Complete BS virtue signaling - everyone of those supposed 'multi-billionaires who lobby for raising their own taxes', can already voluntarily pay as much extra taxes as they want - how many are? Or if one day we discover that those aerosols have side effects we didnt think of. Compare with this, from AP, linked from Drudge Report. Nobody could come along and make money out of a FOSS network like Mastodon. had equal co-chairs and they split subpoena power. They display sensitive dependence on initial conditions. years. give Schiff the necessary clearance to receive intelligence briefings? Nuclear is an energy source of the past. Crazy idea, I know. You cannot maintain a nationwide conspiracy of thousands or tens of thousands of people who don't know each other. It's not a little bit of both. The serious oddity with the US system is the use of drop boxes rather than sending back via the postal service. because they know if the tax rates/laws change, they will just pay their lawyers extra money to figure out how not to pay it - they want someone else to do it instead. And you can bet that people more dialed-in WebConey Island is a peninsular neighborhood and entertainment area in the southwestern section of the New York City borough of Brooklyn.The neighborhood is bounded by Brighton Beach and Manhattan Beach to its east, Lower New York Bay to the south and west, and Gravesend to the north and includes the subsection of Sea Gate on its west. > openly and gleefully ignored all antisemitism. They're trying to lower the ceiling, to literally change the system so the emergent properties of it change for the better. Convenience rules. And you indirectly pay for Pfizers profits through your taxes. Its like retroactively taxing those who invested in sustainable energy generation - and without permission, too. I wonder what Montgomery Burns is charging for his consultation. Until now, it was not a phrase that applies to social media. For centuries. Dumping a few cargo jets of sulfur and chalk isn't going to fuck anything up more than we have already, and learning anything new about how the atmosphere works is a win in my book (even if it's: hey, don't do that). China will take anything it wants. So now you are back to square one: if 'increasing' the available resources is not available right now, and might not even be available in the future, and reducing the population is frowned upon, then you are forced to find a way to reduce resource consumption. But is the sum of (potentially richer) individuals' actions likely to address climate change in a better way than a hypothetical billionaire's geoengineering project? Spraying chemicals into the atmosphere to modify the weather happens around the world already, including in the US. Now, with Sinema leaving the Party, what does this mean for the committee chairs? FY23 USACE Programmatic Sources Sought Notice, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Texas Freeport Harbor to Upper Matagorda Bay Maintenance Dredging, Harbor Island Removal of Pile Remnants & Marine Debris, Repair Infrastructure Along Wharf 18 Dredge Pipe, Houston Ship Channel Expansion Channel Improvement Project - Segment 3 Barbours Cut Channel Spilman Island and Morgans Point Bulkhead Walls, Galveston Entrance Channel and Houston Ship Channel Bolivar to Redfish Hopper Dredging, GIWW West Galveston Bay Barrier Island Reconstruction with Mining of Placement Area No. None. The only thing we can change is future emissions. ", We already have the solutions. I guess it depends on your definition of "taught". wasn't a great candidate, but I think would have been a successful and fair president. But building out takes time. A 'reasonable' view that is predicated on the idea that 'misinformation' is obvious and will always be seen. It's not like we've got a test Earth ready to do a dummy run on. We don't have efficient energy storage so that means you have to build massive overcapacity, like 5x as much. edit: I also think based on the descriptions that some of the ideas could be straightforward enough to just be executed by government services (akin to firefighters or coastal guard) without any contractors, but this more of a question of how the governments function, possible corruption etc. How about let's move from SUVs and heavy individual transport in favor of public transportation, ebikes, having walkable and more compact cities that do not require 100 km commute each day. I dont disagree that oil and use of oil has caused a negative impact on Earth lol. > Ironically, as the world reduces coal burning to curb the carbon dioxide emissions that cause global warming, well also be eliminating the sulfur dioxide emissions that mask some of that warming. Another possible solution is to pass legislation that somehow pushes people in the direction of cashless Luckily battery costs are declining on a super-linear learning curve. These networks have a positive social impact globally that will shortly be lost, and to what end? To me it's like startups creating robot bees: finding an inferior expensive potentially dangerous solution to a problem that was already solved for free since forever. Its too late. We should just fly over there at night and put a blanket over it, Also in the news "Solar Power Harnessed From Space Could Be Wirelessly Transmitted to Earth". This makes several assumptions - for example, if we are in a simulation, you seem to be assuming a particular kind of simulation (one that people or an entity of some kind made) - what about the Plato's Allegory of the Cave style of simulation, that has substantial scientific support? This gave me hope that there is a world in which we aren't faced with endless, pointless investigations. These aren't new ideas, they're long shots and everyone knows it, but we're concerned enough that we're researching it. Power plants need to come first. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. Instantly as well - barely enough time to read the comment. WebTexas-Bids; Title Due Date State Type; Peer Review System: Jan 9, 2023: Texas: State or Local: Revenue Operations & Coding RFP: Dec 21, 2022: Texas: State or Local There is a euphemism in rocketry often heard at SpaceX Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly. Meanwhile we just lost 477 pilot whales (amazing biological carbon sequestering systems) in mass stranding in NZ because there are no resources and technology to save them. V & Z answer: That is very plausible, and would apply whether or not she actually did something wrong. 1932 to Good luck If such a law were passed, how would the paradox be resolved? WW1 we went home and ignored the world. Did we see any of these scenarios happen? Just face it, you're totally beaten here. You can do even better by having a network of countries, each selling overcapacity. > The Montreal Protocol adopted in 1987 regulates and phases out the use of ozone depleting substances, such as hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) which were commonly used in refrigeration and air conditioners, but that healing process is still going on. The US is a democracy, sure, but the atmosphere is much bigger than the US. More and more land around the equator will become inhabitable, and people will be forced to emigrate en masse? So providing choices other than "deindustrialize" and "passive genocide" is critical if you don't want the decision to be "passive genocide". Compare the results to the different aerosolcandidatesin your patents and white papers. The driving cost for solar pv is the structure and the land, the panels are now so cheap (and getting cheaper) that the economic recommendation is to install 3x the generation capacity of the inverter. in Hartland, WI, asks: There has been a lot of talk that the next Speaker may not be a Well you have your answer already: the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. I don't mean that in a disparaging "you ought be doing this with just a sed script" kind of way. I was actually referring to the well-documented fact that the specific proposals favour forms of ID that are most commonly held by socio-demographic groups that tend to vote Conservative. Thus by increasing the number of whales (and not losing existing whales via strandings) we can contribute to phytoplankton growth, leading to more carbon capture and sequestration. That's why we need to reform the system such that it is impossible for anyone to be a billionaire. Quite the contrary: people in extreme conditions are more likely to have more children because high child mortality means any individual child is less likely to surive so if you want a heir (and an income provider since child labor likely also exists), you'll need more of them. That's good journalism, and the BBC also practises it most of the time. We get hydrogen from hydrocarbons that we then use for synthesizing fertilizer. I think it might get a bit more buy-in if there was some acknowledgement of the biggest producers of these problems. Why does anyone expect something dashed off in a moment of emotion or insomnia to be necessarily true or carefully considered. They should have been born in a different country. Even Steve Bannon wouldn't return his phone calls after that, and he'll be ignored by everyone from then on - his worst nightmare! That was an interesting clip - it's been a while since I've seen that sane a politician because they normally tend to get drowned out by the screeching idiots who have abandoned all reason, possibly because they don't know what proper reasoning looks like. Its probably easier to get to 100% clean new sales, Every industrial process switches -> I dont know enough to even speculate but this sounds like an even longer CAPEX cycle. It's interesting to me how much people are trained to reflex against this possibility. Add to that nobody calculating the average cost of the employees being discharged. that either the current or the incoming secretary would be satisfied to be first by just an hour or two, though. It wont work as well as moving out of the industrial processes into newer ones which don't exacerbate the problem, it's just that the money flows won't help the people who have the ear of the WH on this. Are you capable of predicting ALL the side effects of such an extreme intervention? Gerrymandering at the state level is another matter, and I'm not sure a federal law (unless it was in the constitution) could ban the practice. The point here is that this a temporary measure to bring down the temperature to prevent additional deaths caused from global warming. Bonus points for ones that don't involve countries that share a border and that don't involve colonialism. Modern, emmission-free energy-sources like solar or wind (accompanied by storage in homes, districts and some larger-scale storage facilities) became so cheap in the past decade that you can now build more than 10 times the capacity in renewables for the price of a nuclear reactor. As you point out, as soon as the state leans too far in one direction, it can use state-run social media to enforce and accelerate that movement to extremes. If I had a ready one I wouldnt be talking with you. Whether or not we can get there, with powerful short-term-thinking, status-quo-loving lobbying groups hindering progress every step of the way, is another matter. In a sense yeah. Yes, the US Democrats are just as keen on gerrymandering as the Republicans. 2) All these erode the user experience and thus trust, the sine qua non of social media. D.F. The Taliban were allowed on Twitter and Trump was not. A mistake here could literally ruin the atmosphere for the entire globe. It has indeed happened, albeit only a few times. V & Z answer: Remember Gerald Ford's quote about what is and is not an impeachable offense? The difference in the total number of children born is not He's saying the US could do the aerosol thing, which would not require a big decrease in living standards. And we might end up reducing atmosphere humidity and having torrential rain. still appear on the ballot as an independent, and it's possible their independent votes and their Democratic votes would This has no impact whatsoever on the people in extreme poverty. Transportation, electricity and heating for commercial and industrial sectors are much larger and then you need to add on top of that direct emissions by industry and agriculture. Given that, there is only two possibilities: reduce resource consumption, or expand the amount of available resources. Still, I think now is the best time to propose such a thing - if you delay it so it doesn't affect current maps but only how maps after the 2030 census are redrawn, it won't hit any current congressmen until the 2032 election a full 10 years away. Enough is enough. Those things are not subject to tragedy of the commons. I don't think this example translates to global maxima, or at least not without further explanation. Which Presidential election wins do you think were the biggest it's for a similar reason to why most of these people also don't do calculus, or juggle, etc: they do not know how to, because they were never taught how to. I frankly now (being a hardcore believer in the past) am now on the fence about some aspects of it. Say there is a billionaire and a society of homeless indigents. Not fair.". But it wont reduce ocean acidification via too much CO2. It tells all states to > I think it is quite possible that humans attempting to fix nature is what will ultimately lead to the extinction of the human race. After the election : election is decided so it is now a moot point, so go away and quit bothering us. I think the only way to do that would be to tax everything to the point that most people just couldn't afford more than basic consumption. "The Taliban on the other hand are a government, no matter how abhorrent that may be. last), and it gives additional publicity to a candidate who is presumably objectionable. federal prosecutions. Much like sulfur creates acid rain, calcium in the atmosphere would create "basic rain" which is just as much of a problem if you're a plant that requires a fairly narrow range of soil pH. And they're going to cost much much more. Consequently, Conrad said he would not stand for reelection. Failing to draw down atmospheric CO2 ensures increasing ocean acidification, threatening the basis of the whole ocean ecosystem. I must patent that! (22,748 votes). Instead of the energy going into heat, it generates electricity, which powers the robots, which make more of themselves as well as do other valuable things like wash our dishes and fold our laundry. Black voters continue to face enormous hurdles in the U.S. electoral process. So this war mongering country is unilaterally deciding how much sun my country receives? Your account age of nine years gives you no more authority than mine (or an account age of nine days). The US is rather notorious for deliveries being stolen from doorsteps. the Democratic Party would be able to choose the withdrawn candidate's replacement, and could nominate the "independent" Nancy Pelosi for one with her 'come visit china town' stunt in early 2020. Or is there more to it and that? You couldn't even set it up, it would be discovered long before it could be put into action. But that's a nonstarter. in Tetovo, North Macedonia, asks: I'd like to know your thoughts on the idea of the I guess that the problem is where the money comes from. Imagine that. There's nothing inherently polarising about FPTP. You can take medicine to treat disease while you work to fix the underlying root cause, Just put a giant ice cube in the ocean every now and then, No one wants to tell us fatties to not eat farmed animals, and not drive cars okay? Otherwise when several dozen people gang up to troll, their victim will have to choose which one(s) they can afford to rebut without going over their quota. position, and an increase in salary as compared to the pay of U.S. Look at all this elbow room!). I infer the situation in the UK isn't much better. Also, lawyers are able to sort things out when there are multiple legal issues in play, like "You Copyright 1998-2022 GovDirections, LLC Changes of salinity in water, drier soil, excessive rain, first/last frost, etc. Challenge is how to fix this. That said, a federal judgeship seems the most likely possibility to us. We're now in a situation where, distasteful and dangerous as they may be, technological solutions like this are the only possible solutions. No, gerrymandering is something else. We need a full reversal, not just stopping emissions but actively recovering emissions that have already been expended. Here is a link to the Fox News, Anti-Vaxx etc.). You're saying that plant food (CO2) is bad for plant based nutrition because they grow too fast and therefore plants have less minerals? can't see a restriction in the Constitution, but I can imagine there would be state laws that might be allowed. But nothing of this will get done, because there are way simpler solutions. Given the latest rise in populism (on the left and right), it is clear to me that in that situation people will vote for any tyrant that will promise to do anything to protect their way of life. of hundred, so Biden would probably go for it. But more and more, this ideal is being questioned. Would the A few degrees the wrong direction and the whole globe turns to ice. BBC is BS propaganda, and so are 90% of the newspapers. Musk can afford to own twitter debt-free and run it as a hobby. Say there is a billionaire and a society of homeless indigents. Could easily see the UK Uni's clubbing together to run one for Uni Staff for example. V & Z answer: Yes, there is plenty of hard data. And there's part of the problem, right there. M.W. The 'activists' 'helping' the homeless in LA seem to be doing anything but, This includes online disinformation, poll taxes, polling station closures in Black neighborhoods, voters abruptly removed from the rolls, gerrymandering, strict voter-id and registration laws, and much more. the Party takes a beating in 2024 again. It has the potential for catastrophic changes like less vegetation. He does sometimes consult with lawyers when speakership, then she would have a giant target on her back. Stopping a billion separate entities polluting the atmosphere is organizationally infinitely harder. I don't know of any. Sure, I'm talking about very, very sad scenarios, but so are you. The sort of people who insist it's necessary can't handle data and fall back to ad-hominem, so should not be listened to. Its a little bit of both: incentive structures are both established and strengthened by profit interests. I'm glad to hear reasonable discussion that is willing to at least acknowledge some inconvenient and fairly concerning aspects of climate change science. insurrection" required by the Fourteenth Amendment to prevent him from holding office? had stronger environmental laws in place 20 years ago. > Let's take one poor country: Brazil. There are of course ways of cross-checking and verifying what people tell you online, but hardly anybody uses them because everyone firmly believes they already know the answer, so what's the point? I could, > widely accepted and known solutions to climate change. 1828 (Andrew Jackson defeats John Quincy Adams), 1876 (Rutherford B. Hayes defeats Samuel Tilden), 1908 (William Howard Taft defeats Theodore Roosevelt and William Jennings Bryan), 1924 (Calvin Coolidge defeats John W. Davis), 1968 (Richard Nixon defeats Hubert Humphrey), 1980 (Ronald Reagan defeats Jimmy Carter), You often note that you are not lawyers. We have gained the benefits of industrialisation but other poorer nations are beating the costs. Especially when most people drive just 20 miles to reach their job, and a significant amount of that is in traffic. As an alternative, we'll go with Wisconsin. A good CEO does add immense value: Jobs and Packard come to mind. Its what the population actually wants through revealed preferences despite their expressed preferences. Some people have more awareness of what is good for all than others, but very few will make huge individual sacrifices for the sake of making a hard-to-detect positive impact on the common good. The IPCC has looked into this in some detail and regularly updated their summaries of the latest science for years. And they have certain advantages -- like distributed small farms, walkable towns, no "technical debt" of inefficient gadgets and gizmos in their houses -- that put them in a much better position than countries like the USA. Help me Obi Wan Kenobi (or Z & V)You're our only hope! How is this an issue? We care about the privacy of our clients and will never share your personal information with any third parties or persons. It'd be hard because many proposals are within the range of many nations or just billionaires and it's going to be really hard to stop a nation being hit hard by climate change from acting to protect themselves. marriage legal in all 50 states. There is a large swath or US Republicans who still believe that Biden stole the election. Solar panels are also somewhat reflective. Otherwise, what motive do most Americans have to reduce consumption? With stratospheric aerosols, if you don't like the results you just stop doing it, and they'll fall out of the atmosphere in a year or two. If there is no postal voting, people would have to vote at their polling station. On HN and elsewhere in my > 20 years in the broader technology community Ive noticed substantially higher interest in golden era Simpsons, Futurama, etc. If it's no longer there, another will come along to serve the same function. > And a third one. As we do not have a proper control we cannot say if that is true or not. Painting roofs sounds completely benign, but if it's as effective as other geoengineering methods, then there's little reason to think it doesn't have the risks of other methods. And that's if the Democrats can hold that advantage in the 2024 election. Climate change is inherently large scale. First, they store carbon in their bodies. The article failed to mention a really important idea - Sulfur Dioxide is not the only aerosol that can be injected, and there are other options that seem much more promising. a new law of this sort, capping the amount of cash that people can withdraw from ATMs each week. Remember that "paying close attention" should not mean focusing on the interesting coincidences. - Buyer can achieve stalking horse advantages: enhanced information, bid protections to protect itself and enhance purchase prospects (e.g., breakup fee [~3-3.5%] and expense reimbursement, and bid increased by same), minimum bid increments, and tight timeline for the sale. Disappointed that the article didn't mention the sad litany of New Zealand. Sure, but anything that's remotely unpopular feels like a recipe for the opposing party to win by a landslide just by promising to remove said regulation. > Why assume the only alternative to American overconsumption is a a primitive existence? The article seems to miss a key part of the new ID requirements. Which, if you translate back from the dry language that Wikipedia uses, says "this guy's a nut". (And as an aside: have you ever noticed how programmers and scientists, and their fans, regularly extol the superiority of the virtues of strict logic and epistemology, but when they are asked to practice it they often claim that it is ~stupid/dumb/meaningless/a waste of time?). Under the 50-50 senate of 2021-2023, though Democrats held my question is, do you gents know all this stuff (notwithstanding your lack of a law degree) or do you have lawyers who No, idealism by definition will produce idealistic solutions that won't amount to anything. Federalist Papers, which are very thorough, there is no mention of the speaker. I know because I just looked down the BBC's front page checking each story that was presented as news. Sure, people can move inland, but moving inland isn't going to help the ecosystems. > As a commenter put it so eloquently elsewhere, how do we ensure that Bangladeshis and Pakistanis can live like Texans? WebThe latest Lifestyle | Daily Life news, tips, opinion and advice from The Sydney Morning Herald covering life and relationships, beauty, fashion, health & wellbeing Please review the American bar association list of the court request and the results. No, not every situation and every vehicle, but if we could replace all passenger cars with EVs overnight, that would make a huge dent in emissions. If it was so easy to do, there would be no problems with water shortages around the globe (and soon maybe "water wars") just take it out of the air with solar. However, could that This is going to be no different. The downsides will be things the same 15% of the population that always points these things out will point out. Because its apparent size relative to the sun will also get smaller. Eliminate that word and the sentence meaning is unchanged as far as my intent is concerned. Faced with data and evidence compiled by an actual expert, you retreat to "I found some website that tells me to ignore him" because you can't handle the complexity and worldview challenge that comes with the truth: climatology is as far from settled as can be, its central theories are contradicted by actual data (which is why they have to constantly rewrite the history of global temperatures), and the people telling you otherwise are lying to you. It's always the people agitating for change who are engaged in the process of politics, because it's via the process of politics that change on the level of government policy is enacted. If it is too late, there's no point in running. Now look at a graph of temperatures as measured by satellites: (And it might considering the rain the southwest experienced this year.) Are you prepared to hear that it is simply not possible? The elites can spray as many aerosols into their homes as they like, they can inject whatever substance they want into their bodies and plug their brains into whatever infernal machine they want but don't subject me to these experiments. They've got no credibility. multi-billionaires) who lobby for raising their own taxes. Did the oil industry global warming flippening just happen? And he has failed to actually check real facts, not bullshit emitted by Faux News & Co. Ah. Humanity has Plus it's not like this would have to go on forever. That would depend upon the particular doorstep in the US; the risk varies by locale. If you are going to mess with it, I'd rather it done based on a controlled methodology based on science. No doubt weve made things worse but maybe not as bad as we think. conservatives. Maybe(!) ",, > "Spencer holds contrarian views on climate change and intelligent design. Still, scientists are saying that it's time to explore how bad climate change will be on humanity, what the collapse of civilization might look like (, and that human extinction is one of those outcomes we need to be thinking about. So for example people still believe in a flat earth, or believe that current temperatures are the hottest ever. Destroying the air we breath and the planet for an average 20 mile drive, that takes an average 25 minutes, is plain insanity. Because you can implement a solution gradually and measure the gradient. Does it make any sense to suspect the investigation of Rep. They're a cult now ", Umm, a religion is just a cult that somehow gained some 'respectability'. You sound worse than a religious fanatic. However, it is exceedingly unlikely that a Democrat could win. I'll take Just a static page with the words WE APOLOGISE FOR THE INCONVENIENCE in big type. Those tiny islands in the Indian Ocean that will be submerged by the rising water? Late stage capitalism and globalization would be my guess. Traveline would set up one for bus operators. This will sound very familiar to anyone who read Neal Stephenson's Termination Shock. WebPassword requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; Nothing gets done and the bulk of humanity dies from runaway temperatures that make significant parts of the world unlivable, drought, and rising sea levels ravaging coastal cities. What we need to do is reduce emissions to zero in less than thirty years, with steep declines starting now. However, I think some of this reflex is jusified by the known side-effects (not even the potential unintended consequences). in Honolulu, HI, asks: The Washington Post Kinda like this, with appropriate modifications: The plan there is literally to identify the person in the best position to help and then start hindering/antagonising them. I think it's a mistake to think 'large mirror' than to think about what we can change about the massive surfaces that we are already covering with man-made structures. > This sheer quantity of events means that coincidences are pretty much guaranteed to happen on a regular basis paying close attention just means you notice more of them. Given a long enough timeline this system will change into a state that is largely hostile towards human life. idea of doing some ratfu**king. possible, cut their ties with Trump altogether, abandon the Trump voters, and determine to spend some time in the He later learned that this conclusion, but how does running for reelection as an independent and giving herself very little chance of winning This is being proposed by Ye Tao, an MIT Chemistry PhD who has pivoted to this project. Even though the problem would be far easier to solve on an individual basis if each individual was responsible for negating or offsetting their own environmental impact. Longest period of peace in history. For instance, the coffee shop I frequently stop at on my way to work accepts cash but requires you to use Then the GP suggestion seems to have a role again - if net zero emissions is not enough, carbon capturing is needed to mitigate previous emissions. See todays top stories. Isnt Florida supposed to be under water now? The size and complexity of the atmosphere is mind blowing. (Of course Russia creating an energy crisis has helped, but if you check the timeline you'll see that inflation was tracking decidedly upward even before that. than another state that is having a primary the same day? search for intelligent life still continues.". But actual people on the ground, especially if that ground is in places that aren't as developed, do in fact want higher standards of living. if she had made this announcement a week ago, or two weeks ago, it would have motivated more Georgia Republicans to Because even if every American stopped driving _tomorrow_, we are still going to have the effects of climate change anyway. It seemed the other AC had an objection to the entire concept of postal voting. that is not the case. It is what we will continue doing until there is a perfect magical technology solution with no side effects and very low costs. I don't doubt If somebody created predator species, or botflies, or ringworms, you'd have them executed for crimes against nervous systems. The audacious PR plot that seeded doubt about climate change: I don't understand in how the Supreme Court I hope we manage to reduce emissions before we're forced to enact these desperate measures. Anecdotally, among people I know personally, it does seem to me that progressive couples are much more What you end up with is different groups looking at different data to support whatever narrative is convenient for them. Let's take one poor country: Brazil. The reason(s) that Congress did not just declare all same-sex marriages to be legal are: What do people do when they have more money? Sizing for hitting capacity on the darkest days basically. How expensive? When I go to the page for electricity mix (, I was specifically addressing "You won't get people to agree to make their life worse for the sake of the environment, no matter how much activists keep trying to push that". No conspiracy theorising needed. 80% of electricity is from renewable resources. "Wouldn't it make more sense to get a variety of sensor data?". If it is a feature, why would our Founding "The Haber process consumes 35% of the world's natural-gas production (around 12% of the world's energy supply)"[1]. >> It's interesting to me how much people are trained to reflex against this possibility. Luckily, empathy and/or social pressures are important for most people, which causes them to make choices that are not 'game theory optimal', but better for society. forty years ago, but we were knowingly lied to. But as Richard Herring or might of been once of his guests pointed out, they should of thanked Judas. We need to climate control the Earth to keep things as static as possible. Only about 50% of US adults agree on the crux of the issue, that human emissions contribute a great deal to global heating, while 20% say human emissions are not important [1]. He's probably rampaging around like a bull in a china shop mostly as revenge. Our huge over bloated military keeps a lot of countries in check. Also potassium and phosphorus. We could have punished media and politicians that helped sell out our planets future for some slimy oil dollars. So for a very readable writeup from the Institute for Family Studies. We're already doing that. It looks like he's not going to kill it, just strip it back so moderation and knowing who you're talking to becomes impossible. > Bring in the big earthmoving equipment, run the concrete plans, all powered by fossil fuels, and build dams. It doesn't make any sense unless you believe in a massive conspiracy on the topic. I vote, then, to execute natural selection. Presumably you have the research to back that up. > Once our ecosystem has collapsed, a possibility we see approaching close and closer. The BBC tries to be transparent about where information is coming from. Civilization is the meta-entity that emerged from us when we started writing and educating each other. This El Reg story, for instance, is comment, not news - but it's clearly labelled "Opinion", so that's fine. Not on my planet. thinking of. I haven't "removed all agency." The 200 was about our judicial system not allowing light to be shown on the process so it can be fixed. Climate change is unfortunately still -- even with all the obvious weather changes that are already happening -- too abstract to get a lot of people to even admit it's a problem, let alone agree on what should be done. The tipping point could be as low as +1.5C, we're already over +1C, and we've made essentially zero reductions to our emissions so far. What you're saying seems to be part of a doom and gloom fetishism. You fall into the latter category if not the former. But you could supply small towns in Africa with solar panels and let them figure out a better way, no? Think flash paper. A very interesting discussion on freezing the poles using aerosols (e.g. Their messaging is "people like us don't pay enough taxes, please raise the taxes people like us have to pay". Based on available information it's possible, or plausible, that irreversible processes are already under way. Every year for the rest of our lives will be worse climate-wise. Maybe spend the money to fix that first. What are the second and third order effects? Russia won't, but they're a smaller country and the impact isn't as big. The prisoners' dilemma arises from the prison. (My cousin just moved to Arlington, TX and she loves it. Even people who believe climate change is real and are worried about it likely barely move the needle. "Why don't they just give away their money" is an individualistic "solution" that does nothing to fix the systemic problem except going against their self interest. A lot of people feel the same way about nation states in which one actor can make decisions which unilaterally transform the earth without majority consensus. For Sinema's part, she can stop the Democrats from gaining outright control This is like inventing robot bee replacements, if bees were going extinct (which some people were worried about for a while, and some still are) and while Bee populations may be collapsing but they dont seem destined for extinction, just massive population losses that can in time recover like humans did from the Black Death and its not even universally bad among all bee species. Doug Mastriano, Kari Lake and Don Bolduc keep getting nominated. So when it dies, all that content, including much that could contribute to the historic record, will die with it. More aptly: if your house is on fire, you don't remove all of the oxygen from the planet. > Politicians don't care, because people don't care. Sure, some people eventually take that change to a bank or a Later, Eric Paulson of Viking Web Development contributed It would be an ongoing process of refinement and launch, there are some papers that have done the napkin math on the launch rate and energy requirements and its all perfectly feasible in the context of preventing an earth-shattering calamity. The history of 'scientists' making outlandish claims about what will or won't happen - and then being provably wrong - is a big part of the problem. was reached. Cool. He resigned his original seat, took over the vacant All of these chemicals were found to be terrible over time and were phased out. V & Z answer: Zero, we would say. If that means aiming initially for 50% net solar availability, and 30% net wind availability with 20% surplus and keeping the gas turbines running through winter to provide the remaining 40% for a few years whilst shotgunning money at research for abundant batteries, electrolysers, and tidal to see which one sticks, then that is far better than using the same funds to pay for 20% nuclear that will be online in 2050. The change is there, sure, but in what way is the problem pressing enough that dealing with it is clearly better than the cost of dealing with it? We set the billionaire's house on fire and wreck all his stuff. Alien civilizations are looking at us like we're living in a house without A/C. "Me? New instances will come into play (we booted our first last night) but the shortage of admin/moderator expertise will be the constraint for the foreseeable future. Google and Facebook are huge thanks to massive corporate advertising budgets. Who gets to make the call that these risks are okay and are not as bad as the negative impact(s) we may face from climate change? If Musk kills one of the cesspools of idiocy that all these unmoderated forums have turned into, more power to him, even though his way of doing it is a bit self-destructive. Going to the moon was trivial by comparison; without a breakthrough in cheap fusion or something we're not likely to achieve all this. is risking potential harm to millions of voters who put her into office in the first place. And yet: consider how often one encounters such claims, including in genuinely intelligent communities like HN. When Twitter and Facebook first hit the mainstream, I was very surprised how the media and the public sector took to it without their usual ' Other social Media establishments are available' that they usually brush private enterprise with. That would repeat their experience during the Great Depression and after, ca. Maybe the key to not face the scrutiny of non-interventionists is to mask the intervention as an unrelated commercial venture, in which case it should be pretty much good to go. > Will you call all of those people myopic for pursuing a richer life, as well? The cultists seem to forget that going there for a left/right bashing is still a minority sport even if the toxic debris dominates your timeline. "The Fourteenth Amendment disqualifies from federal officeholding anyone who 'engaged in insurrection or rebellion Its amazing to me that we may be so deep in the climate feedback loop that this is literally the only way our civilization survives, and. Legislate things that people don't disagree with too much. Or, she might have kept it under her hat because she wanted to make sure I have not seen a mention of the most efficient and controllable method of reflecting solar energy away from the earth: - Ground mounted mirrors, which can be glass or plastic film. (V) was trying to think of a way to get to them and tell them they could vote. Certainly, this news does nothing to argue against that impression." But it will take a very long time. I heard an estimate on the radio that about five of every eight voters voted by mail in my state this year, which will make it harder for folks with petitions to get enough signatures for their projects to appear on their local ballots. We tend to assume that living in the US, driving around a polluting car, buying up polluting gadgets, throwing away tons of plastic per person, burning propane and natural gas and oil for heating, watering your lawn in the desert, etc. I'm not confident that Mastodon is the answer, but I think it's on the right track. Spread them out in low orbit. Even if they did invest initially, how long before the funds were cut to the point where security was compromised, and millions who trusted a government run social network got pwned - can you imagine the fallout? The lecture about what this community is or isnt through some imagined position of authority through seniority bothers me. If they wish to do so, they can file suit against a There won't be a need for war. It's stupid (arguably even stupider than a 100% nuclear grid and twice as expensive), but it works. Why? This sheer quantity of events means that coincidences are pretty much guaranteed to happen on a regular basis paying close attention just means you notice more of them. Starvation poverty is not the result of overpopulation. That's why you have to drill down to the data, the science, in order to resolve disputes. When the Bbc funding changes, it could have PSB obligations just as any of the other broadcasters like ITV, C4 and even C5 etc does. Conrad (D-ND) was theoretically up for reelection. We could cool Venus as much as we want, in particular we could cool it to below the freezing temperature of CO2. I think the "fuck you, I already live in a part of the world that was developed on the back of cheap energy and it's really too bad that you will never be allowed to develop like I did" humans will kill more humans than the status quo ever will. Let's help them to start emigrate today! For those that don't know, coccolithophores are single-celled phytoplankton that grow a calcium carbonate shell, of sorts. The article fails to mention a really important idea - Sulfur Dioxide is not the only aerosol that can be injected, and there are other options that seem much more promising. Whether they CAN cast him aside is another matter. Even if we discount the doomsday scenarios, the economic and human costs to climate change are staggering. It's not like solar power becomes utterly useless if you cut out a single digit percent of the input light, whereas that percentage probably, The downside of "crazy schemes" is they take focus away from what. What is the math? massively over-building instead of using some storage) is equal cost to nuclear. Also, the whole world has benefited enormously from emissions and the economies of scale that they have allowed, not just the global north. clarifying! "Since the dawn of civilization mankind has yearned to destroy the sun!". Fathers want such an option? it affects the U.S., but the World Cup shows just how many other bilateral relationships are out there. I point this out so those with concerns can direct letters to all relevant actors. pre-election blog that didn't post much if anything in the off years, but I don't know the precise year that I started "there are networks of many thousands of high value accounts sharing knowledge and insight", "who are corruptible and often have dubious intentions with no sense of civic duty". Irrelevant, the point is that they don't increase albedo so deploying absurd amounts of them won't cool the atmosphere. They're conflating climate and weather, downplaying the effects, and calling people who are concerned about the ongoing mass extinction alarmists. I bet Twitter receives, political, legal and law enforcement enquiries on a daily basis. And itd be easily reversible. This reminds me that it was mentioned how the decrease in global shipping during the pandemic and the fact that the bulk of those ships burn high-sulfur fuels may have had an observable effect on warming. Insulate homes and put in air conditioning. Although state law requires that the appointee be of the same political party as the previous senator, there's They usually think solar and wind isn't good enough due to variability. Americans have a tendency to see everything in terms of how I personally find it incredibly unlikely that they have done 0 research and testing on this prior to this announcement, so I find it reasonable to believe they have clearly done it in some capacity in the past which led to this wider decision. Do your own research - start with all the predictions from scientists in the 70's that were claiming that we were entering the next ice age., The natural way to remove carbon is weathering rocks over millions of years, and it's not hard to accelerate that process so it only takes decades:, Why wouldn't that be the best strategy? No censorship, except if you start to utter death threats. None of this point applies to any other proposal I've ever heard about concerning global warming. What you'd actually have to look at is define a desired reliability factor for your electric grid, calculate the minimum guaranteed power output for that reliability factor (so to remain with the solar power example even during the daytime you need to calculate the likelihood and impact of cloudy weather, but in any case as soon you as you want more reliability than there are even theoretical sunshine hours in a day, guaranteed power output drops to zero unless of course you finally attempt to include some storage) and then overbuild according to that calculation. What options do Democrats have to exploit the rules on The problem with that is that anything that most things that have the biggest effect here (not eating meat, not travelling a ton, etc) are also things that no government in the world would have support for limiting, and if they tried to regulate them, would probably get destroyed in the next election. click here. Frankly I am legitimately scared at what comes next -- it was so clearly being done in secret but on a relatively large scale before if you followed the ScIeNcE via whitepapers, patents, etc How bad is it going to be now? I * e.g. Ideally stored in a salt mine of some sort. They are there to keep problems going for as long as possible and to give the impression they are solving it to the public in order to keep the money flowing. And even then I'm not so sure, because I think once people see misinformation enough times, they start to distrust the outlets that are peddling it. No, it's been a period of near-constant American-led war. That means that [0]: > People can suspect that if the activists are so choosy about the methods, this cannot be that serious and this is not how truly desperate people act. Replies like yours are why we must not geo-engineer the earth. President). And China and other developing countries have been emitting large amounts of co2 for only a very short period relatively speaking. After some experimenting with the URLs and use of the handy 'Previous Report' button, I was able to back up in Des Moines, IA, asks: You wrote: "Sinema has always given the impression that her The GB rail network has (various?) It's bad messaging and no one will ever fill fulfilled by following it. Why is CA power so expensive? Disgusting city planning that lead to not having a car being nearly impossible in the US. There is no corporate evil cabal keeping CO2 emissions high. HackerNews tries to discourage the sort of pop culture references that are so prevalent across the Internet in the hopes of fostering real substantial communication and dialog. The price argument feels like a very lazy one to me since regulatory environment plays such a large role. Pretty much every form of social organization of a country has the state, it's not one of the alternative forms. Secondly, your emotional comment completely disregards the basic point of what I was saying, that humans in general will adapt and are actually very good at it in general. or group] sent a cease and desist letter to [campaign] because [artist or group] didn't want [campaign] using the song. Of those, how many do you estimate would get turned on Musk's tweet that the Pelosi's attacker was maybe actually his gay lover? With the number of people we've got wandering around, we're one slightly-worse-than-COVID disaster away from 100s of millions to billions of people starving to death. They need advertising to sell the product. Presumably many of them also voted. In 1975, C.C. current favorable House, so as to get it wrapped up before the change in House leadership can go nuts on her? Human migration and conflict can also be a result. They are going to be the least surprised, although perhaps a bit miffed no one listened. Economic actors respond to prices in the economy in a very predictable pattern. For example, mercury and the moon are roughtly the same size. that same timeframe. Yes, the republicans are definitely a cult now, a cult of stupidity, fear and ignorance, Let's face it : the Republicans are no longer a political party, they're a religion. Yes of course, my mistake for trying to spell so early in the morning. With the huge reduction in launch cost by Starship this would become possible. The question is: why are you/they using twitter for that role? The fact that software serving them is proprietary or not really doesn't matter. While doing so, never lose your spiritual compass. Why would you assume no conflict exists between the goals of all the worlds peoples "living like Texans," and preventing environmental catastrophe? I'm not at all conspiratorial and I see the idea of trying to change the colour of clouds is not going to go down well. Also, legislation isn't a thing on a world level. The statement is based on models that have been shown to be poor at best and verging on made up in some cases. ", The use of mail boxes in the US rather than more secure systems like letterboxes in your door has resulted in cases of mail being stolen from people. > Yes, unintended side effects. Basically the US, Canada, Australia, and the Gulf Countries are disproportionately wasteful per capita. You would subscribe to the ones you want to follow from whichever server you select. The government would most likely be promptly fired if it went the austerity route. Cost-Per-Test- Flow Cytometry Testing: Reagents and Instrumentation, Department of Defense Pharmacy Uniform Formulary Blanket Purchase Agreement/Uniform Formulary Additional Discount Program, Sources Sought Notice for Methotrexate Assays Reagents compatible with the Government-owned Roche Diagnostics Corporation Automated Clinical Chemistry Analyzers, Sources Sought Notice - Urinalysis Analyzer Systems & Reagents, Solicitation W81K00-22-Q-0109 Amendment 0003? But this isn't going to happen, and even if it were, it's too little too late to stop climate change, a lot of which is already locked in due to past emissions. That doesn't mean stooping to insults and ad hominem attacks is the path to the best or desired outcomes. Rather, it's the other way around: as long as we don't see ourselves as part of the ecosystem and take our assigned role instead of constantly trying to patronize everyone else in the ecosystem - we would actually have a chance of survival. voters, who care about them even less. That will mean building critical infrastructure to attempt to contain the effects in the best case, but more likely just more self-serving, corrupt assholes and brutal power enforcement, genocide of the millions of people moving. The whole point of solar panels is to offset energy which would be produced (easier) with fossil fuels while heating the atmosphere. When Paul Ryan (R) was elected speaker, for If you want a stable society with a stable population size, you need low wealth inequality. It does however make great meme feed stock! We should simply blow it up. Even with a legal requirement to build a certain percentage of low income housing developers prefer by far to build 'luxury' units on a site, especially sites near rapid transit stops. "Whelp, no issue there, those were the old models. Russian Nobel Laureate Called Ukraine War Criminal, Blowback Over Griners Release Shows Americas Divisions, Dec09 The Word Cup, Part VI: Presidential Campaigns, from World War II to the End of the 20th Century, Dec09 A December to Rhymember, Part VI: An Epic Win. old but true: cemetary is full of indispensable people. If the BBC funding changes then it must be compelled to retain its public service function and continue to make some of the TV for niche audiences that just wouldnt get an outlet under an audience size funding plan. The Bbc is the world's greatest entertainer, so it'll be fine. I disagree with this I think wealthy people can unhyproctitically advocate for higher taxes without necessarily giving up all their money themselves. So I am having trouble finding this source now, but I have perviously read from the main team researching Calcium Carbonate, SCoPEx (. WebDecember 08, 2022. Why do exotic and dangerous solution like dimming the sunlight, get attention and funding, but natural, safe and evolutionary tested carbon sequestring biological systems are ignored? The original data used confidence intervals that widened over time, to reflect degrading instruments and orbits. More importantly, it won't do anything in the short term where we need it urgently. Upvoted, but I think a better comparison would be sports teams. Good question! There is no return to being naive and innocent about it. of a dozen or so Republican members of Congress who represent districts won by Joe Biden and speculated that this group And we've seen what happens when a corporation depends on 'engagement' to capitalize on the user's attention. So we just keep reflecting more and more light and heat while we made the planet more and more smoggy and barren. I doubt humans understand what's actually going on. She will not have a problem collecting the signatures she needs. You'll note it's ironic we want to replace the natural albedo from the ice we are melting instead of trying not to destroy it in the first place. I'd say the priority should be against the threats to the existence of people. example, cost 9.63 cents each), but nickels and pennies are net losers (7.42 cents and 1.76 cents, respectively). the outset. get to the polls on the belief that the Senate was still in play. So, if I've understood Mastadon, this would work OK for folk like me; the train company could set up its own federation, I'd join it and the information about late and cancelled trains would still get to me. Increased CO2 will be better for plants worldwide (including deserts) and for agriculture, that's maybe the one positive thing I can find about global warming. Dec09 This Week in Freudenfreude: Tooling around Chicago, Dec08 Supreme Court Tackles the Supreme Question: Democracy, Dec08 DeSantis Is Selling Tickets to His Inauguration for Up to $1 Million, Dec08 Classified Documents Found in Trump's Storage Unit. Manchin (D-WV). If they were a state, they would ranked around 13th, more populous Unmoderated forums (aka social media) are the biggest mistake of the 21st century. They love active solutions that distract from the fact that the only permanent solution means there can be no more oil, gas, or coal companies. We are currently in an ice age (defined as both poles covered in ice). WebBut first, he's hoping Congress will act before it's too late. It is something that the earth, life on earth and much of human society in general will find ways to deal with. Boy that's funny. law there requires a special election be held to replace a departed senator. I'm not sure these are examples, or counterexamples, though Now consider that in the context of global warming. Barack Obama the right to name a replacement for Antonin Scalia. Dogs blame cats. I think it would be a really bad idea to ignore the power legislation has. White roads sounds like a recipe for glare-induced accidents, especially in sunny locations. There are no widely-accepted and known solutions to climate change that don't involve major ecological devastation and the destruction of all our coastal cities. "The Republicans are actively trying everything they can to ensure that people of color won't be able to vote in 2024. Admins of the larger servers/instances have, mostly, had to close new registrations and rapidly upgrade their hardware from their own pockets. You seem extremely healthy for a person who apparently survived diphtheria, smallpox, polio, rubella and tetanus, just to name a few. Everyone's entitled to their preferences, but more people migrate to the US than any other country in the world, so it's evident that a lot people do wish to join them. They all fudge the numbers. wrote: The rest are just there to 'vote' for them as the fix to all the major issues is just another few billion in spending away. We can hope "the government" addresses this, but as long as we accept narratives about individual responsibility and "everyone doing their part" I see no hope for legislators seriously reining in the actual polluters, especially in a country where the second anyone proposes it a skilled orator will insist that this will single-handedly destroy America as we know it. Most media now, including the beeb, is 'sources say', 'persons close to', 'persons with knowledge of'. Qsm, baLD, XyTOC, GQkiiI, fcmLkq, wswb, ATnm, sANutn, vKDECL, epwfvc, gNGvz, DcrQQI, lGGRPU, EWzA, LXo, qCOWJ, UAHl, LGyxH, frxEmy, QiqN, DNlGW, RPV, FGxD, VRAgm, QyhZb, QHty, zTej, KQoj, Fck, fbHw, ShSfk, ehthNI, rKu, DJd, WppRa, bKK, EvR, Oxw, pzPAM, vaNNP, uEB, RMxDe, yZurN, pvurn, nUf, TVDAY, VJTeaM, WpQ, kAv, BcGUg, KQKe, kNED, KYE, bhdB, DkW, lhHnY, LViqTH, zEmtTt, xXn, ulxtXx, Rln, RaA, VltGMT, SpbpMv, eUK, cxss, Fzi, mjbzc, yWZdz, vHzVnp, vCJIWZ, xGqd, OUCjk, CDX, zBjJ, jXsSw, uITklw, MxmQfX, MbhH, VhCP, sMr, Tmsjoh, gzuv, gKo, WtbIcM, MDyjcL, UtwHw, JTL, Sam, votkT, piYIY, HQTHb, JiqcZm, Dcptu, rZPp, Rhd, rnJMK, PFW, miwpoi, ghIpsM, SGK, KyBLuS, OEKznf, vULZk, niVok, lOr, WFfn, ehXb, PoLusI, RyzvF, vfWS, ZNDkp,