In the UK paperback celebratory edition, the first line of the sentence which runs from page 710 to 711 is repeated, first on the bottom of page 710 and again at the top of page 711. ', Douglas Adams, `Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency'. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Both may have assumed that either they could use the Turner again to give themselves time to make the potion or Bathilda would have a potion ready for their use. Go here for a pretty complete list of continuity and other errors:, Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message, What is the most glaring continuity error you've ever found in a King story or, The only one I can think of offhand is from "Carrie" --- Early on the book. Feminist poems both serious and absurd that question our obsession with productivity instead of with care. The largest added burden is to keep in mind what your character knows vs what the audience/reader knows vs what you as the writer know. We will reopen on Dec 13th. During the meeting between Fudge, Dumbledore, and Moody, Fudge is mistakenly referred to as both "Crouch" and also as his first name, "Cornelius.". We might even throw in a few jokes or moving picturesafter all, you never know what youre going to find on the internet. On page 196 (American Edition), Harry is mentioned going to Dumbledore's office for his private lesson on the 7th floor of Hogwarts. Hagrid tells Harry that "There's not a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin." It is possible that the clerk thought that Care of Magical Creatures was compulsory, or he had got a glimpse of Harry's booklist as he entered the shop. Another possible explanation is that both the pairs were the most known trouble-makers of different decades. It is also equally unlikely that she was there to see Harry be delivered to the Dursleys, as she was appalled when Dumbledore announced his intention to do that. In the US paperback edition, when exiting the tunnel that lead out of the Whomping Willow, the group was in the following order: This is corrected in later editions of the book. For example, it is established in Deathly Hallows that attendance at Hogwarts has always technically been optional, and yet home-schooled students would likely still need the formal credentials provided by an O.W.L. 2022 Bulk Bookstore. Indeed, the trio do exactly that in the climax of the last book. This will help prevent errors born from conflicting plot sequences. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Our office will be closed Dec 9th through Dec 12th. Harry and Ron on the other hand caused great troubles with their arrival to school, after which they both got warning from Dumbledore that any more violation of rules will cause their expulsion from school, a warning which wasn't related to Hermione in any way. They need to stay consistent to themselves, not to any previously created plot outlines. Since the trio had already stowed their luggage earlier, there would be no need for them to go looking for an empty compartment. They were still unable to use magic around Harry due to the Trace. However, Peter Pettigrew betrayed Harry's parents and he was in Gryffindor. Blogger (writing, publishing, life). On the US version of the cover, the front art is the night that Harry and Hermione save Sirius and, The cover of the Scholastic edition and British Bloomsbury edition both depict Harry and Hermione riding Buckbeak. Encounters with an unusual cast of characters including lonely cryptids, unrepentant grifters, and persistent ghosts provide incomplete answers, and while the continuity errors keep multiplying around her, Wright pauses to consider whether our devotion to innovation is keeping us stuck. Wright's always sharp and often eerie interrogations lead us through a world of cryptocurrency, grunt work, predictive policing, extinction, haute cuisine, billboard ads, smoke breaks, breast pumps; these are poems for our moment of onslaught and bewilderment that, having had the world forced down their throats, spit back. However, this is rather unlikely as Bellatrix was heavily implied to be extremely active in Voldemort's war throughout the, It is mentioned that Remus, rather than James, was the male Gryffindor. ). Her hand is then back in Lily's, and she tugs it out again. However, Trelawney's use of the title "the Dark Lord" was used largely for poetic effect rather than out of loyalty. However, by all logical accounts, the Third Task should have been visible to spectators. Some of these mistakes were fixed in later editions of the same book. It's also possible that the Mirror knew that Quirrell wanted to give the Stone to Voldemort, which is still using it, just not on himself. But such errors happen in books, too, and must be rooted out during editing. Im in the process of writing my first mystery novel. There are things you know as a writer, things the reader knows as you reveal them, and things your characters know as they discover them. However, in Chapter 2 of this book, it is revealed that this spell requires a wand, even when performed by the exceptionally skilled Bellatrix Lestrange. Therefore, a full moon during the Christmas period is not possible. (You can check out storyboarding as another way to address continuity problems.) Another way Kubrick may tell us that we have entered Wendys perspective is when the camera faces the backs of characters. Maybe Professor Lupin didn't know that Moody has seen boggarts while he was teaching the lesson. But when they go back in time, Buckbeak is tied to a fence. Had Crouch simply made a Portkey of his bedsheets or a schoolbook, Voldemort could have returned months sooner. exam even without taking the corresponding class. In Continuity Errors, moments of reflection are disrupted with splashes of levity, absurdity, and raunchiness that ask the reader to consider how labor and play make up our days. Let's take a look at some of the most blatant misses from the shoe! When Hermione realised that she had missed her Cheering Charms lesson, it is unknown why she didn't simply use the Time Turner to go back and make it to the lesson. This was also corrected to "curse" in later printings of the American versions. It is also possible that there are more dormitories that don't appear in the books and films. Crouch could have been lying about there being a Ministry directive against him showing dark curses to such young students in order to make them seem more terrifying. It is likely that the evidence Dumbledore gave was his knowledge of the Potters', Sirius says that he persuaded James and Lily to use Peter as Secret Keeper instead of him, thinking that Voldemort would try to coerce the secret out of him. ">*stands>up, pours the mule-kick over the porch rail, and goes to bed! Editors will be able to spot them, too, but its much better if you can catch them and fix them yourself. While it may be assumed that the most senior player is chosen as Captain, it's never explicitly stated. In Diana Gabaldon's book, Murtagh perishes in the Battle of Culloden. A student taking. EnCsMommy wrote in message <> >What is the most glaring continuity error you've ever found in a King storyor>novel?>, >For me, it's in the book _Firestarter_. Feminist poems both serious and absurd that question our obsession with productivity instead of with care. But I just finished The One-Eyed Man the other day, and there was a truly unique continuity After Harry is returning from figuring out the egg clue in the prefect's bathroom he gets stuck in the vanishing stair. Hermione is afraid to return to 12 Grimmauld Place for fear that she had inadvertently given the location to Yaxley. Sirius Black says that Voldemort has been in hiding for fifteen years. Can you name any continuity errors from books youve read? Related:5 Outlander Costumes That Are Historically Accurate (& 5 That Aren't). One in-universe explanation is that Dudley's parents may have bought one of the earlier available PlayStation prototypes designed for game designers, some of which were known to have been sold to private consumers. This chapter takes place in June 1994. Major) was male and Fudge would've been the first Minister for Magic that the predecessor met. When Umbridge first puts Harry in detention she tells him to be in her office at 5:00. These lyric, prose, and persona poems situate themselves Dudley) already knows about the existence of the magical world, there's no point in charging Harry with this offence. Great post and just what I was looking for. Harry says 'What d'you mean? In Continuity Errors, moments of reflection are disrupted with splashes of levity, absurdity, and raunchiness that ask the reader to consider how labor and play make up our days. It is possible, given that they were freeing Muggle-borns, that they felt their cover had already been blown, and therefore didn't worry about it. However, it could also mean that Harry simply moved 3 spaces left diagonally, and wasn't written properly. In the Scholastic Edition, in the 22nd line of the Sorting Hat's new song, Hufflepuff is spelt as "Hufflepujf.". See How to Edit for help, or this entry's Talk Page. *standsup, pours the mule-kick over the porch rail, and goes to bed! Attach them to characters (or a void when they arent in anyones possession). Which one is the bigger mistake, or if one actually justifies the other, is open to interpretation. Again, this is highly unlikely, as Dumbledore states that he is ill. Before Harry and Hermione go back in time, it mentions that Buckbeak is tied to a tree. Alternatively, the PlayStation may have been released earlier in the Harry Potter universe, or Harry, due to his lack of interest in Muggle technology, might have confused the PlayStation with a similar console. It seems impossible that the three could have found their camps that quick, unless Mr Weasley had sent a message to his sons while collecting wood for their fire. Voldemort went into hiding right after he was ripped from his body after failing to kill Harry. When Harry is looking at his scar and how it came to be, the reader is informed that his parents had been murdered by the most feared dark wizard for a hundred years. However, it was really a Sunday. So 2 September would actually have to be a Thursday, as well. While it seems expected that the attention would focus on the colonies, it seems Jenny and Ian have been nearly forgotten - lost in the evolving narrative. In the American paperback edition on page 148, Harry asks Ron if he can dump his things upstairs in his room. She then proceeds to sweep up the shards of the first teacup with a feather duster and dust pan. Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox. Continuity Errors was the eighth story in the anthology Decalog 3: Consequences. Objects are the easiest things to keep track of and yet they are some of the most often overlooked victims of continuity errors. She is a storyteller, Netflix-binge-watcher, and cinephile. The only thing she knew (as she heard this from Hagrid) was that Dumbledore was planning on going there, but she has no reason to keep tabs on Dumbledore, especially at the expense of her duties at Hogwarts. When the Weasleys, Hermione and Harry arrive at the camp site for the Quidditch match, they have to use a map to find where they set up their camps. However, by that point, he would likely have had no interest in Muggle entertainment such as television or video games. 'Dinner' does refer to the evening meal as the book refers to the midday meal as 'lunch'. Percy's name is once misspelled as Perry after he catches Harry, Ron and Hermione leaving Myrtle's bathroom. During Harrys talk with Sirius and Lupin in the fireplace, Lupin says that James was 15 years old at the time of what Harry saw in Snapes Pensieve. Wright's always sharp and often eerie interrogations lead us through a world of cryptocurrency, grunt work, predictive policing, extinction, haute cuisine, billboard ads, smoke breaks, breast pumps; these are poems for our moment of onslaught and bewilderment that, having had the world forced down their throats, spit back." Half past eight (the time Harry goes down to the Quidditch pitch to learn about the Third Task) is described as night, and Harry is described as exiting the castle 'into the cloudy night'. Assuming that a) dead animals cannot be gloomy and b) the lesson requires a live animal to work, thus Harry killing his bullfrog would have been frowned upon by Flitwick and at the very least remarked upon in the book, the Summoning Charm appears to work completely fine on living objects. Ron says "That's the worst Monday I've ever seen" in reference to his and Harry's schedule for the first day of classes. But this was not the case. While most are rather well-developed and add to the overarching narrative of the series, it seems that a few have fallen through the cracks. Also, Hermione reminds him that Apparition is impossible within the Hogwarts grounds, but there's still no reason why they couldn't Apparate to just outside the grounds and walk the rest of the way. In the early printings of the Scholastic edition, there are some books which were bound incorrectly, the spine and cover having been bound inverted. Wethen read all about the way Vicky was killed and Charlie kidnapped. At the>end>of this little story, Andy muses on what must have happened to Vicky's body>afterwards, then thinks, "Oh shit why are you doing this to yourself? However, dinner isn't always referred to as the 'last meal of the day' - in other books Harry, Ron and Hermione have headed to dinner as soon as afternoon lessons have finished. With five seasons behind it, Outlander has dropped its fair share of storylines along the way - and committed some continuity errors too! The upcoming Disney+ Percy Jackson series has reignited the fandom, bringing back fans who had read the books years ago. Lastly, it could be that Katie was referring to the bad players from the previous year, and simply wanted to replace the players who had weighed down the team. His hairstyle keeps Free standard shipping with $35 orders. She said in, One possible explanation is that McGonagall's earlier statement was a hyperbole. Have you ever had an epiphany after discovering a continuity error? It is possible that Mrs Weasley simply hoped that one of the twins would be made a prefect. For example, Lucius Malfoy was mentioned to be a prefect during Snape's Sorting in Deathly Hallows. At least twice in the U.S. audiobook edition, Hermione pronounces the abbreviation for the, In the book, classes begin the day after the. Yet, When Harry gets back into the Gryffindor common room with his. This would make sense, as Riddle didn't even know whether it was possible to create more than one Horcrux until this meeting and had already made the diary into one at this point. At the time Dumbledore says this, this is true. Mrs Weasley complains that Fred and George have not been made prefects. * But he was>already in bed!>>Any takers?>>L.>Lisa E, (And if there IS could someone post the URL), Covenant.A Man With Far Too Much Time On His Hands. * But he was>already in bed!>>Any takers?>>L.>Lisa E. I never get that stuff unless I've read it like a gazillion timesgood catchLisa! It was a small bare room with nothing in it except an old wardrobe and an iron bedstead." It can also save you from errors that effect your story on a large scale. Published in The Startup. It's possible that Malfoy may not have been aware about this fact, though this is unlikely as he ought to be from previous years. In the first episode ofOutlander's season five, "The Fiery Cross", an editing error occurs when Claire is sitting on a bed talking to Jamie. On page 126 in Chapter Seven on some American Editions it says Chapter One. began at 11:00 pm, and Harry observed. One way to avoid them is to use a style sheet. Lets start with the most common ways writers can get tripped up by continuity. Suggested Help: Keep a detailed outline that doubles as a timeline of scenes We read books chronologically, so the order that scenes unfold and convey their information to readers is critical to make note of. This is for two purposes. In the second case, Sirius was only one of the participants, and the purpose of this investigation was to find out the circumstances of the Potters' death, Voldemort's disappearance and to confirm that he had indeed disappeared. When Harry gets off the train and encounters Snape, Snape tries to take off 70 house points and tells Harry that he has set a record for getting negative house points at the beginning of the school year. Viola is left hunched over but keep an eye out for her hair. All Rights Reserved. Looking at any full moon calendar, in that year the full moon was on 30 July. On page 285 of some versions of the US hardback edition, Snape's name is misspelled as ". Another possible explanation could be that both Bellatrix and Snape went around with the same type of people, some of whom may have overlapped depending on age. How true, you must watch out for those little detail mistakes. Even if a sufficient amount of "ghost years" were to be added or a sufficient number of Cups removed, that would still make a perfect sequence of Cups every four years in this period impossible because 1473 is an odd number and 1994 is an even number. Also, bear in mind whether something can exist. Your first plot outline should allow for filling in details later. 29. (Im including you, as the the writer, in that list, because there are occasions when a character or the writing muse only makes you aware of something over time. At the>end>of this little story, Andy muses on what must have happened to Vicky's body>afterwards, then thinks, "Oh shit why are you doing this to yourself? Harry Potter reads a note from Hagrid and says, 'Buckbeak's appeal it's set for the sixth.' It is also possible that Quirrell had only taken a sip of the potion himself, therefore only leaving enough for one more person. However, the UK was in the European Union in 1993, so there wouldn't have been any Customs checks on goods arriving from France. questions the privileging of work and productivity over rest and care from an ecological and feminist perspective. Written before and immediately after the birth of her first child, these poems try to imagine the future her son will inherit. It later says that he had to ". However according to this logic. It is presumable that, as evidenced by its gatekeeping of the. Crouch had already been referred to by his real name earlier on that page, and the real Moody was lying stunned at the bottom of the trunk in his office. That way, if there were any you missed, your editor is able to identify them clearly because you already removed what you could. In the. 14. Even though some storylines need to be omitted for the sake of an overarching television narrative, coverage of Marsali's childhood was greatly missed. Or, as The Marauders (James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin) were able to be Animagi (but not Lupin as he was already a werewolf), Viktor Krum might be able to be Part-Animagus, but whether this is possible is unknown. However, only a few minutes later, they suddenly have a witness they could have used against Malfoy: The newly freed Dobby! He goes to bed.We>then read all about the way Vicky was killed and Charlie kidnapped. However, it is possible that a Horcrux does not need to be made immediately following a person's death; for instance, Riddle could have killed his parents, stolen the ring, worn the ring at school and then, sometime later, used the damage inflicted on his soul upon murdering his parents to make the ring into a Horcrux, at which point he would have stopped wearing it. "Catriona Wright'sContinuity Errorsis a book of snaking moves and sneaking intellect, a book of style and fortitude and sass. said Ron, the moment they had closed the door of the attic room behind them." ". However, sunset is a good deal later than that at that latitude and time of year (assuming Hogwarts is indeed near Dufftown, as claimed in. The store clerk immediately moves to the cage with the "Monster Books of Monsters" inside them as soon as he sees Harry. I find looking for or flipping between files looking for info, breaks my train of thought and then Ive wasted some more time. This was rectified in later editions of the same book. These included the, One theory is that Harry's year was an unusually small intake, due to the fact that the time at which those students would've been conceived was during the height of the. * But he was>already in bed! Following that logic, Katie should have been picked instead of Harry, but she did not even consider herself becoming Captain when she says, " "I thought you'd get that, well done," she called over, pointing at the Captain's badge on Harry's chest. Near the beginning of the chapter, Neville is assigned the task of disembowelling horned toads as punishment from Professor Snape. Dumbledore concedes that nobody will ever be able to prove that Lucius Malfoy slipped Tom Riddle's diary to Ginny before the start of term, let alone did so with the intention of opening the Chamber of Secrets; thus, Lucius could not be prosecuted. Continuity Errors questions the privileging of work and productivity over rest and care from an ecological and feminist perspective. The mistake is that since Angelina took over for Wood when he left school, it is assumed that the next highest grade player would be chosen as a new Captain for the Team. One is to prevent them, and the second is to identify them so they can be fixed. Ive changed the beginning a couple of times and then realized my first idea seemed best but then I also realized, many things then fell into the continuity error bucket. So clearly, house-elves are not considered incompetent witnesses by the Wizengamot. It's possible that the Mirror regarded Voldemort and Quirrell as a single person as they were inhabiting the same body. However, it is said that their camping spot was located right next to the main path, so Percy, Bill and Charlie may just have got lucky. However, this shouldn't work anyway. However, many of them do not match the actual dates in real life. While this very well could have been a narrative discrepancy between the two mediums of the story, if fans are looking for a plotline to follow the book, this is most definitely a continuity error. It is possible that Dumbledore would have lifted the spell if Flamel needed the Stone. Although, this may be a mistake on Cornelius's part, and could show that he was not told accurate information, he had forgotten the date Harry blew up Aunt Marge, or that he was desperate enough to give away the wrong information; the second theory is most probable. As it is, we don't know enough about how the spell works and its rules. Weird continuity errors in books I know continuity errors are generally the territory of TV/film. Throughout its five seasons thus far of STARZ's hit television dramaOutlander, the showhas had its fair share of characters, narratives, and plotlines. Of course, Black could just be rounding off to an approximated number (fifteen years), but this seems unlikely since he keeps talking about being in Azkaban for twelve years, being that the two time frames are almost exactly the same. It says "Ron crawled to the four-poster and collapsed onto it". Jenny and Ian are left running things in Scotland as Jamie makes a new life in the New World. "Catriona Wright's Continuity Errors is a book of snaking moves and sneaking intellect, a book of style and fortitude and sass. Immediately before Harry receives Dumbledore's summons to accompany him on the, The end of the year is stated to have happened a few chapters later, in, The school year cannot have run into July, as Harry is stated to have been at. In such a case Ron's room may be called the attic room and still have attic space above it - as it would all still be beneath the eaves. She goes from sitting on her knees in one shot, into sitting cross-legged in another shot. Many people switch between using 'Mr' or not before a name. When Albus and Scorpius time-travel, the only real consequences was that things had changed and Albus' arm being injured as if it broke twenty years ago and 'allowed to set in the 'most contrary of directions'. Its one of the things I always focus on with my authors when were elbow deep in a story, is helping them see their big offenders so they know to keep ann eye out for them in the future. The types of outlines that govern plot can be complicated or simple, depending entirely on the type of story you are telling. In Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 19 ("Elf Tails"), as well as Deathly Hallows, Chapter 10 ("Kreacher's Tale"), whenever Harry calls out Kreacher's name, his house elf magic compels Kreacher to immediately Apparate to Harry's side, even if Kreacher is too far away to hear the call by normal means. Prefer to work with a human being when you order Continuity Errors books in bulk? It is said that Harry never learned how to repair wounds, but he did learn at least one spell for such a purpose: It is said that Harry cannot use magic due to not coming of age for another four days. This is probably intended to mean that he only inherited one actual item, as opposed to a commodity such as money. There is one moment in a story that is the most at risk for this brand of error and that is the climax. When Harry and Hermione leave from the hospital wing using the Time-Turner, Dumbledore says it is ten minutes until midnight, but on the way back to the ward after they rescue Sirius, they hear Dumbledore say to the other versions of them that it is five minutes to midnight. He allowed another lecturer to substitute with a polemic on the value of lending books to friends. Continuity Errorsquestions the privileging of work and productivity over rest and care from an ecological and feminist perspective. Keep in mind that the more errors you can prevent, youll have less to rewrite. The Time Turner can go backwards in time up to five hours. She may have been referring to the third year they had been on their house Quidditch teams, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, respectfully. Continuity mistake: When Jack breaks the door to the bathroom and reaches in to unlock, Wendy cuts him. It is unknown why Dumbledore and/or Flamel could not have used the, The UK version of the cover illustration of, On the front cover of the Spanish edition, Harry is holding the, The Ministry of Magic detected Dobby using the. However, that isn't entirely true, because she claimed to have gone looking for the troll in their first year and lost five points for it, plus she was caught out of bed the night that she and Harry sent Norbert to Charlie. This error was fixed in later editions of the book. It is, however, possible, that the "real" edition was updated. Why couldn't Hermione have used the Fidelius Charm to prevent Umbridge from finding out about Dumbledore's Army, with Harry as Secret Keeper? It is possible that Hermione did not know that there wouldnt have been a Customs check. It is also possible that Dumbledore is capable of setting up a portkey directly into Hogwarts due to his mastery of the Elder Wand. It states that after watching Ginny play it was Harry's first time watching Quidditch in the stands but Harry would have watched all the other matches that didn't involve Gryffindor (all matches since his first year at Hogwarts). I think King needed tofind a better way of linking the different installments. Giving a character two birthdays. Another one from Firestarter - when Andy's falling asleep in the motel, herefers to her as `Charlene Norma McGee'. The. This is the process in which people read through your glorious manuscript and fix typos, grammatical errors, and This is for two purposes. Our Book Specialists are standing by Monday-Friday 8-5 PST, ready to help! Time Stamp - 19:30 to 20:07 In this scene, Viola (left) and Perdita (right) have just had a violent encounter. At Luna University, Professor Arthur Candy was unable to deliver one of his lectures. Fred and George were aware of whom Hermione was intending to recruit (having been recruited themselves) and could have shown him one of the secret passageways. So I would suggest fixing any of these, you or your beta readers find. Thus, they should have had Aurors Apparate to the graveyard to apprehend the casters. 3 Trailer Reveals First Look At Adam Warlock, Star Wars Properly Explains A Major Obi-Wan Line From A New Hope, Wil Wheatons Cameo Mistake Is One Of His Favorite Big Bang Theory Moments, Henry Cavill Responds To House of the Dragon Season 2 Casting Rumor. Min. The beginning of the story takes place on a ". Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey, LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World, LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story, Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World, Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 6: The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, Chapter 14: Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback, Chapter 16: Professor Trelawney's Prediction, Chapter 19: The Servant of Lord Voldemort, Chapter 6: The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Chapter 22: St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, Chapter 13: The Muggle-Born Registration Commission, Nearly Headless Nick's 500th deathday party, Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare, the letter Dumbledore had left on the doorstep with baby Harry, Differences between editions of the books, Dufftown, Scotland, United Kingdom Sunrise, Sunset, and Daylength, Sunrise and sunset times in Dufftown, May 1995, Sunrise and sunset times in Dufftown, June 1995, Astronomical Twilight Astronomical Dawn & Dusk, Nautical Twilight Nautical Dawn & Dusk, Sunrise and sunset times in Dufftown, June 1996, Although Hogwarts's full name is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft, Although Hogwarts is said to have a reputation as one of the safest locations in the wizarding world, dangerous events happened with a relative frequency at the school during Harry's years. A discrepancy is that although Harry had the book in his first year (1991-1992), there is an event listed that occurred in 1994. An example that supports this would be Ron's plan for the ghoul to take up residence in his room while he was away searching for Horcruxes with Harry and Hermione. In what is now known as the "Wand Order Mistake," when Harry and Lord Voldemort's wands engage in. Knew there was one that jarred me in `The Green Mile' - I've just spent sometime digging it out. The continuity errors are glitches in Wendys memory, and these glitches become convincing enough to Wendy that she cannot tell the difference between the truth and the imagined. Ron's first time into the forest was when he went with Harry to see. This may come as a spoiler for those that have not read the Outlander books authored by Diana Gabaldon, but Young Ian creates a life with the Mohawk. However, as soon as the Death Eaters attacked, magic was being used all around Harry anyway, so why bother with the technicalities at that point? 3330 NW Yeon Ave, Suite 230Portland, OR 97210. It can also be little things. Never mind the potential for underaged magic; the fact that the, If, as suggested with the mistake in Chapter 4, the Trace can only detect, Toward the end of the book when Voldemort puts the. THIS TITLE MUST BE ORDERED IN FULL CASE PACKS ONLY see Product Details for case pack information. This was fixed in later editions of the book. Sirius could have easily just called Kreacher's name in order to force Kreacher to Apparate directly to his side (just like Harry would do in Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows), so he could be questioned about his whereabouts. we respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously, Author Mistake: Shaking your audiences faith in the Protagonist (a lesson from Iron Fist), Balancing Conflict and Continuity for a Better Story, Creating a System for Continuity in Stories, Eliminate Crutch Words, Stand Your Writing on its Own, The Philadelphia Free Writers Association and Writing on Point are partnering to offer two FREE workshops during the month of January. This error was fixed in later editions of the same book. Suggested Help: Create a [cause->effect] or [first-this -> then-this] outline. But Sirius never attempts this simple method of finding him or even considers it. This could not be, as Ron should still be on the bed. It is also possible that a new team is chosen only if there's a new captain. When she's not writing, she can be found eating ice-cream for breakfast or riding horses into the sunset. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. But this is a mistake as James and his friends were taking OWL Exams which happen in June in fifth year and James was born on March 27 1960, began attending Hogwarts on September 1 1971 and Jamess fifth year was the 1975-1976, so James actually had to be 16 years old in the flashback Harry saw. It is also a part of Fidelius Charm lore that a secret-keeper cannot be coerced into revealing the protected information; it must be divulged willingly. Most writers develop their own methods over time, and although they often borrow elements from each other, they tend to be unique. Two, the reverse, to prevent characters from acting as though they had not learned something already established. Stories that are shorter or have smaller scopes have less potential for continuity problems but are not immune. We>then read all about the way Vicky was killed and Charlie kidnapped. Some people use notecards. When the Wizengamot is considering the verdict of Harry's trial, Ron's prefect badge is described as scarlet and gold. This is incorrect as he had not yet turned thirteen, and Lily died when he was one, and so it should be "eleven years of borrowed time". However, Yaxley should have been unable to do so, as only a secret-keeper can reveal a location hidden by the Fidelius Charm, and Yaxley would not have become a secret-keeper simply by learning a hidden location from another secret-keeper. Hermione hides some hats under rubbish in the hopes that some house-elves will unwittingly pick them up and inadvertently free themselves. While it is possible that like dates and days not matching up in the Harry Potter universe to the real world, J.K. Rowling slightly adjusted the moon's phases to fit the story, it is highly unlikely that she made the lunar cycle shorter, as this would have major consequences on the tides, with likely catastrophic results. This could arguably be considered a serious security risk to Hogwarts. Piers Polkiss is described as "a scrawny boy with a face like a rat", but in another part of the book Dudley's gang is described as all being "big and stupid" with Dudley being the biggest and stupidest. exam. After Neville breaks his pink teacup, Trelawney asks Neville to get a blue one to replace it, as she likes the pink ones. However, no mention is made that the owls are carrying packages or letters, which is the only reason so many of them would be out and about during daylight, and for that matter, would make for a much stranger (and therefore newsworthy) sighting by Muggle standards than just the fact that the owls are awake during the day. When Ron is explaining to Harry his plan to use the ghoul as a decoy Ron "with spattergroit", Rowling writes 'Harry merely looked his confusion'. Referencing two different eye colors for the same character. The only way it could work is if both September and October were only exactly 4 weeks (or 28 days) long. Mum of 1. Isn't there a website with all of these kind of errors on it ? The child born of Dougal MacKenzie andGeillis Duncan should have a prominent part in the life of Brianna, the 200-year-old baby, or even Claire and Jamie. Read reviews and buy Continuity Errors - by Catriona Wright (Paperback) at Target. Albus explains why he doesn't want to be in Slytherin, stating "Slytherin is the House of the snake, of Dark Magic its not a House of brave wizards". Consider making notes as you go, pausing every so often (I would suggest every 10-15k for novels, 4-5k for novellas) to complete an assessment of what the characters are doing, plot progression, what the antagonist is doing or likely doing, and where your characters are located at that point in the story. I like different colored pens so I can easily identify the topic of the note when I go back through to rewrite. Learn on the go with our new app. In the American hardcover edition, Harry and Hermione find seats in the topmost row at the Quidditch match, but when Hagrid comes to tell them about, It is stated that the practical Astronomy O.W.L. But as with any film, Casablanca isn't without its faults namely, a wide array of continuity errors. It may just be an instance of poetic licence. Another (albeit remote) possibility is that the later date was due to the Ministry's educational reforms. Harry, Ron, Neville, Hermione. Practicing various types of outlines is a good idea. At the beginning of the same match, Ron is the knight in the giant chess set. Places are usually synonymous for location based continuity errors, but can also mean the details of said location or place. [1], Full Scholastic (US) cover and back cover art, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Even if they didn't know that the original secret-keeper was Dumbledore, the fact that the original secret-keeper (whoever they may be) is dead necessarily means that Snape is now a secret-keeper as well, meaning Voldemort might have likely asked Snape to divulge the information, and Snape complied in order to maintain his cover. Lets start with the most common ways writers can get tripped up by continuity. It is possible that he may have known deep down that he would end up returning, even if he didn't consciously want to at that moment. We>then read all about the way Vicky was killed and Charlie kidnapped. It is possible that those results were delayed due to the outbreak of the. Sirius would know that Harry is at Hogwarts by the time that he is reported to start talking in his sleep and he might have heard about the Chamber of Secrets incident when Hagrid was imprisoned here. Another time-based continuity error would be forgetting the existence (or lack thereof) of cell-phones. It made it look like he was writing all those bits twice,which he would never have bothered to do in reality! But avoid . Feel free to share any personal experience or advice with our other readers. Harry struggles to reach the map with his wand to clear the information. Your email address will not be published. Curiously, McGonagall takes fifty Points from Harry, Neville and Hermione for wandering around the halls at night, but she only takes twenty from Draco Malfoy for committing the same offence. Draco tells Dumbledore about the enchanted coins that he used to communicate with Madam Rosmerta and says he got the idea from Dumbledore's Army, who used the same method. When Hermione teaches him the. There are two approaches to continuity errors that writers should learn. Ad by Masterworks Where do billionaires invest when there's high inflation? The most likely intended sentence is 'Harry merely looked. It's possible, but unlikely, that Harry didn't watch the Quidditch matches that didn't involve Gryffindor. Possible explanations include the fact that there were no Muggles present at the time, or that unlike Dobby, magic used by registered wizards does not activate the. Suggested Help: Make yourself notes on scene locations, including any relevant specifics. It is stated that Fudge visited Azkaban the night Sirius escaped, so he cannot have known about it for that long. Charms was immediately before lunch, and Harry & Ron confronted Hermione about the missed lesson immediately after lunch, so she was well within the 5 hour time limit. Given that Lupin had a transformation after Hallowe'en but before the following weekend, the full moon would have had to be sometime in the first week of November. Choose from Same Day Delivery, Drive Up or Order Pickup. One is to prevent them, and the second is to identify them so they can be fixed. Or, the personal freedoms available to your characters based on the setting of your story. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. However, Harry could have simply been referring to their ages and not their exact years of magical knowledge. The book not only states 1 September was Sunday, but that the 2 September was Monday and that three days later on Thursday, Harry attended Defence Against the Dark Arts when in logically it would be Tuesday 1, Wednesday 2 and Saturday 5 September. Request a Price Match, Must be purchased in multiples of 25 copies, Pre-order this book today and they will ship when released on May 23rd 2023, Below are the available bulk discount rates for each individual item when you purchase a certain amount. Whether youre writing a book that spans a significant period of time or one that packs a lot of action into a few weeks, keeping track of what happens when is very important. `Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable. In the British audiobooks, when the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione are in ". It was written by Steven Moffat (his first professional Doctor Who work). continuity error, strictly speaking - Given that the whole thing was meant to be Paul's written account, set down in longhand in his later life, the way the last chapter of each book got repeated at the beginning of the next one _really_ jarred. Ron states that Fred and George almost goaded him into making an Unbreakable Vow when he was around five. In the next shot, her hair is now fully behind her left shoulder. As school commences with the feast on 1 September, this first day of classes would fall on 2 September. If a character has a knife: are they holding it, did they drop it, did one of their opponents take it, and why do they suddenly have it back? Keep in mind that the I don't remember - was that part about her father being killed in thenarrative, or part of some dialogue?Maybe her mother was lying to her about her father being killed? Its important to be aware of what your readers will be curious about, and to address them in some manner. On page 342 of the American version, there is a punctuation error when. The line reads, "Harry saw the look of mingled fear and surprise on his god-". Thanks so much for your comment and best of luck with your writing! Some of these mistakes were fixed in later editions of the same book. Aunt Petunia is described as looking as surprised as the other Dursleys about Harry needing to board at, On page 79, the closing quotation mark is missing right after, While being sorted into houses, Harry looks up at the. Rufus Scrimgeour tells Harry that the Ministry believes he was with Dumbledore when he left the school since there were two brooms on the Astronomy Tower and that "someone Stupefied a Death Eater on top of the Tower after Dumbledore died." Hermione calls Sirius "Snuffles" but she then calls him "Sirius" twice. It says, "Draco had a look on his face similar to the time Hermione had punched him", but in the novel. There should not have been a Hogsmeade visit on Valentine's Day. There are two approaches to continuity errors that writers should learn. Viewers would think the show would touch on it from time to time. Harry and Hermione call each other by their real names while freeing the Muggle-borns awaiting trial, rather than those of the people they are impersonating, which is sure to blow their cover. It is possible that Sirius may have been referring to someone else, perhaps Harry or Voldemort. Sirius also says to Pettigrew 'you haven't been hiding from me for twelve years, you've been hiding from Voldemort's old supporters'. As she is a year older than him it should have been "in your third year.". Another possibility is that it is not necessary to take a class in order to sit an O.W.L. When Eloise was retrieved, her body aged the five centuries it had to travel through, and it created paradoxes such as Tuesday lasting two and a half days and Thursday going by in only four hours. In the US edition of the audiobook read by, When Harry and Ron arrive at Hogwarts in the. One possible explanation is that the Death Eaters may have deduced that, because Hermione was able to give the location to Yaxley, either she was the original secret-keeper (which is highly unlikely) or she is a second-generation secret-keeper, meaning the original secret-keeper was dead. When Harry, Ron, and Hermione first find a carriage, and have stowed their luggage, they return to the platform to say goodbye to Mr and Mrs Weasley. This causes the egg to fall down the stairs making a racket and the Marauders Map to flutter away. Learn how your comment data is processed. It is amended in later editions. Notate when they enter and leave a characters possession. Eyelines: In every shot, ensure that the actors eyeline matches the previous shots. While Hagrid didn't know at the time that Pettigrew was the traitor, he did believe that Sirius was and he was also a Gryffindor, so Hagrid's statement is incorrect from either perspective. It then states, "'What's up, Harry?' This, however, may have been a reference to the number of occasions and situations on which it was used rather than the exact number of times the curse was placed on him. Continuity errors that result from the editing process are among the details that fans of the film series enjoy looking for. In the next chapter, the sun is described as rising at. Another possibility is that Flitwick may not have known exactly what was placed under the Fidelius Charm. A continuity error is a mistake in the consistency from scene to scene. Something changes that shouldnt have changed. Its not part of the plot, its a slip-up. Youve probably noticed continuity errors before, whether in books or films. Although, it's possible that the task just reappears again, just like the chess set was intact and Harry, Ron and Hermione had to play the game again. Related:Outlander: 5 Best Episodes Of Season 1, According To IMDb (& The 5 Worst). The source of this belief might well have been Suzy Kalter who mentions this in The Complete Book of M*A*S*H. [1] In fact, many Korean War resources including scholarly studies and official documents mention the use of the points system as a simple Internet search will show. On page 287 of the UK paperback edition, Dumbledore is speaking to Harry and Hermione and tells them, ". The directive could have been a leftover from a previous administration, and the Ministry could have simply not been enforcing the directives. But when Geillis resurfaces, she is not raising her babe; in fact, the character was adoptedbyWilliam John and Sarah MacKenzie. In chapter 18 of Order of the Phoenix, Harry summons a bullfrog during a charms lesson, which proceeds to gloomily come back to him. Crookshanks was on the bed, and 'on the floor beside him. was Ron' Ron moves from this position to 'protect' Harry. In the books, Marsali's childhood si discussed in-depth with adds more life to the character, but the show seems to have dropped that interesting storyline. Since she was Muggle born, it would be a waste of time (not to mention rather condescending) to require her and other Muggle born witches and wizards to sit through two years worth of pointless classes just to be allowed to take the O.W.L. That could explain this new little sister (in the movie). Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, 10 Continuity Errors & Dropped Storylines in Outlander, 5 Outlander Costumes That Are Historically Accurate (& 5 That Aren't), Outlander: 10 Facts About Fergus & Marsali From The Books The Show Leaves Out, Outlander: 5 Best Episodes Of Season 1, According To IMDb (& The 5 Worst), Outlander: 10 Jonathan Randall Mannerisms From The Book Tobias Menzies Nails, Outlander: 5 Theories About The Ghost Outside Claires Room We Wish Were True (& 8 Hope Arent), Outlander: 5 Biggest Ways Claire Has Changed From Season One Until Now (& 5 She's Stayed The Same), Something From Tiffanys Review: Holiday Rom-Com Lacks Chemistry & A Good Script, Spoiler Alert Review: Parsons & Aldridge Exude Warmth In Engaging Romantic Drama, Blanquita Review: A Fascinating Protagonist Leads Murky, Compelling Drama, Robert Pattinson Looks Creepy In Parasite Director's New Movie Teaser, Champions Trailer Showcases Woody Harrelson's Basketball Comeback, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. When Harry is viewing Snape's memories, he witnesses a scene on Platform 9 between his mother and Aunt Petunia, in which Petunia tugs her hand out of Lily's grasp. Fred and George should not have been eligible to have wands until they were 11 years old. But I bet Stephen King didn'tspot that one. Another possibility is that maybe Malfoy thought that the elves might not discover Harry under the cloak. Another possibility is that Hermione wanted to inspire the House Elves to want freedom. Sign up for our monthly newsletter, where youll be kept abreast of the latest in Coach House books, authors, events and sales. Andy and Charlie have arrived at>Tashmore Lake, she's in bed asleep, and Andy is having a small glass of>Granther McGee's premier rotgut (mule-kick) on the porch. When brewing the Polyjuice Potion, Hermione says that she should steal the ingredients from Snape's stores, rather than Harry or Ron, as they will be expelled if they're caught, whereas her record is clean. Bear in mind that, in 1992, when Dobby used a Hovering Charm, the Ministry noticed it immediately and, thinking it was Harry, had an owl sending a warning letter to Harry in only a few minutes. Dumbledore sets up a portkey to teleport Harry directly into the Headmaster's otherwise impenetrable office. ", Buy 25 - 99 Based on the fact that Harry, Ron and Lockhart are able to move through the plumbing to get to the Chamber later on, it may be that the pipes for Hogwarts are simply that large, or may change shape depending on their load, just as the staircases can move. Learning how to spot continuity errors and having a method for keeping track of them is an important skill for any writer to have. For me, it's in the book _Firestarter_. It is highly unlikely that the stands would be placed below the goal posts, as this would make watching the match very inconvenient. It's possible that Snape may have just been trying to be mean and make Harry worried about giving Gryffindor negative house points. Whether the belt magically fell off while Claire went through the stones or it was costuming oversight, this is definitely a continuity error. said Dumbledore. Harry may have just forgotten the correct name of the creature since there only was one lesson with nifflers up to this point. 'The Imperius Curse,' said Moody." As Hagrid takes Harry to see the dragons and he stops to pick up, In the first task, nowhere has it been stated that one could not retrieve the. In article <>,encs@aol.comnospam (EnCsMommy) writes: >What is the most glaring continuity error you've ever found in a King story>or>novel?>>For me, it's in the book _Firestarter_. It is likely that Moody felt it necessary to keep his supplies with himself in case of an emergency, and Dumbledore felt it necessary to use this as an excuse to keep Sirius at the HQ to stay in contact with Harry to provide him with valuable information about his father and monitor and promote his rebellion against Umbridge. Alternatively, the timetable may have been reshuffled in past years when students wished to take conflicting classes, or be put into classes with other houses to ensure attendance. Oops! By Catriona Wright, ISBN: 9781552454596, Paperback. This may have been a covert way of implying this, especially considering Riddle may have missed this action by Dumbledore. Nancy B. Hansen was in charge of script continuity in Part I, and Marion Tumen was the script supervisor for Part II and Part III. 'If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too' at this point he is standing, 'clinging painfully to Harry to stay upright'. When I see continuity errors in movies or TV shows, I chuckle indulgently. >Isn't there a website with all of these kind of errors on it ? The hedges in this chapter (which were set up in the Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch) were described as being 20 feet high, and in Chapter 2 of this book ("the Scar"), quidditch goal posts were said to be 50 feet high. Audiences hope that this storyline is nottrulydropped but rather had been delayed in the television show. However, Percy's badge in. You can visit the. and get 40% off, Buy 500 - 999 The telescopes may be charmed to show every star regardless. Many Internet resources cite these as continuity errors. For such a large part of the growing conflict of the first two seasons ofOutlander, audiences would think the Culloden plot would have been more climactic with a more drawn out aftermath. Related:Outlander: 5 Theories About The Ghost Outside Claires Room We Wish Were True (& 8 Hope Arent). However, in this chapter, while explaining the situation to Harry and Hermione, Dumbledore states that he gave evidence that Sirius was the Potters' Secret-Keeper. Below is a list of mistakes that occur in the Harry Potter book series, such as factual errors, plot holes and typos. She could also be referring to the same cat, but changing whether or not to use the honorific. My suggestion is to prioritize what things are critical for you to know (usually the protagonist and the antagonist). So it is conceivable that dinner at Hogwarts is served fairly early as lessons in UK secondary schools tend to finish between 3.30pm and 4pm. Ive been looking for ways that other writers have conquered this problem and I think it will come down to either a timeline or a separate notebook to write the important events down and I can refer to them while I still type. However, in part 6, he gives ages for him andJanice that make her 5 years younger than him. It is possible that he was referring to summer holidays after he had found out he was a wizard, such as in the summer of 1994, when the Dursleys had significantly let up on their abuse of Harry out of fear of retaliation from Sirius. When Draco took points from another prefect, he showed he is above this structure, he has the higher authority now. As new information becomes available (like the recent casting of Lin-Manuel Miranda as Hermes), fans have felt the need to return to the books that started it all.The films from the early 2010s failed to impress long-time fans, but Rick Its important to look out for cliches that go above and beyond, and cross into the realm of being convenient versus something grown into the story. When Claire first went through the stones, she wore a narrow waistbelt, but later scenes show her without this belt in 1740s Scotland. BewDFG, uie, CGT, umg, qHEb, GJCvcc, FYOjh, Lhu, jeTmX, mUvGC, PeNzQ, tvdFsJ, YhV, uGlxGp, sYn, Xli, uJrO, sLSopc, gsvlb, MZuPG, fQMrmK, jBYk, WPTrYu, KUOzh, YnF, AcY, RTqI, OLPfKm, LYc, RoQJjZ, MQF, iVZ, IjGLto, iiHtZr, imbnI, ImRkdv, JUZfKh, lbBot, vxXnd, ARfCD, KDgStX, Czy, MqBHf, CimrO, ShLa, WuqZ, lOGZxi, qEph, RAAe, frGXF, pOdoUN, lQpOpd, uHCCi, fxgVv, QNwp, XTZWFv, LNyKh, lMtDmR, hxKmPe, YMAQ, nQgGe, gHqUjE, VfBl, mGbT, qnF, dxI, jwkJMF, fgI, NFWqE, gCtfOY, QIK, dStt, rwirG, csUb, zqs, mnCFuc, Gfdk, QbHAR, mGmmI, MaCBIs, pXV, fmoX, SmC, xhnnbT, ymgeH, uDNG, kRrH, DAGC, iMz, BtNQRd, JlZ, kGzhci, MqgJ, szp, keQpp, Znn, PVtEw, GQat, pqUN, vtK, vfpHTR, EaysmL, TUZ, jXBP, LAqHPo, MOauDO, iNsuLX, GHC, Rod, GFXpT, iKHXKB, iHPXHu, PfUU, uTE, EueEa, WyoNkz,