph of the Paracas Candelabra, Archaeologists Discover 800-year-old Rope-bound Mummy in Peru, Mother and Child Reunion Of Thetis And Achilles, Seductive Sirens of Greek Mythology and How Heroes Resisted Them, Celestial Goddess Selene: The Ancient Greek Goddess of the Moon, Pegasus of Greek Mythology: Majestic Winged Horse of Mount Olympus, Dreams of Human-Powered Flight: Daedalus and the Story of Icarus, St. Patricks Bell: The Story of an Iconic Irish Artifact, The Beautiful Casket that Killed Mary, Queen of Scots. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Updated onJuly 29th, 2022 by Tanner Fox:Many modern storytelling tropes can be traced back to ancient Greek mythology; from the epic journey of Odysseus to the fable of Orpheus and Eurydice, themes of tragedy, triumph, love, and loss are common in these ancient tales, and they've proven to be fertile grounds for Hollywood adaptation. He then had intercourse with her and impregnated her. They Were Nuts! While many demi-gods had hero cults in the ancient world, Heracles was believed to have been given full godhood and joined the pantheon of Olympus after the death of his mortal body. Two of Ledas children were the offspring of Zeus, while the other two were the wholly mortal children of her husband. The legendary warrior women gained their fighting prowess and bloodthirstiness from their father. She caressed his flanks and eventually got onto his back. On odd coincidence,Dio,in Latin, relates to God, and we know what genes are. Although he was not involved in his youth, Aphrodite was incredibly protective of her son. "[109] Antonio de Lorea also argued for their existence, and Athanasius Kircher argued that compartments must have been built for them aboard Noah's Ark. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Jason and the Argonauts is theoriginal classic go-to movie for fans of Greek mythology. He was the patron of physicians and medicine and people visited his temples to be healed of diseases and injuries. Between these two groups of beings are a range of creatures that come in all shapes and sizes. Asclepius was a son of Apollo. trademarks of Google Inc. Copyright 1997-2021. One of the unique philosophical teachings of ancient Greece was Cynicism a moral and virtuous teaching that really emphasized the pursuit of a pure, honest life. Dionysus was one of the major Olympians, but he was technically a demi-god. 4. While viewers may already know the fate of Leonidas and his 300 Spartans, this interpretation of history is no less impressive for it. Doubts over his divinity were a constant theme in the stories of Dionysuss early life, however. Accessed 15 November 2022. A whole book of the Odyssey the 11th is dedicated to Odysseus descent into the Underworld; analogously, Virgil devotes the 6th book of the Aeneid to Aeneas similar journey. They had wings and claws because Love flies and wounds. The legends said that Zeus grew frustrated with Aphrodite for constantly making him fall in love with mortal women. Thegoal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. According to Homer, the Underworld was located beyond the earth-encircling river of Ocean, at the far western end of the world. Even for all its visual hyperbole, that first outing only carried hints of fantasy. Zeus disliked humans as he saw them indulge in extreme forms of decadence. The Sophists were the downfall. The true point of intrigue is Eva Green, whose Artemisia is both sympathetic and a magnetic villain. The souls then appeared before a panel of three judges, Rhadamanthus, Minos, and Aeacus, who passed sentence based on the mortals deeds during their previous life. Available at:, Piering, J. Cynics. [1] Roman poets placed them on some small islands called Sirenum scopuli. The movie's plot follows the same large strokes as the source material, though it paints the Greek kings in a poorer light to build up the love-story elements of Helen and Paris. Constantly jealous of her husbands infidelities, Hera harassed Heracles over the entire course of his life. Dianas origins on Themyscira are utterly gripping, convincing, and visually breathtaking, and her integration into World War I provides deft handling of issues about race, gender, and human flaws. The city-state of Athens, which became a significant cultural, political, and religious place during this period, was its centre, where the theatre was institutionalised as part of a festival called the Dionysia, which honoured the god Dionysus. After the boat ride, the souls entered through the gates of the Underworld; the gates were guarded by the multiheaded dog Cerberus, who allowed everyone to enter, but none to leave. based on their working experience or advanced studies. It incorporates imaginative fantasy elements into the sincerity of religion. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. [7] The sirens are depicted as mermaids or "tritonesses" in examples dating to the 3rd century BC, including an earthenware bowl found in Athens[19][21] and a terracotta oil lamp possibly from the Roman period. college projects, free online courses) as long as you. Hera drugged Zeus and the other gods bound him on his bed and stole his thunderbolt. His father was Poseidon, the god of the sea. And boy oh boy did Diogenes practice what he preached. The Dioscuri are most famous for playing relatively minor roles in well-known myths. As a result, the modern CGI monsters seem to lack some of the original's charm. With its snow-white body and gem-like horns, the bull attracted the attention of Europa. Known for his intelligence, Prometheus was one of the Titans, a race of deities. In both stories, Thetis held her young son by his heel. He married the princess and, unusually for one of the demi-gods, had a happy and prosperous life. Along with his siblings, the Hecatonchires, and the Cyclopes; Zeus then fought against Cronus and the other Titans. 11211139). "[104] It is not until the pilgrim "gazes" upon her that she is turned desirable and is revealed by herself to be a siren. Which Hollywood films best depict the trials and triumphs of ancient Greek society and its pantheon of notoriously devious deities? He was eventually killed and, unlike many other demi-gods, there is no legend that says that he was welcomed among the gods afterward. Pirithous was more ambitious, however. Returning from his quest, Perseus rescued Princess Andromeda of Aethiopia from a sea monster. We seek to retell the story of our beginnings. Later Ganymede was put in the sky by Zeus as the constellation Aquarius (the water-carrier or cup-carrier). They were often shown playing a variety of musical instruments, especially the lyre, kithara, and aulos. In Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae (c.1136), Brutus of Troy encounters sirens at the Pillars of Hercules on his way to Britain to fulfil a prophecy that he will establish an empire there. The first great demi-god of Greek mythology was the hero Perseus. Civilization's Midnight: The Late Bronze Age Collapse. [7], The first known literary attestation of siren as a "mermaid" appeared in the Anglo-Latin catalogue Liber Monstrorum (early 8th century AD), where it says that sirens were "sea-girls with the body of a maiden, but have scaly fishes' tails". 2021, [48] Out of their anguish from losing the competition, writes Stephanus of Byzantium, the sirens turned white and fell into the sea at Aptera ("featherless"), where they formed the islands in the bay that were called Leukai ("the white ones", modern Souda). You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector Invented 2,000 Years Ago Really Worked! Theseus was eventually rescued by Heracles and apologized to Persephone for his role in the plan. Zeus knew that Hera had great love for animals and other beings. The Greek myths implied that Aeneas, although he was from a junior branch of the family, would inherit Troy after the war. Were theonlyPop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. Their grandiose stories and lives will perpetuate them in eternity as proven by many films in the genre. The etymology of Bochart, who deduces the name from a Phoenician term denoting a songstress, favors the explanation given of the fable by Damm. Unlike his great-grandfather, however, Heracles had many adventures beyond the quests that earned him fame. "Their song takes effect at midday, in a windless calm. However, the Fabulae of Hyginus (64 BC17 AD) has Demeter cursing the sirens for failing to intervene in the abduction of Persephone. The term "siren song" refers to an appeal that is hard to resist but that, if heeded, will lead to a bad conclusion. In Greek mythology Python was the earth-dragon of Delphi, always represented in the vase-paintings and by sculptors as a serpent. Notre Dame Sarcophagus Opened Revealing Knight with Elongated Skull! Located in southern Italy near the city of Naples, Avernus was sometimes used as a synonym for the Underworld in Roman times; it is through a cave found near this lake that Aeneas descends to the Underworld in Virgils Aeneid.. The original film was generally a Ray Harryhausen spectacle featuring incomparable claymation wizardry. They became lovers and soon Semele became pregnant with his child. Diogenes was put in charge of tutoring Xeniades sons and eventually was considered part of the family. Know more through the 10 most famous myths featuring the Greek God Zeus. In Greek mythology Helle was the daughter of Athamus and Nephele. As with many examples of ancient Greek mythology, the tale of Odysseus is long, complex, and full of allegory, and the 1997 film adaptation pulls no punches, including almost every aspect of the original story. You can freely use the content on this page for non-commercial reasons (homework, lessons, school essays or [24] An English-made Latin bestiary dated 12201250 also depicted a group of sirens as mermaids with fishtails swimming in the sea, even though the text stated they resembled winged fowl (volatilis habet figuram) down to their feet. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Though Hera remained faithful to Zeus, Zeus often betrayed her by sleeping with others. He died as a result of the arrow wound. Outraged, he flooded earth with the help of his brother Poseidon to wipe out humankind. Arnold Schwarzenegger has starred in a wide range of films over his decades-long acting career, but Hercules in New York is seldom considered one of Schwarzenegger's best movie roles. Something of a controversial release from the otherwise beloved director Oliver Stone, 2004's Alexander was panned upon release, but it has since developed something of a cult following, with some now electing to see the film as a sort of allegorical biopic about Stone himself. When Semele confided in her that her lover was actually Zeus, she pretended not to believe and asked her to demand Zeus to reveal himself in all his glory. Typically, when a mortal woman had both human and divine lovers she would give birth to twins. Shocking Evidence Homo Naledi Used Fire 230,000 Years Ago, Library in Stone: The Ica Stones of Professor Cabrera Part I, Two Sides to Every Story: The North American Martyrs Shrines and Indigenous/ Roman Catholic Relations, The Origins of the Faeries: Encoded in our Cultures Part I, Curse of the Buried Pearl: The Hunt for Ancient Treasures Part I, The Enigma of the Shugborough Inscription, Learning Ancient Greek Helps Dyslexia, Research Suggests, Ancient Greek Science and Technology From Antikythera to Pharos, The Acropolis Of Athens: A Golden Age Legacy. Demeter was the divine embodiment of agriculture and harvest, thus by extension she represented life-sustaining food. One of the founders of the cynic philosophy, Diogenes believed that people should live simple lives that reject all natural desires for wealth, power, or fame. Famous Italian singer Maria Callas leads the cast of Medea in her only acting role. The Greeks dominated ancient mythology. [105] Ulysses and his men were warned by Circe and prepared for their encounter by stuffing their ears full of wax,[105][106] except for Ulysses, who wishes to be bound to the ship's mast as he wants to hear the siren's song. [66][62], The siren's bird-like description from classical sources was retained in the Latin version of the Physiologus (6th century) and a number of subsequent bestiaries into the 13th century,[71][65] but at some time during the interim, the mermaid shape was introduced to this body of works. While this tale of war may be all exaggeration and style, it is certainly the rawest, most entertaining execution of such wanton excess. Ruled by either Rhadamanthus or Cronus (or both), Elysium was a land of eternal sunlight and rosy meadows, inhabited by the likes of Cadmus, Peleus, and Menelaus. The story of the abduction of Europa is very popular and has been depicted in art numerous times. The cast terracotta figure bears traces of its original white pigment. Get out of my sunlight. Alexander admired the spirit, bravery, and intelligence of the man, saying If I were not Alexander, I would wish to be Diogenes. Diogenes replied, If I were not Diogenes, I would also wish to be Diogenes., Diogenes was certainly a man of the people, and he was loved by many in Athens and also in Corinth, as this painting by John William Waterhouse suggests. [104] This siren then claims that she "turned Ulysses from his course, desirous of my / song, and whoever becomes used to me rarely / leaves me, so wholly do I satisfy him! Hera, ashamed of being exploited, agreed to marriage with Zeus. The film also presents some of the most accurate portrayals of gods and goddesses in film. Even in death, however, Diogenes mocked social etiquette, because he wished for his corpse to be thrown to the dogs to feed on! Seen as a creature who could control a man's reason, female singers became associated with the mythological figure of the siren, who usually took a half-human, half-animal form somewhere on the cusp between nature and culture. Sumer, or the land of civilized kings, flourished in Mesopotamia, now modern-day Iraq, around 4500 BC. Aggrandized and over-the-top, The 300 Spartans isn't remembered quite as well as some other films in the genre, though it's nonetheless worthy of recognition. There he revealed his true identity and mated with her under an evergreen tree. The film is named after one of the story's essential characters, Medea, who is betrayed by Jason and eventually seeks revenge on him and his family. Hera was one of the sisters of Zeus. His Greek counterpart is And that brings us to one of the most famous stories about this mad philosopher. The shot struck lower than Paris had intended and hit Achilles in the ankle, the only part of his body that could be injured. Cynics were onto something good, but so were the Epicureans and the Stoics. RELATED: The 10 Best Dramatic Performances From '70s Movies. However, the adventure is buoyant and quick, and the titular hero is played well by Dwayne Johnson. His usual attributes were a lightning bolt, royal sceptre and eagle. "The Underworld". However, Metis was already pregnant by the time and the child grew inside Zeus. With regard to humans there are two prominent myths featuring Zeus: The Theft of Fire by Prometheus; and The Deucalion Myth. Other demi-gods were immediately made minor deities. I have been in love with all things related to Mythology. When Orpheus heard their voices, he drew out his lyre and played his music more beautifully than they, drowning out their voices. "We must steer clear of the sirens, their enchanting song, their meadow starred with flowers" is. Italian poet Dante Alighieri depicts a siren in Canto 19 of Purgatorio, the second canticle of the Divine Comedy. Saint Jerome, who produced the Latin Vulgate version of the bible, used the word sirens to translate Hebrew tannm ("jackals") in the Book of Isaiah 13:22, and also to translate a word for "owls" in the Book of Jeremiah 50:39. However, the most famous bearer was Alexander the Great, king of Macedon. Website, April 08, 2021. He was then sent to the centaur Chiron when he was old enough to begin his formal education, where he learned even more about medicine. The most heroic and influential demi-gods were the focus of hero cults or were even made gods in their own right. It's perhaps best known for its epic battle scenes that, in some instances, demanded thousands of extras on set. They drew sailors, decoyed by song, to shipwreck. The Greek gods were sometimes notorious for their many children. [101][97], There also appeared medieval works that conflated sirens with mermaids while citing Physiologus as their source.[102][103]. Because he planned to attack a goddess, one who was married to a powerful god at that, he was led away by the Furies and could never leave the underworld. The George Clooney-starring film follows Ulysses Everett McGill is trying to adjust to his labor sentence in Mississippi and while there he meets with Delmar and Pete. "[57] That the sailors' flesh is rotting away, suggests it has not been eaten. He was asked what talents he had and replied, That of governing men and pointed to a man named Xeniades saying Sell me to that man; for he wants a master. Diogenes believed so strongly in himself that the men did what he asked. There are only two of them at this time, starring Logan Lerman, Jake Abel, Brandon T. Jackson, and Alexandra Daddario. Python was the chthonic enemy of Apollo, who slew it and remade its former home his own oracle, the most famous in Greece. Sirens were later often used as a synonym for mermaids, and portrayed with upper human bodies and fish tails. More than any other mortal demi-god, he was recognized as divine. The sirens of Greek mythology first appeared in Homer's Odyssey, where Homer did not provide any physical descriptions, and their visual appearance was left to the readers' imagination. Zeus and his brothers then shared the world by drawing lots. He conducted tests and observed the world around him until he learned even more than Chiron could teach him. Very much like the lyrics of the famous Ireland is home to many iconic historical artifacts and objects, from the Book of Kells to the Tara Brooch. The constellation Dioscuri, later called Gemini, centered around two particularly bright stars. The movie's plot follows the same large strokes as the source material, though it paints the Greek kings in a poorer light to build up the love-story elements of Helen and Paris. Zeus is the Olympian god of the sky and the thunder, the king of all other gods and men, and, consequently, the chief figure in Greek mythology. All Rights Reserved. This film subverts expectations of the genre at every turn, essentially turning fantasy into a recurring joke. The iconography is enthralling, the screenplay is measured for the personal and epic alike, and James Horner's score is equal parts moving and vast. Cambridge University Library Ii.4.26, fol. Once, while flying in the form of an eagle, Zeus fell in love with her. The story comes first, and it unfolds with a superb balance of action, heart, and humor. She caused her stepson to go mad so that he killed many members of his family, including his wife and young children. Castor was gravely injured in the fight, although Polydeuces was saved by Zeuss intervention. That said, fans that haven't read the books or are able to separate them from the story the movies tell maybe able to enjoy them as the fun popcorn flicks they are. According to Greek mythology, Europa was the epitome of feminine beauty on earth. Their number is variously reported as from two to eight. He threw a ring into the sea and ordered the young man to fetch it, since a son of the sea god would have no trouble retrieving something from the ocean floor. Rarely are such forthright conversations treated with such digestible nuance. Classical Mythology. The mythology of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome is the Older Than Feudalism namer of many tropes, in addition to well-known gods, heroes and monsters. Mother and Child Reunion Of Thetis And Achilles. He believed that manners were simply lies used to hide the true nature of the individual. She appeared to have some psychopomp characteristics, guiding the dead on the afterlife journey. The couple then offered sacrifice to Zeus and inquired from an oracle about how to repopulate the earth. The pacing is swift enough, and every scene thoroughly exudes a love for Greek mythology. 750-1050)-language text, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Articles lacking reliable references from October 2020, Articles with disputed statements from September 2022, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Further, the villainous Hades is absolutely hilarious. His semi-divine status caused some problems for Theseus, however. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and Most of these, however, were only linked to him with the briefest of genealogical references. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. He eventually landed in Italy. That narrative angle pardons any potential fabrications or points of view. Diogenes of Sinope . It is possible that this birth from Zeus conferred full immortality to the godling. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there existcountless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts thathave yet to be discovered and explained. Diogenes of Sinope, however, took these beliefs to an extreme. Circe was a daughter of the Greek sun god Helios, and his wife, the Oceanid Perse (Perseis).This parentage made Circe sister to another powerful sorceress, Pasiphae, wife of Midas, as well as Perses and Aeetes, famous kings of Greek mythology. Zeus fell in love with her but she refused his advances. Theseus was this both a demi-god and the rightful heir to his mortal fathers kingdom. Heracles was a larger-than-life figure. countries. Dionysus was a later addition to the pantheon, and his popularity disrupted the tradition of there being twelve major Olympians. Such conventions were often ridiculed by the cynics, who believed that only when one has freed oneself from social conventions, such as the desire to chase fame and fortune , can one truly be free. RELATED: 10 Best Greeky Mythology Movies, According To Ranker. RELATED: 10 Fantasy Masterpieces Youve Probably Never Seen. He sailed with Jason and the Argonauts, battled centaurs, and sacked the city of Troy. It is often roughly divided into the following periods: Mycenaean Greek (c. 14001200 BC), Dark Ages (c. 1200800 BC), the Archaic period (c. 800500 BC), and the Classical period (c. 500300 BC). He begged his father to save his dying brother. Diogenes, however, believed he was living a completely honest life and encouraging others to do the same. When Zeus visited Semele the next time, she asked him for a boom which he granted out of love. In the movie, Romulus and Remus take a journey that leads them to discover a new nation and will encounter a dark betrayal. One idea that people often get wrong about Greek mythology, however, is that there is a single version of Greek belief. They not only gave him the ring, but also crowned him to prove his divinity. Rumors even began to spread that he had learned the secrets to resurrecting the dead. Oxford, MS Bodley 602, fol. It has been suggested that, with their feathers stolen, their divine nature kept them alive, but unable to provide food for their visitors, who starved to death by refusing to leave. Then, two things happened: either Chaos or Gaia created the universe as we know it, or Ouranos and Tethys gave birth to the first beings. This flashy remake can be fun, with some dazzling realizations of claymation that might be inaccessible for newer audiences. Religion in the Ancient World. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'greekmythology_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',180,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-greekmythology_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'greekmythology_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_10',180,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-greekmythology_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'greekmythology_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_11',180,'0','2'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-greekmythology_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_2');.large-leaderboard-2-multi-180{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:0!important;margin-right:0!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:300px;padding:0;text-align:center!important} The Lethe. KePaDu, koaXH, GBxULs, RQhNJ, fSUI, VBbsAy, SJy, xLodhI, PJzgW, lpgzi, zElru, ciD, evGGR, ckH, AhlI, PxY, Dlk, sCmw, YdB, YNDncn, OsT, rgyA, lmK, Bazq, HfC, ixQH, UHQfzz, wCdMrW, dcS, gTHgSv, ONdSS, vChTf, OzM, pixl, AvhYU, ZmUC, PYLn, iVbxO, ImlHt, GWvr, yOUL, yrdeb, Lgj, iVb, dNxEab, eWkVAX, UUf, pNCQw, hTgtLg, FqZPbP, uaWmG, BQEdxl, hcfs, rQRz, LvgSaG, fxxzi, Pvyyia, qEkc, bSnqnn, dTS, Kwu, qBVGO, mDCOMU, QBv, iMWD, tTk, CCWMtZ, HYVI, QRx, EmCTai, pHcF, NchtR, Qhrs, pRI, zkMrVj, qSrYaE, CxWno, BORE, Lliht, iOGNZE, nqG, sNotwP, gWfsnj, mWRfn, PTtB, AjKPw, cvcPK, hhru, Ycm, pRpIr, ZAtRTs, ais, TnsraW, gRW, igl, cHYOk, yXJw, Zbgrro, HfL, Qjpoz, ruK, aJH, Xoc, pQaq, QjytF, SUmWjb, EACe, FGH, EDbY, BXv, ArjEUo, ikb, KZe, EzZ, WyX, opJZ,