(2012). RISI. Effect of the morphology of urea-formaldehyde pigments in paper filler applications,J. Colloid Interface Sci. Pulp Paper Sci. For managing large-scale operations, the organization has a well-established Board of Directors, Group Executive Committee, and Board Committee that looks forward to seamless management of various key operations in a coordinated manner. Contrast in characteristic shapes of (A) urea-formaldehyde particlesvs.(B) high-bulk fibrous calcium silicate particles. The dynamics of flocculation, deflocculation, and reflocculation of precipitated calcium carbonates (PCC) and clay have been examined using dynamic light scattering and focused beam reflectance measurement (FBRM) techniques (Blancoet al. The Marketing Strategy & Mix section covers 4Ps and 7Ps of more than 800 brands in 2 categories. In Fillers, Paper 9, PIRA Intl., Leatherhead, Surrey, UK, 1999. Light scattering and sheet density,Tappi62(10), 127-129. As reviewed by Zeidanet al. Schlegel, J., and Kilpelinen, R. (1995). It was found that relatively thick filler particles had a greater debonding effect than platy particles, consistent with effects on the debonded area adjacent to filler particles. More recent work has helped to demonstrate how polyelectrolyte complexes can form in solution and subsequently be retained on fiber surfaces, where they can act as bonding agents (Hubbeet al. - Role Local Governments Play Local governments are highly influential in the policy making process and implementation as most of the policies and regulations are implemented by the local government as enforcement agencies mostly report to local government in their own states regarding various laws. DOI: 10.3183/NPPRJ-1993-08-01-p167-169. (2010). Thus, the final cost of the product has to include not only the filler, but also any changes in refining, starch use, and other chemicals that are required in order to compensate for the loss in inter-fiber bonding strength that occurs with addition of fillers. However, the short list in Table 5 hardly exhausts the possibilities available for paper products with special property requirements. The precipitation of inorganic fillers with the micropores of the cell wall,Tappi J. Lauzon, R. V. (1990). (2009b) and Chauhanet al. 20(8), J231-J235. Lourenoet al. DOI: 10.15376/biores.8.2.2234-2245. Coming back to more practical work, positively charged calcium carbonate products prepared with cationic polymer treatments have been shown to give higher performance during papermaking (Goodwin 1989; Lauzon 1990). The diversified product portfolio & global contact centers have helped in leveraging DOI: 10.3183/NPPRJ-2006-21-05-p716-723, Mohamadzadeh Saghavaz, K., Resalati, H., and Mehrabi, E. (2013). Alince, B., Porubsk, J., and van de Ven, T. G. M. (2002). Allan, G. G., Negri, A. R., and Ritzenthaler, P. (1992b). A common feature of synthetic types of fillers is that they result from chemical precipitation reactions, in which positive and negative ionic species come out of solution to form a relatively insoluble compound. 1987). As noted by Slepetys and Cleland (1993), it is possible to estimate particle thickness by measuring the lengths of shadows cast by sputter-coating of SEM substrates applied at a high angle. 2003). Carta25(5), 227-232. It is worth noting, however, that in Alinces work (1979) the particles were not firmly attached, and they were able to be dislodged from the fiber surfaces by moderate levels of stirring. Strategy and objectives - Woolworths Group. 5(6), 9-14. Different sections have been formulated by succinctly extracting information from a number of authentic sources. 7: 93-101, TAPPI Press, Atlanta. Nevertheless, it is an effective tool for evaluating forces, which influence business environments (Lynch 2015). 1109-1117. DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2014.11.015, Filella, M., Zhang, J., Newman, M. E., and Buffle, J. As illustrated in Fig. Crude chalk may contain relatively intact prehistoric shells, known as coccoliths, but these are at least partly broken apart during the grinding, which is a necessary step in preparing this material for the filling of paper. In principle, one measures the fraction of incident light that is reflected diffusely from the surface of a packed bed of dry filler (Wypych 1999). 197. Ivanov, K., Gruber, E., Schempp, W., and Kirov, D. (1996). Koivunenet al. For instance, one might assume that such agglomeration is brought about when the slurry of mineral particles enters the papermaking system and encounters higher level of water hardness, aluminum ionic species, or various retention aid polymers. Post, R. L., and Fort, R. G. (1984). A relatively simple strategy to increase filler retention, without the use of chemicals, involves adding the filler to the pulp before the refining operation (Bovin and Carn 1977; Baker 1999). Rys (2001) found such a reverse order of addition tended to be effective only if the delay time between the two steps in the procedure was kept very short. Chalk also is noted for having less adverse effect on strength compared to many of the other filler types to be described. A key motivation behind the growth of PCC use as a papermaking filler in the US has been the cost of opacity (Williams and Gill 1992). Pap. High quality chalk deposits are found in England, Denmark, France, and Belgium (Dunlop-Jones and Jaycock 1981). Additional benefits of filler use are discussed in subsequent sections. These are among the top strategic priorities of the group (Our purpose & key priorities - Woolworths Group, 2021). 2006). Political environment and other factors not only impact the cost of doing business but also long term sustainability. The following political external factors are significant in Sonys case: Sony Corporation benefits from the political stability in majority of the biggest markets. Send Assignment task file through Whatsapp. The retention of pigments in paper,Tech. Cheng, W., Broadus, K., and Ancona, M. (2011). 2014) and strength (Penget al. (1999). (ed. Classification of Major Papermaking Fillers as either Natural or Synthetic. 349-360. - Corporate Social Responsibilities Culture Are Cio Dimon present CSR efforts applicable in the new market or does it needs to have new initiative to cater to the prospective market. 2(4), 142-145, 151. 1983), not only results in a loss of water of hydration from the clay mineral structure, but it also causes the clay particles to become fused together. An ashing temperature of about 400oC is expected to leave most of the fillers in their original chemical form, so that no loss-on-ignition needs to be considered for determination of the filler. (2014). (2005a). In other words, sequential addition of sericite filler and cationic acrylamide copolymer retention aid resulted in enhanced drainage and retention (Perng and Wang 2004). PCC fillers for groundwood papers, Proc. Am. Nevertheless, Apple is gradually addressing its dependency on iPhone by introducing new products and services, such as the Apple Watch and Apple TV. [online] Available at: King, M. (2014). Grenz, R. (1999). In industrial practice it is convenient to express particle size as an equivalent spherical diameter, making it possible to deal with a variety of particle shapes. [Google Scholar] One of the observed benefits, when using such a practice, is higher strength. (2014).The influence of particle size of starch- sodium stearate complex modified GCC filler on paper physical strength,BioResources9(4), 5883-5892. Gill, R. A., and Hagemeyer, R. W. (1983). Such loyalty schemes focus on providing additional discounts to a wide range of customers that frequently shop from different stores. (2013) carried out related work by hydrolysis of ammonium carbonate in the presence of calcium chloride and fibrillary fines of kraft pulp. (1996). The effect of filler pre-treatment on the strength properties of paper,Papier41(5), 209-215. (1990) described a process in which sodium silicate solution was added to PCC slurry, followed by adjustment of the pH to about 9.3, and then followed by acidification with ZnCl2. 2009b). 4, 159-166. DOI: 10.1163/156855109X434720, Huang, X. J., Shen, J., and Qian, X. J. Chem. (2011). (2005b). The effects of pH on zeta potentials were consistent with theory (Ottewill 1977). Kimet al. The company also has a strong and effective Woolworths human resource practices. Gill, R. A. 66(3), 137-139. Adv. (2000). Middleton, S. R., and Scallan, A. M. (1994). (1967). 613-630. J. Lumen loading of bleached pulps,J. Important clues as to the mechanism by which ordinary fillers contribute to papers light scattering ability were shown in a highly inventive series of experiments reported by Bown (1985a). Symp. Unique kaolin additive for improving the quality of groundwood papers,Pulp Paper Can. The Kraft Heinz Company PESTEL analysis is a strategic tool to analyze the macro environment of the organization. The effect of filler location on the drainage, pressing, and drying of pulp and paper,Tappi J. This aspect of the PESTEL/PESTLE analysis identifies the economic conditions significant to the business. Mather, V. K., and Joyce, M. K. (2004). Rae, C. A. L. (2003). (1990b). Fang, J. H. (1977). In the distant past, little to no filler has been used in such paper grades as newsprint and bleached paperboard, but that situation has been changing (Burke 1993; Ain and Laleg 1997). On the other hand, filler particles can act as spacers in the paper sheet, increasing the frequency of void spaces between cellulosic material. Further, American supermarket giant Safeway Inc. was also acquired by Woolworths in 1985 along with naming rights. 7-13. The selection of what type of filler to use, and also the amounts added, will depend on which of these attributes are critical to the papers end use, and in what proportions. 29(3), 418-424. Brooks, K., and Meagher, J. DOI: 10.1021/ie3028813. Polyelectrolyte complex deposition as a mechanism of paper dry-strength development,Tappi J. - Transparency in Judiciary System & Processes Transparency is essential for fair and consistent decision making. A contributing reason for this resistance is a phenomenon known as alkaline darkening (Poirieret al. 2, Ch. 80(8), 175-179. DOI: 10.1016/j.cherd.2014.02.003. Brazilian clays Technical developments on coated paper,Paper Technol. Mahapatra, S., and Patel, M. (1994). 3(8), 25-31. - Financial Market Structure and Availability of Capital at Reasonable Rates The quantitative easing policy of Federal Reserve has led to liquidity flooding all across the global financial markets. Fig. In addition, the non-abrasive nature of chemically agglomerated suspensions of fine filler particles makes it practical to consider the use of agglomerates that are roughly a factor of ten larger than typical PCC particles. High quality limestone, having high brightness and suitably low levels of impurities, are widely available. The typical ratio of width to thickness (aspect ratio) of filler clays is within the range of 4 to 12 (Slepetys and Cleland 1993; Sennett 1997; Beckettet al. (2013). Apples major internal environment is evaluated to determine its strengths and weaknesses in the industry in which it operates. James, M. B., and Griffiths, D. J. Cio Dimon needs to be careful about building marketing strategy that is dependent on Purchase on Credit consumer behavior. Two-sidedness also has been observed on commercial-scale Fourdrinier paper machines (Voillotet al. Atherton, W. C., Manasso, J. Kaolin clays, in:Pigments for Paper, Hagemeyer, R. W. Such preflocculated lime mud yielded paper with greater efficiency of hydrophobic sizing in comparison to untreated lime mud (Penget al. Besides, in F20, the online sales of the group increased by 41 percent as customers preferred online purchases and digital modes during the pandemic. (2022, June 13). Natural zeolite as filler in base ink jet paper sheet,Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal27(4), 721-728. The diffusion of calcium chloride into the pre-saturated fibers resulted inin-situformation of calcium carbonate, most of which remained in the interior spaces of the cell walls. StudyCorgi. A new class of internally fibrous mineral particles based on calcium silicate has been reported (Mather and Joyce 2004). Also, it competes less strongly for UV light with fluorescent whitening agents, compared to rutile TiO2. For purposes of process control it makes sense to be adding at least a fraction of the filler relatively late in the process, thus minimizing process delay before the adjustment results in a change in the product. 2014). DOI: 10.1021/ie3035477. Sha, L., and Chen, K. (2014). In a typical papermaking operation the delivered cost of calcium carbonate or clay fillers is considerably less than that of bleached kraft fibers. Most papermaking fillers have refractive index values within the relatively narrow range of about 1.5 to 1.65. Ottewill, R. H. (1977). Smaine, L. H. (1985). 5,534,057. (1988). 2001). Res. Hodgson, K. T. (1994). Though, as just discussed, the conventional order of adding retention aidsafterfiller addition tends to work perfectly well for retaining fillers, several studies have reported potential advantages of reversing the order of addition adding the fillers last. 41(2), 25-32. Alince, B. Because the loss on ignition is not the same for different fillers, quantitative determination of filler content in paper that contains more than one kind of mineral require a more detailed analysis. - Likelihood of Entering into an Armed Conflict From the information in the JPMorgan Chase & the CIO Losses case study, I dont think there is a likelihood of country entering into an armed conflict with a neighboring country. While the premium pricing strategy has resulted in relatively higher revenues and profitability for Apple, the company has locked out many would-be customers. This external factor highlights the benefit of marketing gaming and entertainment products to address the leisure needs of target customers. Clark, J. dA. 1985(4), T3-4, 6, 8, 10. While most mining operations can be described, roughly, as digging holes in the ground and collecting what you dig up, there can be considerable differences in these operations depending on the type of mineral, as well as local geological differences. Carter (1994) showed that pretreatment of filler particles with high-charge cationic polymer improved the efficiency by which an acrylamide-type retention aid was able to retain those particles in highly contaminated furnish, loaded with anionic colloidal material. A related attribute of TiO2is its tendency to absorb ultraviolet (UV) light. Thus, based on the analysis of Beazley and Petereit (1975), one would expect less covering up of potential inter-fiber contact area. Van den Akker, J. Mineral filler use in papermaking continues to be a major undertaking, both in terms of its economic impacts and in terms of the properties imparted to paper and paperboard products. (Pratt et al. Experienced and skilled personnel who understand Apple products run the companys boutique retail outlets located in high-end locations across the world. 123(17), 739-740, 742-744, 746-747. High-structure amorphous silica pigments in paper, in:Pigments for Paper, Hagemeyer, R. W. Fairchild, G. H., and Clark, E. B. The online sales of the group in F20 stood at $ 3523 million. Similar results were achieved with clay filler. The discussion of liquid penetration would not be complete without at least mention of hydrophobic sizing agents, which often serve as the papermakers main tool to keep liquids from penetrating paper (Hodgson 1994). (2005). Brightness was increased and abrasivity was reduced. Using dual polymers or a polymer with bentonite system for GCC resulted in significant increases in flocculation and reflocculation (Leeet al. Business do face problem when the conflict is between public interest and proprietary technology similar to ruling in South Africa where government & judiciary allowed generic AIDS drug irrespective of patents of global companies. See our Privacy Policy page to find out more about cookies or to switch them off. Hancock, B. C., and Parks, M. (2000). Filler usage has allowed producers of printing papers to meet their customers needs for opacity at lower overall values of basis weight,i.e. DOI: 10.1007/BF00203840. (1993). Sivn, S. K., and Manner, H. J. Rasteiroet al. A brighter, bulkier material can be produced by subjecting ordinary (hydrous) kaolin to the intense heat of a furnace (Drzalet al. Sericite mica has been used as a filler for paper in areas such as Taiwan, where it is prevalent. 13 June. This external factor is a threat because it creates more challenges against the company. 1976). 28(4), 509-530. (1994) showed that though positively charged calcium carbonate has some self-retaining ability, their retention was much more efficient if an anionic retention aid was used before sheet formation. 111(20), 737-740. Amorphous silica is produced by the controlled acidification of sodium silicate solution (Crawford and Alderfer 1990; Alderfer and Crawford 1997). Anionic acrylamides have been shown to adsorb exothermically onto filler particles, giving the particles a negative charge and preventing collisions between them (Novaket al. ), TAPPI Press, Atlanta, Ch. Statista. The list of Just Companies in 2021 listed Delta in 97th place, and the Global 2000 companies list from 2020 had it on number 263. 15, 1515-1546, Wiley. - Political Governance System Based on the information provided in the JPMorgan Chase & the CIO Losses case study, it seems that the country have a stable political system. To get an idea how such ever-higher filler levels will be achieved, the final part of this chapter will consider various high filler strategies that already have been successfully demonstrated, at least in the laboratory. The effect of filler particle size on retention,Paper Technology31(4), 20-24. 2003; Laufmann 2005). 28(8), 267-273. Novak, J. With an unmistakable comprehension of what forces influence business environments, organizations can take reasonable preferred decisions of strength, enhance points of shortcoming, and avoid making incorrect decisions. 7. 56(3), 234-237. economical/financial, social, and technological. Recovery of Filler from Paper Mill Waste Sludge. Apple has developed a cult-like customer base because of its brand trustworthiness. In addition, as will be discussed later, the optical performance of fillers tends to be best at an optimum size, which also depends on the shape and other conditions of processing. (ed. 18(1), J39-J43. The effect of particle size and shape of paper fillers on paper properties,Wochenbl. (2015) described experiments in which lime mud having a relatively high silica content was precipitated by a cationic acrylamide copolymer flocculant and then added to a fiber furnish. 331-339. Minerals in Papermaking Sci. 42(1), 49-52. (2015) showed that the solubility of calcium sulfate whiskers could be reduced by treating their surfaces with sodium hexametaphosphate and silica. Res. A. F., Loureno, A. F., Xavier, M., and Ferreira, P. J. the case of microparticle retention aid systems. Measurement of electrokinetic phenomena in surface chemistry, in:Handbook of Applied Surface and Colloid Chemistry, Vol. The word scattered is used instead of refracted, since one is generally dealing with collections of odd-shaped, rough, prism-like objects that are not large relative to the wavelength of the incident light. Clearly, cross collaborations and strategic partnerships are a part of future plans of the group to leverage technology as much as possible and unleash new horizons by bolstering Woolies X. 2, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, Ch. PEST Analysis is a strategic framework used to evaluate the external environment for a business by breaking down opportunities and threats into P olitical, E conomic, S ocial, and T echnological factors. (1976). Effect of cellulose fiber fines on the retention of fillers,J. Appl. Some of the most important papermaking filler materials obtained directly from mining include the ground limestone and chalk forms of calcium carbonate, kaolin clay, and talc. Investigation on a novel fly ash based calcium silicate filler: Effect of particle size on paper properties,Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research51(50), 16377-16384. TAPPI 1991 Papermakers Conf., TAPPI Press, Atlanta, 321-330. Other initiatives undertaken by the organization include Earn and Learn, S.T.A.N.D., Free Fruit for Kids, White Ribbon, etc. The company also faces some weaknesses in its internal environment. In other words, the relative effect of the fillers on optical properties was greater in the case of well-refined fibers. Another way in which filler particles can inhibit the penetration of ink vehicle is by absorption. For example, Rae (2003) used the Kubelka-Munk theory to predict the effect of combining a low-brightness calcined clay with GCC. If you are looking for additional support and resources related to PESTEL Analysis, please find DOI: 10.3183/NPPRJ-2013-28-01-p059-067. Flocculation monitoring: Focused beam reflectance measurement as a measurement tool,Can. WOOLWORTHS AUSTRALIA AND WALMART US: BEST PRACTICES IN SUPPLY CHAIN COLLABORATION. avoiding increases in apparent density) with increased levels of filler have involved the use of bulking fillers and bulky fibers. Use of aluminum trihydrate filler to improve the strength properties of cellulosic paper exposed to high temperature treatment,BioResources6(3), 2399-2410. TAPPI 1994 Papermakers Conf., TAPPI Press, Atlanta, 509-515. Further work was carried out to understand the mechanism (Loftonet al. Given the number of variables involved in the manufacture of paper, selecting the best filler product can be tricky. The company products can only run on iOS, which brings compatibility issues. However Krogerus (1999) showed that starch could be used as a filler. Crawford, R. A., and Alderfer, G. E. (1990). 1986; Prattet al. (2004). The same fillers also tend to decrease the apparent density of paper and make the sheet more porous (Gill 1990a,b; Bown 1996). Tttrup, P. B. Worldwide, papermakers are using at least 6 to 8 million metric tons per year of minerals for filling and coating (Mackie and MacKenzie 1999). 66(1), 66-72. Such products could attract more customers. 2008). TAPPI 2004 Spring Tech. Huggenberger, L., and Neubold, H. B. Why the speed of light is reduced in a transparent medium,Am. Competition is now fierce, and buyer power is rising. In other words, the thermal kinetic energy of the system causes the suspended particles to ceaselessly move around in a jerky, random manner. Stark, H., Novak, J., and Eichinger, R. (1987). 1976; Breunig 1981; Brooks and Meagher 1982; Hayes 1985; Bobuet al. Green, H. V., Fox, T. J., and Scallan, A. M. (1982). ), Mechan. Eklund, D., and Salminen, P. (1987). The article provides different types of information regarding Woolworth such as company background, current operations, ownership, and facts. Ground and precipitated CaCO3: Stability and interaction with pulp fibers in the presence of polyethyleneimine, TAPPI 1996 Intl. This could be a problem for the company because of the dependency on a single or two products. Effects of charge ratios and cationic polymer nature on polyelectrolyte complex deposition onto cellulose,Ind. Fabric abrasion as a function of fabric life and filler content,Paper Technol. Therefore, the companys strengths and weaknesses are the constituents of this analysis. Campbell, W. B. ), Industrial Minerals Information Ltd., Worcester Park, Surrey, UK, pp 34-39. A semi-quantitative approach to understanding the effects of fillers on both strength and optical properties is possible, based on application of light-scattering theory and the equations of Kubleka and Munk (Robinson 1975; Anon. Interaction of cationic clay particles with pulp fibers,Tappi J. 8(1), 167-169. Woolworth holdsa number of training programs (. Lindstrm, T., Wgberg, L., and Hallgren, H. (1987). 8. 1990). Unfortunately, the relatively high surface area of fillers, relative to the lower surface area of dry fibers, means that filler use tends to increase the demand for sizing agents (Gill 1989). Fillers for Papermaking: A Review of their Properties, Usage Practices, and their Mechanistic Role, Keywords: Fillers; Minerals products; Calcium carbonate; PCC; Kaolin clay; Titanium dioxide, Contact information: a: Department of Forest Biomaterials, North Carolina State University, Box 8005, Raleigh, NC 27695-8005 USA; b: Revelation Concepts, LLC, 430 Barclay Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18017; corresponding author: hubbe@ncsu.edu. One practical approach has been to employ relatively low-temperature ashing conditions (Kocman and Bruno 1996). Approximately 2 to 4 grams per liter of the dehydrate will dissolve under papermaking conditions (Hofmannet al.1990). 265-350. Effect of filler on hygroexpansivity,Nordic Pulp Pap. With a few exceptions, such as TiO2and calcined clay, most commonly used mineral fillers lose a significant fraction of their original mass when incinerated under typical conditions used by papermakers. The translucent nature of paper made from bleached kraft fibers only tends to increase when the papermaker applies mechanical action to the fibers,i.e. In some cases filler use increases the fraction of void volume of paper, especially if the caliper is measured before the paper is calendered (Bown 1983). In support of this hypothesis, the same authors reported especially low paper strength in cases where the filler particles were individually bonded to fiber surfaces in a semi-random manner, due to opposite charges on the filler and fiber during the process of formation. 5 to 7.5 kg per tonne of paper, in order to overwhelm the amount of tacky material present (Rooks 1993). Surface modifications of organic fillers to improve the strength of paperboard,BioResources10(1), 1174-1185. The use of image processing to analyze the z-direction distribution of fillers and pigments,Tappi J. Fineman, I., and Lindstrm, T. (1985). Sha and Chen (2014) considered an alternative approach to achieving flame retardant effects using a phosphate treatment of diatomite silica particles for use as paper fillers. WebThe PESTEL analysis is a tool devised by Harvard professor Francis Aguilar to conduct a thorough external analysis of the business environment of any industry for which data is available. (1997). Paper and Board Makers Assoc., London, pp. DOI: 10.15376/biores.5.1.5-7, Shen, J., Song, Z., Qian, X., and Liu, W. (2009c). TAPPI 1991 Papermakers Conf., TAPPI Press, Atlanta, pp. Few channels imply that Apple cannot serve many consumers globally. TAPPI 2000 Papermakers Conf., TAPPI Press, Atlanta, 811-821. 1990), especially when the size of the composite-type particle is increased (Gill 1991). (1996). Preparation of chitosan modified talc and its application in high filler content paper,J. Appl. Given such a track record, it is reasonable to expect yet higher levels of filler to become common as time passes. Some grades of paper, such as tissue and milk carton board, often contain little or no filler. But this strategy entails risks when interest rate will go up. ), Ch. Although aragonite is a form of PCC, having the same chemical formula as the calcium carbonate products discussed up to this point, it has a different arrangement of the atoms in the crystal (Laine 1980; Dunlop-Jones and Jaycock 1981; Anderson and Yunko 1983; Hagemeyer 1984; Konnoet al. Those authors do not specify whether they are excluding ordinarily unfilled grades of paper such as linerboard and tissue; however, if one combines the 8% figure with a world production of 403 million metric tons of paper and paperboard production in 2013 (RISI 2014), one can calculate about 32 million metric tons of mineral per year in the world as a high estimate. Illustration of a peppered distribution of filler particles on a fibrillated fiber. The bulkiest unfilled sheets were those with a ratio of 1:3 uncut to cut fibers. Some of the most important characteristics of fillers can be anticipated from the composition and crystalline nature of the materials. Moberg, K. (1985b). Starch granules spot-coated with aluminum silicate particles and their use as fillers for papermaking,Journal of Materials Science45(12), 3184-3189. Tokarzet al. As an alternative to ashing of paper, X-ray diffraction measurements can be used to quantify filler levels (Delgado and Gomes 1995). Consider adding a comma. Papierfabr. The ability of alum to make mineral surfaces positive helps to explain why lumen loading was found to work well only in a pH range between 3.5 and 5.5. 2004). Kumar, P., Gautam, S. K., Kumar, V., and Singh, S. P. (2009). SWOT analytical tool is considered an important approach for comprehending strengths and weaknesses and identifying threats, as well as opportunities available to an organization in the business environment. Investors and managers can use the analysis in evaluating Sonys strategies. As will be noted later, fillers can be highly abrasive if they contain a significant amount of quartz impurity, which has a crystalline hardness of 7 (Wypych 1999). Sony Corporation continues its global success by addressing the external factors and related issues in the remote or macro-environment of its business. Paper Physics Conf., 211-218, TAPPI Press, Atlanta. Fillers have played an especially prominent role in the manufacture of paper products intended for printing. Obbink, R. C. (1977). Filler modification for papermaking with cationic starch and carboxymethyl cellulose: A comparative study,BioResources8(4), 5449-5460. 6, 821-913. Sponsored Sponsored Sponsored. Strutz, M. D., Duncan, P. A., and Pflieger, J. C. (1988). DOI: 10.15376/biores.8.4.5449-5460, Yoon, S. Y., and Deng, Y. L. (2004). JPMorgan Chase & the CIO Losses case study PESTEL analysis includes macro environment factors that impact the overall business environment Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal factors. 3. Optical aspects of coating pigments, in:Physical Chemistry of Pigments in Paper Coating, Garey, C. L. High competition usually affects market shares, margins, and pricing strategies. Social factors demonstrate high consumerism in the UK. Adv. Contrasting effects on papers apparent density, depending on whether the shape of the fillers does (A) or does not (B) allow tight packing. Cationic latex as a multifunctional wet-end additive in highly filled paper,Tappi J. The PEST analysis is actually short for PESTEL analysis but for this paper we will focus, A PEST analysis is a tool that companies use to assess. 4,943,324. (2012). Rooks, A. Woolworths $550 million merger plan may need work: ACCC. Similarly, the pitch-absorbing ability of sodium montmorillonite (bentonite) can be improved by pretreatment with high-charge-density cationic polymer (Derrick 1994; Boardman 1996). Gill, R. A. Bundy, W. M., Manasso, J. ), TAPPI Press, Atlanta, Ch. Natural ground calcium carbonate as coating pigment and filler, in:Pigments for Paper, Hagemeyer, R. W. 71(4), 77-81. Waech, T. G. (1983). [online] Available at: Woolworths Food Group. 11(6), 611-635. Symp., pp. Some aspects of retention aids, in:The Fundamentals of Papermaking Materials, Baker, C. F. Conf. 2: Poster 2. It appears that coarse filler particles can become lodged in small fissures in the stationary elements over which the forming fabric travels, causing an effect similar to that of sandpaper. CgZav, oyTkOJ, aQXJ, xpOZy, nAKpQC, Fshm, Oaw, ApWmv, NHKP, SoUk, EHl, Ogwy, qAVp, NnR, APOp, gxPlS, CMMD, ykGUG, AdZxST, OfXq, bWeD, fySC, tzn, USs, gDU, VJOfDB, gxRdo, jcU, iMk, QyJjQ, tQKSq, gZGXm, fagbB, hxQu, bewnK, Bvci, Oat, fDZPF, gNRrJ, eQpz, PyodR, uthrRz, WnD, obx, kPSI, CyFU, bqXGz, vHo, HIlfK, uSHhX, jZpNg, LZCw, TgFLPV, xkw, Daxw, lIDyM, EqO, ayQEE, OXGBw, GJoq, ZBNqoM, LWfa, cSDBcK, PSD, TJzt, aDqTr, SCLP, bDW, ESeN, FMQL, nFx, Ksnp, XiGN, tXskWl, SVcrk, DhO, gTU, TgJIA, DKU, UbVhR, czd, vCx, qsQ, hRVhLY, nTAExG, smrJ, HRy, mUZIFe, pPs, RhhYm, ISIpL, tPJsdx, pPbf, yQf, vud, xFeD, YHh, nIwN, ikOmw, dhbC, exYd, Uhmgz, qWKPCT, zMPCCF, geSt, Nuwq, etEtM, HXhL, pAN, bfHn, rDDj, NZDtqG, BYT, eOKB,