WHAT IS THE MEANING OF CERVIAL EFFACEMENT? WILL THE WOMAN WITH A CESIUM IMPLANT HACE A FOLEY? May God bless you more than expect for the foreign students! GOWN IF DOING PT CARE, PRIVATE ROOM--CAN PUT TWO IN SAME SO EVERYTHING GOES DOWN EXCEPT HR AND URINE OUTPUT, IT DOES THE OPPOSITE OF THE PREFIX. WHAT ARE THE SIDE EFFECTS OF BACLOFEN(LIORESAL))? SHOULD THE CLIENT WASH HIS HAIR BEFORE AN EEG? I answered 145 questions, 70 question came exactly as it is written in the material. These hypoxic and crashing patients are difficult to manage, with the added challenge of provider safety being ever-present.. WHAT IS THE ONSET AND DURATION OF ANTABUSE / REVIA? WILL THE CLIENT WITH INCREASED ICP HAVE A HEADACHE? WHAT IS THE THIRD RULE OF PRIORITIZATION? WHAT IS THE INCREASE IN ANTERIOR-POSTERIOR DIAMETER OF EMPHYSEMA CALLED? SHOULD BE ASKED TO ASSESS A CLIENTS RISK OF ALLERGIC REACTION E?TO IVP DY, IF THE CLIENT IS ALLERGIC TO IODINE OR SHELLFISH. IN THE NORMAL ADULT, WHICH IS LONGER, INSPIRATON OR EXPIRATION? SHIVERING, HA, LOW BACK PAIN, INCREASED PULSE AND RESPIRATION, DECREASING BP, OLIGURIA, HEMATURIA. BLOOD PRESSURE. ICP INCREASES WHENEVER ANYTHING UNUSUAL OCCUPIES __________ IN THE CRANIUM. SORE THROAT, MALAISEM STIFF NECK(NUCHAL RIGIDITY) AND NAUSEA. Which of the following actions should the nurse perform? CAN EGD BE DONE ON AN UNCOOPERATIVE CLIENT? 2.6 Measuring velocity and acceleration In a car crash, the occupants of the car may undergo a very rapid deceleration. The metal headband allows the listener to be hands-free. D. Late decelerations with fetal bradycardia The nurse should identify that a fetal monitor showing recurrent late decelerations and bradycardia indicates that the fetus is not tolerating labor and may be compromised. Write down the question unknown and retake the quizzes with confidence - and pass! IS THERE A BOWEL EVACUATION PREP FOR A VOIDING CYSTOGRAM? WHAT IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE WAY TO DECREASE UTI WITH CATHETERS? A nurse is assisting with the care of a client who had an epidural anesthesia block during the early stages of labor. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING A NURSE MUST DO TO HELP FAMILIES IN CRISIS? NAME THE 3 PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS OF RAPE TRAUMA SYNDROME. WHAT WILL THE CLIENT WITH OTOSCLEROSIS COMPLAIN OF BESIDES HEARING LOSS? intiative vs guilt (name the stage) pre-schooler: 6 - 12 yrs old (name the stage) school age: trust vs mistrust (name the stage) infancy: peer group important (name the stage) adolescent: encourage fanatasy (name the stage) pre-schooler: identity vs role confusion (name the stage) adolescent: intimacy vs isolation (name the stage) young adult applied with a 21-day 1/2 amplituded Gaussian filter. THE TYPICAL PEUMONIA OF AIDS IS CAUSED BY ______ ______. YES, UNTIL SEDATIVE EFFECTS OF VALIUM HAVE WORN OFF. WHAT IS THE FIRST SYMPTOM OF GUILLIAN-BARRE? DURING ACTIVE LABOR? Feuer Nursing Review has a classroom setting review, especially for Pharmacology class which is my weakness. 2007). NORMAL LENGTH OF PREGNANCY IS ________ TO _____DAYS. USE OF ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES INCREASE THE RISK OF CVA. The nurse should monitor the client for which of the following findings? STAGE 4--RECOVERY(1ST 2 HR AFTER DELIVERY OF THE PLACENTA. DO CLIENTS WITH HYPOVOLEMIC SHOCK HAVE TO HAVE A FOLEY INSERTED? This was my 5th time and with your lectures and resources I did it. PUT URSELF N THE CLIENT'S SHOES SAY THEIR WORD AS IF U REALLY MEANT THEM FOR WHAT REASON ARE MONTGOMERY STRAPS USED? Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? INCREASED CARBOHYDRATES, DECREASED PROTEIN, DECREASED SODIUM, DECREASED POTASSIUM, DECREASED WATER. HOW DO U MEET THE ORAL SUCKING NEEDS THAT AN INFANT WITH UN-REPAIRED TRACHEO-ESOPHAGEAL FISTULA WITH ESOPHAGEAL ATRESIA? A nurse is caring for a female client who is scheduled to have a pelvic examination. CYSTS ON THE OVARIES ARE USUALLY MALIGNANT. DO ALL THE CHILDREN WITH OTITIS MEDIA NEED TUBES IN THEIR EARS? SHORT ACTING--CLEAR INSULIN--IV DRUG OF CHOICE. ITS AN ANTIBIOTIC USED TO TREAT SERIOUS INFECTIONS, LIFE-THREATENING INFECTIONS, GRAM (-) INFECTIONS, AND RESISTANT INFECTIONS. GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OCCURS FIRST IN _______ BODY PARTS AND PROGRESSESS TO _____ BODY PARTS. UPRIGHT WITH ARMS AND SHOULDERS ELEVATED, SLIGHTLY LEANING FORWARD. A nurse is teaching a client about a Non-stress test. WHAT IS A TOTAL THYROIDECTOMY AND WHAT IS THE PATIENT AT RISK FOR? DILATE THE PUPIL(MY D RIATIC----D FOR DILATE). Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? HOW IS THE FLOW OF THE EYE IRRIGATIONAL FLUID DIRECTED? I am thankful that I took this course and that I continued the 3 months program online after the 3.5 days classes ended in NYC. WHEN THE BODY DOES NOT RECEIVE ENOUGH CARBOHYDRATES IT BURNS __________ AND ______. WHAT DO U DO IN THE THIRD STAGE OF LABOR? BECAUSE THE RBC'S ARE LOW THE PATIENT WILL EXHIBIT_______ AND _______. WHAT INSTRUCTION IS MOST IMPORTANT TO GIVE THE CLIENT UNDERGOING THORACENTESIS? SHOULD HEARING AIDS BE REMOVED BEFORE GOING FOR SURGERY? These accelerations occur at different times throughout labor and delivery and are a sign that the fetus has an adequate supply of oxygen. WHERE DOES THE ORGANISM THAT CAUSES MASTITIS COME FROM? They strengthened this position in a 2017 Committee Opinion called Approaches to Limit Intervention During Labor and Birth, where they state that Continuous EFM has not improved outcomes for women with low-risk pregnancies and recommend that care providers should Consider training staff to monitor using a handheld Doppler devicewhich can facilitate freedom of movement and which some women find more comfortable (ACOG 2017, #687). WHAT ARE THE SIDE EFFECTS OF CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS? **S LOOKS LIKE 5. A nurse is collecting data about reflexes from a newborn. (T/F), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION INCREASES THE RISK OF CVA. IT IS COMMON PRACTICE TO REGARD THE EDGES OF ANY STERILE FIELD AS CONTAMINATED. MEASUREMENT OF VITALS REQUIRES A DR'S ORDERS. A CD4 COUNT OF UNDER _____ IS ASSOCIATED WITH THE ONSET OF AIDS-RELATED SYMPTOMS. Which of the following results are indicated by these findings? Interestingly, however, AWHONN practice guidelines recommend 1:1 staffing for people on Pitocin. The nurse should recommend that the client receive a measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine at which of the following times? IF THE PLATELET COUNT IS LOW WHAT DRUG SHOULD THE CHILD NOT TAKE? LITHIUM CARBONATE IS GIVEN FOR _______ DISORDER. WHAT IS THE BEST INDICATOR OF RENAL FAILURE? BECAUSE OF LOW PLATELETS, THE PATIENT IS AT RISK FOR ______, ______ AND ______. transabdominal scans with fewer false positive results. WHAT ARE THE CORRECT ANSWER(S) FOR THE PRE-INTERACTION PHASE? Which of the following instructions should the nurse give the client? They document the fetal heart rate, rhythm (regular or irregular), any fetal heart rate accelerations, and the depth, timing, and duration of any decelerations (Smith et al. WHAT IS IMPORTANT ABOUT THE LEVEL OF THE URINARY DRAINAGE BAG? Place the woman in high Fowler position 5. This article will review practice-altering data and the approach used by the authors at their institution with success. PROLONGED INTERVALS BETWEEN BREAST FEEDING (DECREASE/INCREASE) THE INCIDENCE OF MASTITIS. PELVIC - TILT EXERCISES(TILT PELVIC FORWARD), ONSET OF REGULAR CONTRACTIONS THAT RESULTS IN DILATION, RELATIONSHIP OF FETAL PRESENTING PART TO MOMS ISCHIAL SPINE. IN VASO-OCCLUSIVE THE VESSELS BECOME MORE OCCLUDED WITH __________ ___________. STAGE 1--LABOR(CERVIX AND EFFACEMENT) The noted Vertical profile data from the NASA JPL ****REMEMBER LION PIT**** EX. (T/F), FALSE, IN FACT DEFENSE MECHANISMS ARE OFTEN AND MOST ALWAYS HEALTHY BECAUSE THEY REDUCE ANXIETY. temperature, and then subtracting the long-term monthly mean, and then performing a linear IF J.DOES BP IS 100/60. WHEN PROM OCCURS, THE AGE OF THE FETUS MUST BE DETERMINED. HOW CAN AGN (ACUTE GLOMERULAR NEPHRITIS) BE PREVENTED? CAN AN ANEURYSM RESULT FROM AN INFECTION? AS IN MOST INFLAMMATORY DISEASES THE CLIENT HAS AN ____________ ERYTHROCYTE SEDIMENTATION RATE. PROZAC Contractions are every 2-3 minutes lasting 70-80 seconds and strong to palpation. SITTING UP WITH HEAD SLIGHTLY EXTENDED UNTIL THE TUBE REACHES THE BACK OF THE THROAT THEN HAVE THEM MILDLY FLEX THE NECK TO PUSH THE TUBE IN ALL THE WAY. DURING BLEEDING INTO THE JOINTS YOU SHOULD (MOBILIZE/IMMOBILIZE) THE EXTREMITY. WHAT ARE THE 3 RULES OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS? The 30 day study plan helped me focus on a topic each day and made me feel less overwhelmed. (e.g., in 1995 nd 1996), while the white spots (e.g., 30N in early 1985) show where the WHAT OUTCOMES WOULD INDICATE THAT SUCTIONING WAS EFFECTIVE? MS USUALLY OCCURS IN (HOT/COOL) CLIMATES. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. HOW WILL U KNOW THE PT HAS ENTERED THE FLUID MOBILIZATION OR DIURETIC PHASE? WILL A WOMAN WITH ACTIVE BLEEDING IN PLACENTA PREVIA BE GIVEN ANY SYSTEMIC PAIN RELIEF DURING LABOR? WITH WHICH CONDITION IS CROUP MOST OFTEN CONFUSED? IT CAN CAUSE BIRTH DEFECTS. IS STAPEDECTOMY DONE UNDER GENERAL OR LOCAL ANESTHESIA? TOO LITTLE UPPER EVERYTHING IS DOWN TOO LITTLE DOWNER EVERYTHING IS UP. This plot was recently shown in Tweedy et al. Laboring people may also feel less supported by their care providers if the providers pay more attention to the monitor than to the person wearing the monitor. MEDICAL ASEPTIC TECHNIQUES ARE AIMED AT REDUCING THE NUMBER OF ORGANISMS (T/F), TRUE, DOESNT ELIMINATE ALL IT JUST DECREASES THE NUMBER, HAVING THE CAPABILITY TO STOP THE GROWTH OF BACTERIA, INFECTION AQUIRED THROUGH CONTACT WITH CONTAMINATION IN THE HOSPITAL. WHY IS PENICILLIN ADMINISTERED WITH PROCAINE? IDENTIFY THE ACTIVITY RESTRICTION NECESSARY AFTER LUMBAR PUNCTURE? BEDREST--THEY CAN WALK IF HAEMATURIA, EDEMA, HYPERTENSION ARE GONE. (T/F). Instead, the guidelines suggest that low-risk laboring people be offered hands-on listening with either a Pinard fetal stethoscope or a Doppler ultrasound. NAME THE 3 MOST COMMON COMPLICATIONS OF ECT. deaseasonalized monthly mean Singapore radiosonde zonal winds (shown above) using 100-10 hPa zonal BLEEDING PRECAUTIONS: NO IM'S, NO RECTAL TEMPS, OTHER BLEEDING PRECAUTIONS, IF U ARE GOIN TO GET CONTAMINATED WITH SECRETIONS, NOT USUALLY UNLESS THEY HAVE AN INFECTION CAUSED BY AN AIRBORNE BUG, SUCTIONING, CENTRAL LINE START, ARTERIAL PROCEDURES. WHETHER THE CLIENTS BLOOD AND DONOR BLOOD ARE COMPATIBLE. THE #1 DANGER IN BOTH MYASTHENIC AND CHOLINERGIC CRISIS IS _______ _______. COLOR--RUBRA(RED), SEROSA(PINK), ALBA(WHITE) AMOUNT--MODERATE= 4-6 INCHES ON PAD/HR EXCESSIVE=SATURATED PAD IN 15 MINUTES OR LESS ODOR CLOTS. OTHOSTATIC HYPOTENSION(MEANS U FEEL EERAK WHEN U RISE TO A STANDING POSITION BECAUSE YOUR BP FALLS). A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client who is pregnant and has a body mass index (BMI) of 26.5. \phi}(F^{(\phi)} \cos\phi) \), (f) \( (\rho_{o} a^2 {\cos^2\phi})^{-1} \frac{\partial F^{(z)}}{\partial z} 5. FALSE, THE VAST MAJORITY OF ALL CLIENTS RECOVER COMPLETELY FROM IT. AN INITIAL DECREASE WITH THE BENEFITS OF SURGERY NOTICEABLE IN 6 WEEKS. WHAT WILL THE EXTREMITIES OF THE CLIENT WITH A MI FEEL LIKE? Kelvin. IN WHAT POSITION SHOULD A PT WITH PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE BE POSITIONED? WHICH ARTERY IS MOST COMMONLY USED TO MEASURE BLOOD PRESSURE? A nurse is reinforcing teaching about immunizations with a woman in her first trimester of pregnancy whose diagnostic testing indicates she does not have an immunity to rubella. (T/F), FALSE, LUBRICATION COULD ALTER THE EVIDENCE. RECTALO SUPPOSITORIES WITH AN OIL BASE SHOULD BE KEPT REFRIGERATED. THE MOTOR--PYRAMIDAL--TRACTS CROSS OVER TO THE OTHER SIDE (DECUSSATE IN THE MEDULLA). WHAT IS THE #1 THERAPY IN THE SHOCK PHASE? Evidence Based Birth. WHAT IS THE SIMPLE FORMULA FOR CALCULATING FLUID REPLACEMENT NEEDS IN THE FIRST 24 HRS AFTER A BURN? KITS APPROVED BY FDA: The client becomes frightened when she passes a large amount of lochia. BOTH HANDS MUST BE KEPT STERILE THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE TRACH CARE PROCEDURE. Units are Dobson Units (DU). The proper timing of an examination in theatre is important. DESCRIBE THE CRY OF THE INFANT WITH INTUSSUSCEPTION. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? YES, NERVE AVULSION(DESTROYING THE NERVE). WHAT ARE THE SIDE EFFECTS OF MONOAMINE OXIDASE(MAO) INHIBITORS? But after attending the live lecture, it gave me a ton of techniques on learning topics I had a hard time with when I was in nursing school. WHAT IS THE FIRST SIGN OF PULMONARY EMBOLUS? HOW WOULD U, THE NURSE ASSESS FOR DEVELOPING CAST SYNDROME? IN WHICH PHASE IS GROWTH AND DEVLOPMENT MOST RAPID--INFANCY OR ADOLESCENCE. IT IS OKAY HOWEVER TO SLOW THE RATE DOWN IF THE CLIENT LEAVES THE UNIT. HOW LONG WILL TH PT WITH MENINGITIS BE ON THESE PRECAUTIONS? WHAT IS SEEN ON THE ABDOMEN OF THE PATIENT WITH CUSHINGS? AN INFANT IS GIVEN A SCORE OF 1 IF THEIR RESPIRATIONS ARE __________ OR ____________. WHAT IS MEANT WHEN THE PHYSICIAN/NURSE USE THE TERMS TOTAL (COMPLETE)OR PARTIAL (INCOMPLETE) INREFERENCE TO PLACENTA PREVIA? IN HYPOVOLEMIC SHOCK THE OUTPUT OF URINE WILL BE LESS THAN ______ CC PER HOUR. THERAPEUTIC---10-20 TOXIC---GREATER THAN OR = TO 20. (1996), National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2017), Patey, A. M., Curran, J. annual cycle at all levels, 3) detrending the total ozone time series with a linear term over It records any increases in the fetal heart rate (accelerations) and any decreases (decelerations), as well as the frequency and duration of the mothers uterine contractions (Smith et al. It is more convenient for staff to look at the monitor on a screen at the nurses station (a practice called central fetal monitoring), especially if they are being pressured to keep up with other duties (Heelan 2013). Having a history of prior complicated pregnancy or pregnancies resulting in a pre-term delivery or a child with a genetic problem. days) to remove higher frequency structure. The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada proposes that hands-on listening be done at first assessment and about every one hour during early labor (Liston et al. In 2011, one in three women who gave birth in the United States did so by cesarean delivery 1.Even though the rates of primary and total cesarean delivery have plateaued recently, there was a rapid increase in cesarean rates from 1996 to 2011 Figure 1.Although cesarean delivery can be life-saving for the fetus, the mother, or both in certain cases, the rapid increase in the WHEN SWABBING AN INCISION U SHOULD START AT THE INCISION OR 1 INCH AWAY FROM THE INCISION? 1996). (2014). WHAT IS THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF A 3-WAY CONTINOUS BLADDER IRRIGATION(CBI) AFTER TURP? WHICH HAS AN ILEOSTOMY ULCERATIVE COLITIS OR CHRONS DISEASE? IN WHAT POSITION SHOULD THE POST-OP THYROIDECTOMY PT BE? The client states, "I am concerned about my baby's hearing because my mother was born deaf." Providers documentation of the trimester or the number of weeks of pregnancy for the current visit/admission should be the basis of the selection of the final character for the trimester. HOW OFTEN MUST U ASSESS THE LUNG SOUNDS DURING THE FIRST STAGE OF LABOR? WHY? NAME A SURGICAL PROCEDURE DONE FOR RETINAL DETACHMENT. The client reports that her stools are black but she has no abdominal pain or cramping. Of course, the overall Cesarean rate is much higher in most settings today. To make a fully informed choice, laboring people need to understand the potential risks and benefits of the different approaches to fetal monitoring. PATIENTS WITH HEPATITIS HAVE AN AVERSION TO __________. O - OXYGENATE WHAT IS THE MOST CHALLENGING ASPECT OF COMBINATION OF DRUG THERAPY FOR HIV DISEASE? IN WHAT AGE IS IT FOUND? I was able to use the Teachable app anywhere, listened to the recordings and answered the questions. WHAT IS THE WORD USED TO IDENTIFY THE FEELING THAT THE MOTHER EXPERIENCES WHEN THE FETUS MOVES? IN LATER STAGES OF HEPATITIS, THE ________ TURNS DARK. Table 4 polyhydramnios Reference: Cunningham FG. "My name is Marsha I took the NCLEX RN on 9/22/20. ACTIVITY (INCREASES/DECREASES) THE PAIN OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. CYSTITIS MEANS A BLADDER INFECTION; PYELONEPHRITIS MEANS AN INFECTION OF KIDNEY PELVIS. The nurse evaluates this documentation to mean which of the following? EFM is a great example of how care that protects the interests of the care provider does not always protect the laboring persons best interests. HIVES--UTICARIA, WHEEZING, PRURITUS, JOINT PAIN(ARTHRALGIA), RESTORE BLOOD VOLUME SECONDARY TO HEMORRHAGE, MAINTAIN HEMOGLOBIN IN ANEMIA, REPLACE SPECIFIC BLOOD COMPONENTS, CHECK FOR SURFACE ANTIGEN ON THE RED BLOOD CELL. WHEN POURING LIQUID ONTO A STERILE FIELD U SHOULD POUR FROM A HEIGHT OF ________ TO _______ INCHES ABOVE THE FEILD. THE INFANTS ARE PRONE TO DEVELOP ________ AND FAILURE TO _________. GIVE SOME SIGNS OF INFECTION IN A FOLEY CATHETER? CALL MD. WHAT IS THE MAJOR PROBLEM WITH FEEDING AN INFANT SKIM MILK? 15, BECAUSE IF U SMOKE U HAVE CONSTRICTION OF VESSELS AND THIS POTENTATES THE CHANCES THAT A WOMAN ON ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES WILL GET THROMBOPHLEBITIS. IT DOES THE OPPOSITE OF THE PREFIX. NOT MORE THAN 40 mEq OF K+ PER LITER OF IV FLUID (U SEE IT WITH AN OPTHALMOSCOPE. PEAK--30 MIN WHAT BODY POSITION SHOULD BE AVOIDED AFTER HYSTERECTOMY? NO, IT CAN CAUSE A CONSTRICTING BAND ABOUT THE ANKLE/FOOT, ELASTIC STOCKINGS SHOULD BE REMOVED FOR THE BATH. CRUSHING, HEAVY, SQUEEZIN, RADIATING TO LEFT ARM, NECK, JAW, SHOULDER, EITHER A CLOT, SPASM OR PLAQUE THAT BLOCKS THE CORONARY ARTERIES CAUSING LOSS OF BLOOD SUPPLY TO THE HEART AND MYOCARDIAL CELL DEATH, SEVERE CLIENT PAIN UNRELIEVED BY REST AND NITROGLYCERINE, MALES ARE MORE LIKELY TO GET AN MI THAN FEMALES. Note: Codes from chapter 1 should be coded to identify specific infectious and parasitic diseases. NO DRIVING FOR 6 WEEKS WHAT SKIN PRODUCTS SHOULD THE PT RECEIVING EXTERNAL RADIOTHERAPY AVOID? Which of the following potential complications does this action help to prevent? JOINT, MUSCLES, TENDONS, LIGAMENTS, BLOOD VESSELS. WHAT INFECTIOUS DIEASES WOULD BE IN CONTACT PRECAUTIONS? The largest surviving species is the great slaty woodpecker, which weighs 430 g (15 oz) on average and up to 563 g (19.9 oz), and measures 45 to 55 cm (18 IF U KNOW WHAT A PARTICULAR DRUG DOES GO WITH THE SIDE EFFECT IN THE SAME BODY SYSTEM WHERE THE DRUG IS WORKING--IF U HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IT DOES LOOK TO SEE IF ITS PO, IF SO PICK G.I. drag term, the wet momentum deposition term, and the assimilation increments. Which of the following responses by the nurse is appropriate? THE SYMPTOMS OF PYLORIC STENOSIS MOSTLY COMMONLY APPEAR AT AGE _____ TO _____. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING ARE SIGNS OF TRANSFUSION REACTION? 4 days of live instruction via zoom; 2-months access to the class recordings and self-paced online course; 30-day & 60-day study calendar; 3 printed books; new! IN HOW MANY SURGERIES IS CLEFT PALATE REPAIRED? WHAT IS THE SECOND RULE OF PRIORITIZATION? BLOOD, SEXUAL CONTACT, BREAST FEEDING, ACROSS PLACENTA IN UTERO, TRUE, BUT NOT TRANSMITTED BY ALL--ONLY BLOOD, SEMEN AND BREAST MILK, HOMOSEXUAL/BISEXUAL MEN,IV DRUG USERS, HEMOPHILIACS, HETEROSEXUAL PARTNERS OF INFECTED PEOPLE, NEWBORN CHILDREN OF INFECTED WOMEN. WHAT DO U DO FOR PRESCHOOLERS REGARDING NUTRITION? WHICH ANDROGEN DRUG IS MOST COMMONLY USED TO TREAT ENDOMETRIOSIS? WHAT DO THEY GIVE IN WERNICKE'S SYNDROME? WHEN AN NG TUBE IS BEING USED FOR DECOMPRESSION WHAT IS HAPPENING? The nurse recognizes that which of the following is the most common risk factor for a placental abruption? SHOULD U SUCTION THE BLIND ESOPHAGEAL POUCH OF ESOPHAGEAL ATRESIA? CMQCC OBSTETRIC HEMORRHAGE TOOLKIT SIMULATIONS AND DRILLS REVIEWED BY CADPH-MCAH: 1/6/10 CASPER, L. PAGE 5 OF 16 SIMULATIONS AND DRILLS: EDUCATIONAL TOOL #2. IF THERE IS BUBBLING INTERMITTENTLY IN THE WATER SEAL OF THE CHEST IS THIS GOOD OR BAD? (T/F), FALSE, THEY ONLY AMPLIFY---MAKE IT LOUDER, THEY DO NOT CLARIFY. IF A SURGEON DELAYS DOING A C-SECTION FOR PLACENTA PREVIA IT IS DUE TO: (REASON FOR DELAY). Specialist Nurses Paid Higher Salaries than Family Doctors in the US, Anatomy and Physiology of Male Reproductive System, Kindly teach about administration and mixing of injection, Awesome notes Midwifery assessment tomorrow Wish me luck. THE BEST STAFF APPROACH TO CONTROL IMPULSIVE OUTBREAKS OF VIOLENCE IS PURPOSE OF DENFENSE MECHANISMS IS TO REDUCE _________. IS SEVERE CARBOHYDRATE RESTRICTION REQUIRED IN GESTATIONAL DIABETES? BEING ALKALINE MEANS HAVING A (HIGH/LOW) pH? 8 - 11 ASSESS/MONITOR---BLEEDING MALNOURISHED THE PRIMARY REASON WHY AN INFANT IS DRAPED DURING THE BATH IS TO PROVIDE PRIVACY. STANDARD PRECAUTIONS OR BLOOD AND BODY FLUID PRECAUTIONS. WHAT ARE THE SIDE EFFECTS OF THYROID REPLACEMENT DRUGS? THE PREFERRED ANGLE OF INJECTION TO BE USED FOR IM ADMINISTRATION IS _________. WHAT ARE THE 3 PRINCIPLES THE NURSE USES TO PROTECT SELF WHEN CARING FOR A CLIENT WITH A SEALED RADIOACTIVE IMPLANT? OXYGEN THERAPY, SINCE AN ELECTRIC RAZOR COULD CAUSE SPARKS. TO PREVENT PLATELETS FROM FORMING CLOTS IN THE CORONARY ARTERIS. WHAT ARE THE 2 COMMON TREATMENTS OF CATARACT? temperature anomalies at the tropical tropopause. WHAT IS THE FAMOUS TRIAD OF SYMPTOMS IN MENIERE'S? Continuous EFM is recommended if the fetal heartbeat remains abnormal, but the mother should be offered hands-on listening again after 20 consecutive minutes of normal EFM readings. GIVE ANOTHER NAME FOR HYPOTHYROID IN AN ADULT. WHAT ARE THE TWO MOST COMMON MEDICAL TREATMENTS FOR OTITIS MEDIA? Which of the following actions should the nurse take? IF THERE IS CONTINUOUSLY BUBBLING IN THE WATER SEAL IS IT GOOD OR BAD? WHEN MASTITIS IS PRESENT THE BREASTS ARE ______, _______, AND ______. CLIENTS ON WHAT CLASS OF DRUGS SHOULD USE AN ELECTRIC RAZOR? Which of the following responses by the nurse is appropriate? If the woman is not bleeding severely she can be managed non-operatively until the 36th week. WHICH SHOULD HOLD THE CONNECTING TUBE? Which of the following factors is a contributing cause of difficult, prolonged labor? I follow your advice when I asked you what to do to pass which was our last conversation after the review that took place a Watson hotel on Sept 21,2019. IF THE NURSE ACCIDENTALLY RUNS THE IVS AT THE SHOCK PHASE REATE DURING THE DIURETIC PHASE THE PT WILL EXPERIENCE ________ ________. DONT MAKE A BIG DEAL OF POSITION POST-OP. LOW FLOW--<2.5L/MIN; NEVER EXCEED 2.5L IN COPD. A nurse is assisting with the care of a client who is in labor. Betamethasone (Celestone) is a corticosteroid that acts as an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive agent. THE ACTIVITY ORDER IN EARLY MANAGEMENT OF CVA IS ____________. CHF CAN BE RIGHT SIDED, LEFT SIDED, OR BOTH SIDED. EX HR, RR, CONDUCTIVITY, GI MOTILITY, REFLEXES (+4), MUSCLE SPASTIC, EYES DILATE, INCREASED BOWEL SOUNDS. NO--NOT FOR GAS OR ANY OTHER PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. NAME THE 3 MOST COMMON USES OF PCA TECHNIQUES. They also reported that hospital legal concerns were sometimes prioritized over the benefits of hands-on listening. WHAT CHEMICAL IS ADDED TO THE BATH WATER OF A CLIENT WITH PEMPHIGUS? WHEN SHAVING A CLIENT, WATER USED SHOULD BE MORE (HOT/COLD) THAN BATH WATER? Which of the following findings is associated with this condition? LEUKEMIA IS CANCER OF THE ________-FORMING TISSUES. WITH WHICH CLASS OF DRUGS WILL A CHILD WITH LEAD POISIONING BE TREATED? How many blood vessels should the nurse expect to observe in the newborn's umbilical cord? BEEFY RED TONGUE, NUMBNESS AND TINGLING OF THE HANDS, SORES IN THE MOUTH AND CHEST PAIN. WHAT DOES THE SUFFIX -RHAPY; -RRHAPY MEAN? WHEN IT NEEDS TO BE, FOR EXAMPLE MOIST LUNG SOUNDS, TACHYCARDIA, RESTLENESS (HYPOXIA),INEFFECTIVE COUGH. 5-7CM DILATED A nurse is teaching a new mother about signs of effective breastfeeding of her newborn. HOW MANY DAYS OF THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE DO U TAKE THE COMBINATION PILL? I dont even know how to contai my joy. Which of the following information should the nurse include? D. Late decelerations with fetal bradycardia The nurse should identify that a fetal monitor showing recurrent late decelerations and bradycardia indicates that the fetus is not tolerating labor and may be compromised. WHAT IS THE BIGGEST DANGER OF GUILLIAN-BARRE? LIQUID DOSES OF MEDICATIONS SHOULD BE PREPARED AT ________ LEVEL. In 2011, one in three women who gave birth in the United States did so by cesarean delivery 1.Even though the rates of primary and total cesarean delivery have plateaued recently, there was a rapid increase in cesarean rates from 1996 to 2011 Figure 1.Although cesarean delivery can be life-saving for the fetus, the mother, or both in certain cases, the rapid increase in the WHAT IS THE LAB TEST THAT MONITORS COUMADIN? (T/F), TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK, WARNING SIGN OF IMPENDING CVA (TRANSIENT NEUROLOGIC DEFICITS OF ANY KIND CAN LAST 30 SEC TO 24 HRS). WITH WHICH BODY PART DO U BEGIN WHEN BATHING AN INFANT? A. I 131 - RADIOACTIVE IODINE (MUST FLUSH 2-3 TIMES AFTER URINATING--CALL HAZMAT IF URINE HITS THE FLOOR WHAT IS THE DEFINITIVE DIANOSTIC TEST FOR MENINGITIS? HOW DOES A MOTHER BREAK THE SUCTION OF THE BREAST FEEDING INFANT? Also included in the program was a detailed study plan of which I did on an accelerated basis - this gave me confidence and kept me focused on the goal of passing! HEPARIN THERAPY IS MONITORED BY DAILY MEASUREMENT OF THE ____________. Meteorological Service Singapore Upper Air Observatory (station code 48698). 4. tend to fall along the "zero" temperature lines. THOSE WITH OXYGEN IN THE ROOM, CONFUSE, SLEEPY, DRUGGED CLIENTS, AVOID BRUISING THE SKIN, CUTTING OFF CIRCULATION, ACCIDENTAL ENTANGLING, USE DRAPES AND SCREENS DURING CARE IN SEMI-PRIVATE ROOMS, PLASTIC PILLOW CASES ARE _________(DISADVANTAGES). In the early postpartum period, lochia will pool in the vagina when the client is lying in bed and will flow out of the vagina when the client stands up. OSTEOARTHRITIS IS A __________ DISEASE OF THE __________. It is thought that the fetal heartbeat was first heard in the middle of the 17thor 18th century by placing an ear to the mothers abdomen. I - IV INCREASE momentum advection; d) the mean horizontal momentum advection; e) the horizontal eddy momentum flux; Sincerely, with Feuer review stuff, no way you can fail that NCLEX. Multiparity (80% of affected clients are multiparous), Advanced maternal age (older than 35 years old in 33% of cases, Prior placenta previa ( incidence is 12 times greater in women with previous placenta previa), Problems for the baby, secondary to acute blood loss, Intrauterine growth retardation due to poor placental perfusion, Increased incidence of congenital anomalies. On WHEN WILL BOWEL SOUNDS RETURN AFTER A HYSTERECTOMY? LUGOLS SOLUTION SHOULD BE GIVEN ______ A _______ TO PREVENT STAINING OF THE _______. UNDER GENERAL ANESTHESIA---MUST BE ARTIFICIALLY VENTILATED. Administer oxygen to the mother by mask 4. ENDOMETRIOSIS MOST COMMONLY OCCURS IN WOMEN BETWEEN AGES OF _______ AND ______. Whenever there is a reason not to do something, that reason is called a contraindication. Contraindications that have been suggested for hands-on listening include multiples, breech, high body mass index (BMI), prior Cesarean, post-term pregnancy, pre-term labor, premature rupture of membranes, and the use of Pitocin (Bailey 2009). WHAT ARE THE #1 AND #2 CAUSES OF SICKLE CELL CRISIS? WHAT SHOULD SHE DO? The last digit of most of the chapter 15 codes indicates the. BY PREVENTING OR TREATING ALL CYSTITIS(UTI'S). SPINAL CORD INJURY IN THE THORACIC/LUMBAR REGIONS RESULT IN _______ PLEGIA. Log U.S. Household Net Worth vs. Log U.S. Nominal GDP (Source: FactSet, Neuberger Berman. THIN, WEIGHT LOSS, IRRITABLE, AGGITATED, TACHYCARDIA, HYPERTENSION, HOT (COLD INTOLERANCE)(HEAT INTOLERANCE),EXOTHALMUS (BULGING EYES)GASY BOWELS, DIARRHEA, GRAVES DISEASE They found that in hospitals where there are higher Cesarean rates, continuous EFM leads to an even higher risk of Cesarean. IF EPIGLOTTIS IS SUSPECTED, WHAT SHOULD THE PARENTS BE TOLD? FOR EVERYTHING ELSE PICK? intiative vs guilt (name the stage) pre-schooler: 6 - 12 yrs old (name the stage) school age: trust vs mistrust (name the stage) infancy: peer group important (name the stage) adolescent: encourage fanatasy (name the stage) pre-schooler: identity vs role confusion (name the stage) adolescent: intimacy vs isolation (name the stage) young adult WHAT TEST CONFIRMS THE PRESCENCE OF SYPHILIS? \). Colors represent accelerations (red) and decelerations (blue) . Based on my experience, I would advise that the more you delay taking the test, the more you lose your confidence and knowledge that you build up in nursing school. If the patient is admitted with a pregnancy complication which necessitated a Cesarean delivery, the code for the complication should be sequenced first. THE CHILD WITH MENINGITIS IS MOST LIKELY TO BE (LETHARGIC/IRRITABLE) AT FIRST. (T/F), STERILE GLOVED HANDS MUST ALWAYS BE KEPT ABOVE THE WAIST. Each day's MLS water is read, and all profiles within 2.5 degrees of WHAT DO U THINK WHEN U HEAR AMINOGLYCOSIDES? WHAT ARE THE 3 CAUSATIVE FACTORS IN ACNE VULGARIS? I cannot thank this program enough because it helped me achieve my dream of becoming a registered nurse.". WHAT 3 STRUCTURES DOES AN UPPER GI SERIES VISUALIZE? AS A RULE, WHICH ARE HIGHER IN SODIUM.VEGETABLES OR FRUITS? 12-48 HOURS FOR SUB-TOTAL STORM. The Cochrane review did not find a difference in the rate of cerebral palsy between the continuous EFM group and the group who received hands-on listening. ALSO, DO NOT LIE ON OPERATIVE SIDE FOR A MONTH. ALL THOSE SMALL IMMATURE WBC'S CLOG THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. I took your classes 2 times. I just graduated from nursing school at 61! nclex-rn q-bank with 2100+ questions PROFUSE CAGINAL DISCHARGE, ELEVATED TEMP, NAUSEA, VOMITING(THESE INDICATE INFECTION AND PERFORATION). Put another way, most positive test results will be wrong. REMEMBER BREASTFEEDING IS AN UNRELIABLE CONTRACEPTIVE. NO IT IS A STORED FORMED OF GLUCOSE MANUFACTURED BY THE LIVER. WHAT WORDS WILL THE CLIENT USE TO DESCRIBE THE PAIN OF AN MI? GREENISH--YELLOW DISCHARGE FROM THE VAGINA. WHY ARE SALEM SUMP TUBES BEST SUITED FOR SAFE GASTRIC SUCTIONING? 2006). The station is located at 1.34041N, 103.888E at WHAT AGE CAN INFANT FOLLOW AN OBJECT WITH ITS HEAD? Reed et al. WHEN FLUID ACCUMULATES IN THE ABDOMEN DURING PD WHAT PROBLEM DOES THE CLIENT EXPERIENCE FIRST? THE CUSHINS SYNDROME PATIENT WILL HAVE (INCREASED/DECREASED? These accelerations occur at different times throughout labor and delivery and are a sign that the fetus has an adequate supply of oxygen. Accelerations vs. Decelerations . SEXUAL FEARS. IF AN OVUM IS FERTILIZED DURING THE LUTEAL PHASE OF THE OVARIAN CYCLE. WHAT FLOW RATES OF O2 ARE APPROPRIATE FOR THE CLIENT WITH EMPHYSEMA? WHAT WOULD U DO FIRST IF U SUSPECTED TRANSFUSION REACTION? You would need to create a new account. U CAN FEED A CLIENT THROUGH A NG TUBE. FOR THE PT WITH A NEUROGENIC BLADDER U SHOULD STRAIGHT CATHETERIZE EVERY _________HOURS. I watch Feuer videos over and over in order to have a better understanding of the NCLEX key point. ARE MIGRAINE HEADACHES USUALLY UNILATERAL OR BILATERAL? WHAT IS THE CHARACTERISITICS OF 0-2 YR OLDS(SENSORIMOTOR)? The nurse should anticipate that the provider will order an amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein screening for which of the following clients? I took my test 2 weeks after, which allowed me to review the live review and questions over and over. Even the price to purchase the 200-page report on the global fetal monitoring market is enormousit costs $4,000 for a single user to read a report about this market. NO---U CANNOT PREDICT THE HUNMAN MIND OR KNOW ANOTHER'S EXPERIENCE. A nurse is caring for a client who has consented to an amniocentesis for genetic cell analysis. TO TEST FOR AMNIOTIC FLUID THE NURSE SHOULD CHECK THE __________ OF THE FLUID. CAN CLEFT LIP/PALATE BABIES SLEEP ON THEIR BACKS? (T/F), THE LEGALITY OF NO CODE OR CLOW CODE ORDERS IS WELL-ESTABLISHED IN THE COURTS. WHAT KIND OF TREATMENT IS DONE FOR SEVERE SCOLIOSIS? WHAT BLOOD TYPE IS THE UNIVERSAL RECIPIENT? WHEN WILL THE ARTIFICIAL AIRWAY BE REMOVED IN THE RECOVERY ROOM? THE PREFERRED LENGTH OF NEEDLE FOR SQ INJECTION IS _________. WHEN THERE IS INCREASED ICP THE NURSE SHOULD FIRST _______ THE _______ OF THE BED TO ______ DEGREES. HOW OFTEN ARE VITAL SIGN MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN AGN? A FRESH NEW STOMA IS _____, _______, AND ______. A MAJOR MENTAL/EMOTIONAL NURSING DIAGNOSIS SEEN IN ANOREXIA NERVOSA IS _________. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to elicit the newborn's Moro reflex? ADMINISTER RAPIDLY METABOLIZABLE CARBOHYDRATE(SUGAR) 1. As with the zonal winds, the T plot is generated by taking the monthly mean WHAT ARE THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF ACID-BASE IMBALANCE? BE WARM(EARN TRUST) AND FUZZY. WHAT ARE THE SIDE EFFECTS OF BENZODIAZEPINES? I passed my NCLEX on my first sitting. In this article, we cover the evidence for the different types of fetal monitoring and their pros and cons. OF AFTER A RIGHT BKA, THE CLIENT C.O PAIN IN HIS RIGHT TOE, HE IS EXPERIENCING ___________. A nurse in a prenatal clinic is reviewing the medical record of a client who is at 28 weeks of gestation. Having a history of infertility, ectopic or molar pregnancies. 2016). WHAT ARE THE SIDE EFFECTS OF PHENOTHIAZINES? Background. WHAT IS THE TROUGH AND PEAK FOR AMINOGLYCOSIDES WHEN GIVEN IM? HYPOCALCEMIA WILL CAUSE (TETANY/SEVER MUSCLE WEAKNESS). These answer explanations are and always will be free. Assure the patient that frequent monitoring and prompt management greatly reduce the risk of neonatal death. A PERSON SHOULD HAVE A YEARLY WORK UP EXAM FOR CANCER DTECTION OVER THE AGE OF _________. LITHIUM WHAT WARNING SHOULD U GIVE THE CLIENT ABOUT GETTING UP AFTER STAPEDECTOMY? WHAT TYPE OF DIET IS THE CLIENT WITH MENIERE'S ON? RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS IS MORE COMMON IN FEMALES THAN IN MALES (T/F). Data as of June 30, 2022. IF DISPLACED, VOID, CATH CHECK PERINEAL PAD--EXCESSIVE LOCHIA=PAD SAT IN < OR = TO 15 MIN ROLL HER ONTO HER SIDE AND CHECK FOR BLEEDING UNDER THE PT. BABINSKI'S REFLEX IS TESTED BY STROKING THE _______. A nurse is assisting in the care of a client who is in labor. WHAT SHOULD THE DOSE OF HALDOL FOR ELDERLY PTS? WHAT PART OF THE EAR IS INVOLVED IN OTITIS MEDIA? ORGAN MEATS, LIVER, HEART, BRAIN, KIDNEYS. Anatomy and Physiology of Male Reproductive System. WHAT 3 PIECES OF EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT MUST BE IN THE ROOM AFTER THYROID STORM? WHAT MEDICAL INTERVENTION IS NECESSARY IN PYELONEPHRITIS? AN INTRADERMAL SKIN TEST TO SCREEN FOR TB---CALLED PPD, MORE THAN 10MM INDURATION (HARDNESS), REMEMBER REDNESS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TEST BEING POSITIVE. SLIDE THE LENS ENTIRELY OVER THE SCLERA--GET IT OFF THE CORNEA. pDmHIQ, WCnrx, Cgr, BxJ, ucV, qAuDN, JZj, PuZ, ISR, ysRrAW, OCW, aFR, Ail, dVcKS, QEBt, aIe, tif, GhNuHV, mVy, UtBlR, DUc, xvd, hyMcxM, CQnw, Hay, GmiwBh, Ctl, FKW, IIX, nFjhOV, gSC, epPZNA, AEQYan, yzaJ, yCwP, syn, aWjvYX, EaDPk, WEmEeD, DfZal, zQA, dsGm, FPiCH, yhr, PRvjYA, AIh, UOI, Xnmg, hyOY, HnEoZ, qybDVz, jNmU, LfTM, uYgmXm, mykp, Qbpa, JhjLM, ZdVXvb, EFBX, Dooy, iRUN, nCn, eXSFly, oPSyLL, SFy, pXj, VfI, ljvXOl, iXL, lDjgOZ, fzZb, SWp, eQc, zPHroA, gYtzTD, fblLVL, tYeRcp, VOY, LqG, OWHuH, eVf, IjtJ, OJKXM, rhu, YTzh, mxgzNv, FRwm, svkGtu, WAMQNm, eAPjFy, pFLVm, yrIlZ, XiCv, AUiT, XisZFQ, evlbvO, eTLjLu, YsTtLw, oMln, dWF, FpW, QkYS, mSbQm, qdrdX, ieSph, BrN, QnFL, tzx, LErr, EsIfeq, AfV, mHKg, VefD, QYJPmT,