8. This process is expected to reduce coke rate by 10kg/thm, which will be equivalent to reducing 33kg of CO. Fortified Cabin, is a car designing technique by TATA Motors such that the high-strength steel structure absorbs impact energy and protects the passenger during an unfortunate collision.Tata Nexon has the fortified cabin design for achieving full 5 star safety ratings. . CHAPTER 5 Reading, Analyzing, and Using Visuals and Statistics in Argument 119 Focal Points Focal points are design elements that immediately catch readers attention and draw their eyes to them. (Check for unity.) If we want to try to anticipate the next big change, what should we do? In 2015, President and Mrs. Obama lead a march into Selma, Alabama, commemorating the Bloody Sunday march during the civil rights movement. Subjects (n = 34; aged 27 to 67 years) with a baseline AHIgreater than or equal to5 were included in this study. Its the same instinct that drew immigrants from across oceans and the Rio Grande; the same instinct that led women to reach for the ballot, workers to organize against an unjust status quo; the same instinct that led us to plant a flag at Iwo Jima and on the surface of the Moon. I would no more send an e-condolence than an e-thank you or an e-wedding 2 invitation. DRAFTING THE ESSAY Plan Your Time How much time will you need to draft your essay? Black 2 . 111, Browning, W.D. Go back to Figure 5.1 (p. 124) and reflect again on the information that it depicts. Consider the following argument in opposition to the war on Iraq. This argument is valid. "[69], Up until about 2000, the classic paradigm of wound healing, involving stem cells restricted to organ-specific lineages, had never been seriously challenged. They cannot get work, and consequently pine away for want of nourishment to a degree that if at any time they are accidentally hired to common labor, they have not strength to perform it; and thus the country and themselves are in a fair way of being soon delivered from the evils to come. Have you been trolled or bullied online? La interpretacin computarizada del electrocardiograma un arma de doble filo? At the upscale lounge, a man is sitting at the bar talking animatedly to the woman next to him and looking at everyone who walks by. Working within the guidelines, try to write about what interests you. County Attorney [As one turning from serious things to little pleasantries.] Its wiped to here. Why does he include that statement? Your creative side. Rawls organizes his brief causal analysis around a great metaphor: the building and filling and then lighting of a keg of powder. Members should review their dental benefits plan, if any. That the 11 million to 20 million illegal Immigrants are 80 percent Mexican 29 and Central American is itself a problem. 6. He is author of Black Bodies, White Gazes: The Continuing Significance of Race in America (2016) and editor of the Philosophy of Race book series for Lexington Books. . The decrease in the AHI (median) was 71.3 % (p < 0.001). What does Bloche mean by his final sentence? A recent discovery of billions of dollars held in reserveat the University of Virginiastirred legislative criticism even though, as university officials tried to explain, most of these dollars came originally from sources other than state aid or tuition and, in an era of declining state support, a reserve fund is an essential component of sound fiscal management. According to the medical literature, jaw realignment surgery is generally reserved for those patients who fail other treatment approaches for OSA. Not just blacks. Plato sought absolute knowledge: he wanted to grasp truths that would be true for all time. Read the following sonnet by Shakespeare, looking up unfamiliar words and making notes. Formal researched essays contain precise documentation and may use summary, paraphrase, and direct quotations, but they rarely include personal references. "Interfusion of Asian and Western Cultures: Islamic Civilization and Europe to 1500". Life (Basel). Some of this is justified. The authors stated that this study had several drawbacks Among 64 patients, 2 received home sleep tests; however, in both, all variables involved were reported. So, do not cite a source for the dates of the American Revolution. EVALUATING SOURCES, MAINTAINING CREDIBILITY As you study your sources, keep rethinking your purpose and approach. How does he guide readers who may not have grown up watching Captain Kirk? Are there other viewing habits that might reinforce prejudice? How Does It Help Me to Understand Other Works, Ideas, Events? Edited by Kathy A. Perkins. . This is similar to the first strategy, but relies on a reputation other than that of the maker. Sleep. Mirage: Napoleons scientists and theunveiling ofEgypt. You dont know? says Harry. Merit Systems Protection Board. Marital disruption and depression in a community sample. The Bourgeois Deal is, briefly, this: In the first act, let me try this or that improvement. Concern pulled his eyebrows toward the bridge of his nose. A working bibliography will help you see what is available on your topic, note how to locate each source, and contain the information needed to document. A Book Listed by TitleAuthor Unknown According to The Concise Dictionary of American Biography, William Jennings Bryans 1896 campaign stressed social and sectional conflicts (117). Scott Walker simultaneously proposed slashing a record $350million from the university while removing tenure protections for faculty. His specialty in constitutional law shows through in his essay here, first published in 2015. Conversely, writer and high school English and geography teacher Lennox V. Farrell of Toronto, Canada, in his essay titled Gossip: An Urban Form of Sorcery, presents gossip as a kind of witchcraft. DEBORAH TANNEN Professor of linguistics at Georgetown University, Deborah Tannen writes popular books on the uses of language by ordinary people. I speak for a lot of unspoken people, he told me. Think of a situation that you consider serious but that apparently many people do not take seriously enough. How would you evaluate his authority and his study? Park et al., 2009 ). This brings nature into the urban core and within walking distance to a greater number of people, opening up the possibility for micro-restorative experiences. Practice parameters for the use of auto-titrating continuous positive airway pressure devices for titrating pressures and treating adult patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Crime rates in your city based on 2000 census data probably are no longer relevant, certainly not current enough to support an argument for increased (or decreased) police department spending. Wordy. 55 to 64 years old . A far better analogy to strategy is poker, not chess. Third, the studies with small sample sizes (less than 100) had insufficient power to detect associations. In an editorial defending the sport of boxing, one editor wrote that boxing is a sport because the world has not yet become a place in which the qualities that go into excellence in boxing [endurance, agility, courage] have no value (The Washington Post, February5, 1983). The early phase, which begins immediately following skin injury, involves cascading molecular and cellular events leading to hemostasis and formation of an early, makeshift extracellular matrix that provides structural staging for cellular attachment and subsequent cellular proliferation. The author labels Trump a demagogue. Additional articles, to be published subsequently, will discuss the ECG interpretation of intraventricular conduction disturbances, abnormalities of ventricular repolarization, hypertrophy, and ischemia/infarction. Unattended home diagnosis and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea without polysomnography. 3. APA STYLE: PREPARING A LIST OF REFERENCES All sources cited parenthetically in your paperexcept for all types of personal communicationneed a complete citation. User controls for lighting, heating, cooling, ventilation, and even noise can either complement design efforts, or negate them when controls are mismanaged or underutilized keeping the window blinds closed eliminates a Visual Connection with Nature, and high partitions in an open plan office eliminates opportunities for Prospect and a number of other patterns (141. It occurs most often in those older than nine years or having a white blood cell count greater than 50,000 per microliter and is rare in those younger than one year old. What are the first three facts given by Stanton? American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. 2. Schwab RJ. What is keeping us from seeing what we need to see? (When you make a list, dont forget the visual arts.) [76], A new way of thinking derived from the notion that heparan sulfates are key player in tissue homeostasis: the process that makes the tissue replace dead cells by identical cells. The difference between vascular sprouting and fibroblast proliferation is that the former is enhanced by hypoxia, whilst the latter is inhibited by hypoxia. With a series of examples (or reasons), label them and number them. 3. Tice JA. (See pp. CHAPTER 1 Writers and Their Sources 11 EXERCISE: Summary With these guidelines in mind, read the following two summaries of Deborah Tannens Who Does the Talking Here? (see pp. Shifts in the patterns of trade are accompanied by shifts in the pattern of employment, which may require more robust transition assistance in the form of income support or training. The image of the judge adds to the theme of discriminatory punishment debilitating any urban prospects of success. list-style-type: upper-alpha; Personal Communication Cite information obtained via interview, phone, letter, and e-mail communication. She is not ready to write a thesis, but she can write a research proposal that suggests some possible approaches to the topic: TOPIC: RESEARCH QUESTION: RESEARCH PROPOSAL: The effects of Prohibition What were the effects of Prohibition on the United States? The promise of more information achieved through partially obscured views or other sensory devices that entice the individual to travel deeper into the environment. The following essay appeared on December 16, 2007, in TheWashington Post. Arguments in support of judgments demand relevant evidence, careful reasoning, and an awareness of the assumptions one is making. Subjects were participants (n = 116) at 36 months from a cohort of 126 implanted participants. Lynn, Kenneth S., editor. The success rate was initially 92 % and dipped to 77 % after 1 year. If you are asked to examine the metaphors in a Shakespeare sonnet, for example, you will want to show how understanding the metaphors contributes to an understanding of the entire poem. (Try to state it with precision.) What are Cardens views of politicians and voters? All rights reserved. Are you surprised by any of the information Kahlenberg provides? [66] Fertility is estimated to be present in 3050% of females. Subgroup analyses showed a positive correlation between the level of TNF- and OSA severity. The DISE procedure is currently listed as one of the criteria for evaluation of medical necessity for the FDA-approved hypoglossal nerve neurostimulation (e.g., Inspire II System, Inspire 3028 system for Upper Airway Stimulation (UAS) Therapy). Can communities and individuals cope better? Specifically related to allergies, Kirby explains that people have never before been exposed to several of the foreign proteins currently being genetically spliced into foods (360). Are they clearly stated? (Remember: An unqualified assertion is understood by your audience to be absolute.) [22] Behavior problems are not generally as great an issue as in other syndromes associated with intellectual disability. You will find atlases, dictionaries, encyclopedias, general histories, critical studies, and biographies. e. My roommate Joe does the craziest things; he must be neurotic. Former presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan all publicly supported the bill, which Bill Clinton signed into law. That would rise to around $37.50 by 2022. 2017;13(10):1205-1207. . Heres Whats Really Happening 428 Joseph Zengerle, Why Future Officers Should Read Shakespeare, Know History and Understand Psychology 430 Danielle Allen, Tuition Is Now a Useless Concept in Higher Education 433 Charles R. Pruitt, Partisan Politics Is Cutting the Heart out of Public Ivies 436 Howard Gardner, Why Kids Cheat at Harvard 440 Chapter 19 THE ENVIRONMENT: HOW DO WE SUSTAIN IT? We like this 1 proposition because it portrays us as protectors of the nation, not wusses willing to risk American lives to protect terrorists. (2006). Is It Adequately Developed? Laws and Rights: Gun Control and Immigration Debates READ: What is the situation? 4. 2000;123(1 Pt 1):55-60. If you are challenging assumptions, then you must explain why they do not hold up. What is the best way to improve working-class conditions? In paragraphs 1719? But many of the original species that occupied these ecosystems were gone and did not come back. Design considerations for establishing accessible and effective non-rhythmic stimuli: The Dockside Green community on Vancouver Island, Victoria, BC Canada, is a great example of non-rhythmic stimuli. This opening paragraph demonstrates an effective use of definition: William Faulkner braids a universal theme, the theme of initiation, into the fiber of his novel Intruder in the Dust. If not, why not? Connect Composition addresses the specific needs of the writing course and various redesign models of instruction. How does the writer define and explain the problem? The Wright Space: Pattern & Meaning in Frank Lloyd Wrights Houses. One of them told me, We could all see that the battle over same-sex marriage was over, and that was true regardless of how the court ruled in this case. Here is my guess: Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, the author of the courts five-member-majority decision, is the most astute politician in America (counting Bill Clinton as retired). He coedited and contributed to Reducing Gun Violence in America: Informing Policy with Evidence (with Jon S. Vernick, 2013), and he publishes widely in other venues on firearm policy and preventing gun violence. PREREADING QUESTIONS Did the schools that you attended ever have a teacher shortage? Have you reflected on the social changes Coontz chronicles in family life? Perception, 37, 1488-1494. Her essay on immigration, published February 3, 2008, was a special to The Washington Post. In the design of the Science Museum at Oxford, Ruskin is said to have told the masons to use the surrounding countryside for inspiration, and the results can be seen in the inclusion of hand-carved flowers and plants adorning the museum (3. I wasnt convinced. A relationship is considered to be modest if it is less than significant under the preceding definition. The media may be partly to blame for this continued inequality. Dafna E, Tarasiuk A, Zigel Y. Sleep-quality assessment from full night audio recordings of sleep apnea patients. 244 SECTION 3 STUDYING SOME ARGUMENTS BY GENRE Does the writer show an awareness of the complexity of most public policy issues? The authors concluded that the findings of this study demonstrated a strong association between complete lateral oropharyngeal wall collapse and increased OSA severity, particularly with objective oximetry measures. Are you thinking in terms of essentially one solution with several parts to it or several separate solutions, perhaps to be implemented by different people? When we homesteaded in Dakota, and my first baby diedafter he was two years old, and me with no other then Mrs. Hale [Moving.] Decide where to place your claim statement. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. Among his other duties, hes president of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. Understory vegetation or hedges should use a similar guide; preferred height limitations will depend on terrain and how the space is most experienced (e.g., while sitting, standing, on a bicycle). For standard genioplasty, the AHI reduced from a mean standard deviation (M SD) of 18.8 3.8 (95 % CI: 17.6 to 20.0) to 10.8 4.0 (95 % CI: 9.5 to 12.1) events/hour (relative reduction 43.8 %), p = 0.0001. Significance of a negative sinus P wave in lead V Are we going to stop cattle farming? Contrast among characters. Not all of us are rich yet, of course. Guns for protection. Individuals are never informed why theyve been listed and have no opportunity for a hearing before a neutral judge to clear their names. Second, there was a high heterogeneity and also a bias between and across studies, all of which could impact on the reliability of the results. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., raised his voice and said: I say very honestly that I never intend to become adjusted to segregation and discrimination. (Note: There is good evidence that our choice of language matters.) Thats where computers need to go. American Academy of Sleep Medicine position paper for the use of a home sleep apnea test for the diagnosis of OSA in children. Adults know that kids have no clue what constitutes a genuine problem, because inexperience greatly limits their childhood perspective. Although AHI and RDI have been used interchangeably, some facilities use the term RDI to describe a calculation that includes these other sleep disturbances. If so, has the gun debate been affected? An advantage of EASI leads is the relative anatomic simplicity of electrode placement. The authors noted that there were some possible criticisms to their study -- We do not know if our 2-dimensional CT measurements are adequately powered to identify post-operative differences in upper-airway size. The IUCN Red List now includes a handful of species that have been revived through conservation efforts, including the European whitetailed eagle and the Mekong catfish. Two reviewers independently applied eligibility criteria. Daytime neuromuscular stimulation of the tongue (e.g., eXciteOSA); Oral appliances for treatment of upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS); Oral appliances to reduce upper airway collapsibility for indications other than OSA (see section III.A. Words with similar meanings have similar denotations. Guns are also more likely to be misused when a dark figure is in ones house. More typically, especially in longer papers, the introduction will expand to two or three paragraphs. [7] Migratory cells use this plug as a matrix to crawl across, and platelets adhere to it and secrete factors. Position statement: Hypoglossal nerve stimulation for treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). 9. Thesentence could have been written two other ways: The social acceptance of coal miners was far from good, according to Peter Jones, British correspondent for Newsweek. (Guidelines are for MLA style.) While there is an administrative redress process to remove a name from the list, there is no judicial review, no hearing and not even notification of whether a request was granted or denied, much less the grounds of the decision. Have I connected examples to the authors thesis? Does the motivation make sense to youwhether or not you agree with the vision? Its no surprise that a one-page article published this month in the journal Science inspired innumerable newspaper columns and articles. In the European Union, many of the most inhumane conditions we allow are already illegal orlike the sow stalls into which pregnant pigs are often crammed in the United Stateswill be illegal soon. What is Napolitanos primary claim? Study populations were not fully comparable due to range-difference in baseline AHI. The reasons are buried deep in the culture, so invisible that only by r eversing 13 our assumptions can we reveal them. 65 years old and over . Johnson and Wu (2002) used the same waves of people in their study; they did not find that those remaining divorced experienced a decrease in depressive symptoms over time. Unfortunately, this neat division between argument and persuasion does not describe the real world of debate. list-style-type: decimal; In the monosyllabic vernacular of the Internet, web log soon became the word blog. One-sentence definition. How do the detailsand the stylein the opening and concluding paragraphs contribute to the authors point? Heed this good advice. She is in conflict, initially, over her reaction to that death, but she resolves her conflict, only to have Mr. Mallard open the front door. Bullfrog Films. Other patients with OSA may have central apneas after arousals as they fall back to sleep or which are the result of excessive CPAP pressure. I dont know. Polysomnography in adults with obstructive sleep apnea. Instead of saying eighty-seven years ago, Lincoln, seeking solemnity, selects the biblical expression Fourscore and seven years ago. Similarly, King borrows from the Bible and echoes Lincoln when he writes Five score years ago. Is It Logical? Drafting 1. To illustrate, consider the following excerpt from Thomas R. Schuelers report Controlling Urban Runoff (Washington Metropolitan Water Resources Planning Board, 1987: pp. Talent today yearns to be equally mobile. Edmund Pettus Bridge Selma, Alabama 2:17 P.M. CST 1 2 3 4 AUDIENCE MEMBER: We love you, President Obama! All rights reserved. Simultaneously active wave fronts within the heart may confound the seeming simplicity of these models. There are conditions surrounding the event. Why is she so frustrated? Cartoons are not just a laugh; they present a view of life and seek to shape our thinking. Of course theyve got awful important things on their minds. 2. Instead, carefully bracket material you want to use. A CHECKLIST FOR REVISION When revising and polishing your draft, use these questions to complete your essay. height:2px; g. Gary loves jokes. Paragraph concludes with his claim. He concludes: Women talk more. Religious Texts The Holy Bible[Usually refers to the King James Version.] Daryaee, Touraj (2006) in "Backgammon" in. 8. 4. These callous characterizations of the institution become more fully manifested through Big Punishers use of the image of the judge. The following sections offer some suggestions. These three issues invite a recommendation for change. People moved from tents and mud huts to split-levels and city condominiums, from waterborne diseases to 80-year life spans, from ignorance to literacy. Apart from nuclear families (spouse, minor children, possibly parents), the special preference for family members should be drastically reduced. 4. Theres no common ground, no acknowledgment that those who hold different views from us might have a legitimate point, an understandable grievance, a reasonable concern. If so, why? 1 2 3 4 454 Jocelyn Augustino/FEMA SECTION 5 A COLLECTION OF READINGS Hurricane flooding in Florida. With each new cycle, the levels of hysteria rose, and people started demanding that I be fired, deported or killed. If I were rich, I would have a plaque made up, and sent to every judge in America, bearing a statement made by Adam Smith more than two-and-a-half centuries ago: Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent. If someone wrote a novel about a man who was raised from childhood to resent the successful and despise the basic values of Americaand who then went on to become president of the United Statesthat novel would be considered too unbelievable, even for a work of fiction. REASON: Who hasnt noticed yet and what has he failed to observe? Silberg is explaining the results of complex studies by specialists. In this essay, published in 2016, she presents her views on a colleges search for balance between free speech and protecting students. What is Big Puns attitude toward government? This war is simply to keep our boys safe in a society that devalues them, suspects them, fears them and often dismisses them. Seems funny to think of a bird here. Is it a beneficial activity worthy of pursuit, or a deplorable danger to be avoided? Never before has our species contemplated a task so vast: to change the composition of the air itself. Low-frequency noise, such as that produced by respiration, causes the tracing to wander above and below the baseline. If not, why not? So look at publication dates (When was the website last updated?) If a journal begins each issue with a new page 1, then also cite the issue number in parentheses immediately following the volume number. When writing about sources, the convention is to use the present tense even for works or authors from the past. Standards of Practice Committee of the American Sleep Disorders Association Report. Why? CHAPTER 18 Education in America: Issues and Concerns 431 5 6 7 8 The Washington Post/Getty Images The academy remained true to that mission when I was at West Point in the 1960s. Prospective outcomes included AHI, oxygen desaturation index, other PSG measures, self-reported measures of sleepiness, sleep-related quality of life, and snoring. (This was an uncontrolled study with relatively small study with short-term follow-up). If no, why not? Under this program, qualifying individuals apply for what is known as deferred action, which provides recipients security against removal and the ability to work lawfully for two years, subject to renewal. The role of the nose in the pathogenesis of obstructive sleep apnoea and snoring. The device, she called it, and proudly explained its workings to the few close friends and family who inquired about the experimental treatment. END 2:50 P.M. CST Barack Obama, Remarks by the President at the 50th Anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery Marches, 7Mar. Does the title hint at a typical firearm regulation editorial, or might this piece take a different approach to this topic? Vague reference. the lack of a sham-placebo controlled condition. zationshas been mobiExxonMobil is the lized against malaria. In fact, there are police officers who oppose gun control, and some sheriffs (who are of course elected, not appointed) have said they would refuse to enforce certain new gun measuresalthough the term gun control means different things to different people, and polls suggest that most cops support at least some items from my wish list. Paul Laurence Dunbar, Promise, Lyrics of Lowly Life (1913). London & New York: Wiley. Critical questions: What is this figure showing me? The American Scholar is the magazine of Phi Beta Kappa, the oldest and most prestigious honor society in America. 7. We hope "14 Patterns of Biophilic Design" helps shed light both on the importance of the human connection with nature that are supported by biophilic design. [94][99] The International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis considers it a reasonable screening option for those women whose pregnancies are at a high likelihood of trisomy 21. 11. . The median AHI was significantly reduced at 6 months from 28.6/hour to 8.3/hour. The water from her bucket flies beyond the Scarecrow and soaks the Witch, who cries out the immortal words: Im melting, melting. Which ones will require new legislation? 2. And so it goes. . GUIDELINES for Active Reading 1. The authors concluded that nasal EPAP significantly reduced the AHI, improved subjective daytime sleepiness and reduced snoring after 12 months of treatment. 4. Radiofrequency (pacing and thermic effects) in the treatment of sleep-disordered breathing. The chart does not give us this information. [97], Ultrasound of fetus with Down syndrome showing a large bladder, Enlarged NT and absent nasal bone in a fetus at 11 weeks with Down syndrome, Several blood markers can be measured to predict the chances of Down syndrome during the first or second trimester. The elite colleges and u niversities are asking full-paying families to increase their contribution so that the colleges and universities can spread their institutional contribution as far as possible. Key focal points in the landscape are revealed from stationary prospect points within the park. (Does he ever explain which governmentsor should we assume that he means both federal and state governments?) www.washingtonpost.com. information, with the hope of spreading it widely. The three patterns just illustrated should be used in each of the following situations: 1. With the language (and drawings!) At this point, readers can be expected to disagree somewhat, but if we have all read carefully and applied our knowledge of literature, differences should, most of the time, be ones of focus and emphasis. You support a claim with reasons and evidence, both of which can usually be presented in your own words. "Cities of Mystery: The Lost Empire of the Indus Valley". Consider author, occasion, audience, and reliability. Fifty-four men and 17 women, aged 53.2 11.5 years (mean SD) had a baseline apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) greater than 5 events per hour. The purpose of DISE is to determine what causessite of airway obstructionduring sleepandhelpsurgeonsdetermine and planappropriate surgical procedures for their patients withOSA who have failed, or were unable to tolerate, positive airway pressure (e.g., CPAP or BIPAP) (Schwab, 2016; Zapanta, 2018). Dietemann (1975), Ragan and Dietemann (1976), Klein (1979) and WMCOG (1982) have all tracked trends in fish diversity and abundance over time in local urbanizing streams. Randomized controlled trials with larger sample size and longer follow-up are needed to ascertain the clinical value of CAPSO. The table illustrates the functions of each of the 14 Patterns in supporting stress reduction, cognitive performance, emotion and mood enhancement and the human body. Alternative devices for obstructive sleep apnea. In addition to improved spatial quantification of acute infarction, the Cabrera sequence facilitates calculation of the frontal plane axis.102 This presentation, when in sequence with the precordial leads, has also been termed the panoramic display.103, Whether presented serially from single-channel recorders or in standard array from simultaneous-leadacquisition devices, the sequence of limb lead presentation on ECG recordings is historical, not anatomic. In our study, we tried to limit the impact of these factors by using the same drug for all of our patients, and all DISEs were evaluated only by an experienced surgeon. She cowrote The Triple Package: How Three Unlikely Traits Explain the Rise and Fall of Cultural Groups with her husband, Jed Rubenfeld, in 2014. PARENTHETICAL CITATIONS OF COMPLEX SOURCES Not all sources can be cited in one of the three patterns illustrated above, for not all meet the five criteria listed on p. 321. When you read Two out of three chose the Merit cigarette combination of low tar and good taste, you must ask yourself Two-thirds of how many altogether? How have the numbers been presented? They lean in with the ingredients that they have been gatheringfor days,for years, to make the potion potent. 15 16 17 5. Partie 1. 7 Data represent Asian alone, which refers to people who reported Asian and did not report any other race category. [88] Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling are more reliable tests, but they increase the risk of miscarriage by between 0.5 and 1%. Kirk counters that they shouldnt play chessthey should play poker. The authors concluded that lateral pharyngoplasty produced better clinical and polysomnographic outcomes in the treatment of OSAHS than did UPPP, without resultant differences in the cross-sectional measurements of the pharyngeal airway between these treatments. Why? Like most sensible torturers, they preferred to use torture for intimidation, not information. Ive not seen much of her of late years. Although the second paragraph is long, it is not unwieldy because it achieves unity and coherence. And largest non-pharmaceutical this combined effort is private-sector contributor to yielding results: the fight against malaria. Journal of Leisure Research, 19 (4), 249-260. Research has repeatedly confirmed correlations between fractal geometries in nature and those in art and architecture (e.g., Joye, 2007; Taylor, 2006), but there are opposing opinions about which fractal dimension is optimal for engendering a positive health response, whether an optimal ratio exists, or if such a ratio is even important to identify as a design metric or guideline. Examples include the BiancamedSleepMinder, SNAP testing with fewer than three channels,and the SleepImage Sleep Quality Screener. A total of 16 patients were included. [Pulling herself back.] "It is India that gave us the ingenuous method of expressing all numbers by the means of ten symbols, each symbol receiving a value of position, as well as an absolute value; a profound and important idea which appears so simple to us now that we ignore its true merit, but its very simplicity, the great ease which it has lent to all computations, puts our arithmetic in the first rank of useful inventions, and we shall appreciate the grandeur of this achievement when we remember that it escaped the genius of Archimedes and Apollonius, two of the greatest minds produced by antiquity. 2. However, he did not finish his bachelors degree. Studies in the social sciences are often based on the single-difference method. This texts content and presentation are guided by decades of classroom experience and by research and theory in composition and rhetoric. Introduction to Yosemite and the Mariposa Grove: A Preliminary Report, 1865. However, we, the civilized consumers, would, by eating the seeds, destine them to destruction in the sewage treatment plant. That is, the better player is one who has held the number-one ranking for the longest time, has won the most tournaments, and also has won the most major tournaments. Where else do we regularly find ads today? In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the 30 most humble terms; our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. Patel SR, White DP, Malhotra A, et al. However, as stated by MacDonald and Whellams, many other countries choose to adopt the precautionary principle (185). 3. b. PREREADING QUESTIONS Many college students are pressured to major in practical subjects like business or engineering as soon as possible. The differences between the mean values of RNFL thickness in all quadrants were similar in both groups and were not statistically significant (p = 0.274). Discussions of debatable dates, terms, or concepts must be documented. We are warned of a slippery slope, implying that legalization of assisted suicide would eventually lead to eugenic sterilization reminiscent of Nazi Germany. Further, controlling the patients for phase of ventilation during dynamic upper-airway imaging is important in a future study to prove that lateral pharyngoplasty effectively splints the lateral pharyngeal walls. She stared out the window of the Amtrak coach thinking how much she hated the disorder of the right-of-way. What, in Paxsons view, is the purpose of a university? UNFOCUSED: Campus sexual assault is a serious problem, and we need to do something about it. What are the two mistakes of those who oppose immigration, in the authors view? In verse three, Big Punisher raps the Mans claws are diggin in my back / Im tryin to hit him back, arguing that it is this almighty Man, flexing his muscles in the courthouse and neglecting his supportive civic duties, who should be held responsible for a fair share of the overwhelming hardship in the streets. Surgical modifications of the upper airway for obstructive sleep apnea in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. There is likewise another great advantage in my scheme, that it will prevent those voluntary abortions, and that horrid practice of women murdering their bastard children, alas, too frequent among us, sacrificing the poor innocent babes, I doubt, more to avoid the expense than the shame, which would move tears and pity in the most savage and inhuman breast. When you are satisfied with your basic content and structure, it is time to edit. Acta Otolaryngol. There were Beyonc quotes (Okay, ladies, now lets get in formation), 80s music puns (Girls just wanna have fun- damental human rights) and music-snob disses (Trump Likes 3 Doors Down). Economists and historians agree on its startling magnitude: By 2010, the average daily income in a wide range of countries, including Japan, the United States, Botswana and Brazil, had soared 1,000 to 3,000 percent over the levels of 1800. Mador (Eds.). Aloia MS, Stanchina M, Arnedt JT, et al. Targeted hypoglossal neurostimulation was neither painful nor awakened patients, who all complied with therapy. Explain your choice. Have I used the basic checklist for revision in Chapter 4? If so, how much should states spend? 5. CHAPTER 10 Arguments about Cause 233 A CHECKLIST FOR REVISION Do I have a clear statement of my claim? The most recent cross-national comparison study, published in 2010 in Psychological Bulletin by Nicole Else-Quest and her colleagues and comparing 43 countries, shows that the achievement difference in math between girls and boys varies broadly across countries. Why or why not? How, then, should we address climate change? Perception of Transient Thermal Environments: Pleasure and Alliesthesia. Segregated schools are unconstitutional because they are unequal. Association between serum level of advanced glycation end products and obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome: A meta-analysis. Toulmins terms can aid your reading of the arguments of others. The Great Enrichment began in 17th-century Holland. Physiological Effects in Humans Induced by the Visual Stimulation of Room Interiors with Different Wood Quantities. The problem is that smartphone access is not a substitute for wired. A number of studies demonstrate that negative attitudes, anger, and hostile feelings directly affect the chemistry of the body in ways that damage blood vessels. YOU PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS AND YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOURE TALKING ABOUT! 11 5 SECTION KENA BETANCUR/Getty Images A Collection of Readings This section is divided into seven chapters, each one on a current topic or set of interrelated issues open to debate. Unfortunately, despite widespread agreement that dying patients must be provided with necessary analgesia, physicians continue to underuse analgesia in the care of dying patients because of the concern about depressing respiratory drive or creating addiction. There is much to consider as you explore the issues raised by the writers in this chapter. Since the major premise is either a broad judgment or a definition, it will need to be defended on the basis of an appeal to values or beliefs that the writer expects readers to share. McGraw-Hill Create is a self-service Web site that allows instructors and departments to create customized course materials using McGraw-Hills comprehensive, cross- disciplinary content and digital products. 9 Students find many opportunities through clubs and organizations to meet those who share similar backgrounds and interestsreligious, political and otherwise. Aside from health concerns, there are also religious and cultural motives that should be considered when deciding whether to label GM 310 SECTION 4 THE RESEARCHED AND FORMALLY DOCUMENTED ARGUMENT Donaldson 5 food. [8], Although the overall risk of cancer in Down syndrome is not changed,[48] the risk of testicular cancer and certain blood cancers, including acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AMKL) is increased while the risk of other non-blood cancers is decreased. Style and presentation will vary depending on the knowledge and sophistication of the intended reader. Do body paragraphs have a balance of information and analysis, of source material and my own ideas? How persistent is mental restoration over different terms of exposure to nature? At CHAPTER 2 Responding Critically to Sources 43 the beginning or endthe places of greatest emphasisor in the middle, suggesting that they are less important? In a prospective study, Teberik and associates (2018) evaluated the intra-ocular pressure (IOP), central corneal thickness (CCT), and peri-papillary RNFL thickness in patients with OSAS. 14 June 2005. www.fda.gov./newsevents/testimony/ucm112927.htm. Studies show that men who take family leave are more likely to be harassed at work, face a greater risk of being demoted, and earn significantly less than other male employees over the long run. 195 196 SECTION 3 STUDYING SOME ARGUMENTS BY GENRE These examples suggest some key points about evaluation arguments: Evaluation arguments are arguments, not statements of personal preferences. Rather than try to oblige smart young people from abroad to stay here, we should allow them to think of the United States as a place where they can always return, a place where they will spend part, not all, of their lives, one of several places where they can live and work and invest. Hudspeth (2013). Another might be to defend people who are labeled negatively by a term; that is, you want to show why the term should not have a negative connotation. All participants underwent comprehensive ophthalmic examinations. This chapter begins with guidelines for in-text documentation and then provides many models of full documentation for a Works Cited list. 2. Why or why not? What makes the cartoon clever? . Would journalists assume that female murderers had suffered from being shut out of access to power in high school, so much so that they were pushed beyond their limits? The well-known Jury of Her Peers (1917) is a short-story version of the play Trifles. 13. One frightened child who starts to cry when the clown approaches will destroy the argument. By contrast, governments that have intervened in high-speed Internet 24 markets have seen higher numbers of people adopting the technology, doing so earlier and at lower subscription charges. The American instinct that led these young men and women to pick up the torch and cross this bridge, thats the same instinct that moved patriots to choose revolution over tyranny. Also, citizens have registered cars, boats, and planes for years without any threat of their confiscation.) Wade, T. J., & Pevalin, D. J (2004). EVIDENCE: Some laws are unjust. Lester Thurow in Why Women Are Paid Less Than Men writes: In the 40 years from 1939 to 1979 white women who work full time have with monotonous regularity made slightly less than 60 percent as much as white men. Inferences can be part of the support of an argument, or they can be the claim of an argument. Unfortunately, it does not tell the whole story. The cerebrum, consisting of the cerebral hemispheres, forms the largest part of the brain and overlies the other brain structures. Some writers use numbers without being aware that the numbers are incomplete or not representative. In time, the fact is gradually transferred to the cerebral cortex and is separated from the context in which it was originally learned. 5 It would have taken a minute to click on the link and see that the original post was on a fake news site, one that claims to be satirical (though not very prominently). To determine whether positive airway pressure treatment (i.e., CPAP, bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP), demand positive airway pressure (DPAP), variable positive airway pressure (VPAP), or auto-titrating positive airway pressure (AutoPAP)) continues to be effective in persons with new or persistent symptoms, after interrogation of currentpositive airway pressuredevice; To determine whether positive airway pressure treatment settings need to be changed in persons with new or persistent symptoms, after interrogation of currentpositive airway pressuredevice. Surveys, Questionnaires, and Original Research Depending on your paper, you may want to conduct a simple survey or write and administer a questionnaire. A Lecture Bateson, Mary Catherine. CHAPTER 15 The Media: Image and Reality 369 COCA-COLA--TASTE THE CHANGESTUART ELLIOTT Stuart Elliott, a graduate of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, may be one of the most influential journalists writing about the advertising industry today. Noise from motion of the limbs during routine ambulation and during exercise makes standard limb lead electrode placement impractical for ECG monitoring. With regard to volume, ask yourself, What parts of the discussion are developed at length? Nassauer, J. I. 7. Yet this scandal can have a positive outcome if leaders begin a searching examination of the messages being conveyed to our precious young people and then do whatever it takes to make those messages ones that lead to lives genuinely worthy of admiration. On Monday [June 2010], John Tierney of The New York Times published a provocative article, Daring to Discuss Women in Science, in which he argues that biology may be a factor to explain why women are not reaching high-level positions. Riley RW, Powell NB, Guilleminault C. Inferior mandibular osteotomy and hyoid myotomy suspension for obstructive sleep apnea. If not, why not? If we want leaders who communicate clearly, solve problems creatively and appreciate cultural differences in theaters where they operate, studying the humanities is just as important as science, technology, engineering and math. In MESA, at-home PSG was carried out and OSA was identified as an AHI of greater than or equal to 30. 114, Salimpoor, V.N., M. Benovoy, K. Larcher, A. Dagher, & R. J. Zatorre (2011). The more knowledge you have, the more creative you can be. This edition features a rich collection of eighty readings, both timely and classic, that provide examples of the varied uses of language and strategies for argument. Gossip, seen at worst as a harmless outlet, is encouraged in the workplace. RF tonsillar ablation. The best conclusion is that no one theory is complex enough to explain the relationship between marital status and mental health. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 394 SECTION 5 A COLLECTION OF READINGS QUESTIONS FOR READING 1. No wonder so few men take family leave in c ountries that fail to make care-giving a social norm for fathers as well as mothers. Ask a cop after a shootout or a firefighter who ran into a burning building. Which of the authors arguments for assisted suicide are the most effective? Although the polysomnogram is always part of the work-up of OAS, the MSLT is considered expensive and time consuming and is infrequently performed. Is that dying lake near your town on city property or state land? Most educated people do not believe that personalities are shaped by astrological signs or CHAPTER 10 Arguments about Cause 231 that scientific laws are suspended in the Bermuda Triangle, allowing planes and ships to vanish or enter a fourth dimension. Connecting, elevated exterior walkways also provide access to breezes, shade and solar heat. courtesy (manners) wisdom (knowledge) patriotism (chauvinism) 2. Where Does My Audience Stand on the Issue? What conclusions have you reached about The Story of an Hour? Study print or online ads for one type of product as advertised in different types of magazines or on different types of websites clearly directed to different audiences to see how (or if) selling techniques change with a change in audience. Topics that are irrelevant to your interests or the course. Gathering and Analyzing Evidence Lets reflect on strategies for gathering evidence for a study of magazine ads for a particular kind of product (the topic of the sample student paper that follows). Across Europe, immigration has resulted in unassimilated, largely Muslim enclaves that are hotbeds of unrest and even terrorism. Enter Sheriff and County Attorney. Younger Americans are more concerned about the environment and far more accepting of diversity than older Americans. People who hold these beliefs are more likely to feel helpless and unable to manage stress. The Experience of Nature: A Psychological Perspective. If not, why not? Responding to someones intent to do harm is always a difficult judgment call. Analyzing the Style of a Source Denotative and Connotative Word Choice Tone Level of Diction Sentence Structure Metaphors Organization and Examples Repetition Hyperbole, Understatement, and Irony Quotation Marks, Italics, and Capital Letters Alexandra Petri, "Nasty Women Have Much Work to Do" Writing about Style Understanding Purpose and Audience Planning the Essay Drafting the Style Analysis A Checklist for Revision Ellen Goodman, "In Praise of a Snail's Pace" Student Essay: James, Goode, "A Convincing Style" Analyzing Two or More Sources Guidelines for Preparing a Contrast Essay For Reading and Analysis Adam Grant, "Why I Taught Myself to Procrastinate" Suggestions for Discussion and Writing SECTION 2 THE WORLD OF ARGUMENTChapter 3 Understanding the Basics of Argument Characteristics of Argument Argument Is Conversation with a Goal Argument Takes a Stand on an Arguable Issue Argument Uses Reasons and Evidence Argument Incorporates Values Argument Recognizes the Topic's Complexity The Shape of Argument: What We Can Learn from Aristotle Ethos (about the Writer/Speaker) Logos (about the Logic of the Argument) Pathos (about Appeals to the Audience) Kairos (about the Occasion or Situation) The Language of Argument Facts Inferences Judgments Sam Wang and Sandra Aamodt, "Your Brain Lies to You" The Shape of Argument: What We Can Learn from Toulmin Claims Grounds (or Data or Evidence) Warrants Backing Qualifiers Rebuttals Using Toulmin's Terms to Analyze Arguments Erin Brodwin, "The Secret to Efficient Teamwork Is Ridiculously Simple" For Analysis and Debate Christina Paxson, "A Safe Space for Freedom of Expression" Geoffrey R. Stone, "Free Speech on Campus" Suggestions for Discussion and WritingChapter 4 Writing Effective Arguments Know Your Audience Who Is My Audience? Karakoc O, Akcam MT, Genc H, et al. I think our culture is mixing real fast. If we accept the Gap Method for determining greatness, does that mean that we can never compare stars from different generations? 10. I dont know, she says. The courts were rudely dismissive, except in Hawaii, where their openness to the idea sparked a state and national backlashled by Democrats, notably President Bill Clinton. His primary focus has been on public policy, but he also writes on cultural issues, especially gay marriage. Rapid maxillary expansion and obstructive sleep apnea: A review and meta-analysis. Instead, paraphrase information from the original piece (see pp. What are Pigs reactions to what he is told? The investigators reported that this difference in oral dryness score was no longer detectable after 7 weeks. 72, Kellert, S.R. VImax was evaluated during flow-limited inspiration with a pneumotachometer. For greater than 3-year follow-up (range of 6.5 to 12 years), the AHI was reduced from an M SD of 7.1 5.7/hr to 1.5 1.8/hr (79 % reduction). We need men to be onboard, too. PREREADING QUESTIONS What is your initial reaction to the essays title? Ryan PJ, Hilton MF, Boldy DA, et al. An Edited Book Hamilton, Alexander, et al. The post further claimed that on my Twitter account, I had written the following line: Every death of a white person brings tears of joy to my eyes. Disgusting. Clinical guidelines for the use of unattended portable monitors in the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea in adult patients. But visual argumentsimages, cartoons, photos, adsare almost always accompanied by some words: figures speaking in bubbles, a caption, a slogan (Nikes Just Do It!). Planning 1. Handle In-Text Documentation as You Draft The Modern Language Association (MLA) recommends that writers prepare their Works Cited page(s) before drafting their essay. 15 Those who are more thrifty (as I must confess the times require) may flay the carcass; the skin of which artificially dressed will make admirable gloves for ladies and summer boots for fine gentlemen. 1992;101(5):1221-1227. A positive attitude may be revealed through an enthusiastic, serious, sympathetic, jovial, light, or admiring tone. Sooner or later. 9. Some gun-control advocates argue that all guns are unnecessary and should be outlawed. Several methods of ECG data compression have been used to reduce processing time and to minimize the memory required for permanent data storage.67,68 Techniques include fast Fourier, discrete cosine, and wavelet transforms, as well as hybrid compression methods.6973 These methods can provide compression ratios of 8:1 to 10:1 with resulting root mean square errors that range from <0.5% to >2%.69,70,74 Compression ratio is generally inversely related to root mean square error, so that a recent algorithm was able to provide a 20:1 compression ratio but with a root mean square error of 4%.70 Because compression affects high-frequency components of the ECG to a greater extent than low-frequency components, at least 1 algorithm has used bimodal decimation of the signal in which QRS complexes are kept at 500 samples per second while the rest of the recording is compressed to lower sampling rates.75 Compression of data may occur before or after signal processing, but in either case, compression occurs before transfer of the signal to central storage systems and affects all retrieved records. The complexity and variety of ways to achieve prospect is what makes it such a powerful design element. Randomized study comparing two tongue base surgeries for moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. As the actin in myofibroblasts contracts, the wound edges are pulled together. Once filtered, individual templates are constructed for each lead from data sampled generally from dominant complexes, from which amplitude and duration measurements are made. As you reread the article, underline his thesis statement. Are you surprised by the cohabitation effect? White. What is its more serious message? Fractal Dimension of Landscape Silhouette Outlines as a Predictor of Landscape Preference. Web. QUESTIONS FOR REASONING AND ANALYSIS 6. What tone does she create? I wouldnt like to say it was. So, why do you think wedding dresses in China are red, while wedding dresses in America are white? This kind of analysis can aid your evaluation of a definition argument. See Chapter 14.) Do not get into a debate with the interviewee. The ninth mental measurements yearbook. 3 A cause author will refute. 2019;99(3):252-259. What kind of support has been given? And in an interview, a trauma-sensitive yoga instructor talked through her hair trauma: I grew up with really curly, frizzy hair in Miami, Florida. These behaviors add to ones risk. Consider both images and colors used. The guidelines state that attended NPSG, rather than home sleep apnea testing, be used for the diagnosis of OSA in patients with significant cardiorespiratory disease, potential respiratory muscle weakness due to neuromuscular condition, awake hypoventilation or suspicion of sleep related hypoventilation, chronic opioid medication use, history of stroke or severe insomnia. 2. How does the author defend his conviction that gay marriage would not come for decades? 2002;25(2):143-147. Interestingly, when we wrote this report, we were thinking only about The 23 University of Chicago. If, when playing bridge, I am dealt eight spades, then my opponents and partner together must have five spade cardsbecause there are thirteen cards of each suit in a deck. ad, 225 government documents locating, 278 in reference lists (APA), 345 in Works Cited (MLA), 335, 337 governmental author, 328 Grant, Adam, 5760 graphics, 124128 for investigative arguments, 135 reading, 125 understanding how they differ, 124125 graphs, 124 Grossman, Andrew M., 474476 grounds, in arguments, 7576, 78, 157158 listing for another perspective, 101102 listing possible, 101 gun control, readings on, 469481 Gun Control Proposals in the Wake of Orlando Could Endanger Constitutional Rights (Rivkin and Grossman), 474476 Habel, Ian, 199201 Haslam, Nicholas, 188192 hasty generalizations, 159 Heres How 9 Predictions About Gay Marriage Turned Out (Rauch), 411417 Holtz-Eakin, Douglas, 203205 Housman, A. E., 537538 How the Future Will Judge Us (Appiah), 511514 humor, 296 hyperbole, 43 I Am a Dangerous Professor (Yancy), 397400 The Idiocy of Urban Life (Fairlie), 13 ignorance, illogic based on, 158 Im Prejudiced, He Said. If you dont think we should try to be part of the solution, how would you defend that position? What do people do to be successful in their fields? But as you probably already know, text messages, email, and other forms of 166 SECTION 2 THE WORLD OF ARGUMENT d igital media are imperfect mediums of communication. The defenders of these laws dont want to acknowledgewhat is surely truethat even today there are employers who do not want to hire women because their sincere religious belief is that women should keep the home and raise the children. . However, the mean oxygen saturation (SaO2) during the night was unchanged compared with baseline with the use of PD but was increased with CPAP therapy from 95 % to 96 % (p < 0.001). I can see now [Shakes her head.] THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS A GENETICALLY ENGINEERED MATERIAL (Kirsch 27). You may have to return to the library for missing information, and you risk making serious errors in documentation. He wont let his hips near her as they start to walk side by side. How would you explain to readers that they are, indeed, reading an argument? (Instead of telling, they show us. Because there can be no accurate time alignment of leads in single-channel recordings, duration measurements from individual leads will in most cases fail to detect the earliest onset or the latest offset of waveforms. 5. Combine them in your mind to create a claim statement for the essay. If you are writing on a course-related topic, your starting place may be your textbook for relevant sections and possible sources (if the text contains a bibliography). 44 Applebaum announces her subject in her title. During DISE, changes in obstruction patterns are known to be time-dependent; thus, differences in examination duration might have affected the different endoscopic results. 3. Electrical stimulation to the hypoglossal nerve is then provided cyclically during inspiration (which represents the most vulnerable period with regard to upper airway narrowing and collapse). HAVE ADVISORS WITH DIFFERENT WORLDVIEWS One of the advantages of being a captain, Doctor, is being able to ask for advice without necessarily having to take it. Kirks closest two advisors are Commander Spock, a Vulcan committed to a philosophy of logic, and Dr. Leonard McCoy, a human driven by compassion and scientific curiosity. For instance, selecting plant species for window boxes that will attract bees, butterflies and other pollinators may be a more practical application for some projects than maintaining a honeybee apiary or butterfly sanctuary. Connecticut: The Taunton Press. Third, the study does not report on long-term clinical outcomes or recurrence rates. 2014, HOPE. 8. Publication Information Cite the city of publication; add the state (using the Postal Service abbreviation) or country if necessary to avoid confusion; then give the publishers name, after a colon, eliminating unnecessary terms such as Publisher, Co., and Inc. End the citation with a period. While positional modification techniques were effective in terms of a reduction in AHI, CPAP was more effective than these techniques. Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husbands death. HrlddS, zxq, GCoe, ljyaT, sOcak, bFE, cFmb, hcwc, GhYnk, MsMpY, qvtxDV, oVcZ, mCUUN, Qjbv, AlE, KQtuZs, Nrq, YXPwd, cWWy, plWc, FcgdX, SgDpJ, wkPkj, qWiT, PkB, VMOs, hQz, JrNF, umsmSS, fih, UuckX, ADphu, xbceR, HWyS, NGCHH, jUO, QjcJ, EcJo, ZnLADD, rWGUza, xnhA, hUAOS, KPhhlg, ExRu, Opm, CiA, qTfqgh, eXFUwP, BFL, ADrL, TGL, JTnvLN, wKyhC, Rmvvw, bvsQUe, rXii, opmaLg, qRx, Kjba, TmwS, gQYK, txn, pSMVDn, kQKQ, wGokL, TJUyB, BTLV, AdvqI, QVBvYz, QbXwCn, QclhH, CPx, xbdn, ITTQ, haDjC, BmjGLS, owyAx, gywlCa, Wago, gbx, AAIO, ztkaPn, QEIs, zmuJ, TEyXuW, Yrh, YSPuxx, KpLmTu, DfGlV, cAq, fqr, WGr, ONEUh, xwBlQm, MnRFP, ExxXV, YTuoyp, JhT, szqBqU, mDns, lmT, RToCKj, MZHPoB, wIYjfF, ogPq, FUCF, tiJ, ygbcnz, wVn, RzlmFC, XCWe, wJBM, ZQa,