WebA. General Information [58], The Nightmare is a 2015 documentary that discusses the causes of sleep paralysis as seen through extensive interviews with participants, and the experiences are re-enacted by professional actors. Walking Tours. WebThe category for all the supernatural creatures in Supernatural. Patterns other than the basic ring or arc are also possible: circles, doubled arcs, sickle-shaped arcs, and other complicated formations are also formed by this process. [10], The 8th- to 9th-century Irish poem The Lament of the Old Woman says that the Cailleach's name is Digdi or Digde. The Carrowmore passage tombs on the Cil Iorra Peninsula in County Sligo, are associated with the Cailleach. [25], Many times over the course of history, threats to the night hag monopoly of Hades had made themselves apparent, and several times came dangerously close to challenging it, such as attacks by an alliance of liches or angered paladin orders. And he wha cleans the fairy ring Displaying the expected /p/ > /c/ change of early Latin loans in Irish. The legend survives in a rhyme: "With the fairies nimbly dancing round / The glow-worm on the Rising Ground. WebAn Alp (plural Alpe or Alpen) is a supernatural being in German folklore.. Not to be confused with the similarly named Alp-luachra, the Alp is sometimes likened to a vampire, but its behavior is more akin to that of the incubus.It is distinct from both of these creatures in that it wears a magic hat called a Tarnkappe, from which it draws its powers.The word Alp is the To simply call them evil was itself an understatement; petty, avaricious, conniving, merciless, abhorrent, and oppressive simply scratched the descriptive surface. Brominated compounds are unknown as metabolites from terrestrial fungi. Obviously such a dichotomy didn't always apply; fiends generally enjoyed torture and torment and hags were known to make deals for purely pragmatic reasons, even if doing so didn't actively ruin anyone's lives. 2nd Edition Statistics[4] Medium [23], Given their nature as an all-female race, hags had to find other ways to reproduce beyond the conventional methods. [63] A 20th-century tradition from Somerset calls the fairy ring a "galley-trap" and says that a murderer or thief who walks in the ring will be hanged. The intensity of these beliefs is best represented by the European witch hunts of the 14th to 18th century, but witchcraft and its associated ideas are never far from the surface of popular consciousness andsustained by folk talesfind explicit focus from time to time in popular television and films and in fiction. Superficially, a hag's eye appeared as a semiprecious stone but a truesight revealed its true form as a monstrous, disembodied eye. They made their homes around mortal settlements, not so close as to be an obvious threat but close enough that a steady supply of malcontents could occasionally come seek her out. In it, Psyche is forbidden to view her lover, and when she does so, her palace disappears and she is left alone. [2], The powers of hags were as variable as they were, but there were several common abilities between them. [8], In individuals reporting sleep paralysis, there is almost no blocking of exogenous stimuli, which means it is much easier for a stimulus to arouse the individual. Images of nude and semi-nude fairies dancing in rings became popular during the Victorian era. [6][7][8][9], The Cailleach is often referred to as the Cailleach Bhara[ch] in Irish and Cailleach Bheurra[ch] in Scottish Gaelic. Hair color(s) When episodes occur independent of these conditions or substance use, it is termed "isolated sleep paralysis" (ISP). Humanoid Once the mid-forties were reached, more obvious physical alterations occurred until the juvenile was reborn as a true hag of the same kind as her mother. Keightley warned that while entering an elfdans might allow the interloper to see the elvesalthough this was not guaranteedit would also put the intruder in thrall to their illusions. The second theory, which is presented in the investigations of Japanese scientists on the Tricholoma matsutake species, shows that fairy rings could be established by connecting neighbouring oval genets of these mushrooms. They would smell, shake, taste, feel, and hear the subject, person or otherwise, whispering to themselves before finally placing a mental value on it. [15] The characteristic fragmentation of REM sleep, hypnopompic, and hypnagogic hallucinations have a heritable component in other parasomnias, which lends credence to the idea that sleep paralysis is also genetic. In The Hunt of Slieve Cuilinn she is called Milucra, sister of ine. Moreover, not all persons accused of witchcraft were women, let alone old women; indeed, there were witches of all ages and sexes. [18] Some scientists have proposed sleep paralysis as an explanation for reports of paranormal and spiritual phenomena such as ghosts,[34][35] alien visits,[36] demons or demonic possession,[9][37] alien abduction experiences,[38][39] the night hag and shadow people haunting. For example, in a legend from Carmarthenshire, recorded by Sikes, a man is rescued from a fairy ring only to crumble to dust. [2], Weird magic items could be things like mummified toads that spewed clouds of ink, bottles of wasps that stitched wounds, mirrors that shattered into clouds of glass, jars of death slugs, undeath-sensing eyeballs or containers with memories inside. Depending on local climate, the transfer of power between the winter goddess and the summer goddess is celebrated any time between L Fhill Brghde (Imbolc, 1 February) at the earliest, Latha na Cailliche (25 March), or Bealltainn (1 May) at the latest, and the local festivals marking the arrival of the first signs of spring may be named after either the Cailleach or Brghde. One is called the Cailleach a Bhara's House. These could be other kinds of evil giants, lycanthropes, dark fey, sneaky creatures like bugbears, kenku, and doppelgangers, or other strange monsters like ettercaps, gargoyles, [2][4] and aberrations. Subraces "[80] John Rhys recorded a Welsh tale in 1901 that tells of a man who supposedly lived on the side of the Berwyn, above Cwm Pennant, in the early 19th century. [12][13], Night hags were psychopaths and classified all other beings in terms of usefulness: the weak were branded as food or slaves, with slave often being a temporary position until the subject was turned into food, and the strong served as targets for subtle extortion until they were weak enough to be classified as food or slaves. Ben Nevis was said to be her "mountain throne". [13][12][15], As independent sellers, night hags could determine their own prices, trading in gold, information, favors, magic items, evil souls and whatever else they desired. [2], The arrogance of hags was so unimaginably great that they saw their magic as a challenge to the gods themselves. As was said, all things came in groups of three, good, bad, and strange alike. Some are part human and have changed into a new species such as demons and some Monsters. Your Wisdom increases by 2, and your Constitution and Dexterity scores each increase by 1. [2][14], Despite their myriad flaws, hags were not just willing, but happy to make bargains with others, although not out of any sense of genuine generosity. It seems most natural to suppose that the voice is that of the angel who directs the visions of St. John (cf. I was a young fool, tis true, but those were dark days. [33], In the different regions of Italy there are many examples of supernatural beings associated with sleep paralysis. [5], Hags were also known to use certain magic items they had on them, whether having intended to use them at the start or deciding to later, and hags being what they were, it was impossible to know what specific tricks they would have up their sleeves. The work focuses on psycho-education and modifying catastrophic cognitions about the sleep paralysis attack. The Rule of Three was a planar concept rooted in the realization that many realms and layers in the multiverse were arranged in multiples of three, and hags, as well as other users of witchcraft, were known to embrace the concept. Destroying a fairy ring is unlucky and fruitless; superstition says it would simply grow back.[54]. Type 3e [2] Though a hag's claws were dangerous weapons, their favors had fell far more opponents,[8] and if they were resorting to their nails it was a good indicator that something had gone seriously wrong. To circle the ring a tenth time is foolhardy and dangerous. The jinn may even kill its victims. WebIn Slavic folklore, Baba Yaga, also spelled Baba Jaga (from Polish), is a supernatural being (or one of a trio of sisters of the same name) who appears as a deformed and/or ferocious-looking woman.In fairy tales Baba Yaga flies around in a mortar, wields a pestle, and dwells deep in the forest in a hut usually described as standing on chicken legs.. Baba Yaga may Normally this was only done rarely, but it was said that hags sometimes made use of this method in short succession to kickstart their own covens, either as members or masters, or believed based on ancient lore that eating certain types of children, such as twins, triplets or the seventh child of a seventh child, would grant their own spawn rare magic. Even ordinary animals were retained as minions, commonly for the purpose of self-defense, a task for which bound mortals were the most delightful pawns. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Numerous legends focus on mortals entering a fairy ringand the consequences. [35], In Egypt, sleep paralysis is conceptualized as a terrifying jinn attack. [3], The megalithic tombs at Loughcrew in County Meath are situated atop Slieve na Calliagh (Irish: Sliabh na Caill, meaning 'the hag's mountain') and include a kerbstone known as "the hag's chair". Size For a hag coven does not let even the smallest of slights go unpunished. William Shakespeare alludes to them in A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act II, Scene I[63][83] ("And I serve the fairy queen, / To dew her orbs upon the green" and "To dance our ringlets to the whistling wind"),[84] and The Tempest, Act V, Scene I:[42], you demi-puppets that [2][4] About 5% of people have regular episodes. [2], There are two theories regarding the process involved in creating fairy rings. An Emporium hag, Vomiss, complaining about ex-customer. Size They were egotistical brutes who saw strength as virtue and appealed to simple-minded beings like children or primitives. [29] Legend has it that the Cailleach was tired from a long day herding deer. These wicked parodies were given powers befitting the hag's nature or that the hag thought would be useful, like limitless stamina, resistance to a certain element, transformations, or teleportation. Most hags feared her for her cupidity, rightly believing that she might demand information, magic, and other spoils they'd rather keep for themselves, but they dared not disobey her. Conversely, they can sometimes be linked with good fortune. When not even the united efforts of the night hags could best such threats they were forced to fall back on their champions, the altroloths. [54] These associations have become linked to specific sites. Hags delight in suffering, priding themselves on creating new and inventive ways to torment those in their 'care'. [54] Keightley recorded a similar tradition from Northumberland in 1828: "The children constantly run this number [nine times], but nothing will induce them to venture a tenth run. Typically a hag's minions could be divided into two groups, the first being servants like constructs, undead creations, unintelligent vermin, and other things that a hag could trust to unquestionably obey their orders and protect her home. [2][1], There was always some defense system in place, whether it was a naturally dangerous path, magical wards, or disguised captives to lure in the less prepared. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. [2][4] This was only done as a necessity since it required the bickering beldames,[2] who in fairness were often like-minded to some degree,[8] to both deal with the inconvenience of living with other hags and suppress their instinctual selfishness to treat each other as equals. Moreover, different cultures do not share a coherent pattern of witchcraft beliefs, which often blend other concepts such as magic, sorcery, religion, folklore, theology, technology, and diabolism. [2][1] Better still would be to offer the hag a gift without asking for anything to return, all the better if the service was performed outside of any bargaining context. Aw, is it hard to see from up there on your high horse? Another unknown fact to many was that hags were able to undergo a metamorphosis so as to change into other subraces of hags. Night hag Such ideas dated to at least the medival period; The Middle English term elferingewort ("elf-ring"), meaning "a ring of daisies caused by elves' dancing" dates to the 12th century. The narcolepsies. [2], An iconic part of hag mythology and one of their most potent creations were the magic items known as hag eyes,[10][7] made from gemstones of reportedly varying worth and the real eye of a hag's victim. New Brunswick, New Jersey, and London: Rutgers University Press. They had been known to found magic colleges or sponsored arcane research projects, regardless of the moral nature of the spellcasters they deceived. WebRead scary ghost stories and supernatural folklore from the United States, Canada and Mexico. However, in more serious cases tricyclic antidepressants or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may be used. WebA boggart is a creature in English folklore, either a household spirit or a malevolent genius loci (that is, a geographically-defined spirit) inhabiting fields, marshes, or other topographical features. [8], Although they made contact with servants, customers and hired mercenaries, night hags had little society in regards to one another outside of subjugation and the mutual scorning of the weak. [17] Some interpretations have the Cailleach and Brghde as two faces of the same goddess,[17] while others describe the Cailleach as turning to stone on Bealltainn and reverting to humanoid form on Samhainn in time to rule over the winter months. Fiend [14] In exchange for larvae, powerful fiends could be persuaded to avoid trying to conquer Hades while liches might be asked to destroy certain parties that refused to participate in the larva trade. [37] Their names in European languages often allude to supernatural origins; they are known as ronds de sorcires ("witches' circles") in French, and Hexenringe ("witches' rings") in German. from . Celestials attempting to weaken the forces of evil without making themselves out as targets sometimes conducted covert operations against the nightmare queens, secretly slaughtering them and their herd based on the logic that killing fiends while they were weak was the best strategy, although it was unclear if it actually worked or merely angered the hags. [28] In County Sligo she is also called the Garavogue Cailleach. Are his till his deein' day. They are said to be particularly active in raising the windstorms of spring, during the period known as A' Chailleach. 3rd Edition Statistics[3] WebA fairy ring, also known as fairy circle, elf circle, elf ring or pixie ring, is a naturally occurring ring or arc of mushrooms. Formed by Infundibulicybe geotropa, it is thought to be about 300 metres (980ft) in diameter and over 700years old. [2] All the standard sub-species of hags, in addition to night hags and silats, could also be found in the Domains of Dread. [8] A similar process may explain hallucinations, with slight variations, in which an evil presence is perceived by the subject to be attempting to suffocate them, either by pressing heavily on the chest or by strangulation. WebWatch breaking news videos, viral videos and original video clips on CNN.com. For example, the ambient magical energy of a burial ground or a ring of fallen standing stones could still hold echoes of ancient, death-related power that a hag would wish to capitalize on. "Spatial dynamics and interactions of the woodland fairy ring fungus, "Fairy rings in turf associated with the bird's nest fungus, "Balquhidder Revisited: Fairylore in the Scottish Highlands, 16901990", "Fairylore: Memorates and Legends from Welsh Oral Tradition", Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Fairy_ring&oldid=1119659259, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from July 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2014, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2010, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 2 November 2022, at 19:04. [24] Two trials of GHB for people with narcolepsy demonstrated reductions in sleep paralysis episodes. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). [70], Mortals who have danced with the fairies are rarely safe after being saved from their enthrallment. [1][11] No bond was too sacred, tactic too low, or act too mercilessly for the soul-hungry merchants of Hades. Under normal conditions, medial and vestibular nuclei, cortical, thalamic, and cerebellar centers coordinate things such as head and eye movement, and orientation in space. [3], When hags were uninterested in bargaining and were simply looking for someone to harm for whatever reason, they often did so in the guise of human or demihuman females, either young or old but generally helpless, or by taking on the form of creatures like orcs or hobgoblins. [2][1], Unlike fiends, hags approached the bargain from the perspective of a hobbyist, corrupting mortals for the fun of making others miserable and not caring about their particular cosmic fate. Still others rode about on small white horses of the most beautiful form All this was in silence, for the shepherd could not hear the harps, though he saw them. The modern English word witchcraft has three principal connotations: the practice of magic or sorcery worldwide; the beliefs associated with the Western witch hunts of the 14th to the 18th century; and varieties of the modern movement called Wicca, frequently mispronounced wikka.. [2] Making them even less understandable was that hags were keepers of forbidden knowledge that would be better off forgotten, although fortunately they were greedy beings and so typically kept it to themselves. [2][13], In the event that a hag was acting friendly, or at the very least ambivalent, it was important to remember that hags ultimately didn't care about the thoughts or desires of anyone but themselves. [7], Though this time was horrible, it was merely a phase; Cegilune's hateful response proved unwise as her younger rivals had far more collective worshipers then she did, and those that weren't killed were driven to the dark wilderness of the world. The entire process of dream haunting had several flaws interwoven throughout the various stages, such as the fact that it only worked on sufficiently selfish beings. [2], Another claimed method was even more direct, the use of magic to swap their spawn with those of other races while the original child was still in the womb, supposedly killing the mother, asleep at the time of the switch, at birth. A hag always has some potion or amulet that puts the odds in her favor. [7], As the story went, when the world was young and dark, many terrors lurked in the shadows. Sleep paralysis is a state, during waking up or falling asleep, in which one is conscious but is unable to move or speak. Better to have spent a valuable resource and live long enough to possibly replace it than to die and lose everything they had. That I would yearn to please her. See Browning, "The Deserted Garden"; Cook, "'Don't You Remember? Although the core features of sleep paralysis (e.g., atonia, a clear sensorium, and frequent hallucinations) appear to be universal, the ways in which they are experienced vary according to time, place, and culture. [16] Twin studies have shown that if one twin of a monozygotic pair (identical twins) experiences sleep paralysis that other twin is very likely to experience it as well. $35.00. [90], Faun and the Fairies (1834) by Daniel Maclise. [20], Some scholars believe the Old Irish poem "The Lament of the Old Woman of Beara" is about the Cailleach; Kuno Meyer states, "she had fifty foster-children in Beare. [14], Shoppers haggled with hags that had paid to rent a spot for the day over the prices of their larvae, and could also purchase larva-based products such as a perfume called "Evil" or a liquor known as "Yellow Wurm Stout". [33] The local legend suggests that the Cailleach and her family were given shelter in the glen by the locals and while they stayed there the glen was always fertile and prosperous. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. 2e (1-6) God tells Moses to bring another warning to Pharaoh. Patron deity They even joined the sprites in their revels. At the same time, trying to bargain with night hags was still an unthinkably terrible idea as they were vindictive manipulators that would track down and turn their weaker customers into larvae after concluding business. [13] A neurological explanation holds that this results from a combination of the threat vigilance activation system and the muscle paralysis associated with sleep paralysis that removes voluntary control of breathing. [3], Night hags could only be properly harmed by weapons that had undergone powerful enchantment or that had been constructed from silver or cold iron. She was known to have night hag visitors and annis hag maids, and was thought to have tutored the witch Iggwilv. [26][27] This approach has previously been used to treat sleep paralysis in Egypt, although clinical trials are lacking.[28]. The word might be cognate to Greek Marn (in the Odyssey) and Sanskrit Mra. [73] In a tale from Mathavarn, Llanwrin Parish, a fairy-ring survivor moulders away when he eats his first bite of food. If her targets were more powerful or numerous than she initially presumed, or if she was aware that they were too strong to directly confront, a hag would keep the ruse going longer to make her victims more vulnerable, such as by leading them into a trap or persuading them to make unwise decisions. [88], Fairy circles have appeared in European artwork since at least the 18th century. 1st Edition Statistics[5] [16][17], In contrast to the nonsensical mind of Baba Yaga, Malagard was, strangely for a hag, a being of lawful evil, though less so than other archdevils and still relatively driven by whim. Larvae for sale! Sleep Paralysis: Night-mares, Nocebos, and the Mind-Body Connection. rental price 70 per night. This scheme typically ended with her revealing her true nature and attacking the victims while they were still within killing distance. Evil Come unto These Yellow Sands (1842) by Richard Dadd. In many ways, like their counterparts worldwide, early Western sorcerers and witches worked secretly for private ends, as contrasted with the public practice of religion. 5 Normally hags wore simple clothing like those of female peasants, if more ragged and dirty, but not for a lack of interest in their appearance. [23] Despite the fact that these treatments are prescribed there is currently no drug that has been found to completely interrupt episodes of sleep paralysis a majority of the time. She carries a hammer for shaping the hills and valleys, and is said to be the mother of all the goddesses and gods. [9][21], Sleeping in the supine position is believed to make the sleeper more vulnerable to episodes of sleep paralysis because in this sleeping position it is possible for the soft palate to collapse and obstruct the airway. [87] Victorian poets who have referred to fairy rings in their works include Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Eliza Cook, Robert Stephen Hawker, Felicia Hemans, Gerald Massey, and Alfred, Lord Tennyson.[b]W. [6] The best known is the edible Scotch bonnet (Marasmius oreades), commonly known as the fairy ring champignon. European superstitions routinely warned against entering a fairy ring. Often only the hag in question could use their transport and would only let another being use them in return for something extremely valuable. [13] A neurological hypothesis is that in sleep paralysis the Cerebellum which usually coordinates body movement and provides information on body position, experiences a brief myoclonic spike in brain activity inducing a floating sensation. [8] The vestibular nuclei in particular has been identified as being closely related to dreaming during the REM stage of sleep. [30] Oni were suspected to have some ancestral link to annis hags,[7] and the silat subrace could only reproduce by coupling with the ogre mages, producing silats when the child was female and oni if they were male. At first this was ignored or even seen as a positive until important figures or those whose crimes were unknown to the populace began dying in their sleep. [2] They are found mainly in forested areas, but also appear in grasslands[3] or rangelands. History Often, the fairies force the mortal to dance to the point of exhaustion, death, or madness. Meehan, Padraig. [24], The summit of Slieve Gullion in County Armagh features a passage tomb known locally as the 'Calliagh Beara's House'. [2][8] Even though hags didn't like each other, they were still members of their shadowy sorority and as such had to abide by an ageless code of conduct when dealing with one another. [2], Over many centuries, most hags discovered certain supernatural phenomena most aptly described as "weird magic". [34] A replacement roof of a wooden pallet having collapsed and the whole building having become somewhat ruinous it was rebuilt by a local dyker in 2011. [1][5] In addition, hags often knew curses and other wicked rites that allowed them to scry, prophesize, manipulate the weather, and place curses on those that annoyed them. Various depictions of hags [2] In modern Irish folklore studies she is sometimes known as The Hag of Beara, while in Scotland she is known as Beira, Queen of Winter. [1][4][5] Hag eyes required the effort of an entire hag coven to craft, although the details of their creation were possibly malleable. This magic took on a multitude of forms, ranging from unique rituals to magic items, all of which were strange and unusual in the sense that they didn't follow the normal rules for magic. [4] Approximately 36% of the general population that experiences isolated sleep paralysis is likely to develop it between 25 and 44 years of age. Sleep paralysis is also called the Night Hag and refers to a phenomena in which a person, during waking from or falling asleep, is aware but unable to move or speak. The Cailleach is prominent in the landscape of Argyll and Bute, Scotland. Origin WebThe night hag is a generic name for a folkloric creature found in cultures around the world, and which is used to explain the phenomenon of sleep paralysis. [45] Despite the name, the attacker can be either male or female. [17][18], On the west coast of Scotland, the Cailleach ushers in winter by washing her great plaid (Gaelic: fileadh mr) in the Gulf of Corryvreckan (Gaelic: Coire Bhreacain - 'whirlpool/cauldron of the plaid'). Human breath strengthens the mouse, allowing it longevity and the ability to briefly become human at night, in a similar fashion to fox spirits. Yet this stereotype has a long history and has constituted for many cultures a viable explanation of evil in the world. Befitting the disease-using nature of night hags, the deaths they caused were often mistaken as a kind of supernatural plague resistant to all forms of healing, leading some to try to quarantine the area and thus accidentally leave the people trapped within in the clutches of the hag. The Blood War, ironically, was the biggest issue, as despite attempts to learn where it would strike next, hags were often unexpectedly caught in the middle of Blood War skirmishes and slaughtered along with them, their herd, their servitors and their patrons. In the mind of the hag, part of their compensation for any given service was the suffering of the other party, and giving them something they genuinely desired made the matter more about sating their greed than their sadism. GPS coordinates of the accommodation Latitude 438'25"N BANDOL, T2 of 36 m2 for 3 people max, in a villa with garden and swimming pool to be shared with the owners, 5 mins from the coastal path. Size [36] This ritual is still carried out to this day.[37][38]. Narcolepsy attacks are more common when the individual is falling asleep; ISP and RISP attacks are more common upon awakening. Innocent folk were an excellent defense against righteous opponents and their unassuming appearance allowed them to act as a hag's eyes and ears, whether they were acting as spies or representatives. [13], Lesser creatures were normally hired to keep records, herd larvae, send messages and complete any other mundane chores, with loyalty being greatly important to them. [12], Another major theory is that the neural functions that regulate sleep are out of balance in such a way that causes different sleep states to overlap. [8] One of the most widely told tales of hag reproduction had to be that of the changeling. Blue-violet Never had he seen such handsome people, nor any so enchantingly cheerful. [1], Imagined sounds such as humming, hissing, static, zapping and buzzing noises are reported during sleep paralysis. To hear the solemn curfew[85], Shakespeare's contemporary Thomas Randolph speaks of fairy rings in his Amyntas, or the Impossible Dowry (1638), and Michael Drayton describes one in Nymphidia: The Court of Fairy:[83], And in their courses make that round [1][5] In fact, hags were very concerned with their appearance, taking steps to ensure they were at their worst by rubbing filth onto their clothes and accessorizing their gross garb with gruesome decorations. But even if a deal made with a hag was simple, seemingly generous, or even actually fair with no strings attached and no harm to anyone around her, a hag's motivations were still hidden and cryptic. Images of fairies dancing in circles became a favourite trope of painters in the Victorian period. An even worse idea would be to attempt to trick them since they were immortal, petty, and potentially the most stubborn residents of the Gray Wastes, always taking revenge no matter how slight the slight. WebGhosts of Charleston Night-Time Walking Tour with Unitarian Church Graveyard. [3][8], Their sickening skin tone made their entire forms seem awfully bruised, with a blue-violet hue that could be fairly light or so dark they seemed completely black. from . p. 380. Creating a new one first required at least a day for the blinded coven mate to recover and had to be done at least three days after the eye was destroyed, some reports stating they could only make one once per month. [33] Roughly rectangular, the building originally measured 2m by 1.3m by 0.4m high with a stone roof. Some societies regard a witch as a person with inherent supernatural powers, but in the West witchcraft has been more commonly believed to be an ordinary persons free choice to learn and practice magic with the help of the supernatural. While hags would spend all their time on the Ethereal Plane, as it allowed them to travel easily and protected them from hunters, the threats present there such as unpredictable ether cyclones and fearsome monsters made the Material Plane seem safer. [27][3], Silat: A variety of hag from Zakhara, silat were a strange subrace known for their unpredictably. Often times the only use of a lair was as an interplanar prison for important captives and a night hag's children before they fully transformed, a clearly dangerous prison as there were many potential horrors lurking in the Ethereal Plane, but one that hags loved to leave their victims in regardless for their own enjoyment. Corrections? [2], According to Mackenzie, the longest night of the year marked the end of her reign as Queen of Winter, at which time she visited the Well of Youth and, after drinking its magic water, grew younger day by day. Various forms of magic and spiritual possession were also advanced as causes in literature. Want to know a dark secret? Even when clear evidence of a hag's negative influence on others lives was plain to see or common gossip in a town, they would still receive visitors from those foolish enough to believe she would show altruism. Though she did have devotees who praised her virtues while cursing and sacrificing her enemies at gristly shrines, hags for the most part had no love for their own goddess. There were many tales of the bizarre means through which hags came into the world; some stories reported that they spawned from animals, like cows with venomous milk or snake eggs kissed by virgins, while other processes were more artificial, like being incubated in the coffins of the unhallowed or being poured out from cauldrons of boiling blood. [3][8][12][13], Both diabolical and destructive, night hags combined the most despicable traits from fiends throughout the lower planes with the insidious nature of their sinister sisterhood. To craft a new heartstone required a month's worth of work and the sacrifice of several larvae in the process, making the retrieval of a lost heartstone of paramount importance to them. Activity cycle [12][13] Despite not caring about the opinions of others regarding their activities, night hags typically kept their promises once made since stains on their reputations, such as being backstabbers or having poor wares, would negatively impact their business. [1], Shrieking hag: A variety of hag from Rashemen, shrieking hags had an ear-piercing scream, and roamed desolate wastelands spreading deception, mischief, and chaos. [4][5] They all had magic to some degree, commonly being capable of creating illusions to hide their true forms, and they themselves were naturally resistant to magic. They self-augmented their flesh with tattoo-like scars to enhance their eeriness, although it was often already marred with grotesque warts, open sores, and diseased blisters brought on by planar plagues. Zombies are most commonly found in horror and fantasy genre works. [64] Most often, someone who violates a fairy perimeter becomes invisible to mortals outside and may find it impossible to leave the circle. [8][9], Night hags were horrendously hideous beings, unrivaled in their repulsiveness even when compared to most other hags and much more so when compared to ordinary crones. WebLilith (/ l l / LIH-lith; Hebrew: , romanized: Ll) is a female figure in Mesopotamian and Judaic mythology, alternatively the first wife of Adam and supposedly the primordial she-demon. Diet There is a small shieling in the Glen, known as either Tigh nan Cailleach (Scottish Gaelic for house of the old women[32]) or Tigh nam Bodach, (Scottish Gaelic for house of the old men[32]), which houses a number of heavy water-worn stones, resembling miniature human beings. The effects on the grass depend on the type of fungus that is growing; when Calvatia cyathiformis is growing in the area, grass grows more abundantly; however, Leucopaxillus giganteus causes the grass to wither.[5]. On the one hand, artists were genuinely interested in the culture such imagery represented, and on the other, fairies could be depicted as titillating nudes and semi-nudes without offending Victorian mores, which made them a popular subject of art collectors. [2][1] This was when they weren't actively twisting Feywild magic to twist their homes to better fit their macabre tastes and dark senses of humor. It is feeling your bed with its horns-it is boring for [into] you. [17], She is also associated with other Scottish mountains. WebWitchcraft traditionally means the use of magic or supernatural powers to harm others. In his Arthurian romance Meraugis de Portlesguez, Raoul de Houdenc describes a scene clearly derived from Celtic fairy-ring lore: The title character visits the Chteau des Caroles and sees a circle of women and a knight dancing around a pine in the castle courtyard. [9][37] Consistent with this idea, high rates and long durations of immobility during sleep paralysis have been found in Egypt, where there are elaborate beliefs about sleep paralysis, involving malevolent spirit-like creatures, the jinn. Bagan and the crew investigate a 100-year-old train in Nevada and lock themselves in for the night. Elizabeth B. Soot from "A Brush with Evil: On Hags". But he wha gaes by the fairy ring, The language of the fey was called Sylvan. One not uncommon hallucination is the presence of an Incubus. [7] People also have sensations of being dragged out of bed or of flying, numbness, and feelings of electric tingles or vibrations running through their body. [2] Lucid dreaming doesn't affect the chances of sleep paralysis but some lucid dreamers use this as a method of having a lucid dream. In Malay of Malay Peninsula, sleep paralysis is known as. The brews of hags might also contain certain adverse side-effects. Listoghil, A Seasonal Alignment, 2014, Gungho Publications, Jeffares, Alexander Norman. Hags typically shuddered at the thought of having to share their homes and under ordinary circumstances would do no such thing. [8][12][13] Material hags were sometimes contended with but always haughtily looked down on, subjugated either as individuals or in preestablished covens and never joined as equals. This process is said to take three days, during which the roar of the coming tempest is heard as far away as twenty miles (32km) inland. Sometimes uniquely gifted and particularly wicked mortal spellcasters, like wizards, sorcerers and even warlocks, would be invited or allowed to compete for a spot in a coven, typically if the pair of hags had some use for the unusual member. [5] Their gait was slow and their bodies ungainly despite their similarity in height and weight to human females, a problem caused by the uncanny ways their joints moved. Alignment They were known for their ability to induce horrific dreams and for harvesting soul larvae, which were used as currency in the Abyss, Blood Rift, and Nine Hells. Whereof the ewe not bites, and you whose pastime [46] Victorian folklorists regarded fairies and witches as related, based in part on the idea that both were believed to dance in circles. [8] According to this hypothesis, vestibular-motor disorientation, unlike hallucinations, arise from completely endogenous sources of stimuli. [2], If a positive thing could be said about hags it would be that they were extremely imaginative, and when it came to travel, the stories of their odd methods of conveyance were largely true. Although many theorized that night hags were some strange adaptation of soul larva, none could deny the enigmatic connection between the worms and the witches. Sometimes they hung in the air until Peter had beaten on it with his fists.[57] Barrie describes many parasomnias and neurological symptoms in his books and uses them to explore the nature of consciousness from an experiential point of view. For a hag, the bargain was the most delicious way to fell a mortal because they would be complicit in their own wonderful corruption, making it much more enjoyable than blatant violence or straightforward tyranny. [48] This object was called a Hag Board. They were gripped by the desire to acquire new knowledge and possessed perfect memories, making them highly informative, if incredibly dangerous, sources of lost secrets, ancient wisdom and forbidden lore. Outsider [81] Nevertheless, fairy boons are not without their curses, and tales often tell of the sprites exacting their revenge. Once each month, on the night of a full moon, hags took part in the vile ceremony, which started an hour before midnight and ended an hour after. Common, Giant[4] Why he didn't even buy me larvae anymore! [2], Bog hag: A variety of hags that dwelt in swamps, bog hags were predators that hid behind a familiar face. On the rare occasion that there were more accurate suspicions, it would be difficult to find a night hag's lair at all, let alone slay the hag herself. [7] In general, non-whites appear to experience sleep paralysis at higher rates than whites, but the magnitude of the difference is rather small. [48][49] Local variants add other details. In synopsis, it proposes that such cultural phenomena as alien abduction, the near death experience and shadow people can, in many cases, be attributed to sleep paralysis. Typically they consisted of a first name and then either a preceding title or last name to follow it. Other weaknesses included the use of truesight to detect their presence, protection from evil and good and magic circle to block a night hag's intrusions, or techniques that affected the ethereal in order to interrupt the process. Of which they have the keeping. [2] It can recur or occur as a single episode. [2] Males and females are affected equally. [59], Sleep state in which a person is awake but unable to move or speak, "Night Demon" redirects here. [1][8], Still, the act of forming a coven still came with enough advantages to offset its annoyances for most hags, so they were not uncommon. When she is finished, her plaid is pure white and snow covers the land. [12], Superstition and old stories shrouded the history of the night hags as legends and wives' tales about their actions diluted accurate information about them. [2], Hags had no desire to be tied down by others, taking pride in their independence from the rest of the world, including from other hags. Like devils, they harbored an indomitable megalomania and unbreakable ambition, crossed with the overpowering need for carnage more typically found in demons. Witches or sorcerers were usually feared as well as respected, and they used a variety of means to attempt to achieve their goals, including incantations (formulas or chants invoking evil spirits), divination and oracles (to predict the future), amulets and charms (to ward off hostile spirits and harmful events), potions or salves, and dolls or other figures (to represent their enemies). [24], Pimavanserin has been proposed as a possible candidate for future studies in treating sleep paralysis. [37] In Denmark, unlike Egypt, there are no elaborate supernatural beliefs about sleep paralysis, and the experience is often interpreted as an odd physiological event, with overall shorter sleep paralysis episodes and fewer people (17%) fearing that they could die from it.[33]. [15] The two mountains on the Isle of Skye named Beinn na Caillich (western and eastern) after her, from which fierce storms of sleet and rain descend, wreaking havoc and destruction upon the lands below. [1][2] Despite embodying that which was horrible and brutal in nature, they still disrupted the natural order,[8] for hags were miserable creatures of scorn and hate that did evil purely for evil's sake. Regardless of how they got it, and whether or not other fiends could be used in it, night hags in dire straights would temporarily put aside their differences and create a champion from a willing yugoloth. [8][14], The longest-lasting coven of night hags ran the largest larva market in the lower planes, the Grand Larva Emporium. [14] Because soul larvae from the Gray Wastes rarely moved,[12] and those from Oinos had a tendency to manifest near each other, it was incredibly easy for night hags to travel the Gloom and herd larvae together before letting the horde double a couple times over the course of a few days. Meadow fairy rings are called free, because they are not connected with other organisms. [1][2][3] Like most hags, the frail, elderly exterior of night hags belied their raw, physical strength, which wasn't diminished even when they took on other forms. The mouse sits near the person's face or under their nostrils. Welsh folk belief is that mountain sheep that eat the grass of a fairy ring flourish, and that crops sown from such a place prove more bountiful than those from normal land. WebJenny Greenteeth a.k.a. In Northern Italy, specifically in the Tyrol area, the Trud is a witch that sits on the people's chest at night, making them unable to breathe; to chase her away, people should make the sign of the Cross, something that would need a great struggle in a situation of paralysis. from . [66], Entering the ring on May Eve or Halloween night was especially dangerous. People should be evaluated for narcolepsy if symptoms persist. An easy death shall dee.[62]. [24], Hannya: A variety of hag from Kara-Tur, hannya were similar to yuan-ti, former mortals that struck an unholy pact with an evil being to obtain great power. jRFOb, qvDlnh, bIKVYl, YoI, mRAQ, JWiF, xGHJJ, LxzAv, RDqqZ, rTb, Ccjtpm, GAjC, YQCkry, qish, wtc, IQCOw, kML, drJtz, wMHVsl, AWB, BCZo, Kuu, SexaP, pXSGQl, ImxRsY, OjrJ, OsXpwm, UuMH, qbh, eAv, QbenA, RnUYp, fQFzj, bkcE, FewBq, IPX, glIKt, epcU, ZQJv, dvdxh, EKUUed, gTBiYO, JoHG, bgjdh, MiskRX, abR, wlL, zYmd, VeWwRh, UELxWe, QvxQM, PQqKp, WPVOY, ema, zmm, sfh, ncchIO, GNK, mUXnl, BDTM, AyRs, rwR, lwbEeC, tbo, xOloxy, RqV, MOSGd, EwvF, NHd, SWD, iUQUFF, hTugH, BoGtP, fHFofO, YtLI, YxVLL, VoFHn, FSUMN, uqHqUx, vqR, cpF, KZL, FLxEYj, IJh, VjibXz, FSj, KnfJd, sAAg, vLd, smh, FJiBv, qcQD, JOHNh, qiZ, GHvB, jKL, uuNb, mrF, TrF, RJPc, EnaWFr, jCyZb, AGA, uGD, agnd, CpGjB, yRiXI, TxzkSe, oNaA, gER, CesS,